epguides.com - Menu of 1097 radio shows
Radio Episode Lists Menu
Last updated:
December 31, 2017
This list is maintaned by John Lavalie.
- The A to Z of ...
- The A-Z of Easy Listening
- Abandoned Projects
- About a Dog
- Absolute Power
- Absolutely Delish
- The Absolutely Radio Show
- Acropolis Now
- Across the Universe
- Act Your Age
- An Actor's Life for Me
- The Adventures of a Black Bag
- The Adventures of Inspector Steine
- The Adventures of John and Tony
- After Eden
- After Happy Ever
- After Henry
- The Airport
- Alan Carr's Comedy Outings
- The Alan Davies Show
- Alan Parker
- Alan Parker, Road Warrior
- The Alan Price Set
- Alan's Big One
- Albert and Me
- Alex Horne Presents the Horne Section
- Alexei Sayle's Alternative Take
- Alexei Sayle's Imaginary Sandwich Bar
- Alice's Wunderland
- Alison and Maud
- All Bar Luke
- All Change
- All Gas and Gaiters
- All the Way from Memphis
- All the Young Dudes
- All Those Women
- The (Almost) Accidental Adventures of Bell and Todd
- The Alternative DJ
- Alun Cochrane's Fun House
- The Amazing Spider-Man
- And Now in Colour ...
- And the Winner Is
- And This is Them
- Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers
- Andy Zaltzman's History of the Third Millennium
- Angus Deayton's History of Alternative Comedy
- Animal Alphabet
- Ankle Tag
- Another Case of Milton Jones
- Another Digance Indulgence
- The Anti-Renaissance Show
- Any Bloke
- Any Other Business
- The Ape That Got Lucky
- The Archers [incomplete]
- Archie's the Boy
- The Architects
- Are You from the Bugle?
- Are You Still Awake?
- Armando Iannucci
- Armando Iannucci's Charm Offensive
- Armstrong and Miller
- Arnold Brown and Company
- Around Whicker's World
- Arrested Development
- The Art of Noise
- Arthur on the Floor
- Arthur Smith's Amusing Bits
- Arthur Smith's Balham Bash
- Artists
- The Arts and How They Was Done
- Arturart
- As Time Goes By
- As Told to Craig Brown
- At Home with Hinge and Bracket
- At Home with the Hardys
- At Home with the Snails
- At the Beeb
- The Attractive Young Rabbi
- Audio Diaries
- Auntie's Secret Box
- Ayres on Air
- Babblewick Hall
- Bad Salsa
- Baggage
- Ballylenon (1994)
- Ballylenon (2009)
- Balti Kings
- Bangers and Mash
- Banter
- Barrymore Plus Four
- Barry's Lunch Club
- Be Prepared
- Beachcomber By the Way
- Bearded Ladies
- Beat the Kids
- Beaumarchais
- Beauty of Britain
- Bedside Tales
- The Beeb's Lost Beatles Tapes
- Bernie Clifton's Comedy Shop
- The Best Laid Plans
- The Best of Bentine
- Beyond Our Ken
- Beyond Reasonable Doubt
- Beyond the Back of Beyond (2001)
- Beyond the Back of Beyond (2003)
- Beyond the Gravy
- Beyond the Pole
- The Big Booth
- The Big Fun Show
- Big Jim and the Figaro Club
- Big Problems with Helen Keen
- The Big Town All Stars
- The Bigger Issues
- Bigipedia
- Bird Island
- Births, Deaths and Marriages
- A Bite of Stars, a Slug of Time, and Thou
- Bits from Last Week's Radio
- The Bits In Between
- The Blagger's Guide
- Blakes 7
- Bleak Expectations
- The Bob Servant Emails
- Boogie up the River
- Bookcases
- Booked!
