Camp Pike Armed Forces Reserve Complex
- ️John Pike
Camp Pike was established in 1917, and was used for training the 87th Division of the National Army. Shortly before World War II, the name was changed to Camp Joseph T. Robinson and the camp's boundaries were expanded to include land in Pulaski and Faulkner counties. The camp was used for the basic training of troops. A variety of weapons training occurred including rifles, pistols, machine guns, live grenades, mortars and various field artillery.
After the war, Camp Robinson was declared surplus and broken up. Most of it was transferred to the Arkansas National Guard. Some went to the city of North Little Rock and Central Baptist College. A small portion was retained by the federal government for use as an Army Reserve Center, now designated as Camp Pike. The remainder was sold to private owners, the city of North Little Rock and Central Baptist College. The portions that are no longer owned by the military or the National Guard are eligible for environmental investigation and cleanup assistance under the Formerly Used Defense Sites program. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the agency responsible for conducting environmental restoration work under the FUDS program.
Officially activated in April, 1996, the 90th RSC was established with headquarters at Camp Pike Armed Forces Reserve Complex, located in North Little Rock, Arkansas. The RSC's are each assigned a geographic region which coincides with the Standard Federal Regions.
BRAC 2005
Secretary of Defense Recommendations: Realign Camp Pike Reserve Complex, Little Rock, AR, by disestablishing the 90th RSC and activating a Sustainment Brigade. Realign Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, CA, by relocating the 91st Div (TSD) to Fort Hunter Liggett, CA.
Secretary of Defense Justification: This recommendation transforms Reserve Component facilities and command and control structure throughout the Southeast Region of the United States. The implementation of this recommendation will enhance military value, improve homeland defense capability, greatly improve training and deployment capability, create significant efficiencies and cost savings, and is consistent with the Army's force structure plans and Army transformational objectives.
This recommendation is the result of a nation-wide analysis of Reserve Component installations and facilities conducted by a team of functional experts from Headquarters, Department of the Army, the Office of the State Adjutant General, and the Army Reserve Regional Readiness Command.
This recommendation supports the Army Reserve's Command and Control restructuring initiative to reduce Regional Readiness Commands from ten to four. This recommendation transforms Army Reserve command and control by eliminating nondeployable command and control headquarters, transforming excess spaces into deployable units and moving institutional training units onto major training areas. It supports the Army Reserve's Command and Control restructuring initiative to reduce Regional Readiness Commands from ten to four by disestablishing two major peacetime administrative headquarters-the 63d Regional Readiness Command in Los Angeles, CA, and the 90th Regional Readiness Command in Little Rock, AR,-and creating a new consolidated headquarters in their place at Moffett Field, CA. It supports the transformation of Army Reserve Operational Force Structure by activating a sustainment brigade in Little Rock, AR in the place of the 90th RRC, which will increase the deployable capability of the Army Reserve to support the Active Army. The Sustainment brigade is a new operational capability for the Army Reserve. This proposal transforms the Army's training support to the Reserve Component by re-locating the 95th DIV (Institutional Training) from the Major General Harry Twaddle United States Army Reserve Center, Oklahoma City, OK, to Fort Sill, OK, and relocating the 91st Div (Training Support) from Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, CA, to Fort Hunter Liggett, CA which improves operational effectiveness by putting these Training Divisions at major training sites in their regions.
This recommendation considered feasible locations within the demographic and geographic areas of the closing facilities and affected units. The sites selected were determined as the best locations because they optimize the Reserve Components' ability to recruit and retain Reserve Component soldiers and to train and mobilize units affected by this recommendation.
Although not captured in the COBRA analysis, this recommendation avoids an estimated $16.8M in mission facility renovation costs and procurement avoidances associated with meeting AT/FP construction standards and altering existing facilities to meet unit training and communications requirements. Consideration of these avoided costs would reduce costs and increase the net savings to the Department of Defense in the 6-year BRAC implementation period and in the 20-year period used to calculate NPV.
This recommendation provides the opportunity for other Local, State, or Federal organizations to partner with the Reserve Components to enhance homeland security and homeland defense at a reduced cost to those agencies.
Community Concerns: There were no formal expressions from the community.
Commission Findings: The Commission found no reason to disagree with the recommendation of the Secretary of Defense.
Commision Recommendations: The Commission found the Secretary's recommendation consistent with the final selection criteria and force structure plan. Therefore, the Commission approved the recommendation of the Secretary.
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