
Cardinals Created by Pius X (1912-4)

Consistory of 1912.12.02 (1)

Hungary1. Cardinal Károly Hornig

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese fuori le mura
former Bishop of Veszprém (Hungary)

Born:1840.08.10 (Buda, Hungary)
Ordained Priest:1862.12.14
Consecrated Bishop:1888.09.08
Created Cardinal:1912.12.02
Died:1917.02.09 (Veszprém, Hungary † 76)

Bishop of Veszprém (Hungary) (1888.07.01 – 1917.02.09)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese fuori le mura (1914.05.28 – 1917.02.09)

Consistory of 1914.05.25 (13)

Spain1. Cardinal Victoriano Guisasola y Menéndez

former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quattro Coronati
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Toledo (Spain)

Born:1852.04.21 (Oviedo, Spain)
Ordained Priest:1876.10
Consecrated Bishop:1893.10.01
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1920.09.02 (Madrid, Spain † 68)

Bishop of Osma (Spain) (1893.06.15 – 1897.04.19)

Bishop of Jaén (Spain) (1897.04.19 – 1901.12.16)

Bishop of Madrid y Alcalá de Henares (Spain) (1901.12.16 – 1905.12.14)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Valencia (Spain) (1905.12.14 – 1914.01.01)

Patriarch of Indias Occidentales (1914.01.01 – 1920.09.02)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Toledo (Spain) (1914.01.01 – 1920.09.02)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quattro Coronati (1914.09.08 – 1920.09.02)

Canada2. Cardinal Louis-Nazaire Bégin

In spiritu lenitatis

former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Vitale, Valeria, Gervasio e Protasio
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Québec (Canada)

Born:1840.01.10 (La Pointe-Lévis, QC, Canada)
Ordained Priest:1865.06.10
Consecrated Bishop:1888.10.21
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1925.07.19 (Québec, QC, Canada † 85)

Priest of Québec (Canada) (1865.06.10 – 1888.10.01)

Bishop of Chicoutimi (Canada) (1888.10.01 – 1891.12.18)

Titular Archbishop of Cyrene (1891.12.18 – 1898.04.12)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Québec (Canada) (1891.12.18 – 1898.04.12)

Apostolic Administrator sede plena of Québec (Canada) (1894.09.03 – 1898.04.12)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Québec (Canada) (1898.04.12 – 1925.07.19)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Vitale, Valeria, Gervasio e Protasio (1914.05.28 – 1925.07.19)

Italy3. Cardinal Domenico Serafini, O.S.B. Subl.

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Cecilia
former Archbishop of Spoleto (Italy)
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith

Born:1852.08.03 (Roma, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1877.10.21
Consecrated Bishop:1900.05.06
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1918.03.05 (Roma, Italy † 65)

Abbot Ordinary of Subiaco (Italy) (1896.06.05 – 1900.04.16)

President of Subiaco Benedictine Congregation (1896.06.05 – 1900.04.16)

Archbishop of Spoleto (Italy) (1900.04.19 – 1912.03.02)

Apostolic Delegate to Mexico (1904.01.06 – 1912.01.10)

Assessor of Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office (1911.11.30 – 1914.05.25)

Titular Archbishop of Seleucia Pieria (1912.03.02 – 1914.05.25)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Cecilia (1914.05.28 – 1918.03.05)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Religious (1916.01.27 – 1916.02.26)

Pro-Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith (1916.02.26 – 1916.03.24)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith (1916.03.24 – 1918.03.05)

Italy4. Cardinal Giacomo della Chiesa (later Pope Benedict XV)

In te Domine speravi, non confundar in æternum

former Supreme Pontiff
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Churches
former Prefect of Sacred Consistorial Congregation
former Prefect of Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office
former Grand Master of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Knights of the Holy Sepulchre)

Born:1854.11.21 (Pegli, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1878.12.21
Consecrated Bishop:1907.12.22
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Elected as Supreme Pontiff:1914.09.03
Installed as Supreme Pontiff:1914.09.06
Died:1922.01.22 (Vatican City State † 67)

Priest of Genova (Italy) (1878.12.21 – 1907.12.18)

Domestic Prelate (1900.07.18 – 1907.12.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna (Italy) (1907.12.18 – 1914.09.03)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quattro Coronati (1914.05.28 – 1914.09.03)

Commendatory Abbot of Subiaco (Italy) (1914.09.03 – 1915)

Supreme Pontiff (1914.09.03 [1914.09.06] – 1922.01.22)

Prefect of Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office (1914.09.03 – 1922.01.22)

Prefect of Sacred Consistorial Congregation (1914.09.03 – 1922.01.22)

Grand Master of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Knights of the Holy Sepulchre) (1914.09.03 – 1922.01.22)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Churches (1917.05.01 – 1922.01.22)

Hungary5. Cardinal János Csernoch

Tua luce dirige

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Eusebio
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary)

Born:1852.06.18 (Szakolcza, Hungary)
Ordained Priest:1874.11.18
Consecrated Bishop:1908.05.10
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1927.07.25 (Esztergom, Hungary † 75)

