GP&C Systems International AB

GP&C Systems International AB is a R&D company only, financed by international venture capital. The prime objective is to facilitate a wide spread introduction and use of STDMA technology for the benefits of the transport industry, and thereby the society as a whole. This technology, now internationally known as STDMA datalink (Self organising Time Division Multiple Access), has been standardized by the UN special agencies International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The patent license requirement for the IMO AIS standard has been noticed by IALA and officially registered by UN/ITU. It is also subject to European standardisation within the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) and European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE). Intellectual Property Rights will be transferred (patent declaration) to interested states, companies or organisations.

GP&C Systems International AB has received “European Inventor of the Year 2007” award certificate from the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Commission. The motivation for the certificate has been presented by the EPO .

All manufactures of AIS transponders according to the STDMA patent must have a licence. It has been noted that some manufactures most likely are selling AIS equipments illegally without a licence. A legal investigation has been initialised. In order to avoid legal problems it is recommended that all purchasers of AIS transponders to actively inform themselves of the patent situation and the different positions taken on this point by manufacturers.

Patent covering the AIS standard ** IMPORTANT INFORMATION **

Last update: februari 13, 2014.

GPC Systems International AB, GNSS-Transponder, GNSS Transponder, GP&C Transponder, GPS-Transponder, STDMA data link, SOTDMA, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 3, VDL Mode 4, ADS-B broadcast, ADS-B, STDMA, Surveillance, Mode S Squitter, GPS-Squitter, AMASS, ASDE, TCAS, CDTI, DGPS, DGNSS, GBAS, LAAS, ICAO/AMCP, RTCA Task Force 3, Free Flight Steering Committee, Flight 2000, CNS/ATM, NEAN, NEAP, NAAN, FARAWAY, SUPRA, MAGNET-B, FREER, PETAL II, 4S Transponder, AIS transponder, Håkan Lans, Hakan Lans, Håkan Lantz,,