
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (O.M.I.)

PhilippinesCardinal Orlando Beltran Quevedo, O.M.I. (85)Cardinal Orlando Beltran Quevedo, O.M.I. (85), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria «Regina Mundi» a Torre Spaccata and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cotabato (Philippines)

BangladeshArchbishop Bejoy Nicephorus D’Cruze, O.M.I. (69)Archbishop Bejoy Nicephorus D’Cruze, O.M.I. (69), Metropolitan Archbishop of Dhaka (Bangladesh) and President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh

PeruArchbishop Luis Alberto Huamán Camayo, O.M.I. (55)Archbishop Luis Alberto Huamán Camayo, O.M.I. (55), Metropolitan Archbishop of Huancayo (Peru)

PhilippinesArchbishop Angelito Rendon Lampon, O.M.I. (75)Archbishop Angelito Rendon Lampon, O.M.I. (75), Metropolitan Archbishop of Cotabato (Philippines)

CanadaArchbishop Sylvain Lavoie, O.M.I. (77)Archbishop Sylvain Lavoie, O.M.I. (77), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Keewatin–Le Pas (Canada)

LesothoArchbishop Gerard Tlali Lerotholi, O.M.I. (71)Archbishop Gerard Tlali Lerotholi, O.M.I. (71), Metropolitan Archbishop of Maseru (Lesotho)

NamibiaArchbishop Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda, O.M.I. (65)Archbishop Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda, O.M.I. (65), Metropolitan Archbishop of Windhoek (Namibia), President of Namibian Catholic Bishop’s Conference and President of Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa

South AfricaArchbishop Jabulani Adatus Nxumalo, O.M.I. (81)Archbishop Jabulani Adatus Nxumalo, O.M.I. (81), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bloemfontein (South Africa)

USAArchbishop Roger Lawrence Schwietz, O.M.I. (84)Archbishop Roger Lawrence Schwietz, O.M.I. (84), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Anchorage (USA)

South AfricaArchbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale, O.M.I. (77)Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale, O.M.I. (77), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Johannesburg (South Africa)

ParaguayBishop Lucio Alfert, O.M.I. (83)Bishop Lucio Alfert, O.M.I. (83), Titular Bishop of Tubyza and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Pilcomayo (Paraguay)

Sri LankaBishop Norbert Marshall Andradi, O.M.I. (75)Bishop Norbert Marshall Andradi, O.M.I. (75), Bishop of Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka)

LesothoBishop Augustinus Tumaole Bane, O.M.I. (77)Bishop Augustinus Tumaole Bane, O.M.I. (77), President of Lesotho Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Bishop emeritus of Leribe (Lesotho)

ChadBishop Jean-Claude Bouchard, O.M.I. (84)Bishop Jean-Claude Bouchard, O.M.I. (84), Bishop emeritus of Pala (Chad)

CanadaBishop Vincent Cadieux, O.M.I. (85)Bishop Vincent Cadieux, O.M.I. (85), Bishop emeritus of Hearst (Canada) and Bishop emeritus of Moosonee (Canada)

CanadaBishop Gilles Cazabon, O.M.I. (91)Bishop Gilles Cazabon, O.M.I. (91), Bishop emeritus of Saint-Jérôme (Canada)

CanadaBishop Claude Champagne, O.M.I. (77)Bishop Claude Champagne, O.M.I. (77), Bishop of Edmundston (Canada)

ZambiaBishop Evans Chinyama Chinyemba, O.M.I. (57)Bishop Evans Chinyama Chinyemba, O.M.I. (57), Bishop of Mongu (Zambia)

CanadaBishop David Douglas Crosby, O.M.I. (75)Bishop David Douglas Crosby, O.M.I. (75), Bishop of Hamilton (Canada)

CanadaBishop Denis Croteau, O.M.I. (92)Bishop Denis Croteau, O.M.I. (92), Bishop emeritus of Mackenzie–Fort Smith (Canada)

South AfricaBishop Sylvester David, O.M.I. (71)Bishop Sylvester David, O.M.I. (71), Titular Bishop of Gunugus and Auxiliary Bishop of Cape Town (South Africa)

VenezuelaBishop Ramiro Díaz Sánchez, O.M.I. (90)Bishop Ramiro Díaz Sánchez, O.M.I. (90), Titular Bishop of Lari Castellum and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Machiques (Venezuela)

