M3982 :: Browse 13 Images :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

Grid reference M3982

near to Knock, Co Mayo, Ireland


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We have 13 images for M3982

 : Knock, Co. Mayo, The Roman Catholic Basilica by Bill Henderson Knock, Co. Mayo, The Roman Catholic Basilica

This is reputed to be the church with the largest seating capacity in the world.

 : Knock - Southeast view of Basilica by Joseph Mischyshyn Knock - Southeast view of Basilica
 : The shrine church at Knock, Co. Mayo by nick macneill The shrine church at Knock, Co. Mayo
 : Knock Caravan and Camping Park, Main Street by Jo and Steve Turner Knock Caravan and Camping Park, Main Street
 : Knock, Co. Mayo, St Joseph at the Shrine Roman Catholic Church by Bill Henderson Knock, Co. Mayo, St Joseph at the Shrine Roman Catholic Church
 : Knock - Welcome to Knock sign - You are here by Joseph Mischyshyn Knock - Welcome to Knock sign - You are here
 : Knock - Welcome to Knock sign - You are here by Joseph Mischyshyn Knock - Welcome to Knock sign - You are here
 : Knock - Cross & Basilica spire against sky by Joseph Mischyshyn Knock - Cross & Basilica spire against sky
 : Knock - Church of the Apparition by Joseph Mischyshyn Knock - Church of the Apparition

In 1879, two local women saw an apparition of the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint John the Evangelist by the gable of the Church of Saint John the Baptist. The apparition was also witnessed by thirteen additional people and validated by... (



 : Knock - Gardens by Joseph Mischyshyn Knock - Gardens
 : The Basilica at Knock by David Purchase The Basilica at Knock
 : The Knock Shrine by Raymond Bell The Knock Shrine

My photography skills have never been great, but I'm quite impressed by how this one turned out, given it was taken from a bus window.

 : The basilica at Knock by Mike Parker The basilica at Knock

The Basilica of Our Lady, Queen of Ireland, to give it its full title, was completed in 1976. It can hold ten thousand people.



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