FRActional CALculus MOdelling

Welcome to  this WEB site is developed by a research group interested in modelling processes in applied sciences (physics, engineering, finance, biology, ...) via mathematical methods based on fractional calculus. The name fracalmo originates from fractional calculus modelling.

Fractional calculus, in allowing integrals and derivates of any positive real order (the term "fractional" is kept only for historical reasons), can be considered a branch of mathematical analysis which deals with integro-differential equations where the integrals are of convolution type and exhibit (weakly singular) kernels of power-law type. Related topics include special (higher trascendental) functions and (non-Gaussian, non-Markovian) stochastic processes.

Promoters of the WEB project are:

  • Rudolf GORENFLO, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
    at the Free University of Berlin, Germany (
  • Francesco MAINARDI, Professor of Mathematical Physics
    at the University of Bologna, Italy (
  • Enrico SCALAS, Assistant Professor of Physics
    at the East Piedmont University, Alessandria, Italy (
  • Marco RABERTO, PhD in Financial Engineering
    at the University of Genova, Italy
  • Claudia DAFFARA, PhD in Physics
    at the University of Bologna, Former FRACALMO webmaster (2000-2004), now at INOA

WEBmaster is Antonio Mura PhD in Mathematical Physics.

Interested people can visit here the home pages of the promoters and the sections: web-links, news, key-notes and photogallery that have attracted our attention. Furthermore, papers related to Fractional Calculus Modelling by promoters and/or their associates can be down-loaded.

The WEB project has been presented on 7 December 2000, at the Free University of Berlin, in the occasion of the Fest-colloquium in honour of Rudolf GORENFLO for his 70-th birthday. Francesco MAINARDI made the official announcement during his invited lecture:  "Some Applications of Fractional Calculus in Physics and Finance".