AustraliaBishop Mark Stuart Edwards, O.M.I. (65)Bishop Mark Stuart Edwards, O.M.I. (65), Bishop of Wagga Wagga (Australia)

South AfricaBishop Neil Augustine Frank, O.M.I. (58)Bishop Neil Augustine Frank, O.M.I. (58), Bishop of Mariannhill (South Africa)

PhilippinesBishop Charlie Malapitan Inzon, O.M.I. (59)Bishop Charlie Malapitan Inzon, O.M.I. (59), Vicar Apostolic of Jolo (Philippines)

ZambiaBishop Valentine Kalumba, O.M.I. (58)Bishop Valentine Kalumba, O.M.I. (58), Bishop of Livingstone (Zambia)

BrazilBishop Jan Kot, O.M.I. (62)Bishop Jan Kot, O.M.I. (62), Bishop of Zé Doca (Brazil)

CanadaBishop Anthony Wieslaw Krótki, O.M.I. (60)Bishop Anthony Wieslaw Krótki, O.M.I. (60), Bishop of Churchill–Baie d’Hudson (Canada)

LesothoBishop Vitalis Sekhonyana Marole, O.M.I. (70)Bishop-elect Vitalis Sekhonyana Marole, O.M.I. (70), Bishop of Leribe (Lesotho)

South AfricaBishop Vusumuzi Francis Mazibuko, O.M.I. (59)Bishop Vusumuzi Francis Mazibuko, O.M.I. (59), Vicar Apostolic of Ingwavuma (South Africa)

Congo-KinshasaBishop Louis Mbwôl-Mpasi, O.M.I. (94)Bishop Louis Mbwôl-Mpasi, O.M.I. (94), Bishop emeritus of Idiofa (Congo-Kinshasa)

USABishop Michael David Pfeifer, O.M.I. (87)Bishop Michael David Pfeifer, O.M.I. (87), Bishop emeritus of San Angelo (USA)

NamibiaBishop Philipp Pöllitzer, O.M.I. (85)Bishop Philipp Pöllitzer, O.M.I. (85), Bishop emeritus of Keetmanshoop (Namibia)

UkraineBishop Jacek Pyl, O.M.I. (62)Bishop Jacek Pyl, O.M.I. (62), Titular Bishop of Nova Sinna and Auxiliary Bishop of Odessa–Simferopol (Ukraine)

South AfricaBishop Edward Gabriel Risi, O.M.I. (76)Bishop Edward Gabriel Risi, O.M.I. (76), Bishop of Keimoes–Upington (South Africa)

CanadaBishop Reynald Rouleau, O.M.I. (89)Bishop Reynald Rouleau, O.M.I. (89), Bishop emeritus of Churchill–Baie d’Hudson (Canada)

PeruBishop Carlos Alberto Salcedo Ojeda, O.M.I. (64)Bishop Carlos Alberto Salcedo Ojeda, O.M.I. (64), Bishop of Huancavélica (Peru)

LesothoBishop Joseph Mopeli Sephamola, O.M.I. (64)Bishop Joseph Mopeli Sephamola, O.M.I. (64), Bishop of Qacha’s Nek (Lesotho)

NamibiaBishop Joseph Shipandeni Shikongo, O.M.I. (76)Bishop Joseph Shipandeni Shikongo, O.M.I. (76), Titular Bishop of Capra and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Rundu (Namibia)

ItalyBishop Alessandro Staccioli, O.M.I. (93)Bishop Alessandro Staccioli, O.M.I. (93), Titular Bishop of Tauriano and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Siena–Colle di Val d’Elsa–Montalcino (Italy)

ParaguayBishop Heinz Wilhelm Steckling, O.M.I. (77)Bishop Heinz Wilhelm Steckling, O.M.I. (77), Bishop emeritus of Ciudad del Este (Paraguay)

CanadaBishop Pierre-Olivier Tremblay, O.M.I. (54)Bishop Pierre-Olivier Tremblay, O.M.I. (54), Bishop of Hearst–Moosonee (Canada)

South AfricaBishop Daniel Alphonse Omer Verstraete, O.M.I. (100)Bishop Daniel Alphonse Omer Verstraete, O.M.I. (100), Bishop emeritus of Klerksdorp (South Africa)

CanadaBishop Gerald William Wiesner, O.M.I. (87)Bishop Gerald William Wiesner, O.M.I. (87), Bishop emeritus of Prince George (Canada)

