Project Gutenberg
Iacobus, de Cessolis
See: Jacobus, de Cessolis, active 1288-1322
Iahn, Otto
Iamblichus, 250?-330? ¶
- Giamblico
- Jamblichus, of Chalcis
- Ἰάμβλιχος
- en.wikipedia
- Iamblichus' Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life
Accompanied by Fragments of the Ethical Writings of certain Pythagoreans in the Doric dialect; and a collection of Pythagoric Sentences from Stobaeus and others, which are omitted by Gale in his Opuscula Mythologica, and have not been noticed by any editor (English) (as Author) - Iamblichus on the mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians (English) (as Author)
Ian, Janis, 1951- ¶
- Fink, Janis Eddy
- en.wikipedia
- Music by Janis Ian (English) (as Author)
- Society's Child (audiofile) (English) (as Performer)
- Society's Child (lyrics) (English) (as Author)
Iankélévitch, S.
See: Jankélévitch, S. (Samuel), 1869-1951
Iarraidh, Gnathai Gan
See: Boyd, Ernest Augustus, 1887-1946
Ibáñez, Vicente Blasco
See: Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente, 1867-1928
Ibberson, Joseph E., 1917- ¶
- Common trees of Pennsylvania (English) (as Author)
Ibn Ibrahim, Sulayman
See: Ben Ibrahim, Sliman
Ibn Rushd, Abul Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad
See: Averroës, 1126-1198
Ibn Tufayl, Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik, 1105?-1185 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Awakening of the Soul (English) (as Author)
- The Improvement of Human Reason
Exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan (English) (as Author)
Ibsen, Bergliot, 1869-1953 ¶
- Bjørnson, Bergliot
- en.wikipedia
- Briefe aus Aulestad an seine Tochter Bergliot Ibsen (German) (as Editor)
Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- no.wikipedia
- L'anitra selvatica (Italian) (as Author)
- La Asocio de la Junuloj: Dramo en kvin aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Baumeister Solneß: Schauspiel in drei Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
- Brand
Runo 5:ssä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author) - Catilina (Norwegian) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 01 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 02 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 03 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 04 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 05 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 06 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 07 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 08 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 09 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 10 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 11 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- Il costruttore Solness (Italian) (as Author)
- A Doll's House (English) (as Author)
- A Doll's House : a play (English) (as Author)
- La donna del mare (Italian) (as Author)
- Dramatische werken (Dutch) (as Author)
- Dramatische Werken: De comedie der liefde; Brand; Peer Gynt (Dutch) (as Author)
- Early Plays — Catiline, the Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans (English) (as Author)
- An Enemy of the People (English) (as Author)
- Eta Eyolf (Esperanto) (as Author)
- The Feast at Solhoug (English) (as Author)
- Fru Inger til Østråt (Norwegian) (as Author)
- Gespenster: Ein Familiendrama in drei Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
- Ghosts (English) (as Author)
- Ghosts: A Domestic Tragedy in Three Acts (English) (as Author)
- Gildet på Solhaug (Norwegian) (as Author)
- Hærmændene på Helgeland
Med anmerkninger av stud. mag. Birger Knudsen (Norwegian) (as Author) - Hedda Gabler (English) (as Author)
- Hedda Gabler: Dramo en kvar aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Helgelannin sankarit: Näytelmä neljässä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Inger, Östråtin rouva: Viisinäytöksinen murhenäytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- John Gabriel Borkman (English) (as Author)
- John Gabriel Borkman (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Kærlighedens Komedie (Norwegian) (as Author)
