Brian Frye on the Web, Including Fred Camper's Writing on Frye
Brian Frye on the Web
My Writing on Brian Frye on the Web
"Reality in Reverse": "Pictures of an Exhibition(ist)," Films by Brian Frye, Reader, September 11, 1998.
Cinema of Possibilities, a review of a program of Frye's films and a program he curated, Reader, June 28, 2002.
Capsule review of the 2002 show of Frye's films also discussed in the long review indexed immediately above.
Capsule review of the Centuries of Childhood show curated by Frye, also discussed in the long review indexed above.
Other Sites on Frye
Information page on Frye on the Flicker Web site.
A page on a screening in Japan, with a Frye bio and descriptions of some of his films.
An interview with Frye, from Millennium Film Journal, by Ray Privett and James Kreul.
A partial filmography.
A discussion on experimental film, including comments by Frye, by J. Hoberman, Village Voice, Week of March 8 - 14, 2000.
Writing by Frye on the 'Net
Stan Brakhage, in "Senses of Cinema," 2002.
THE MYTH OF THE EARLY AMERICAN AVANT-GARDE: The First Picture Show, The New Republic Online, August 14, 2001 (a negative critique of the traveling exhibit, "Unseen Cinema: Early American Avant-Garde Film 1893-1941").
WHY VIDEO ISN'T FILM: Rare Medium, The New Republic Online, July 31, 2001.
ONLINE ART: Code Maps, The New Republic Online, September 7, 2001.
ONLINE FILM: Avant-Garde En Garde, The New Republic Online, December 13, 2001
NYFF '99 ON THE SCENE: Vive l'Avant-Garde! Baldwin and Beavers Return, a review of the 1999 Views From the Avant-Garde programs at the New York Film Festival, October 8, 1999.
NYFF 2000: Vital Visions, from Godard to Maddin, Dorsky to Hutton, a review of the 2000 Views From the Avant-Garde programs at the New York Film Festival, October 6, 2000.
FESTIVALS: NYFF Avant-Garde Views, 5 Years and Counting, , a review of the 2001 Views From the Avant-Garde programs at the New York Film Festival, October 19, 2001.
Forest of Bliss, on the film by Robert Gardner.
Bob le flambeur.
Book review of "Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age," by Malcolm Le Grice.
Interview with Jonas Mekas.
James Fotopoulos: An Interview.
Review of the 1999 New York Underground Film Festival.
Review of the 2001 New York Underground Film Festival.
Review of the 2002 New York Underground Film Festival.
Interview with Jonas Mekas.
James Fotopoulos: An Interview.
Cinema and the Female Star: A Symposium, Part 2, Cathy O'Donnell.
Frye's list of the top ten films of all time.
I could never keep links pages such as this one updated on my own. If you spot a broken link, or have a new one, please email me. Obviously it is not my intention to index every site that mentions Frye, just the relatively useful ones.
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