
Submission Checklist

Before submitting an article, please do the following:

1. Check the scope of the Food Technology and Biotechnology journal (see FTB Aims and Scope).

2. Make a decision about the category (type) of the submission (see categories under FTB Aims and Scope).

3. Check whether the paper is written according to the Journal's instructions (see Manuscript Organization, Table and Figure Guidelines
    Nomenclature and SI Guidelines
, Guidelines for Writing References and template).

4. Make sure that graphical abstract is prepared according to the instructions (Manuscript Organization)

5. Double-check all the references; they should be cited in order they appear in the text and each one mentioned in the list of references should
    appear in the text and vice versa.

6. Check if all figures and tables are cited in order they appear in the text and whether their placement is indicated.

7. Check if all authors agree with the category and content of the manuscript and whether they have signed the cover letter.

8. When using part of figure or whole figure from a previous publication (acceptable in review papers), check whether you have a reprint

9. Recommend three reviewers' names (outside of your institution or country), so check whether their current addresses and e-mails are given.

For on-line submission, please prepare the following:

1. Details of all authors (names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, ORCiD ID, etc.)

2. Manuscript title

3. Summary of the manuscript

4. Key words

5. Submission type

6. Manuscript for upload (doc or docx file; insert figures and tables at the end of the document)

7. Figures (eps, xls, svg, jpg, tiff, bmp) and tables (doc, docx, xls, xlsx)

8. Graphical abstract

9. Cover letter (doc, docx, pdf or jpg file)

10. Proposal of reviewers

«« | References Guidelines                                                                                 Authorship Declaration and Conflict of Interest | »»