- La kolonoj de la socio: Dramo en kvar aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Konstruestro Solness (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Kummittelijoita: Kolminäytöksinen perhenäytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kuninkaan-alut: Historiallinen näytelmä viidessä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Lady from the Sea (English) (as Author)
- Lady Inger of Ostrat: Henrik Ibsen's Prose Dramas Vol III (English) (as Author)
- La lega dei giovani : commedia in cinque atti (Italian) (as Author)
- Little Eyolf (English) (as Author)
- Love's Comedy (English) (as Author)
- The Master Builder (English) (as Author)
- Merenneito: 5-näytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Nora: Näytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pikku Eyolf: Kolminäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pillars of Society (English) (as Author)
- Popolmalamiko: Dramo en kvin aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Puphejmo: Dramo en tri aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Rakentaja Solness: Kolminäytöksinen murhenäytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rakkauden komedia
(1862) 3-näytöksinen komedia (Finnish) (as Author) - Rosmersholm (English) (as Author)
- Rosmersholma: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rosmersholm: Dramo en kvar aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Rosmersholm: Schauspiel in vier Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
- La Sinjorino el la Maro (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Spettri: dramma in tre atti (Italian) (as Author)
- La Tronpretendantoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- The Vikings of Helgeland: The Prose Dramas Of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. III. (English) (as Author)
- Vildanden (Norwegian) (as Author)
- When We Dead Awaken (English) (as Author)
- The wild duck : A drama in five acts (English) (as Author)
- Yhteiskunnan pylväät: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
Ibsen, Sigurd, 1859-1930 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Baumeister Solneß: Schauspiel in drei Aufzügen (German) (as Translator)
Ichak, Frieda, 1879-1952 ¶
- Rubiner, Frida
- en.wikipedia
- Sämmtliche Werke 3: Abende auf dem Gutshof bei Dikanka; Phantastische Novellen (German) (as Translator)
See: Bradlaugh, Charles, 1833-1891
ICS (International Correspondence Schools)
See: International Correspondence Schools
Ide, Fannie Ogden
I. D. (John Dee)
See: Dee, John, 1527-1608
Idman, Niilo, 1889-1977 ¶
- fi.wikipedia
- Charles Robert Maturin: His Life and Works (English) (as Author)
Iehan, de Vignay
Iellinek, Georg
See: Jellinek, Georg, 1851-1911
I. E. M. ¶
- Confessions of an Etonian (English) (as Author)
Iewel, Iohn
Iffland, August Wilhelm, 1759-1814 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Lawyers, A Drama in Five Acts (English) (as Author)
- The Nephews: A Play, in Five Acts. (English) (as Author)
I. F. M. (Isabella Fyvie Mayo)
See: Mayo, Isabella Fyvie, 1843-1914
Iglesias, Ignasi, 1871-1928 ¶
- ca.wikipedia
- La colla d'en Pep Mata; o, "Els martirs de l'Inquisició" : Sainet (Catalan) (as Author)
- El cor del poble : Drama en tres actes (Catalan) (as Author)
- Lladres : Quadro dramàtic (Catalan) (as Author)
Ignacio, Cleto R. ¶
- Cahangahangang Buhay ni Santa Margarita de Cortona (Tagalog) (as Author)
- Casaysayan ng Catotohanang Buhay ng Haring Clodeveo at Reyna Clotilde sa Reyno nang Francia (Tagalog) (as Author)
- Panayam ng Tatlong Binata — Ikalawang Hati (Tagalog) (as Author)
- Panayam ng Tatlong Binata — Unang Hati (Tagalog) (as Author)
Ignacio, de Loyola, Saint
See: Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556
Ignatius, Father, O.S.B., 1837-1908 ¶
- Lyne, Joseph Leycester
- en.wikipedia
- The Holy Isle: A Legend of Bardsey Abbey (English) (as Author)
Ignatius, Kyllikki, 1877-1951 ¶
- Aspelin-Ignatius, Aino Kyllikki
- fi.wikipedia
- Seikkailu rosenkreuziläisten luona (Finnish) (as Translator)
Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556 ¶
- Ignacio, de Loyola, Saint
- en.wikipedia
- The Autobiography of St. Ignatius (English) (as Author)
