The FLYING MACHINES Web Site | Vehicle Bill of Sale Templates
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In addition, we provide detailed motor vehicle bill of sale forms to help individuals involved in transactions on any type of vehicle or early aviation.
State-Specific Vehicle Bills of Sale
The California vehicle bill of sale serves as a legal record of the sale and transfer of ownership. It often includes information such as the vehicle's make, model, year, VIN, and odometer reading, alongside the personal details of both the buyer and the seller.
The Texas vehicle bill of sale might also require not only the vehicle details and personal information but could recommend notarization to authenticate the document fully.
In Florida, the bill of sale usually requires the vehicle description and sale price. To enhance the document's validity, the signatures might also need to be witnessed apart from the notarization. This Florida vehicle bill of sale ensures all necessary details are legally documented.
The New York motor vehicle bill of sale must include the vehicle's details and the sale amount. To ensure its legality, the document should be signed in the presence of a notary.
The vehicle bill of sale in Pennsylvania should list the full details of the vehicle and sale price and include both parties' signatures, ensuring that all information is accurate and the transaction is transparent.
Similarly, the Illinois vehicle bill of sale follows necessary state-specific requirements, ensuring that all transaction details are properly recorded for future reference.
The Ohio vehicle bill of sale follows the same requirements, ensuring that the vehicle's make, model, VIN, and accurate odometer reading are clearly stated.
Likewise, the Georgia vehicle bill of sale is designed to document the transaction, including essential information that validates the transfer of ownership according to state laws.
The North Carolina motor vehicle bill of sale includes specifics like license plate number or registration number alongside the standard vehicle information to comply with local state regulations.
The Michigan vehicle bill of sale often requires similar details to ensure that all information regarding the sale is comprehensively covered and legally binding.
General Vehicle Types Bills of Sale
The trailer bill of sale template should detail the trailer's make, model, year, type, and VIN or serial number. It serves the same legal purposes as motor vehicle bills of sale but is specific to trailers.
The motorcycle bill of sale template notes specifics such as the motorcycle's make, model, year, VIN, and any additional equipment or modifications that might affect its value or functionality.
Finally, the boat bill of sale template is more specialized, requiring information such as the make, model, year, hull ID number, and type of boat, ensuring all pertinent equipment included in the sale is documented, which is vital for registration and legal purposes.
Welcome to the Flying Machines web site. Before the Wright Brothers achieved the first successful heavier-than-air controlled flight on December 17, 1903, hundreds of women and men attempted to fly, in airships, gliders and aeroplanes, and many did go aloft in gas and hot-air balloons. This site documents a number of those pre-Wright attempts at heavier-than-air flight, as well as significant events and thoughts which contributed to the ultimate success of powered, heavier-than-air human flight.
1909 Cylinder Record - Zeb Green's Airship
Build An 1893 Soaring Machine & Conduct Scientific Aerial Investigations
Important Thoughts About & Experiments With Flying Machines by Pioneer Aeronauticists
1485 to 1903
ca. 1485 - Leonardo da Vinci - The Ornithopter
1714 - Emanuel Swedenborg - Daedalian
1799 - Sir George Cayley - The Forces Of Flight
1843 - William Samuel Henson - The Aerial Steam Carriage
1848 & 1868 - John Stringfellow - The Stringfellow Machines
1849 - Rufus Porter - The New York to California Aerial Transport
1857 & 1867 - Jean Marie Le Bris - The Artificial Albatross
1857 to 1877 - Felix & Louis du Temple de la Croix - Steam Powered Monoplane
1864 - Le Comte Ferdinand Charles Honore Phillipe d'Esterno - Soaring Machine & The Laws Of Flight
1865 - Louis Pierre Mouillard - The Empire Of The Air
1865 - James William Butler & Edmund Edwards - The Steam-Jet Dart
1866 - Francis Herbert Wenham - Aerial Locomotion
1866 to 1869 - Jan Wnek - Gliding Flight
1869 - Frederick Marriott - The Avitor Hermes, Jr.
1871 - Alphonse Penaud - The Planophore & The Penaud Toy Helicopter
1875 & 1879 - Thomas Moy - The Moy Aerial Steamer & The Military Kite
1878 - Charles F. Ritchel - Hand-powered Airship
1879 - Victor Tatin - The Compressed Air Monoplane
1880 - Gaston Biot - The Biot Kite
1883 - Alexandre Goupil - Aerial Locomotion
1883 to 1911 - John Joseph Montgomery - Monoplane & Tandem-Wing Gliders
1884 - Aleksandr Fyodorovich Mozhaiski - The Mozhaiski Monoplane
1884 to 1907 - Horatio Frederick Phillips - Sustainers
1887 - Massia & Biot - The Massia-Biot Glider
1889 - Pichancourt - Mechanical Birds
1889 to 1893 - Lawrence Hargrave - Flapping Propellers & Box Kites
1890 & 1897 - Clement Ader - The Ader Bats
1891 - Chuhachi Ninomiya - The Tamamushi
1891 to 1896 - Otto Lilienthal - Master Of Gliding Flight
1894 - Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim - The Test-Rig
1894 to 1897 - James Means - A Soaring Machine, The Problem of Manflight & The Aeronautical Annuals
1895 - Pablo Suarez - The Suarez Glider
1896 - Arthur Stentzel - The Stentzel Ornithopter
1896 - Percy Sinclair Pilcher - The Hawk
1896 - Octave Chanute & Augustus Herring - Gliding Machines
1896 - William Paul Butusov - Albatross Soaring Machine
1896 - William Frost - The Airship Glider
1896 to 1903 - Samuel Pierpont Langley - The Aerodromes
1898 - Edson F. Gallaudet - The Gallaudet Wing Warping Kite
1898 - Lyman Wiswell Gilmore, Jr. - The Gilmore Monoplane
1901 - Wilhelm Kress - The Waterborne Aeroplane
1901 - Gustave Whitehead - The Whitehead Albatross & The Whitehead No. 21
Please Visit The New GUSTAVE WHITEHEAD - WHAT DID HE DO ? web site for articles and essays on what Gustave Whitehead actually did
1903 - Richard William Pearse - The Pearse Monoplane
1903 - Karl Jatho - The Jatho Biplane
1903 to 1904 - Guido Dinelli - The Aereoplano
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