
Maps, Weather, and Airports for Tinogasta, Argentina

Latitude -28.0632 Longitude -67.5649 Altitude (feet) 4189 Lat (DMS) 28° 3' 48S Long (DMS) 67° 33' 54W Altitude (meters) 1276 Time zone (est) America/Argentina/Catamarca Estimated population (from Geonames): 14509 Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinogasta

Weather Charts

New There has been a serious bug with these forecasts until today December 12 2021. They were primarily tested on London, which was accurate.

Tinogasta Temperature in Celsius

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Tinogasta Cloud Cover in Percent

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Tinogasta Precipitation

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Nearby Cities and Towns
West North East South
Higuerita (7.4 nm)
Carrizalillo (14.7 nm)
Santa Rosa (1.5 nm)
Cachiyuyo (3.4 nm)
San Miguel (3.9 nm)
San Jose (4.8 nm)
La Toma (6.5 nm)
El Puesto (6.8 nm)
El Vallecito (12.7 nm)
Campo Arana (4.0 nm)
Esquina del Perro Muerto (12.2 nm)
Campo de Andaluca (13.9 nm)
La Puntilla (4.5 nm)
Copacabana (9.3 nm)
Cienaguita (9.5 nm)
Carrizal de Arriba (10.4 nm)
Rio Colorado (12.5 nm)
Costa de los Reyes (15.8 nm)
Rio Colorado (15.8 nm)

Nearby Airports

Code IATA Kind Name City Distance Bearing Airlines
SANI Small TINOGASTA Tinogasta 1 nm N 331
FR32538 Small Fiambala Airport Fiambala 25 nm N 352
SANL IRJ Medium LA RIOJA La Rioja 88 nm S 153 Austral Líneas Aéreas
FR46519 Heli C.A.P.E. Provincial Police Heliport La Rioja 90 nm S 156
Nearby references in Wikipedia:
Distance Title
0.2 nm SW Tinogasta Department
1.5 nm NW Tinogasta Airport
1.5 nm NW List of airports in Argentina
3.3 nm NW Santa Rosa (Tinogasta)
4.6 nm N Anillaco, Catamarca
5.4 nm SE La Puntilla (Tinogasta)
7.7 nm NW El Puesto (Tinogasta)