- The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius : adapted to an eight days retreat and six triduums in preparation for the semi-annual renovation of the vows, all for the use of Jesuits only (English) (as Author)
Ignatius, Philaeretus
See: Pou i Puigserver, Bartomeu, 1727-1802
Ignotus ¶
- Langsam-Schnellzüge in Österreich (German) (as Author)
Ignotus, 1869-1949 ¶
- Emma
- Ignotus, Hugó
- Veigelsberg, Hugó
- en.wikipedia
- hu.wikipedia
- Egy év történelem: Jegyzetek 1914 tavaszától 1915 nyaráig (Hungarian) (as Author)
- Feljegyzések (Hungarian) (as Author)
- Ignotus novelláiból (Hungarian) (as Author)
- Ignotus verseiből (Hungarian) (as Author)
- Olvasás közben: Jegyzetek és megjegyzések (Hungarian) (as Author)
- Olvasás közben (Uj folyam): Ujságcikkek 1913 és 1921 közzül (Hungarian) (as Author)
- A slemíl keservei (Hungarian) (as Author)
Ignotus, Hugó
See: Ignotus, 1869-1949
Iisalo, Osmo
See: International Joint Commission
I. J. Hochman's Yiddisher Orchester ¶
- Mazel Tov (Yiddish) (as Author)
Ikbol, Mukhammad, Sir
See: Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938
Iki-Kianto, Ilmari
See: Kianto, Ilmari, 1874-1970
Ikola, Jaakko, 1887-1951 ¶
- Jaakkoo, Vaasan
- fi.wikipedia
- Jaakkoo lähti Pariisihi...: Kuvaus Pariisin olympialaiskisoista v. 1924 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Laakerinlehtiä ja lipstikkuja: Eteläpohjalaisia murrejuttuja (Finnish) (as Author)
- Oottako kuullu: Sen tuhannen prätinöötä Pohjanmaalta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Petsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan: Matkakuvaus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Puukkoo, puntari ja pannunjalaka: Lisää prätinöötä Pohjanmaalta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Sekaherelmiä: Eteläpohjalaisia murrejuttuja (Finnish) (as Author)
Ikonen, Lauri, 1888-1966 ¶
- fi.wikipedia
- Onni Kalpa (Finnish) (as Translator)
Ilchester, Giles Stephen Holland Fox-Strangways, Earl of, 1874-1959 ¶
- Earl of Ilchester
- Fox-Strangways, Giles Stephen Holland, Earl of Ilchester
- en.wikipedia
- The journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland (1791-1811) Volume 1 (of 2) (English) (as Editor)
- The journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland (1791-1811) Volume 2 (of 2) (English) (as Editor)
Iles, Francis
See: Berkeley, Anthony, 1893-1971
Iles, George, 1852-1942 ¶
- Inventors at Work, with Chapters on Discovery (English) (as Author)
- Little Masterpieces of Autobiography: Actors (English) (as Author)
- Little Masterpieces of Science: Explorers (English) (as Editor)
- Little Masterpieces of Science: Health and Healing (English) (as Editor)
- Little Masterpieces of Science: Invention and Discovery (English) (as Editor)
- Little Masterpieces of Science: Mind (English) (as Editor)
- Little Masterpieces of Science: The Naturalist as Interpreter and Seer (English) (as Editor)
Ilgenfritz, Alice
See: Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz, 1846-1905
Ilgen, William L. (William Lewis), 1862- ¶
- Forge Work (English) (as Author)
Ilić, Dragutin J., 1858-1926 ¶
- Илић, Драгутин Ј.
- en.wikipedia
- sr.wikipedia
- Секунд вечности, источњачки роман (Serbian) (as Author)
Iliffe, Jane
Iliowizi, Henry, 1850-1911 ¶
- The Weird Orient: Nine Mystic Tales (English) (as Author)
Ille-Beeg, Marie
Illica, Luigi, 1857-1919 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- it.wikipedia
- Libretto: La Bohème (English) (as Author)
Illingworth, Leslie Gilbert, 1902-1979 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Nedw (Welsh) (as Illustrator)
Illinois. Chicago Commission on Race Relations
See: Chicago Commission on Race Relations
Illinois. Department of Conservation ¶
- Pere Marquette State Park (English)
Illinois State Geological Survey ¶
- University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus). State Geological Survey
- Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Illinois (English)
- Guide to the Geologic Map of Illinois (English)
- Inside Illinois: Mineral Resources (English)
Illner, Richard ¶
- Eine Gemsjagd in Tyrol (German) (as Illustrator)
Ilmoni, W. F. (William Frithiof), 1880-1932 ¶
- W. F. I.
