Consistory of 1965.02.22 (27) |
1. Cardinal Maximos IV Saïgh (Massimo Saïgh, M.S.P.) (Greek-Melkite Rite)
En aiaiih nika former Cardinal-Patriarch former Patriarch of Antioch of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
2. Cardinal Paul Pierre Méouchi (Paul Méouchi) (Maronite Rite)
Gloria libani data est ei former Cardinal-Patriarch former Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon)
3. Cardinal Stephanos I Sidarouss (Stephanos Sidarouss, C.M.) (Coptic Rite)
former Cardinal-Patriarch former Patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts (Egypt)
4. Cardinal Josyf Ivanovyce Slipyj (Ukrainian Rite)
Per aspera ad astra former Cardinal-Priest of S. Atanasio former Major Archbishop of Lviv–Halyč–Kamyanets of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) former Apostolic Exarch of Velyka Ukraina (Ukraine)
5. Cardinal Lorenz Jäger
Pax et vita former Cardinal-Priest of S. Leone I former Metropolitan Archbishop of Paderborn (Germany)
Born: | 1892.09.23 (Halle an der Saale, Germany) | Ordained Priest: | 1922.04.01 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1941.10.19 | Created Cardinal: | 1965.02.22 | Died: | 1975.04.01 (Paderborn, Germany † 82) |
| Metropolitan Archbishop of Paderborn (Germany) (1941.08.10 – 1973.06.30) Cardinal-Priest of S. Leone I (1965.02.25 – 1975.04.01) |
6. Cardinal Thomas Benjamin Cooray, O.M.I.
Ministrare non ministrari former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo former Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka)
7. Cardinal Josef Beran
Eucharistia et labor former Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Via Flaminia former Metropolitan Archbishop of Praha (Czechia)
8. Cardinal Maurice Roy
In nomine Jesu former Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora del SS. Sacramento e Santi Martiri Canadesi former Military Vicar of Canada (Canada)
9. Cardinal Joseph-Marie-Eugène Martin
Ejus cum maria matre former Cardinal-Priest of S. Teresa al Corso d’Italia former Metropolitan Archbishop of Rouen (France)
10. Cardinal Owen McCann
Nisi Dominus in vanum former Cardinal-Priest of S. Prassede former Metropolitan Archbishop of Cape Town (South Africa)
11. Cardinal Léon-Étienne Duval
In caritate omnia former Cardinal-Priest of S. Balbina former Metropolitan Archbishop of Alger–Iulia Caesarea (Algeria)
12. Cardinal Ermenegildo Florit
Incrementum dat Deus former Cardinal-Priest of «Regina Apostolorum» former Metropolitan Archbishop of Firenze (Italy)
Born: | 1901.07.05 (Fagagna, Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1925.04.11 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1954.09.12 | Created Cardinal: | 1965.02.22 | Died: | 1985.12.08 (Firenze, Italy † 84) |
| Titular Archbishop of Hierapolis in Syria (1954.07.12 – 1962.03.09) Coadjutor Archbishop of Firenze (Italy) (1954.07.12 – 1962.03.09) Metropolitan Archbishop of Firenze (Italy) (1962.03.09 – 1977.06.03) Cardinal-Priest of «Regina Apostolorum» (1965.02.25 – 1985.12.08) |
13. Cardinal Franjo Šeper
Veritatem facientes in caritate former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Pietro e Paolo a Via Ostiense former Metropolitan Archbishop of Zagreb (Croatia) former Prefect of Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith former President of Pontifical Biblical Commission
14. Cardinal John Carmel Heenan
Sub umbra carmeli former Cardinal-Priest of S. Silvestro in Capite former Metropolitan Archbishop of Westminster (England)
15. Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot
Auxilium a Domino former Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati former Secretary of State of Secretariat of State former President of Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See former Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Apostolic Camera former Prefect of Council for the Public Affairs of the Church former President of Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State