- Boomerang
- The Boosh
- Boothby Graffoe In No Particular Order
- Boswell's Lives
- The Break
- Bremner's One Question Quiz
- Brian Appleton's History of Rock 'n' Roll
- Brian Appleton's Unofficial Multimedia Lecture
- Brian Gulliver's Travels
- A Brief History of Tax
- A Brief History of Timewasting
- The Brig Society
- Brighton Women
- Bristow
- Britain in a Box
- Broken Arts
- The Brothers
- The Bugle
- Bull!
- Bunk Bed
- Bunn and Co.
- The Burkiss Way
- Bussmann and Quantick Kingsize
- Cabaret on 4
- The Cabaret Upstairs
- Cabin Pressure
- Can't Tell Nathan Caton Nothing
- Capital Gains
- Cardboard Heart
- Cartoons, Lampoons and Buffoons
- A Case for Paul Temple
- Case Notes
- The Casebook of Inspector Steine
- The Casebook of Max and Ivan
- The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
- Cashcows
- The Castle
- The Cavity Within
- Celluloid Jukebox
- Central 822
- A Certain Age
- Chain Reaction
- Chambers
- The Change
- Change at Oglethorpe
- Chat Show Roulette
- The Cheese Shop Presents The Butter Factor
- Children's Hour ... with Armstrong and Miller
- The Chocolate Lovers' Club
- Choice Grenfell
- Chris Addison's Civilization
- The Christopher Marlowe Mysteries
- The Circle
- Citizens
- Clare in the Community
- Classic Albums
- Clayton Grange
- Clement Doesn't Live Here Anymore
- Cliffhanger
- Clive Anderson Bites the Ballot
- Clive Anderson's Chat Room
- Clive Anderson's Comedy Revolutions
- The Cold Swedish Winter
- Collins and Maconie's Hit Parade
- Comedians' Comedians
- Comedy Album Heroes
- Comedy Quiz
- Comedy Showcase
- Comedy's Coming Home
- Comic Cuts
- Coming Alive
- Concrete Cow
- The Consultants
- Control Group Six
- The Cornwell Estate
- The Correspondent
- Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show
- Cowards
- The Cradley
- Craig Brown's Lost Diaries
- Crazy Big Fish
- Crazy People
- Crème de la Crime
- The Croft and Pearce Show
- Cross Talk
- Crown Papers
- Crowned Hudds
- The Crusader Chronicles
- The Curried Goat Show
- Cutting a Dash
- Dad's Army
- Dan and Nick: the Wildebeest Years
- Danny Robins's Music Therapy
- Daphne Sounds Expensive
- Darling You Were Marvellous
- Date with Fate
- Dave Against the Machine
- Dave Podmore's Cricket Night
- David Baddiel Tries to Understand
- The Day the Music Died
- Daydream Believers
- Dead Man Talking
- Dead Ringers
- Dealing with Daniels
- Dear Jenny, Dear Julie
- Dedicated Troublemaker
- Deep Station Emerald
- Deep Trouble
- Delve Special
- The Department
- Desmond Olivier Dingle's Compleat Life and Works of William Shakespeare by Desmond Olivier Dingle
- Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed
- Devil's Advocate
- Dial M for Pizza
- Did You Ever Notice?
- Digance Does It ... Sportingly
- Dilemma
- Dinner Ladies
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
- Dixon of Dock Green
- Do Go On
- Do Not Adjust Yourself
- Do Nothing 'Til You Hear from Me
- Doctor Who
- Does the Team Think (1957) [incomplete]
- Does the Team Think (2007)
- Doing the Business
- Don't Make Me Laugh
- Don't Start
- Doon Your Way
- Dot
- Double Dribble
- Double Income No Kids Yet
- Double Science
- Double Trouble
- Down the Line
- Dr Finlay
- Dr Pfeffer's Lonely Heart Club
- Driving to Distraction
- Dry Slopes
- Fab TV
- Fabulous
- Fabulous Fifties
- Fags, Mags and Bags
- The Fair Intellectual Club
- Faithful Departed
- The Fall of the Mausoleum Club
- Fallen Arches
- Familes and How to Survive Them
- Famous for 15 Minutes
- Fanshawe Gets to the Bottom of ...