- fi.wikipedia
- Paholaisen silmä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Ilmoni, Wikki ¶
- Ihmispeto: Siveysromaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Maailma pienoiskoossa : Hupaisia ja opettavaisia kuvauksia maista ja kansoista (Finnish) (as Translator)
See: Hagfors, Elin
Imam Kassali
See: Ghazzali, 1058-1111
Imbert de Saint-Amand, 1834-1900 ¶
- Saint-Amand, Imbert de
- fr.wikipedia
- La Cour de Louis XIV (French) (as Author)
- The court of Louis XV (English) (as Author)
- The Court of the Empress Josephine (English) (as Author)
- The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X (English) (as Author)
- The Happy Days of the Empress Marie Louise (English) (as Author)
- Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty (English) (as Author)
Imbert, Hugues, 1842-1905 ¶
- it.wikipedia
- Portraits et études; Lettres inédites de Georges Bizet (French) (as Author)
Imbriani, Vittorio, 1840-1886 ¶
- it.wikipedia
- Fame usurpate (Italian) (as Author)
- Mastr'Impicca (Italian) (as Author)
- La novellaja fiorentina
Fiabe e novelline stenografate in Firenze dal dettato popolare (Italian) (as Author) - XII conti pomiglianesi
con varianti avellinesi, montellesi, bagnolesi, milanesi, toscane, ecc. (Italian) (as Author)
See: Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599
Immermann, Karl Leberecht, 1796-1840 ¶
- de.wikipedia
- Tales from the German, Comprising specimens from the most celebrated authors (English) (as Contributor)
Im, Pang, 1640-1724 ¶
- 임방
- 任埅
- Korean folk tales : Imps, ghosts and fairies (English) (as Author)
See: Perkins, Nathan, 1748-1838
Imperial and Royal Austrian Museum of Art and Industry
See: K.K. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie
Impivaara, Heikki
See: Impiwaara, Heikki, 1876-1964
Impiwaara, Heikki, 1876-1964 ¶
- Impivaara, Heikki
- fi.wikipedia
- Jumalan etsijöitä (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kardinaalin laulu: Kertomus lintumaailmasta (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Limberlostin vartija: Luonnonromaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Samuel Titmarsh: Tarina isosta Hoggartyn timantista (Finnish) (as Translator)
Impola, Heikki, 1887-1971 ¶
- Rasila, Heikki
- fi.wikipedia
- Anna : Kyläkertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Aunolan perhe : Kertomus merimiehistä ja porvareista Pohjanmaalta (Finnish) (as Author)
Impressed New Yorker
Inagaki, Manjiro, 1861-1908 ¶
- 稲垣満次郎
- en.wikipedia
- Japan and the Pacific, and a Japanese View of the Eastern Question (English) (as Author)
Inayat Khan, 1882-1927 ¶
- Khan, Inayat
- en.wikipedia
- Hindustani Lyrics (English) (as Translator)
Inchbald, Mrs., 1753-1821 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Beaux-Stratagem: A comedy in five acts (English) (as Commentator)
- A Bold Stroke for a Husband: A Comedy in Five Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Castle of Andalusia: A Comic Opera, in Three Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- Cato: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Constant Couple; Or, A Trip to the Jubilee: A Comedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Count of Narbonne: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Dramatist; Or, Stop Him Who Can! A Comedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Earl of Essex: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- Fontainbleau; a comic opera. In three acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Grecian Daughter (English) (as Commentator)
- The Heiress; a comedy, in five acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Inconstant (English) (as Commentator)
- Inkle and Yarico: An opera, in three acts (English) (as Commentator)
- Lovers' Vows (English) (as Author)
- Nature and Art (English) (as Author)
- Next Door Neighbours: A Comedy; In Three Acts (English) (as Author)
- The Recruiting Officer (English) (as Commentator)
- A Simple Story (English) (as Author)
- Such Things Are: A Play, in Five Acts (English) (as Author)
- The Surrender of Calais: A Play, in Three Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Widow's Vow: A Farce, in Two Acts (English) (as Author)
Inchfawn, Fay, 1880-1978 ¶
- Ward, Elizabeth Rebecca
- en.wikipedia
- Early Spring (English) (as Author)
- The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman (English) (as Author)
Inclán, Ramón del Valle
See: Valle-Inclán, Ramón del, 1866-1936
See: Trevelyan, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1807-1886
Indrajit, Bhagavanlal ¶
- The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
