Rep. David Dreier [R-CA26, 2003-2012], former Representative for California's 26th Congressional District -
Enacted Legislation
Dreier was the primary sponsor of 3 bills that were enacted:
- H.R. 5362 (106th): To increase the amount of fees charged to employers who are petitioners for the employment of H-1B non-immigrant workers, and for other purposes.
- H.J.Res. 80 (106th): Continuing Appropriation FY2000 (Sixth)
- H.R. 1622 (105th): To provide for an annual report to Congress concerning diplomatic immunity.
Does 3 not sound like a lot? Very few bills are ever enacted — most legislators sponsor only a handful that are signed into law. But there are other legislative activities that we don’t track that are also important, including offering amendments, committee work and oversight of the other branches, and constituent services.
We consider a bill enacted if one of the following is true: a) it is enacted itself, b) it has a companion bill in the other chamber (as identified by Congress) which was enacted, or c) if at least about half of its provisions were incorporated into bills that were enacted (as determined by an automated text analysis, applicable beginning with bills in the 110th Congress).
Voting Record
Key Votes
Dreier voted Aye
Passed 223/197 on Aug 2, 2012.
Dreier voted Nay
Passed 239/176 on Jan 18, 2012.
Dreier voted Aye
Passed 304/117 on Jun 23, 2011.
The Leahy–Smith America Invents Act (AIA) is a United States federal statute that was passed by Congress and was signed into law by President Barack …
Dreier voted Yea
Passed 304/118 on Sep 29, 2010.
Dreier voted Nay
Passed 390/22 on Jun 9, 2010.
Dreier voted Nay
Passed 386/33 on Mar 17, 2010.
Signed into law on October 13, 2010 by President Obama, the Plain Writing Act of 2010 (H.R. 946; Pub.L. 111–274) is a United States federal …
Dreier voted Nay
Passed 335/85 on Sep 23, 2009.
Dreier voted No
Passed 383/44 on Jul 30, 2009.
Dreier voted Nay
Passed 319/60 on Jun 15, 2009.
Dreier voted Aye
Passed 220/198 on Sep 29, 2008.
Dreier voted Nay
Passed 325/72 on Sep 27, 2007.
Dreier voted Yea
Passed 365/59 on Jun 27, 2007.
Missed Votes
From Jan 1981 to Jan 2013, Dreier missed 367 of 18,814 roll call votes, which is 2.0%. This is on par with the median of 2.6% among the lifetime records of representatives serving in Jan 2013. The chart below reports missed votes over time.
We don’t track why legislators miss votes, but it’s often due to medical absences, major life events, and running for higher office.
Primary Sources
The information on this page is originally sourced from a variety of materials, including:
- unitedstates/congress-legislators, a community project gathering congressional information
- The House and Senate websites, for committee membership and voting records
- United States Congressional Roll Call Voting Records, 1789-1990 by Howard L. Rosenthal and Keith T. Poole.
- Martis’s “The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress”, via Keith Poole’s roll call votes data set, for political party affiliation for Members of Congress from 1789 through about year 2000
- Congressional Pictorial Directory for the photo
-, for sponsored bills