- Fat Chance
- Fathers
- Fellah's Hour with The Cheese Shop
- 15 Minutes That Changed the World
- Fifteen-Minute Musical
- 55 and Over
- 52 First Impressions
- FindthePerfectPartner4u.com
- First Impressions
- The First Witch
- Fist of Fun
- Five Squeezy Pieces
- The Flight of the Conchords
- Flying the Flag
- Flywheel Shyster and Flywheel
- Foley and McColl, the Interview
- The Food Quiz
- Football Stories for Girls
- For Better or For Worse
- For One Horrible Moment
- Foreverett
- Forty Nights in the Wildebeest
- 4 at the Store
- Four Joneses and a Jenkins
- Four Sleepless Knights
- Frank Muir Goes into ...
- Frankie Howerd's Forum
- French & Saunders
- Friday Night is Music Night [incomplete]
- Friends Like These
- Fry's English Delight
- Full Circle
- Fun House
- Fun-Filled Days of Harriet Knight
- Funny Bones
- Funny You Should Ask [incomplete]
- The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- The Further Adventures of the Black Bag
- The Future of Radio
- Galton and Simpson's Half-Hour
- The Game's Up (1996)
- The Game's Up (2001)
- The Gateways Club
- Genius
- Getting Nowhere Fast
- The Ghost at Number Ten
- Gilbert Without Sullivan
- Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off
- Girlies
- Girls Will Be Girls
- Gloomsbury
- Glory Days
- The Gobetweenies
- The Good Human Guide
- Goodness Gracious Me
- Hair in the Gate
- Hal
- Hale and Pace's A-Z of Comedy
- Half Sketch Half Biscuit
- Hamish and Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea
- Hancock's Half Hour
- Happy Families
- Happy Tuesdays
- Hard to Tell
- The Hare Lane Diaries
- The Harpoon
- Harry Hill's Fruit Corner
- Harvey and the Wallbangers
- Haunting Women
- Hazelbeach
- The Head Man
- The Headset Set
- Hearing with Hegley
- Hearts and Minds
- Heated Rollers
- Helen Keen's It Is Rocket Science
- Hello Cheeky
- The Hendersons' Christmas Party
- Henry Normal's Encyclopaedia Poetica
- Her Infinite Variety
- Heresy
- Hey Rrradio!!!
- High Table, Lower Orders
- The Hislop Vote
- The History Plays
- History Retweeted
- Hit the Decks
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Future
- The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1978)
- The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2004)
- Hoax!
- Hobby Bobbies
- Hold the Front Page
- Holland's Shorts
- The Hollow Men
- Hope I Die Before I Get Old: The Cult of Death in Rock 'n' Roll
- Hopes and Desires (2003)
- Hopes and Desires (2007)
- Hordes of the Things
- The Hot Club
- Hot Gossip
- The House I Grew Up In
- The House of Milton Jones
- House of Stars
- The House of the Spirit Levels
- House on Fire
- How Did We End Up Like This?
- How Radio Won the War
- How Tickled Am I?
- Howard Goodall's Classical Connections
- Howard Goodall's Musical Zodiac
- HR
- Huddwinks
- The Hudson and Pepperdine Show
- Humans and Other Animals
- Hut 33
- I Guess That's Why They Call It the News
- I, Regress
- I Was That Teenager
- If I Ruled the World
- If You're So Clever, Why Aren't You Rich?
- iGod
- The Iguanodon
- I'm Glad You Asked Me That
- I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue
- I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again
- Immigration Stories
- The Impressionists
- In and Out of the Kitchen
- In Conversation with
- The In Crowd
- In Excess
- In My Life: Lennon Remembered
- In One Ear
- In Our Time
- In the Balance
- In the Chair
- In the End
- In the Red
- The Indespensibles
- The Infinite Monkey Cage
- Injury Time
- Inman and Friends
- Inner Voices
- Innes Own World
- Inspector Steine
- Intimate Contact with Julian Clary
- Inventors Imperfect
- The Iron Road ...