Translated From the Sanscrit in Seven Parts With Preface, Introduction and Concluding Remarks (English) (as Translator)
Indriði Einarsson, 1851-1939 ¶
- Einarsson, Indriði
- is.wikipedia
- Sword and crozier, drama in five acts (English) (as Author)
Indy, Vincent d', 1851-1931 ¶
- D'Indy, Vincent
- en.wikipedia
- The Book of the Homeless (Le livre des sans-foyer) (English) (as Contributor)
- The Book of the Homeless (Le livre des sans-foyer) (French) (as Contributor)
Ingalls, E. S. (Eleazer Stillman), 1820-1879 ¶
- Journal of a Trip to California by the Overland Route Across the Plains in 1850-51 (English) (as Adapter)
Ingalls, Sheffield, 1875-1937 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- History of Atchison County, Kansas (English) (as Author)
Ingalls, Walter Renton, 1865- ¶
- Lead Smelting and Refining, With Some Notes on Lead Mining (English) (as Editor)
Ing, Dean, 1931-2020 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Tight Squeeze (English) (as Author)
Ingelius, Axel Gabriel, 1822-1868 ¶
- fi.wikipedia
- sv.wikipedia
- Granriskojan: Novell (Swedish) (as Author)
- Guvernanten Celias minnen (Swedish) (as Author)
- Harmaa linna: eli Kertomus Ristilän hovista (Finnish) (as Author)
Ingelius, Gustaf Edvard ¶
- Om medeltidens skådespel
och deras fortgång till sednare tider, med särskildt fästadt afseende vid Finlands äldste dramatiske författare Jakob Pehrsson Chronander (Swedish) (as Author)
Ingelo, Nathaniel, 1621?-1683 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Prefaces to Four Seventeenth-Century Romances
Roger Boyle, Lord Broghill, preface to Parthenissa (1655) Sir George Mackenzie, "Apologie for romances," prefixed to Aretina, the serious romance (1660) Nathaniel Ingelo, preface to Bentivolio and Urania (1660) Robert Boyle, preface to Theodora and Didymus (1687) (English) (as Author)
Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Fated to Be Free: A Novel (English) (as Author)
- Mopsa the Fairy (English) (as Author)
- Mopsa the Fairy (English) (as Author)
- Poems by Jean Ingelow, In Two Volumes, Volume I. (English) (as Author)
- Poems by Jean Ingelow, In Two Volumes, Volume II. (English) (as Author)
- Wonder-Box Tales (English) (as Author)
Ingels, Graham, 1915-1991 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Avenger (English) (as Illustrator)
- Doctor Universe (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Jewel of Bas (English) (as Illustrator)
- Juggernaut of Space (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Last Monster (English) (as Illustrator)
- Mr. Meek—Musketeer (English) (as Illustrator)
- Mr. Meek Plays Polo (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Soul Eaters (English) (as Illustrator)
- Wanderers of the Wolf-Moon (English) (as Illustrator)
Ingemann, Bernhard Severin, 1789-1862 ¶
- Severin Ingemann, Bernhard
- da.wikipedia
- en.wikipedia
- The Childhood of King Erik Menved: An Historical Romance (English) (as Author)
- Eerik Menvedin lapsuus: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- King Eric and the Outlaws, Vol. 1
or, the Throne, the Church, and the People in the Thirteenth Century. (English) (as Author) - King Eric and the Outlaws, Vol. 2
or, the Throne, the Church, and the People in the Thirteenth Century. (English) (as Author) - King Eric and the Outlaws, Vol. 3
or, the Throne, the Church, and the People in the Thirteenth Century. (English) (as Author) - Kuningas Eerik ja lainsuojattomat: Historiallinen romaani. Edellinen osa (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Lock and Key Library: The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations: North Europe — Russian — Swedish — Danish — Hungarian (English) (as Contributor)
- Tanskan prinssi Otto (Finnish) (as Author)
- Waldemar Seier: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
Ingenheim, Luciano, conte di
See: Zùccoli, Luciano, 1868-1929
Ingenieros, José, 1877-1925 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- es.wikipedia
- Hacia una Moral sin Dogmas: Lecciones sobre Emerson y el Eticismo (Spanish) (as Author)
- El Hombre Mediocre: Ensayo de psicologia y moral (Spanish) (as Author)
- Revista de Filosofía, Año V - Nº 3 - May/1919
Cultura—Ciencias—Educación (Spanish) (as Editor) - La simulación en la lucha por la vida (Spanish) (as Author)
Ingersoll, Ernest, 1852-1946 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Animal World, A Book of Natural History
Young Folks' Treasury (Volume V) (English) (as Editor) - Birds in Legend, Fable and Folklore (English) (as Author)
- The Book of the Ocean (English) (as Author)