UkraineBishop Radosław Zmitrowicz, O.M.I. (62)Bishop Radosław Zmitrowicz, O.M.I. (62), Titular Bishop of Gypsaria and Auxiliary Bishop of Kamyanets-Podilsky (Ukraine)

2024: LaosBishop Jean Khamsé Vithavong, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Vientiane (Laos)

2023: CanadaArchbishop Adam Joseph Exner, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Vancouver (Canada)

2021: LesothoCardinal Sebastian Koto Khoarai, O.M.I., Cardinal-Priest of S. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio and Bishop of Mohale’s Hoek (Lesotho)

2021: HaitiBishop Pierre-Antoine Paulo, O.M.I., Bishop of Port-de-Paix (Haiti)

2020: LesothoArchbishop Bernard Mosiuoa Mohlalisi, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Maseru (Lesotho)

2020: ChadBishop Georges-Hilaire Dupont, O.M.I., Bishop of Pala (Chad)

2020: PakistanBishop Victor Gnanapragasam, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Quetta (Pakistan)

2018: CameroonBishop Eugeniusz Juretzko, O.M.I., Bishop of Yokadouma (Cameroon)

2017: South AfricaBishop Barry Alexander Anthony Wood, O.M.I., Auxiliary Bishop of Durban (South Africa)

2016: South AfricaBishop Erwin Hecht, O.M.I., Bishop of Kimberley (South Africa)

2015: USACardinal Francis Eugene George, O.M.I., Cardinal-Priest of S. Bartolomeo all’Isola and Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago (USA)

2015: CanadaArchbishop Peter Alfred Sutton, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Keewatin–Le Pas (Canada)

2015: ArgentinaBishop Bernardo Enrique Witte, O.M.I., Bishop of Concepción (Argentina)

2015: CameroonBishop Joseph Djida, O.M.I., Bishop of Ngaoundéré (Cameroon)

2011: HaitiArchbishop Hubert Constant, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Cap-Haïtien (Haiti)

2011: ZambiaBishop Paul Francis Duffy, O.M.I., Bishop of Mongu (Zambia)

2009: CanadaBishop Albert Sanschagrin, O.M.I., Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (Canada)

2007: NamibiaBishop Rudolf Johannes Maria Koppmann, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Windhoek (Namibia)

2007: CanadaBishop Hubert Patrick O’Connor, O.M.I., Bishop of Prince George (Canada)

2006: South AfricaBishop Dominic J. Khumalo, O.M.I., Auxiliary Bishop of Durban (South Africa)

2004: South AfricaArchbishop Denis Eugene Hurley, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Durban (South Africa)

2004: CanadaArchbishop Henri Légaré, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Grouard–McLennan (Canada)

2004: Sri LankaBishop Edmund Joseph Fernando, O.M.I., Bishop of Badulla (Sri Lanka)

2004: CameroonBishop Jean-Marie-Joseph-Augustin Pasquier, O.M.I., Bishop of Ngaoundéré (Cameroon)

2002: PhilippinesArchbishop Philip Francis Smith, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Cotabato (Philippines)

2001: ItalyArchbishop Marcello Zago, O.M.I., Secretary of Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples

2000: CanadaArchbishop Paul Dumouchel, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Keewatin–Le Pas (Canada)

2000: Sri LankaBishop Henry Swithin Thomas Alexander Wijetunge Goonewardena, O.M.I., Bishop of Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka)

2000: CanadaBishop Thomas Joseph Lobsinger, O.M.I., Bishop of Whitehorse (Canada)

1999: PhilippinesBishop George Eli Dion, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Jolo (Philippines)

1998: CanadaArchbishop Henri Goudreault, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Grouard–McLennan (Canada)

1998: CanadaBishop John Fergus O’Grady, O.M.I., Bishop of Prince George (Canada)

1997: South AfricaArchbishop Peter Fanyana John Butelezi, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Bloemfontein (South Africa)

1997: PhilippinesBishop Antonino Nepomuceno, O.M.I., Auxiliary Bishop of Cotabato (Philippines)

1997: PhilippinesBishop Benjamin D. de Jesus, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Jolo (Philippines)

1995: CanadaBishop Jules Leguerrier, O.M.I., Bishop of Moosonee (Canada)

1994: PhilippinesArchbishop Gérard Mongeau, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Cotabato (Philippines)

