Girls' Angle Bulletin

  • ️Sun Dec 23 2018

The Girls' Angle Bulletin

The Girls' Angle Bulletin is a bimonthly math magazine with interviews, articles, problems, activities, art, and much more. Articles are written by professional mathematicians and scientists, our staff, students, and our members.

The Bulletin is a bridge. It bridges K12 students with mathematicians, and it bridges the gap between K12 math and the level of math expected of top college math majors. If you can read most of the Bulletin, you're ready to be a math major anywhere.

If you find content too hard, take a break - try again later. Girls' Angle members: Email us your questions. We will respond!

The electronic version is free and available on this page (click on a cover). For the print version, subscribe for $36/year or become a Bulletin Sponsor! The print version is ad-free, has higher quality graphics, and you'll be helping to further our mission.

Check out this Girls' Angle blog post about the Bulletin.

Browse the Bulletin archive below or use the search box on the left.

Bulletin Archive (Electronic Version)