Date Thursday, 2 July 2009
Time 10:30 � 16:30 hours
Place KNAW Conference Center Het Trippenhuis Kloveniersburgwal 29 Amsterdam
Instructor Dr. Dominic Farace, GreyNet Grey Literature Network Service
Contact International +31 20 3312420
| Over the past 15 years, Grey Literature has developed from a millennium movement to a well defined field in information studies.
The needs and demands of information society are in constant state of change and flux. To a great extent, grey literature is the cause of this. Grey Literature has grown exponentially in relation to commercially published literature and now challenges informational professionals in all sectors of government, academics, business and industry.
This workshop was first conducted by Dr. Dominic Farace at the Library of Congress in May 2009, where it met with top reviews from among the participants. Farace is Instructor in Grey Literature at the University of New Orleans, Distance Education Program; Guest Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam, Media Studies; Editor of The Grey Journal, which won the Victorine van Schaick Prize 2008; and Director of GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service.
GreyWorks 2009 consists of Four Modules:
An Introduction to Grey Literature Background, Definition, Document Types, Collections, Standardization, Classification, Etc.
The Demand-side of Grey Literature Use, Usage, Users, Access, Search and Retrieval, Repositories, Preservation, Assessment, Citations, Etc.
The Supply-side of Grey Literature Production, Publishing, Authors, Researchers, Metadata, Ownership, Copyright, Review Process, Etc.
The Future of Grey Literature Policy Development, Value Chain, Business Models, Networking, Education, Training, Etc.
Each module is a mix of formal presentation, exercises, and informal discussion. During the afternoon wrap-up, the participants will develop a consensus document expressing the state of the art on grey literature.