Historical Archives of the European Union
The HAEU preserves and makes accessible for research the archives deposited by EU institutions according to the thirty-year rule governing access to archival material. It also collects and preserves private papers of individuals, movements and international organisations involved in European integration. Finally, it facilitates research on the history of the European Union, promotes public interest in European integration and enhances transparency in the functioning of EU Institutions.

Explore our Holdings
The holdings of the Historical Archives of the European Union are organised in four different groups: EU institutions, bodies and agencies; Individuals; Corporate Bodies; Collections.
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Research Support
Users receive support to conduct their research at the Archives through a range of grant programmes and benefit from a large collection of research guides and specialised library resources.
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Services for users
Specialised staff deliver services to users who wish to consult the archives in a dedicated reading room at Villa Salviati or remotely upon request.
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Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre
The Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre on the History of European Integration supports young researchers, coordinates networks of historians, facilitates the use of primary sources and increases public interest in European integration history.
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New inventory sheds light on European Investment Bank projects in the 1970s
The analytical inventory and the files of the latest archival transfer from the European Investment Bank are now available for online consultation at the Historical Archives of the European Union. The files concern investment project contracts signed in the 1970s.
Read more New inventory sheds light on European Investment Bank projects in the 1970s
Save the date: Open Day at the Historical Archives on 10 May
In celebration of Europe Day across the European Union, the Historical Archives of the European Union welcomes the public on 10 May to enjoy Villa Salviati with free guided visits, art and photography exhibits, concerts, historical reenactments, and circus activities for people of all ages.
Read more Save the date: Open Day at the Historical Archives on 10 May
New deposit agreement with European Cultural Foundation
On 5 March 2025, André Wilkens, director of the European Cultural Foundation and Dieter Schlenker, director of the Historical Archives of the European Union, signed an agreement to transfer the Foundation's 70-year archive to the HAEU.
Read more New deposit agreement with European Cultural Foundation
European Training Foundation makes first archival deposit in Florence
Having marked its 30th anniversary in 2024, the European Training Foundation made its first archival transfer to the Historical Archives of the European Union. The deposit was in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2015/496 on archiving by EU institutions and agencies.
Read more European Training Foundation makes first archival deposit in Florence
Europe and Europeans 1950>2020: 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration
2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, a short but powerful statement made by the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, on the 9th of May 1950. The declaration, drafted by Jean Monnet and pronounced by Schuman, initiated the process of European integration with its vision of a joint French and German coal and steel production.
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Oral History Programmes
The Historical Archives of the European Union is the repository for various oral history programmes, launched to preserve the voices of European politicians and officials.
Educational Projects
The Educational Projects of the HAEU engage specialised and general publics with the archival documents of the EU deposited in Florence. This programme aims at enhancing the knowledge of the history of European integration and at promoting the understanding of European citizenship.
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Historical Archives of the European Union
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30-17:00
Villa Salviati
Pedestrian access: Via Bolognese 156 / Via Faentina 261
Car access: Via Salviati 3B
50139 Firenze (FI)
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