Donnison Report (1970) Volume I

  • ️Derek Gillard

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Unless otherwise stated, references are to paragraph numbers, The Appendices in Volume II have not been indexed in detail but a few major references are included in this index, The introduction and summary of recommendations have not been indexed.

Ability of pupils, 116, 117, 153, 221, 377-386, Appendix 8

Abolition of direct grant, 206, 207, 283-293

Academic achievement, 50, 117, 153, 237, 241, 242, Table 13

Administration, 76-78

Aided schools, 92, 93, Table 4, 275, 288, 289, 291, 292, 325, 326, 352, 353

Articles of Government, Table 4, 315, 316

Association of Education Committees, 171, 180

Association of Governing Bodies of Girls' Public Schools, 120

Association of Governing Bodies of Public Schools, 120

Australia, 43, Figure 1

Ballet schools, 330, 388

Baron, G., 78

    need and provision, 324, 340-346.
    pupils in direct grant schools, 118, Table 8, 338, 342, 347-355, 358
    schools, 110, 113, 115, 116, 118-120, 208, 213, Chapter 12

Boarding Schools Corporation, 270, 344, 347, 349, 370

Bow Group, 154, 164, 178

Bronx High School, 386

Brooklyn Technical High School, 386

Building, 69

Burstall, Clare, 61

Cambridge University Awards, Table 14

Central Advisory Councils on Education, 61, 67, 317

"Children and their Primary Schools" Report, 61, 317

Church of England Schools, 112

Comparisons with other countries, 43-53, Figure 1, 382-386, Appendix 5

Comprehensive organisation,
    aims, 187-199
    acceptable forms, 86, Figure 8, 208-213, 227, 228
    aided schools, 92, 93
    Circular 10/65, 85-89, 127, 227, 234 direct grant schools' participation, 127-131, 159-163, 175, 176, 207-222, 227, 265, 266, 272, 273, 277-282, 287-293
    in other countries, 52
    local authority plans, 90-92, Table 2
    time needed, 92, 198, 214, 277, 280
    independent schools' participation, 207-222, 325

Comprehensive schools,
    numbers, 83, Figure 9, Table 3
    survey by N.F.E.R., 94-95

Comprehensive Schools Committee, 159, 168

Cost of recommendations, 245, Chapter 13

Creaming, 204-206, 221

Curriculum, 60-64, 191-195, 199, 388-390

Debts, 125, 175, 270, 274, 275, 291, 325, 367, Appendix 7

Direct Grant Schools,
    abolition, 206, 207
    ability of pupils, 116.117, Tables 13 and 19, 161, 241, Appendix 8
    academic achievements, 117, Table 13, 241, 242
    admission of pupils, 114, Table 4, Table 10
    age of leaving, 117, Table 11
    area of sites, 110
    boarding 110, 113, 115, 116, 118-120, Table 8, 208, 213, Chapter 12
    catchment areas, 169, 225
    comprehensive reorganisation, 127-131, 159-163, 175, 176, 207-222, 227, 265, 266, 272, 273, 277-282, 287-293
    fees, 106, 122, 123, Tables 15-17, 166, 167, 203, 229-232, 244-254
    finance, 122-126, Tables 15-18, 175, 245, 246, 270, 274, 275, 279, 282-284, 288, 291, 292, Chapter 13, Appendix 7
    freedom and independence, 170, 171, 232, 258, 268, Chapter 10
    history, 100-105
    local authority places, 113, Table 9
    location, 109, Figures 10 and 11
    lower schools, 121, 294
    numbers of schools, 108
    numbers of pupils, Figures 2-4, Tables 10 and 15
    regulations, 106, 107, Appendix 9
    religious worship and instruction, 107, 112
    sixth forms, 108, Table 7, 164, 165
    size of schools, 108, Tables 5 and 6, 161, 175, 176, 195, 202
    social background of pupils, 115, Table 20, 168, 169, 250, 255
    teachers 111, Table 21, 243
    types, 132

Direct Grant Joint Committee, 164, 166

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Direct grant system,
    description, 106, 107, Table 4
    history, 100-105
    strengths, 237, 238
    reappraisal, 239-258

Early leaving (see Staying on at school)

Evidence, Chapter 6, Appendix 4

Examinations, 45, 46, Table 13

    educational, 66-69
    direct grant schools, 122-126, Table 18, 245, 246, Chapter 13, Appendix 7

Fee paying, 166, 167, 203, 229-232, 244-254, 352, 353, 397

Finance, 66-69, 122-126, Tables 15-18, 245, 246, 270, 274, 275, 279, 282-284, 288, 291, 292, 336, 350, 351, Chapter 13, Appendix 7

First Report of Public Schools Commission, 118, 138, 148, 151, 152, 207, 213, 324, 339-351, 388

Fleming Committee, 102, 103

    of schools, 46, 170, 171, 237, 247, 258, Chapter 10
    of parents, 172-174, 233, 237, 256, 257

Full grant schools, 264-282, 314, 325-327, 349-351, 397

Further education, 56, 58, Figures 2-4 and 6, 117, Table 12

G.BA. (see Association of Governing Bodies of Public Schools)

G.B.G.S.A. (see Association of Governing Bodies of Girls' Public Schools)

Gifted children, 228, Chapter 14

Glennerster, Howard, Appendix 7

Governing Bodies, 78, 276, 282, 312, 313

Government of schools, 78, 107, 170, 171, Chapter 10

G.P.D.S.T., 173

Grants (see Direct grant system)