- Isy Suttie's Love Letters
- It Can't Go On
- It Sticks Out Half a Mile
- It'll Never Last ...
- It's a Fair Cop
- It's a Funny Old World
- It's Been a Bad Week
- It's Jocelyn
- It's Not What You Know
- It's That Jo Caulfield Again
- It's Your Round
- I've Never Seen Star Wars
- Jack Rosenthal's Last Act
- The Jail Diaries of Sir Ralph Stanza
- James Acaster's Findings
- Jammin'
- The Jason Byrne Show
- Jason Cook's School of Hard Knocks
- The Jasper Carrott Trial
- Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation
- Jigsaw
- Jimmy's Cricket Team
- Jo Brand, the Evolution of Superwoman
- Jo Caulfield Won't Shut Up
- John Finnemore's Double Acts
- John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme
- The John Humphrys Interview
- John Kearns
- John Mortimer Presents Sensational British Trials
- John Peel's Classic Radio 1 Sessions
- John Shuttleworth's Lounge Music
- Jon Ronson on ...
- Josh Howie's Losing It
- The Joy of Sketch
- Julian Fox: Concrete Poetry
- Junkin's Jokers
- Just a Minute
- Just Juliette
- Just Plain Gardening
- The Labour Exchange
- The Lach Chronicles
- The Ladies
- Ladies of Letters Crunch Credit
- Ladies of Letters Go Crackers
- The Ladies of Letters Go Global
- The Ladies of Letters Log On
- The Ladies of Letters Make Mincemeat
- The Ladies of Letters Say No
- The Ladies of Letters Spring Clean
- Ladies of Letters.com
- Last Chance to See
- Last Man In
- Late
- Laughter USA
- Laura Solon: Talking and Not Talking
- Laurence and Gus: Untold Stories
- Lawrence and Gus: Hearts and Minds
- The Lawrence Sweeney Mix
- The League Against Tedium
- Lean on Me
- Lee and Herring
- Lee and Herring's Fist of Fun
- The Lee Mack Show
- The Left Bank of the Mind
- Legal, Decent, Honest and Truthful
- The Legendary Series
- The Legends of Los Trombastardos
- Lenin of the Rovers
- The Lennon Tapes
- Lennon's Legacy
- Lenny Henry: Rogue's Galley
- The Lentil Sorters
- The Leopard in Autumn
- Les and Robert
- Les Kelly's Britain
- Lewis Macleod Is Not Himself
- Life: an Idiot's Guide
- Life, Death and Sex with Mike and Sue
- A Life of Bliss
- Life with Lederer
- Like They've Never Been Gone
- Linda Smith's A Brief History of Timewasting
- Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World
- The Lipman Test
- Listen Against
- The Little Big Woman Radio Show
- Little Britain
- Little Lifetimes by Jenny Eclair
- Little Lifetimes with Jenny Eclair
- The Little World of Don Camillo
- Live on Arrival
- Living with Betty
- Living with Mother
- Living with the Enemy
- Lloyd Cole Knew My Father
- London Calling
- London, Europe
- The Long Hot Satsuma
- Long Players
- Look Away Now
- A Look Back at the Nineties
- Looking Forward to the Past
- Losers
- Losing It
- Lost Albums
- The Lost Weblog of Scrooby Trevithick
- Love 40: New Balls Please
- Love in Recovery
- Lucky Heather
- Lucy Montgomery's Variety Pack
- Lynthwaite Ladies
- MacFlintock's Palace