1994: CameroonBishop Jacques Joseph François de Bernon, O.M.I., Bishop of Maroua–Mokolo (Cameroon)

1993: Congo-KinshasaBishop René Toussaint, O.M.I., Bishop of Idiofa (Congo-Kinshasa)

1992: CanadaBishop Paul Piché, O.M.I., Bishop of Mackenzie–Fort Smith (Canada)

1991: CameroonArchbishop Yves-Joseph-Marie Plumey, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Garoua (Cameroon)

1990: ParaguayBishop Sinforiano Lucas Rojo, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Pilcomayo (Paraguay)

1989: LesothoArchbishop Alfonso Liguori Morapeli, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Maseru (Lesotho)

1989: CanadaArchbishop Henri Routhier, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Grouard–McLennan (Canada)

1989: Sri LankaBishop Edmund Peiris, O.M.I., Bishop of Chilaw (Sri Lanka)

1989: LesothoBishop Joseph Delphis Desrosiers, O.M.I., Bishop of Qacha’s Nek (Lesotho)

1989: LesothoBishop Ignatius Phakoe, O.M.I., Bishop of Leribe (Lesotho)

1988: Sri LankaCardinal Thomas Benjamin Cooray, O.M.I., Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo and Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka)

1986: South AfricaArchbishop Joseph Patrick Fitzgerald, O.M.I., Archbishop-Bishop of Johannesburg (South Africa)

1986: CanadaBishop Omer Alfred Robidoux, O.M.I., Bishop of Churchill–Baie d’Hudson (Canada)

1984: ParaguayBishop Pedro Shaw, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Pilcomayo (Paraguay)

1982: CanadaArchbishop Anthony Jordan, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Edmonton (Canada)

1982: South AfricaBishop John Boekenfoehr, O.M.I., Bishop of Kimberley (South Africa)

1980: LaosBishop Étienne-Auguste-Germain Loosdregt, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Vientiane (Laos)

1979: ParaguayBishop Karl Walter Vervoort, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Pilcomayo (Paraguay)

1977: CameroonBishop Louis Charpenet, O.M.I., Bishop of Yagoua (Cameroon)

1976: CanadaBishop Henri Joseph Marie Belleau, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Baie de James (Canada)

1976: CanadaBishop Marc Lacroix, O.M.I., Bishop of Churchill–Baie d’Hudson (Canada)

1976: SwedenBishop John Edward Taylor, O.M.I., Bishop of Stockholm (Sweden)

1975: CanadaBishop James Philip Mulvihill, O.M.I., Bishop of Whitehorse (Canada)

1974: ItalyBishop Maturino Blanchet, O.M.I., Bishop of Aosta (Italy)

1973: LesothoBishop Joseph Bonhomme, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Basutoland (Lesotho)

1972: Sri LankaBishop Jerome Emilianus Pillai, O.M.I., Bishop of Jaffna (Sri Lanka)

1970: PhilippinesBishop Francis Joseph McSorley, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Jolo (Philippines)

1968: LaosBishop Lionello Berti, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Luang Prabang (Laos)

1966: South AfricaArchbishop William Patrick Whelan, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Bloemfontein (South Africa)

1966: LesothoArchbishop Emanuel Mabathoama, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Maseru (Lesotho)

1966: CanadaBishop Armand Clabaut, O.M.I., Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Baie d’Hudson (Canada)

1966: HaitiBishop Jean Louis Collignan, O.M.I., Bishop of Les Cayes (Haiti)

1966: CanadaBishop Lionel Scheffer, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Labrador (Canada)

1965: CanadaBishop Jean-Louis-Antoine-Joseph Coudert, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Whitehorse (Canada)

1964: CanadaBishop Pierre-Armand-Albert-Lucien Fallaize, O.M.I., Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Mackenzie (Canada)

1963: South AfricaArchbishop Herman Joseph Meysing, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Bloemfontein (South Africa)

1963: NamibiaBishop Joseph Gotthardt, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Windhoek (Namibia)

1963: Congo-KinshasaBishop Alfonse Bossart, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Ipamu (Congo-Kinshasa)

1961: CanadaBishop Martin Giuseppe Onorio Lajeunesse, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Keewatin (Canada)

1958: South AfricaBishop David O’Leary, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Johannesburg (South Africa)

1958: CanadaBishop Joseph-Marie Trocellier, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Mackenzie (Canada)

1956: Sri LankaBishop Alfred-Jean Guyomard, O.M.I., Bishop of Jaffna (Sri Lanka)