- The Crest of the Continent: A Summer's Ramble in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond (English) (as Author)
- Golden Alaska: A Complete Account to Date of the Yukon Valley (English) (as Author)
- The Ice Queen (English) (as Author)
- The Mentor: American Naturalists, Vol. 7, Num. 9, Serial No. 181, June 15, 1919 (English) (as Author)
- The Silver Caves: A Mining Story (English) (as Author)
- Wonder Stories of Travel (English) (as Author)
- Zoölogy: The Science of Animal Life
Popular Science Library, Volume XII (of 16), P. F. Collier & Son Company, 1922 (English) (as Author)
Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- About The Holy Bible: A Lecture (English) (as Author)
- The Christian Religion: An Enquiry (English) (as Author)
- The Ghosts, and Other Lectures (English) (as Author)
- The Gods
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author) - Hell: Warm Words on the Cheerful and Comforting Doctrine of Eternal Damnation (English) (as Author)
- Heretics And Heresies
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author) - Humboldt
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author) - Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Robert G. Ingersoll (English) (as Author)
- Individuality
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author) - Ingersollia
Gems of Thought from the Lectures, Speeches, and Conversations of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, Representative of His Opinions and Beliefs (English) (as Author) - Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll - Latest (English) (as Author)
- Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll, Volume I
Including His Answers to the Clergy, His Oration at His Brother's Grave, Etc., Etc. (English) (as Author) - Men, Women, and Gods; and Other Lectures (English) (as Commentator)
- Mistakes of Moses (English) (as Author)
- An Oration on the Life and Services of Thomas Paine (English) (as Author)
- Shakespeare: A Lecture (English) (as Author)
- Thomas Paine
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author) - Trial of C. B. Reynolds For Blasphemy, at Morristown, N. J., May 1887: Defence (English) (as Author)
- Walt Whitman: An Address (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Complete Contents
Dresden Edition—Twelve Volumes (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 01 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 02 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 03 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 04 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 05 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Discussions (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 06 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Discussions (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 07 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Discussions (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 08 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Interviews (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 09 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Political (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 10 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Legal (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 11 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Miscellany (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 12 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Miscellany (English) (as Author) - The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume VIII.
Interviews (English) (as Author)
Ingersoll, R. Sturgis (Robert Sturgis), 1891- ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Open That Door! (English)
Ingersoll, Will E. (William Ernest), 1879-1968 ¶
- Daisy Herself (English) (as Author)
Ingerson, Frank ¶
Inge, William Ralph, 1860-1954 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Christian Mysticism (English) (as Author)
- Light, Life, and Love: Selections from the German Mystics of the Middle Ages (English) (as Author)
- Outspoken Essays (English) (as Author)
- The Victorian Age: The Rede Lecture for 1922 (English) (as Author)
Ingham, Frederic
See: Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909
Ingimundur Sveinsson, 1873-1926 ¶
- Leiðarvísir í ástamálum
I. Karlmenn (Icelandic) (as Author)
Ingleby, C. M. (Clement Mansfield), 1823-1886 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Shakespeare's Bones
The Proposal to Disinter Them, Considered in Relation to Their Possible Bearing on His Portraiture: Illustrated by Instances of Visits of the Living to the Dead (English) (as Author)
