Chih-Hung Ma

For Press and Media representatives
Here you find information for Press and Media representatives.
You have access to athletes’ biographies and information about events.
Furthermore, you can apply for an annual FIL Media Accreditation, learn about the International Luge Regulations and access general news.

For National Federations
Here you find general news, current regulations and guidelines for competitions, Anti-Doping and Fairplay.
You have access to athletes’ biographies as well as to the member section, and you can download invitations of competitions.

For Event Organizers
Here you find information about competitions, current regulations as well as guidelines for competitions, Anti-Doping and Fairplay, and you can find out about contact persons for competitions and sponsors.
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For Athletes
Here you find the current regulations, guidelines for competitions, Anti-Doping and Fairplay, results, and information about competitions.
Furthermore you can review your athlete biography.

For Fans
Here you can get general news, event schedules and results, and you can watch live-streams of competitions.
You can also access athletes’ biographies and learn about the International Luge Regulations.

Member Section
Member section artificial and natural track with downloads, documents and registration for events.
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