Bishop of Csanád (Hungary) (1908.02.16 – 1911.04.20)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Kalocsa (Hungary) (1911.04.20 – 1912.12.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary) (1912.12.13 – 1927.07.25)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Eusebio (1914.09.08 – 1927.07.25)

Germany6. Cardinal Franziskus von Bettinger

Pax in virtute

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcello
former Metropolitan Archbishop of München und Freising (Germany)

Born:1850.09.17 (Landstuhl, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1873.08.17
Consecrated Bishop:1909.08.15
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1917.04.12 (München, Germany † 66)

Metropolitan Archbishop of München und Freising (Germany) (1909.06.06 – 1917.04.12)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcello (1914.05.28 – 1917.04.12)

France7. Cardinal Hector-Irénée Sévin

Dona mihi populum meum

former Cardinal-Priest of SS. Trinità al Monte Pincio
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Lyon (France)

Born:1852.03.22 (Simandre-sur-Suran, France)
Ordained Priest:1876.06.07
Consecrated Bishop:1908.04.05
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1916.05.04 (Lyon, France † 64)

Bishop of Châlons (France) (1908.02.11 – 1912.12.12)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lyon (France) (1912.12.12 – 1916.05.04)

Cardinal-Priest of SS. Trinità al Monte Pincio (1914.05.28 – 1916.05.04)

Germany8. Cardinal Felix von Hartmann

Nec temere nec timide

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Köln (Germany)

Born:1851.12.15 (Münster, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1874.12.19
Consecrated Bishop:1911.10.26
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1919.11.11 (Köln, Germany † 67)

Bishop of Münster (Germany) (1911.07.27 – 1912.12.02)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Köln (Germany) (1912.12.02 – 1919.11.11)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (1914.05.28 – 1919.11.11)

Austria9. Cardinal Friedrich Gustav Piffl, C.R.S.A.

Non laboro honori

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Wien (Austria)
former Apostolic Administrator of Burgenland (Austria)

Born:1864.10.15 (Lanškroun, Czechia)
Ordained Priest:1888.01.08
Consecrated Bishop:1913.06.01
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1932.04.21 (Wien, Austria † 67)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Wien (Austria) (1913.05.02 – 1932.04.21)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco (1914.09.08 – 1932.04.21)

President of Episcopal Conference of Austria (1918 – 1931)

Apostolic Administrator of Burgenland (Austria) (1922 – 1932.04.21)

Italy10. Cardinal Scipione Tecchi

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Domnica
former Pro-Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Rites

Born:1854.06.27 (Roma, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1876.12.23
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1915.01.22 (Roma, Italy † 60)

Assessor of Sacred Consistorial Congregation (1908.10.24 – 1914.05.25)

Secretary of Sacred College of Cardinals (1908.10.24 – 1914.05.25)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Domnica (1914.05.28 – 1915.01.22)

Pro-Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Rites (1914.11.08 – 1915.01.22)

Italy11. Cardinal Filippo Giustini

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments

Born:1852.05.08 (Cineto Romano, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1876.12.23
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1920.03.17 (Roma, Italy † 67)

Secretary of Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments (1908.10.24 – 1914.10.14)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria (1914.05.28 – 1920.03.17)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments (1914.10.14 – 1920.03.17)

Italy12. Cardinal Michele Lega

Ut unum sint

former Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Sacramental Discipline

Born:1860.01.01 (Brisighella, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1883.09.13
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Consecrated Bishop:1926.07.11
Died:1935.12.16 (Roma, Italy † 75)

Dean of Sacred Roman Rota (1908.10.20 – 1914.05.25)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eustachio (1914.05.28 – 1924.12.18)

Prefect of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (1914.12.15 – 1920.03.20)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Sacramental Discipline (1920.03.20 – 1935.12.16)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Eustachio pro hac vice Title (1924.12.18 – 1926.06.21)

Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati (1926.06.21 – 1935.12.16)

Cardinal Vice-Dean of Sacred College of Cardinals (1931.05.05 – 1935.12.16)

England13. Cardinal Francis Aidan Gasquet, E.B.C.

Semper paratus

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Portico pro hac vice Title
former President of Pontifical Commission for the Revision and Emendation of the Vulgate
former Librarian of Vatican Apostolic Library
former Archivist of Vatican Secret Archives

Born:1846.10.05 (Somers Twon, England)
Ordained Priest:1871.12.19
Created Cardinal:1914.05.25
Died:1929.04.05 (Roma, Italy † 82)

President of English Benedictine Congregation (1900.09.26 – 1908?)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro (1914.05.28 – 1915.12.06)

President of Pontifical Commission for the Revision and Emendation of the Vulgate (1914.11.23 – 1929.04.05)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Portico (1915.12.06 – 1924.12.18)

Archivist of Vatican Secret Archives (1917.11.28 – 1929.04.05)

Librarian of Vatican Apostolic Library (1919.05.09 – 1929.04.05)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Portico pro hac vice Title (1924.12.18 – 1929.04.05)