
Buffy To Return To The Big Screen? | Movies | Empire

  • ️@empiremagazine
  • ️Tue May 26 2009

Whedon not involved = bad idea

Buffy To Return To The Big Screen?

It's a cold and rainy day, and we can only assume that that's because the Man Upstairs is also a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the TV show) and is depressed at the thought that a remake of 1992's Buffy the Vampire Slayer is headed to the big screen - without the involvement of character creator Joss Whedon.

Yes, rights-holders Fran Rubel Kazui and Kaz Kazui want to return Buffy to the big screen in a remake or reboot of her story. The pair bought the rights to Buffy from a then-unknown Joss Whedon in 1992, and were credited as executive producers through the show's run after Fran Rubel Kazui directed the 1992 Kirsty Swanson film of the same name: the one that everyone generally tries to pretend isn't actually associated with the beloved Sarah Michelle Gellar-starring TV franchise.

The remake / reboot / whatever isn't set up at a studio as yet, and the Kazui's haven't invited Whedon to be a part of their enterprise. They're also not planning on using any of the show's supporting characters or 'Scooby Gang', possibly because the rights issues relating to those characters are more complicated.

There's a suggestion that the fact that "into every generation a slayer is born" will allow easy rebooting of what we're assured will be a "darker, event-sized movie with franchise potential". But frankly if the Slayer's called Buffy then this is the same generation and has the potential to trample over the show's world and alienate fans as a result (unless they Maru-nate it, of course).

The Kazuis are working with Vertigo Entertainment's Roy Lee and Doug Davison on the proposed film, and are currently meeting with writers (hey! We know one you could try: his initials are J.W.). We try hard to stay open-minded around here, but this has all the symptoms of a Bad Idea. Or are we being too harsh?

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