FidoNet - The New
FidoNet is a world-wide network of over 15,000 systems which exchange mail and files using a mix of proprietary and internet protocols.
If you are interested in finding out how to join FidoNet, you've come to the right place.
The FidoNet universe comprises six regions: North America [Zone-1], Europe [Zone-2], Australia and New Zealand [Zone-3], Latin America [Zone-4], Africa [Zone-5] and Asia [Zone-6].
Links to Zones: [Zone-1] [Zone-2] [Zone-3] [Zone-4] [Zone-5] [Zone-6]
The Fidonet IRC Channel 24/7
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Fido®, FidoNet®, and the dog with diskette are registered marks of Tom Jennings and Fido Software.
This FidoRing-FidoNet Web Ring site owned by Thom LaCosta.
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