16. Cardinal Paul Zoungrana, M. Afr.
In Christo et in ecclesia former Cardinal-Priest of S. Camillo de Lellis former Metropolitan Archbishop of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
17. Cardinal Lawrence Joseph Shehan
Sectamini caritatem / Omnia in caritate former Cardinal-Priest of S. Clemente former Metropolitan Archbishop of Baltimore (USA)
Born: | 1898.03.18 (Baltimore, MD, USA) | Ordained Priest: | 1922.12.23 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1945.12.12 | Created Cardinal: | 1965.02.22 | Died: | 1984.08.26 (Baltimore, MD, USA † 86) |
| Priest of Baltimore–Washington (USA) (1922.12.23 – 1945.11.17) Privy Chamberlain Supernumerary (1939.05.17 – 1945.11.17) Titular Bishop of Lydda (1945.11.17 – 1953.08.25) Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore (USA) (1945.11.17 – 1953.08.25) Bishop of Bridgeport (USA) (1953.08.25 – 1961.09.23) Titular Archbishop of Nicopolis ad Nestum (1961.09.29 – 1961.12.08) Coadjutor Archbishop of Baltimore (USA) (1961.09.29 – 1961.12.08) Metropolitan Archbishop of Baltimore (USA) (1961.12.08 – 1974.03.25) Cardinal-Priest of S. Clemente (1965.02.25 – 1984.08.26) |
18. Cardinal Enrico Dante
former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agata de’ Goti pro hac vice Title former Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations of Prefecture for Pontifical Ceremonies
19. Cardinal Cesare Zerba
Arx mea Dominus former Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore pro hac vice Title former Secretary of Sacred Congregation of Sacramental Discipline
20. Cardinal Agnelo Rossi
Oportet illum regnare former Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina–Poggio Mirteto former President of Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See
21. Cardinal Giovanni Colombo
Veritas et amore former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti former Metropolitan Archbishop of Milano (Italy)
22. Cardinal William John Conway
Prædicare evangelium former Cardinal-Priest of S. Patrizio former Metropolitan Archbishop of Armagh (Northern Ireland)
23. Cardinal Ángel Herrera Oria
Orationi et ministerio verbi former Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Maria former Bishop of Málaga (Spain)
Born: | 1886.12.19 (Santander, Spain) | Ordained Priest: | 1940.07.28 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1947.06.30 | Created Cardinal: | 1965.02.22 | Died: | 1968.07.28 (Madrid, Spain † 81) |
| Bishop of Málaga (Spain) (1947.04.24 – 1966.08.19) Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Maria (1965.02.25 – 1968.07.28) |
24. Cardinal Federico Callori di Vignale
In tenebris tamen absque tenebris former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giovanni Bosco in Via Tuscolana former Prefect of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces
25. Cardinal Josef-Léon Cardijn
Evangelizare pauperibus former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Michele Arcangelo
Born: | 1882.11.18 (Schaerbeek-Brussels, Belgium) | Ordained Priest: | 1906.09.22 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1965.02.21 | Created Cardinal: | 1965.02.22 | Died: | 1967.07.25 (Louvain, Belgium † 84) |
| Founder of Young Christian Workers (YCW) (1925) Privy Chamberlain Supernumerary (1950.04.30 – 1962.09.25) Protonotary Apostolic Supernumerary (1962.09.25 – 1965.02.15) Titular Archbishop of Tusuros (1965.02.15 – 1965.02.22) Cardinal-Deacon of S. Michele Arcangelo (1965.02.25 – 1967.07.25) Cardinal. |
26. Cardinal Charles Journet
Dominus misereatur former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Portico pro hac vice Title
27. Cardinal Giulio Bevilacqua, C.O.
Virtus in infirmitate former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Girolamo della Carità
Born: | 1881.11.14 (Isola della Scala, Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1908.06.13 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1965.02.18 | Created Cardinal: | 1965.02.22 | Died: | 1965.05.06 (Brescia, Italy † 83) |
| Titular Archbishop of Gaudiaba (1965.02.15 – 1965.02.22) Cardinal-Deacon of S. Girolamo della Carità (1965.02.25 – 1965.05.06) |