Headmasters' Conference, 120, 179

High School of Performing Arts, 386

Howell, D. A., 78

Hoyle, Eric, Appendix 5

Income scales, 235, 332, 352-354

Independent day schools, Chapters 5 and 11
    ability of pupils, 153, 155
    definition, 136
    evidence about, 178, 179
    fees, 150, Table 27, 179
    former school of pupils, 151
    future of, 144, 321-323
    local authority places at, 145-147, 328-336, Table 29
    location, 141, Tables 25 and 26, Figures 12 and 13
    numbers of pupils in, 140, 143, 144, 321, Tables 26 and 28, Figure 15
    numbers of schools 136, 142, 144, 321, Tables 23 and 25, Figure 14
    participation in comprehensive reorganisation, 207-222, 325
    prestige, 48, 154, 323
    registration and recognition, 137, 138
    Roman Catholic Schools, 146, 336
    sizes, 139, Table 24
    social background of pupils, 151, 152
    teachers, 148, 149
    unrecognised schools, 137, 138, 142, 330

Inner London Education Authority, 164, 387

International comparisons, 43-53, Figure 1, 382-386, Appendix 5

Intelligence Quotients, 116, Table 19, 153, 161, 221, 378

Jacobson, Dr., 61

James, Lord, 162

Japan, 43, Figure 1, 52, 58

Junior colleges, 164, 176, 208, 210, 212

Junior schools, 121, 294, 326

Lambert, Dr. Royston, 340

Location of schools,
    direct grant, 109, Figures 10 and 11
    independent, 141, Tables 25 and 26, Figures 12 and 13

Leaving school (see Staying on at school)

Local education authorities,
    places at direct grant schools, 113, Table 9
    places at independent schools, 145-147, Table 29, 328-336
    plans for comprehensive reorganisation, 90-92, Figure 8, Table 2

Manual of Guidance, Schools Number 1, 147

Maintained schools, 54-75, Chapter 3, 282, 294, Chapter 10, 325, 326, 352, 353

Mason, P. G., 162

Maud Report, 78, 171, 218, 268, 285, 299, 312

"Mushroom" schools, Table 2, 165, 208, 214, 252

Music schools, 208, 213, 388

National Foundation for Educational Research, 94, 95

National Union of Teachers, 167

National aided status, 349

Oxford University Awards, Table 14

Parental choice, 172-174, 178, 179, 233, 237, 256, 257

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Parental choice, 172-174, 233, 237, 256, 257

Participation in comprehensive reorganisation,
    direct grant schools, 127-131, 159-163, 175, 176, 207-222, 265, 266, 272, 273, 277-282, 287-293
    independent schools, 207-222, 325
    local education authorities, 90-92, Table 2

Partington, J. A ., 100

Plowden Committee, 61, 67, 317

Preparatory schools, 326

"Primary Education in Wales", 317

Questionnaires, Appendix 6

Recognition as efficient, 137

Religious worship and instruction, 107, 112

Research, Appendix 5

Resources for education, 66-69

Roman Catholic schools, 112, 113, 115, 116, 130, 146, 336

Rosenthal, Professor, 61

Royal Commission on Local Government, 78, 171, 218, 268, 285, 299, 312

Rules 16, 137

Saran, Miss R., 334

Scarce resources centres, 65

Scheme A, 264-282, 349-351, 370, 397

Scheme B, 283-293, 352, 353

School building, 69

School Grants Committee, 267-274, 277-281, 347, 349, 350, 354, 370, 375

Schools visits, 158, Appendix 3

Scotland, 2.30-41, pages 15-18 and Volume III

Selection of pupils, 159-163, 189-192, 199, 204-206, 237, 240-243, 327, 334, 354, Chapter 14

"Signposts for the Sixties", 84

Sites, 110

Sixth forms, 55, 58, 60, 72-75, 91, 164, 165, 191, 194, 209, 211, 243, 387

Sixth form colleges, 87, 164, 176, 194, 195, 208, 210, 212, 214, Table 2, Figure 8

Snow, Lord, 162

Social mix, 115, 168, 169, 192, 199, 237, 250, 255

Specialisation, 64, 194

Staying on at school, 49-51, 55-59, Figures 1-7, 117, Table 11

Super-selective schools, 160, 162, 208, 228, 327, Chapter 14

Sweden, 58, 384

    expectations, 61
    freedom, 46, 268, 286, 307-311, 313
    in direct grant schools, 111, Table 21, 243
    in independent schools, 148, 149
    numbers of, 70-74, 387
    safeguards, 202, 214, 273, 295

Teaching methods, 60, 62-65

Technological aids, 65

Terman, 381

Terms of reference, Pages vii and viii

Tuition fees,
    direct grant schools, 106, 122, 123, 166, 167, 203, 229-232, 244-254, 279, 290, Tables 15-17, 250, 352
    independent schools, 150, Table 27, 327, 329, 330, 345, 347

U.S.A., Fig. 1, 52, 58, 385, 386

U.S.S.R., Fig. 1, 385.

Universities, 117, Tables 12 and 14, 194

Visits to schools, 158, Appendix 3

Verbal reasoning quotients (V.R.Q.s), 116, 153, 221, Table 19, Appendix 8

Vocational education, 47

Voluntary schools (see Aided schools and maintained schools)

"Young School Leavers" - Schools Council Report, 60