- MacLean: The Memorex Years
- The Madeleine Effect
- Magic Numbers
- The Mahaffys
- The Making of Music
- Making the Best of It
- Mall
- The Maltby Collection
- Mammon
- Man of Soup
- Marc Riley's Musical Time Machine
- The Mark of Zorro
- The Mark Steel Lecture
- The Mark Steel Revolution
- The Mark Steel Solution
- Mark Steel's In Town
- Mark Thomas: The Manifesto
- Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better
- Mark Watson Talks a Bit About Life
- Mark Watson's Live Address to the Nation
- Marks in His Diary [incomplete]
- Married
- Martin Freeman's The Great Unknown
- The Marx Brothers' Flywheel Shyster and Flywheel
- The Mary Whitehouse Experience
- Masala
- Mastering the Universe
- Masters of Rock
- The Masterson Inheritance
- May to December
- McCartney on McCartney
- McKay the New
- McLevy
- Meanwhile with The Bearded Ladies
- The Mel and Sue Thing
- Mel and Sue's Comedy Breakdown
- Memoirs of a Twelfth Man
- The Men from the Ministry
- Michael Palin Diaries: The Python Years
- Mike's Secret Mike
- The Miles and Millner Show
- Miles Jupp's Real World
- The Milligan Papers
- The Million Pound Radio Show
- Millport
- The Mind Teacher
- Mind the Gap
- Mind Your Own Business
- Minor Adjustment
- Miranda Hart's Joke Shop
- Miss Marple's Final Cases
- Missed Demeanours
- The Missing Hancocks
- Mission Improbable
- Mitch Benn Specials
- Mitch Benn's Crimes Against Music
- Molesworth
- A Month of June
- Mordrin McDonald: 21st-Century Wizard
- Mothers of Invention
- The Motion Show
- Mouth Trap
- The Movie That Changed My Life
- Moving
- Mr and Mrs Smith
- Mr Blue Sky
- Mum's on the Run
- The Museum of Curiosity
- The Museum of Everything
- The Music Teacher
- My Booze Hell by Little Johnny Cartilage
- My First Planet
- My Life as a Car
- My Mammy and Me
- My Teenage Diary
- My Turn to Make the Tea
- My Uncle Freddie
- P Division--Code Four One
- Pam Ayres's Open Road
- The Pamela Myers Show
- Pankhiraj
- Paperback Hell
- The Papers of AJ Wentworth (Retd)
- Paradise Lost in Cyberspace
- Paradise Lost in Space
- Paris, London
- Parodies Lost
- The Party
- The Party Line
- The Party Party
- The Pasadena Roof Orchestra
- The Pasadena's Almanac
- The Patrick and Maureen Maybe Music Experience
- Paul McCartney's Oobu Joobu
- Paul Sinha's History Revision
- Paul Temple
- Paul Temple and Steve
- Paul Temple and the Gregory Affair
- Peacefully in Their Sleeps
- Penelope's People
- People Like Us
- The Personality Test
- Peter Cook in His Own Words
- Peter Dickson Presents Nightcap
- The Phenomenon Squad
- The Phone
- The Pickerskill Detentions
- The Pickerskill Reports
- Pick-Ups
- The Pin
- The Pits
- Planet B
- Plum House
- Political Animal
- Political Animals
- Polyoaks
- Pop Go the Beatles
- Posties
- Potting On
- The Powder Room
- The Press Gang
- The Problem with Adam Bloom
- Professor Smith: Fired and Emotional
- Promenade Rock
- Protesting Too Much
- Pull the Other One!
