Notes on the Database

This is a database of published filk in the UK. (If you're here from a search engine, see What is Filk?)

Use the menu in the sidebar to navigate - see Site navigation.

I have input most of the data for the books, and for nearly all the recordings. There's still some detail data to add.

I've made more changes to the rewritten version. In particular there are now links to the tunes for some songs and reverse links for tunes to show what songs have been written to them. (see "Access All Arias").

I am still programming in more functionality.

Please see the following notes for more details. And please send feedback using the 'Tell me' button.

So what is this database about?
What's it for?
Why just the UK?
Site navigation
Sending feedback
Linking to this site
What gets included?
What information is held on each item?
Why are some names and titles in italics?
Why are some entries 'not considered filk'?
Data accuracy and anomalies
Other databases
Current status
Future plans: data
Future plans: functionality
Technical notes