Ingleby, Leonard Cresswell, 1876-1923 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- More titles under Thorne, Guy
- Oscar Wilde (English) (as Author)
Ingledew, Christopher James Davison, 1833- ¶
- The Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire
Transcribed from Private Manuscripts, Rare Broadsides, and Scarce Publications; with Notes and a Glossary (English) (as Editor)
Ingle, Edward, 1861-1924 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Captain Richard Ingle
The Maryland "Pirate and Rebel," 1642-1653 (English) (as Author)
Inglefield, Valentine Erskine, 1886-1947 ¶
- The history of the Twentieth (Light) Division (English) (as Author)
Inglis, Antoinette, 1880- ¶
- Child Songs of Cheer (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Chinese Kitten (English) (as Illustrator)
Inglis, Frances Erskine
See: Calderón de la Barca, Madame (Frances Erskine Inglis), 1804?-1882
Inglis, Henry D. (Henry David), 1795-1835 ¶
- Bell, Soloman
- Derwent Conway
- en.wikipedia
- Spain in 1830, vol. 1 (English) (as Author)
- Spain in 1830, vol. 2 (English) (as Author)
Inglis, James, 1845-1908 ¶
- Maori
- en.wikipedia
- Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier
Twelve Years Sporting Reminiscences of an Indigo Planter (English) (as Author)
Inglis, W. H. ¶
- A report of Major Hart's case, of rice-frauds, near Seringapatam (English) (as Author)
Ingman, A. E. (Alfred Emil), 1860-1917 ¶
- fi.wikipedia
- Kahden taalarin raha (Finnish) (as Author)
- Latvasaaren kuninkaan hovilinna: Seikkailuja Venäjän rajalta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rimpisuon usvapatsas: Seikkailukertomus Pohjan periltä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Seikkailuja saloilla ja vesillä (Finnish) (as Author)
Ingman, Erik Aleksander ¶
- fi.wikipedia
- Lauluja Anakreonilta, ynnä myös Laulu Sapfolta (Finnish) (as Translator)
Ingman, Santeri
See: Ivalo, Santeri, 1866-1937
Ingoldsby, Thomas, 1788-1845 ¶
- Barham, Richard Harris
- Harries, Richard
- en.wikipedia
- The Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels (English) (as Author)
Ingpen, Roger, 1869?-1936 ¶
- The Fighting Retreat To Paris (English) (as Author)
- The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay (English) (as Contributor)
Ingraham, J. H. (Joseph Holt), 1809-1860 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Captain Kyd; or, The Wizard of the Sea. Vol. I (English) (as Author)
- Captain Kyd; or, The Wizard of the Sea. Vol. II (English) (as Author)
- The Pillar of Fire; or, Israel in Bondage (English) (as Author)
- The Prince of the House of David (English) (as Author)
- The South-West, by a Yankee. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (English) (as Author)
- The South-West, by a Yankee. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (English) (as Author)
Ingraham, Prentiss, 1843-1904 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- More titles under Lounsberry, Lionel
- Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure, Vol. I, No. 1.
Adventures of Buffalo Bill from Boyhood to Manhood (English) (as Author) - Buffalo Bill Among the Sioux; Or, The Fight in the Rapids (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill Entrapped; or, A Close Call (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill, Peacemaker; Or, On a Troublesome Trail (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Best Bet; Or, A Sure Thing Well Won (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Big Surprise; Or, The Biggest Stampede on Record (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Bold Play; Or, The Tiger of the Hills (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Boy Bugler; Or, The Last of the Indian Ring (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Girl Pard; Or, Dauntless Dell's Daring (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Pursuit; Or, The Heavy Hand of Justice (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Ruse; Or, Won by Sheer Nerve (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Spy Trailer; Or, The Stranger in Camp (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Still Hunt; Or, The Robber of the Range (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Weird Warning; Or, Dauntless Dell's Rival (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill, the Border King; Or, Redskin and Cowboy (English) (as Author)
- Seventy Years on the Frontier (English) (as Editor)
- Wizard Will, the Wonder Worker (English) (as Author)
Ingram, Arthur F. Winnington (Arthur Foley Winnington)
See: Winnington Ingram, Arthur F. (Arthur Foley), 1858-1946
