eXist-db - The Open Source Native XML Database
- ️Erik Siegel
eXist-db is at the core of the Office of the Historian’s open government and digital history initiatives. It powers our public website, allowing visitors to search and browse instantly through nearly a hundred thousand archival government documents. (...)
Joe Wicentowski Historian Office of the Historian U.S. Department of State
We are using eXist-db on our onkopedia.com publishing platform. The reliability and performance of eXist-db is outstanding and the competent and fast support by its community is awesome. (...)
Andreas Jung Lead developer of zopyx.com Founder of the XML Director project Major contractor for onkopedia.com project
At the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre, we use eXist-db in a dozen or more projects, including a couple of fairly high-profile ones: (...)
Martin Holmes University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
eXist-db offers a unique environment for full stack XML web application development. To create applications ranging from web sites with CMS-like feature to collaborative workflows, we at Oppidoc started by developing (...)
Stéphane Sire Founder of Oppidoc
The Repertorium of Old Bulgarian Language and Letters is a TEI-based metadata project developed in order to support the machine-assisted comparison of the contents of medieval Slavic miscellany manuscripts. (...)
David Birnbaum obdurodon.org
The Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (TBRC) holds the world’s single largest collection of Tibetan texts—nearly 10 million scanned pages and over 11,000 Unicode Tibetan texts. TBRC.org provides online access to over 4,000 users (...)
Chris Tomlinson Senior Technical Staff Member Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center Cambridge, Massachusetts
I’ve built a specialised Job-processing system aimed at Small-business users who need custom solutions on the web. This system allows them to record all their Client data and use it in documents generated from templates in MS Word, Open Office Text or Spreadsheet, Email, or plain text (...)
Alister Pillow
eXist-db and oXygen XML Editor – a great combination for our Digital Dictionary of Surnames in Germany. The entries – about 850.000 – are stored in an eXist-db database and edited from within oXygen. (...)
Franziska Horn Technical Staff Member Technische Universität Darmstadt
ScoutDragon initially started as a baseball research project by a group of baseball enthusiasts including writers, agents, scouts, fans, fantasy owners, and even former players. (...)
Michael Westbay Lead Programmer/System Administrator ScoutDragon.com Japan
Semanta’s core business is metadata in business intelligence. Part of our concern is parsing metadata from reporting platforms. (...)
David Voňka Programmer Semanta Czech Republic
The Centre for Document Studies and Scholarly Editing of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (Ghent, Belgium) develops rich scholarly collections of textual data, (...)
Ron Van den Branden Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature Ghent Belgium
At the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” we use eXist-db to store our collections of MODS (bibliographical) and VRA (image metadata) records. (...)
Heidelberg Research Architecture, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” The University of Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany
Haptix Games is a video game and interactive application development and publishing studio, and we have been a Microsoft shop for as long as I can remember. (...)
Chris Misztur CTO Haptix Games Chicago, Illinois
easyDITA is an end-to-end solution for collaboratively authoring, managing, and publishing content using the DITA XML standard. (...)
Casey Jordan cofounder easyDITA, Jorsek LLC Rochester, New York
We [at XML Team Solutions] help media and entertainment companies integrate sports news and data feeds. These feeds are predominantly XML. We use eXist-db for two things: (...)
Paul Kelly Director of Software Development XML Team Solutions Corp Canada
I've developed and maintained systems that have ranged from punched card decks, through mainframe database management and transaction processing systems, via microcomputer relational databases through to XML. eXist-db is by far the most satisfying, complete data storage and management system that I have used, on any platform.
Finian O'Boyle