Sound Gallery: Hylobates lar
Hylobates lar
Short phrases consisting of simple hoots, various more complex hoots, and specific quaver notes produced by tremulous opening and semi-closing of the mouth during long hoots. Short phrases produced by males and females, but quaver notes are typically produced by males only. Female great call very similar to that of H. agilis, but usually longer, with longer notes, and with more pronounced first climax, and fewer notes dedicated to second climax than in H. agilis. Male produces coda. Male solo song bouts and duet song bouts.
a. male short phrases (Rheine Zoo, Germany, 5 July 1987; and Twycross Zoo, United Kingdom, 3 Oct. 1988)
b. great call sequnce consisting of female great call with male contribution (Paignton Zoo, United Kingdom, 20 Oct. 1988)