1955: CanadaBishop Louis Rhéaume, O.M.I., Bishop of Timmins (Canada)

1955: CanadaBishop Louis-Eugène-Arsène Turquetil, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Baie d’Hudson (Canada)

1954: CanadaArchbishop Gabriel-Joseph-Elie Breynat, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Mackenzie (Canada)

1953: CanadaBishop Ubald Langlois, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Grouard (Canada)

1951: CanadaBishop Joseph-Wilfrid Guy, O.M.I., Bishop of Gravelbourg (Canada)

1949: South AfricaBishop Henri Delalle, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Natal (South Africa)

1947: CanadaCardinal Jean-Marie-Rodrigue Villeneuve, O.M.I., Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria degli Angeli and Metropolitan Archbishop of Québec (Canada)

1947: Sri LankaArchbishop Jean-Marie Masson, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

1945: CanadaBishop Emile-Marie Bunoz, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Prince Rupert (Canada)

1944: LesothoBishop Jules-Joseph Cénez, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Basutoland (Lesotho)

1937: Sri LankaArchbishop Pierre-Guillaume Marque, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka)

1936: South AfricaBishop Charles Cox, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Transvaal (South Africa)

1933: CanadaVenerable Bishop Ovide Charlebois, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Keewatin (Canada)

1932: CanadaBishop Célestin-Henri Joussard, O.M.I., Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Grouard (Canada)

1931: CanadaArchbishop Augustin Dontenwill, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Vancouver (Canada) and Superior General of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates)

1931: CanadaArchbishop Pierre-Emile-Jean-Baptiste-Marie Grouard, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Grouard (Canada)

1931: CanadaBishop Michael Francis Fallon, O.M.I., Bishop of London (Canada)

1929: Sri LankaArchbishop Antoine Coudert, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka)

1927: South AfricaBishop William Miller, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Transvaal (South Africa)

1923: Sri LankaBishop Jules-André Brault, O.M.I., Bishop of Jaffna (Sri Lanka)

1920: CanadaArchbishop Emile-Joseph Legal, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Edmonton (Canada)

1920: CanadaBishop Albert Pascal, O.M.I., Bishop of Prince Albert (Canada)

1919: Sri LankaBishop Henri Joulain, O.M.I., Bishop of Jaffna (Sri Lanka)

1915: CanadaArchbishop Louis-Philippe Adélard Langevin, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Saint-Boniface (Canada)

1914: South AfricaBishop Matteo Gaughren, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Kimberley in Orange (South Africa)

1905: Sri LankaArchbishop André-Théophile Mélizan, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka)

1905: FranceArchbishop Matthieu-Victor-Félicien Balaïn, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Auch (France)

1903: CanadaBishop Isidore Clut, O.M.I., Auxiliary Bishop of Athabaska (Canada)

1903: South AfricaBishop Charles-Constant Jolivet, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Natal (South Africa)

1902: CanadaBishop Vital-Justin Grandin, O.M.I., Bishop of Saint Albert (Canada)

1901: South AfricaBishop Anthony Gaughren, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Orange Free State (South Africa)

1899: CanadaBishop Paul Durieu, O.M.I., Bishop of New Westminster (Canada)

1894: CanadaArchbishop Alexandre-Antonin Taché, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Saint-Boniface (Canada)

1892: Sri LankaArchbishop Christophe-Etienne Bonjean, O.M.I., Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka)

1890: CanadaBishop Henri Joseph Faraud, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Athabaska Mackenzie (Canada)

1890: CanadaBishop Louis-Joseph d’Herbomez, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of British Columbia (Canada)

1889: South AfricaArchbishop Marie-Jean-François Allard, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Natal (South Africa)

1886: FranceCardinal Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert, O.M.I., Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina and Metropolitan Archbishop of Paris (France)

1875: FranceBishop Jacques Jeancard, O.M.I., Auxiliary Bishop of Marseille (France)

1874: CanadaBishop Joseph-Eugène-Bruno Guigues, O.M.I., Bishop of Ottawa (Canada)

1868: Sri LankaBishop Jean-Etienne Sémeria, O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Jaffna (Sri Lanka)

1861: FranceSaint Archbishop Eugène de Mazenod (Charles-Joseph-Eugène), O.M.I., Bishop of Marseille (France), Superior General of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) and Archbishop ad personam