Archdiocese of Londrina, Brazil 🇧🇷
- 1956.02.01: Established as Diocese of Londrina / Londrinen(sis) (Latin) (from Diocese of Jacarezinho and became suffragan of Curitiba)
- 1964.11.28: Lost territory to establish Diocese of Apucarana
- 1970.10.31: Promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Londrina / Londrinen(sis) (Latin) (with suffragan sees Apucarana, Campo Mourão, Jacarezinho, Maringá and Paranavaí)
- 1973.05.26: Gained suffragan sees Cornélio Procópio and Umuarama
- 1979.10.16: Lost suffragan sees Campo Mourão, Maringá, Paranavaí and Umuarama
Statistics (2022.12.31)
Area: 6,594 km²
Population: 542,000 Catholics (64.2% of 844,078 total)
Pastoral Centres: 83 parishes, 260 missions
Personnel: 149 priests (88 diocesan, 61 religious), 84 deacons, 272 religious (119 brothers, 153 sisters), 17 seminarians