Contraction and Convergence Campaigns
I certainly support the initiative.
Mark Whitby, BEng, FICE, Hon FRIBA, FREng
"The earlier section on “A Consensus on Targets Plus Means?” outlines some of the points on which consensus would be desirable and on which it might be reached, ranging from targets through a broad policy framework to specific policy measures. In this section we list some of the areas in which measures might be agreed upon. We address two measures - Domestic Tradable Quotas (DTQs) and Contraction and Convergence (C&C) – in more detail, because they featured heavily in a number of submissions.Both DTQs and C&C would be consistent with the acknowledgement that there is probably a maximum“safe” atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, and that staying below it necessitates a post-Kyoto concentrations-based international framework agreement for stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations.
The trading of emissions rights under this agreement (a cap-and-trade system) could be based on the C&C and DTQ (or other global and domestic carbon rationing) proposals.It is not our role to judge the merits of C&C. However, we recommend that the proposed climate policy group and the independent body (Recommendation 12) consider whether cross-party support should be given (a) to C&C as an approach to setting international emissions targets, and/or (b) to some form of national carbon-rationing system, such as DTQs, alongside other means, as an instrument for achieving the targets that a C&C cap would impose on the UK. Consideration of these issues may require further detailed research."
All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group
Is a Cross-Party Consensus on Climate Change Possible – Or Desirable?
Report of First Inquiry 2006
Prepared by Dr Helen Clayton, Prof Nick Pidgeon, Prof Mark Whitby
Mark Whitby, BEng, FICE, Hon FRIBA, FREng
Born: 1950
Married, to Janet, 5 children
Profile - Key construction figure, advocate for change, strong communicator, visionary leaderAchievements
- Created and led a major engineering consultancy that has consistently been regarded as one of the UK’s top three firms in the sector and business that is ranked by its employees as one of the top 30 in the country (Sunday Times Best Businesses to work for).
- Embraced and led step change in the industry, developing emerging talent and technology and inspired a challenge to traditional industry practice and boundaries.
- Pioneered commercial development of engineering design with CAD / CAM which is now the industry standard.
- Winner of Queen’s Award for Innovation
- President of Institution of Civil Engineers
- Fostered cross disciplinary industry alliances in sustainability, education and urban design
- Co-authored All Party Climate Change Cross-Party Consensus report
- Successfully championed engineering accreditation reform within institutions and Engineering Council
- Successfully engaged with Parliament in delivering aspects of climate change legislation
- Sustained public television role in championing engineering and maintaining public confidence
- Columnist in various industry magazines
- Former Olympian
- 2010 - Present Director at +Whitby and Chairman of Evo Energy
- 1983 – 2009 Ramboll UK. Chairman and Working director. Established whitbybird, grew it to £36m turnover and 900 staff, merging with Ramboll in 2007
- 2009 – present National House Building Council, Council Member
- 2005 – present University of Nottingham, Special Professor of Sustainable Construction
- 2002- 2004 Energy Foresight, Panel Member
- 2002 – 2006 South East England Development Agency, Chair of Sustainability Panel
- 1998 – 2001 Institution of Civil Engineers, Vice President (Education) and President
- 1993 – 1996 Institution of Civil Engineers, Member of Council
- 1999-2001 Urban Design Alliance, Chairman
- 1990- 2002 Barlett, University College London, External Examiner
- 1984 – 1998 Architectural Association, Lecturer / Tutor
- 1982 – 1998 Oxford Brookes School of Architecture, Lecturer / Tutor / External Examiner
- 1972 -1983 Various construction and design companies Junior engineer to director
- 1969-1972 Kings College London University, BSc Engineering
- 1961-1969 Ealing Grammar School for Boys
- Professional Qualifications & Memberships
- Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering
- Honorary Fellow Royal Institute of British Architects
- Fellow of Institution of Civil Engineers
- Professor, Nottingham University
- Edge Built Environment Think Tank (co-founder)