Electronic Sawyer - Archive

A.D. 871 x 899 (Malmesbury). Alfred, king of the Anglo-Saxons, with the consent of the familia of the church of Malmesbury, to Dudig, his minister; lease, for four lives, of 4 hides (cassati) at Chelworth, near Crudwell, Wilts., with reversion to the church of Malmesbury. Latin




1. London, British Library, Lansdowne 417, f. 16r-v (s. xiv/xv)
2. London, Public Record Office, E 164/24, ff. 128v-129r (s. xiii ex.)
3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5 (S.C. 8593), ff. 33r-34r (s. xiii)
4. Oxford, Magdalen College, 172, f. 92v (s. xii)


Wharton, Anglia Sacra, ii. 28; K, 321, ex MS 1; Hamilton, William of Malmesbury, G.P., pp. 394-5, ex MS 4; Brewer, Reg. Malm., pp. 302-3, ex MS 2; B, 568, ex Brewer and MS 1; B, 569, ex Hamilton


Stevenson 1904, p. lxvii, spurious; Watkin 1956, p. 213 and n. 62; Finberg, ECW, no. 213, authentic; John 1966, p. 45, on royal style; O'Donovan 1973, pp. 97, 104, spurious; Whitelock 1979, pp. 84-5, abbrevaited but may be authentic, cf. S 1205; Keynes and Lapidge 1983, pp. 227-8 n. 1, cited; Nelson 1983, p. 243 n. 10 (= 1986, p. 119 n. 10), perhaps a grant to Alfred's following; Fleming 1985, p. 252; Nelson 1991, p. 63, date likely not long after 871; Dumville 1992, pp. 43-4, on Chelworth; Keynes 1992, p. 57 n. 24; Keynes 1994b, pp. 1138-9, authentic basis, but probably substantially rewritten at Malmesbury; Abrams 1996, p. 85, on Chelworth; Stewartby 1998, p. 152; Pratt, Alfred, pp. 36 n. 51, 334 n. 234; Pratt, Alfred, p. 52, on attestations; Pratt, Alfred, pp. 100-1, terms of lease may have been subject to later rewriting; Pratt, Alfred, p. 173, on reservation clause

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    • In nomine Domini. Ego Ælfredus, gratia Dei Angolsaxonum rex, una cum consensu uenerabilis familie Mældubiensis ecclesie, concedens dono meo fideli ministro nomine Dudig aliquantulum terre, id est .iiii. cassatorum ad eandem <ecclesiam pertinentem in loco qui dicitur Cellanwurd. Post trium autem dies heredum> predicta terra ad ecclesiam sancti saluatoris in Maelduberi absque omni contradictione in seruitium pristinum redeat. Est etenim antememorata terra libera ab omnibus secularibus negotiis, preter expeditionem et pontis arcisue instructionem. Acta est autem hec scriptio huius cartule, istis consentientibus testibus quorum nomina subtus notantur, in loco qui dicitur Maelduberi, nostro autem uocabulo Maeldumesburg. + Ego Ælfred rex. + Wlfrig episcopus. + Æþelhel<m> dux. + Æþelnoð dux. + Æþelwald filii regis. + Eadward filii regis. + Beorhnað. + Elfhere. + Deormod. + Beorhthelm. + Ceolu<l>f. + Wulfric. + Werulf. + Ecgulf.
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    • In the name of the Lord. I, Alfred, by the Grace of God king of the Anglo-Saxons, together with the agreement of the venerable community of the church of Malmesbury, give by way of a grant to my faithful minister, Dudig by name, some land, that is, of 4 hides belonging to the same church in the place that is called Chelworth. After the lives of three heirs the aforementioned land should return to its original servitude to the church of the Holy Saviour at Malmesbury without any objection. This aforementioned land is free from all secular burdens, except for military service and the building of bridge and fortress. The writing of this charter was executed with the agreement of these witnesses whose names are recorded below in the place that is called Maelduberi, in our language Mældumesburg [i.e., Malmesbury]. + I, Alfred, king. + Wulfric, bishop. + Æthelhelm, dux. + Æthelnoth, dux. + Æthelwald, son of the king. + Edward, son of the king. + Beorhtnoth. + Ælfhere. + Deormod. + Beorhthelm. + Ceolwulf. + Wulfric. + Wærwulf. + Ecgwulf.
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    Old Text

    • Quomodo Alfredus rex consensu Monachorum Meldunensium cuidam ministro suo terram de Choellewrthe donavit post dies suos iterum eidem ecclesie restituendam . In nomine domini Ego Aelfredus gratia Dei Angol Saxonum rex una cum consensu venerabilis familie Maldubiensis ecclesie concedens dono meo fideli ministro nomine Dudig aliquantulum terre . Id est .iiii. cassatorum ad eandem supradictam terram dono ut habeat atque possideat dies suos 7 post se tribus heredibus quibuscunque voluerit dimittat . finitis autem diebus trium heredum prædicta terra ad ecclesiam sancti Salvatoris in Malduberi . absque omni contradictione in servicium pristinum redeat . Est etenim antememorata terra libera ab omnibus sæcularibus negociis præter expedicionem et pontis arcisve instructionem . Acta est autem hæc scriptio huius cartule istis consencientibus testibus quorum nomina subtus notantur . In loco qui dicitur Maelduburi . nostro autem vocabulo . Maeldunesburg . Ego Alfred rex . Uulfricus episcopus . Aeˇelhel[m] dux . Aˇelno∂ dux . Elfhere . Deormod . Beorhthelm . Ceoluf . Aˇelwald filius regis . Edward filius regis . Beorhuard . Wlfrich . Verulf . Ecgulf .