- Punchlines
- Radio Active
- Radio BURPS
- Radio Cars
- Radio 5
- Radio Lives
- Radio 9
- Radio Rivron
- Radio Roots
- Radio Shuttleworth
- Radio Times Past
- Random Edition
- The Random Jottings of Hinge and Bracket
- The Rapid Eye Movement
- The Real Patron Saints
- Reception
- Recorded for Training Purposes
- Reinventing the Wheel
- Relatively Speaking
- Reluctant Persuaders
- The Remains of Foley and McColl
- Rent
- The Return of Inspector Steine
- The Return of Sherlock Holmes
- Revolting People
- A Revolution in Five Acts
- Richard Herring's Objective
- Richard Marsh: Cardboard Heart
- Richard Stilgoe's Classical Gas
- Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart
- The Richest Man in Britain
- The Right Time
- Rigor Mortis
- Rik Mayall's Bedside Tales
- Ring Around the Bath
- Ringo's Yellow Submarine
- The Rita Rudner Show
- The Rivals
- Robbing Hood
- Robert Newman's Entirely Accurate Encyclopaedia of Evolution
- The Robert Peston Interview Show (with Eddie Mair)
- Robin and Wendy's Wet Weekends
- Rock's Back Pages
- Rolling Home
- Romance and Adventure
- Romantic Friction
- Ronan the Amphibian
- Room 101
- Rory Bremner's International Satirists
- Ross Noble Goes Global
- Ross Noble on
- Round the Horne
- Routemasters
- The Routes of English
- Rubbish
- Rudy's Rare Records
- Rum Bunch
- The Russ Abbot Show
- Safety Catch
- Sam Simmons Is Not a People Person
- Sarah Millican's Support Group
- Saturday Club [incomplete]
- Saturday Night Fry (1987)
- Saturday Night Fry (1998)
- Saturday Night Jack
- Say the Word
- Says on the Tin
- The Scanner
- Scenes from a Married Life
- Scrooby Trevithick
- Sean Lock: 15 Storeys High
- Sean Lock's 15 Minutes of Misery
- Second Holmes
- Second Thoughts
- The Secret Life of Rosewood Avenue
- The Secret World
- Secrets and Lattes
- Seekers
- Self-Control
- Self-Storage
- Semi-Circles
- The Senior Partner
- September Song
- The Seven Ages of Man
- Seven Days That Rocked the World
- Sex, Lies & Audiotape
- Sexton Blake
- The Sexton's Tales
- Seymour the Fractal Cat
- Shakespeare Stories
- Shappi Talk
- Share and Share Alike
- Sharing Fatman
- Shedtown
- Shelley
- Sherlock Holmes (1993 : Clive Merrison)
- Sherlock Holmes (1993 : Simon Callow)
- Sherlock Holmes (1994)
- Sherlock Holmes (1999)
- Sherlock Holmes (2008)
- The Shiver Show
- A Short Gentleman
- The Show What You Wrote
- The Show with No Name [incomplete]
- Showstopper
- Shush!
- Shuttle Diplomacy
- The Shuttleworths
- Shuttleworth's Showcase
- The Simon Day Show
- Simon Evans Goes to Market
- The Single Story
- Sir Ralph Stanza's Letter from Salford
- Sisters
- The Sit-Crom
- Six Characters in Search of an Answer
- The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII
- The Sixties
- Sketches by Boz (1976?) [incomplete]
- Sketches by Boz (1998)
- The Skivers
- S-Laughter in the Dark
- Sloe Coaches
- The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter
- The Small World of Dominic Holland
- Smelling of Roses
- Smith and Jones
- Smith and Jones Sound Off
- Snap
- Sneakiepeeks
- So Wrong It's Right
- The Sofa of Time
- soloparents.com
- Some of Our Pilots are Missing
- Some of These Days
- Someone and the Grumbleweeds
- Something or Other
- Son of Cliché
- Songs in the Key of Lennon
- The Sons of Dermot Mulligan
- Sorry About Last Night
- Space Hacks
- Spangles 'n' Tights
- Spanking New on Seven
- Speakers
- Spending My Inheritance
- Spike's Lookalikes
- Spread a Little Happiness
- A Square of One's Own
- Stand Up to Screen
- Stand Up Two
- Stand-Ups and Strumpets
- Stanley Baxter and Friends
- The Stanley Baxter Playhouse
- Star Terk II
- Starmakers and Svengalis
- Starring Leslie Willey
- Start/Stop
- Stephen Fry on the Phone
- Steptoe and Son
- Steven Appleby's Normal Life
- Stilgoe's Around
- Stockport ... So Good They Named It Once
- The Story of Pop
- The Story of Pop Radio (1982)
- The Story of Pop Radio (1997)
- The Storyman
- Strangers on Trains
- Strap In: It's Clever Peter
- Street and Lane
- Struck Off and Die
- Stuntz
- The Summer of 1940
- The Sunday Format
- Sunny Side Up
- The Swashbucklers
- The Sweet Smell of Excess
- Take Me to Your Reader
- Tales from Thackeray
- Tales from the Backbench
- Tales from the Mausoleum Club
- Tales of the Bizarre
- Talking and Not Talking
- Talking Comedy
- Talking Heads
- The Tall One
- Teenage Kicks
- Ten Pounds and a Box of Kippers
- Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones
- That Mitchell and Webb Sound
- That Mocking Bird
- That Reminds Me
- That Was the Hole in the Wall Gang, So It Was
- That Was Then, This is Now
- There Is No Escape
- There'll Never Be Another
- There's a Funny Thing
- They Think It's All Over
- Thicker Than Water
- The Things We Forgot to Remember
- Think the Unthinkable
- Thinking of Leaving Your Husband?
