Statistics Division (ESS) | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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The FAO Statistics Division (ESS) serves as the foremost authoritative source of reliable data, standards and methods on food and agriculture – as per Article I of the FAO Constitution – contributing evidence-based information for a world free from hunger.
About FAO's statistical system
The Statistics Division (ESS), together with statistics units embedded in technical departments and statisticians deployed in decentralized offices, constitute FAO’s statistical system. ESS Director, who also plays the role of FAO's Chief Statistician, is responsible for the overall coordination and governance of FAO’s work on data and statistics.
- Collect, analyze and disseminate agrifood systems data from member countries, generating statistics and accompanying briefs in FAOSTAT, RuLIS and other relevant platforms.
- Work directly with countries to develop national statistical strategies, strengthen institutional and technical capacities and improve statistical systems.
- Develop and promote international food and agricultural statistical standards, as well as methods and tools for collecting, analyzing and disseminating data.
Additionally, in its function as Secretariat of the Office of the Chief Statistician:
- Ensure stronger governance of FAO's statistical system.
- Foster consistency of FAO's Statistical programme with the Strategic Framework.
- Ensure statistical excellence through the implementation of statistical standards and quality assurance mechanisms.
- Position FAO's presence in statistical discussions at global level.
Areas of work
Data Generation and Capacity Building
Data and Statistical Governance
Supports the governance and coordination of FAO’s data and statistical activities, both within FAO and within the broader international data and statistical community. Oversees the planning, monitoring and reporting on FAO data and statistical programme of work. Coordinates FAO’s role as custodian agency for 21 SDG indicators. Acts as focal points for any queries on intellectual property matters concerning FAO databases.
Contact: Ms. Valerie Bizier
Disseminates statistics and visualizations related to FAO’s areas of work through the FAO statistical dissemination platforms and statistical publications. Increases visibility and provides user engagement on the content, collections, and utilization of FAO’s statistical outputs and data products. Ensures better coordination and exchange of information among stakeholders. Modernizes statistical dissemination processes and platforms.
Contact: Ms. Nancy Chin