Porto Formoso, visão de eleitos... (II)

  • ️Mon Feb 10 2025


Visão de eleitos, este Porto Formoso faz jus ao nome e honra quem o baptizou. Todo ele em curva, acolhe o mar no regaço para melhor o silenciar e com ele mistura a gentil harmonia, a quase secreta quietude da sua existência. Ali à volta, em todas as direcções, correm campos de milho e tabaco, os longos cerros bordados pelas plantações de chá...

João de Melo in Açores: O Segredo das Ilhas


Plantação da Fábrica de Chá de Porto Formoso

The only tea plantations in Europe exploited industrially are to be found on the north coast of the island of São Miguel, the largest island of the archipelago of the Azores.

The temperate climate and rich volcanic soil result in lush vegetation and the cultivation of tropical plants.

It is thought that the first tea plants were brought to the Azores from Brazil in the second half of the eighteenth century. For some time the tea was grown as a purely ornamental plant, but in the year of 1878, thanks to the initiative of the Society for the Promotion of Agriculture in the Azores, two Chinese experts were brought to São Miguel to teach the art of tea cultivation. This resulted in a new interest in tea, and as many as six factories began operation, as well as other small producers.

The Porto Formoso Tea Factory, founded by Amâncio Machado Faria e Maia, operated between the 1920’s and 1980’s. In 1998 the current owners undertook the recuperation of the factory, part of the industrial heritage of the island.

(in Porto Formoso Tea site - )


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Uploaded on May 19, 2008

Taken on May 13, 2008

Porto Formoso, visão de eleitos... (II)


Visão de eleitos, este Porto Formoso faz jus ao nome e honra quem o baptizou. Todo ele em curva, acolhe o mar no regaço para melhor o silenciar e com ele mistura a gentil harmonia, a quase secreta quietude da sua existência. Ali à volta, em todas as direcções, correm campos de milho e tabaco, os longos cerros bordados pelas plantações de chá...

João de Melo in Açores: O Segredo das Ilhas


Plantação da Fábrica de Chá de Porto Formoso

The only tea plantations in Europe exploited industrially are to be found on the north coast of the island of São Miguel, the largest island of the archipelago of the Azores.

The temperate climate and rich volcanic soil result in lush vegetation and the cultivation of tropical plants.

It is thought that the first tea plants were brought to the Azores from Brazil in the second half of the eighteenth century. For some time the tea was grown as a purely ornamental plant, but in the year of 1878, thanks to the initiative of the Society for the Promotion of Agriculture in the Azores, two Chinese experts were brought to São Miguel to teach the art of tea cultivation. This resulted in a new interest in tea, and as many as six factories began operation, as well as other small producers.

The Porto Formoso Tea Factory, founded by Amâncio Machado Faria e Maia, operated between the 1920’s and 1980’s. In 1998 the current owners undertook the recuperation of the factory, part of the industrial heritage of the island.

(in Porto Formoso Tea site - )


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Uploaded on May 19, 2008

Taken on May 13, 2008