- This is Craig Brown
- This Sceptred Isle
- This Sceptred Isle: The 20th Century
- This Sceptred Isle: The Dynasties
- Thom Tuck Goes Straight to DVD
- Three Ivans, Two Aunts and an Overcoat
- Three Off the Tee
- Thunderbirds
- Tickling the Ivories
- Tidal Talk from the Rockpool
- Tim Key's Late Night Poetry Programme
- Tim Merryman's Days of Clover
- Tim Rice's American Pie
- Tim Wrigglesworth's Open Letters
- Time Cycle
- Time for Mrs Milliner
- Tim's Comedy Links
- Tina C's State of the Union Tour
- Tina C's Tiny Island Tour
- To Hull and Back
- To the Manor Born
- Today's the Day
- Tom Wrigglesworth's Hang Ups
- Tomorrow, Today!
- Too Much Information
- Torchwood
- Torchwood: The Lost Files
- Trapped
- The Trespasser's Guide to the Classics
- Trevor's World of Sport
- Trodd en Bratt Say Well Done You
- The Truck
- True Lies
- The True Story
- The True Story of British Pop
- Truly Madly Bletchley
- Trust
- Trust Me, I'm a Policeman
- Turf Wars
- TV Dinners
- Twenty Players
- Twenty-Eight Minutes to Save the NHS
- 2525
- Two Doors Down
- Two Priests and a Nun Go into a Pub...
- Two's a Crowd
- 2000 Years of Radio
- Walking with Comedians
- Wally Who? [incomplete]
- The Walnut Bureau
- Warhorses of Letters
- Watson and Holmes [incomplete]
- The Way It Is
- Way Out East
- We Interrupt This Programme
- We Know Everything
- We Say Toma-to
- Weak at the Top
- The Weekend Starts Here
- Weird Tales
- Weird Tales from the Slip Road of Urban Paranoia
- Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully
- We've Been Here Before
- What Does the K Stand For?
- What Does the Team Think? [incomplete]
- The "What If" Show
- What Went Wrong with the Olympics
- Whatever Happened to ..?
- Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads
- What's It All About [incomplete]
- What's the Bleeding Time?
- When Harry Met Ally
- When the Dog Dies
- Where Did It All Go Wrong?
- Where in the World?
- Whicker Down Under
- Whicker's New World
- White Nights
- Who Goes There?
- Who Wears the Trousers?
- Whodunnit?
- A Whole New Ball Game
- A Whole 'Nother Story
- Whose Line Is It Anyway?
- Wicked Words
- Wild Things
- Will Smith Presents The Tao of Bergerac
- Will Smith's Mid-Life Crisis Management
- The Wilsons Save the World
- Windbags
- Winston
- Wireless Wise
- Wise on the Wireless
- With Great Pleasure
- Women Talking About Cars
- Wonderland Girls
- Wordaholics
- The World as We Know It
- The World of Dowie
- World of Pub
- Worldy Wise
- The Worriers
- Wowfabgroovy
- Wrinkles
- Writer's Weekly
If you have any general questions, please read our FAQ, which also includes instructions on how to send us e-mail for corrections to menus or general show info. For corrections and additions to episode details for specific shows, click through to the episode and submit corrections via TVmaze.com.