Catholic Church in Montenegro
Also known as: le Monténégro (français), Montenegro (Deutsch, español, Italiano, Português), Czarnogóra (polski), Crna Gora (Hrvatski), 黑山 (正體中文), モンテネグロ (日本語), Mons Niger (latine)
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Cultural Summary
Religions: Orthodox 72.1%, Muslim 19.1%, Catholic 3.4%, atheist 1.2%, other 1.5%, unspecified 2.6%
Languages: Serbian 42.9%, Montenegrin (official) 37%, Bosnian 5.3%, Albanian 5.3%, Serbo-Croat 2%, other 3.5%, unspecified 4%
Ethnic Groups: Montenegrin 45%, Serbian 28.7%, Bosniak 8.7%, Albanian 4.9%, Muslim 3.3%, Romani 1%, Croat 1%, other 2.6%, unspecified 4.9%
Motto: Čojstvo i junaštvo (Serbian) (Chivalry and heroism)
Statistics (2021.12.31)
Area: 14,480 km²
Catholic Population: 20,000 Catholics (2.8% of 725,000 total)
Pastoral Centres: 44 parishes
Clergy: 4 bishops (2 diocesan, 2 titular), 31 priests (23 diocesan, 8 religious)
Non-Clergy: 57 religious (1 brother, 56 sisters), 11 catechists