Ingram, Eleanor M. (Eleanor Marie), 1886-1921 ¶
- The Flying Mercury (English) (as Author)
- From the Car Behind (English) (as Author)
- The Game and the Candle (English) (as Author)
- Kuoleman uhalla (Finnish) (as Author)
- A Man's Hearth (English) (as Author)
- The Thing from the Lake (English) (as Author)
Ingram, J. (James), 1774-1850 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (English) (as Translator)
Ingram, John Henry, 1842-1916 ¶
- Salamanca, Felix de
- en.wikipedia
- Claimants to Royalty (English) (as Author)
- The Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Including Essays on Poetry (English) (as Editor) - Mrs. Siddons (English) (as Editor)
Ingram, Kenneth, 1882-1965 ¶
- An Outline of Sexual Morality (English) (as Author)
Ingram, Rex, 1892-1950 ¶
- Hitchcock, Reginald Ingram Montgomery
- en.wikipedia
- Pictorial Beauty on the Screen (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Ingram, William H., 1877- ¶
- Canada (English) (as Editor)
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 1780-1867 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Masters in Art, Part 79, Volume 7, July, 1906: Ingres
A Series of Illustrated Monographs (English) (as Illustrator)
Inhabitant, An Old
See: An Old Inhabitant
Inha, Into Konrad, 1865-1930 ¶
- Nyström, Into Konrad
- fi.wikipedia
- Aarniometsän sydän (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Eläinten sankareita (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Eläinvaltiaita (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Harmaan karhun elämäntarina (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Islanti : tarun ja runon maa (Finnish) (as Author)
- Jenkkejä maailmalla I
Heidän toivioretkensä Pyhälle Maalle (Finnish) (as Translator) - Jenkkejä maailmalla II
Heidän toivioretkensä Pyhälle Maalle (Finnish) (as Translator) - Kaksi partiopoikaa (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kalevalan laulumailta: Elias Lönnrotin poluilla Vienan Karjalassa
Kuvaus Vienan Karjalan maasta, kansasta, siellä tapahtuneesta runonkeruusta ja runoista itsestään (Finnish) (as Author) - Maantiede ja löytöretket 1 : Vanha aika ja keski aika (Finnish) (as Author)
- Maantiede ja löytöretket 2 : Suurien löytöretkien aikakausi (Finnish) (as Author)
- Maantiede ja löytöretket 3 : Uusin aika 17.-vuosisadan alusta nykyaikaan (alkupuoli) (Finnish) (as Author)
- Maantiede ja löytöretket 4 : Uusin aika 17.-vuosisadan alusta nykyaikaan (loppupuoli) (Finnish) (as Author)
- Niobe: Nykyajan romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Pahuuden voimia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Rolf salolla: Erään partiopojan, Kuonab intiaanin ja Skookum koiran seikkailut (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Saksanmaa (Finnish) (as Author)
- Virginia : Vapaista metsistä tarina (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Ylämaan kansa (Finnish) (as Translator)
Inhülsen, Otto W. H., 1868- ¶
- Wir ritten für Deutsch-Ostafrika (German) (as Author)
Inman, Henry, 1837-1899 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Great Salt Lake Trail (English) (as Author)
- The Old Santa Fe Trail: The Story of a Great Highway (English) (as Author)
- The Ranche on the Oxhide: A Story of Boys' and Girls' Life on the Frontier (English) (as Author)
- Tales of the Trail: Short Stories of Western Life (English) (as Author)
Inman, Herbert ¶
- Escott-Inman, H. (Herbert)
- Wulnoth the Wanderer: A Story of King Alfred of England (English) (as Author)
Inman, Thomas, 1820-1876 ¶
- Ancient Faiths And Modern
A Dissertation upon Worships, Legends and Divinities in Central and Western Asia, Europe, and Elsewhere, Before the Christian Era. Showing Their Relations to Religious Customs as They Now Exist. (English) (as Author) - Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism
With an Essay on Baal Worship, on the Assyrian Sacred "Grove," and Other Allied Symbols (English) (as Author)
Innes, Arthur D. (Arthur Donald), 1863-1938 ¶
- England under the Tudors (English) (as Author)
- Ten Tudor Statesmen (English) (as Author)
Innes, A. Taylor (Alexander Taylor), 1833-1912 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- John Knox (English) (as Author)
Innes, Cosmo, 1798-1874 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Reminiscences of Scottish Life & Character
And a Memoir of Dean Ramsay by Cosmo Innes (English) (as Contributor)
Innes, John, 1863-1941 ¶
- The White Chief of the Ottawa (English) (as Illustrator)
Innes, Luna May
See: Ennis, Luna May
Inostrantzev, Konstantin Aleksandrovich, 1876-1941 ¶
- Иностранцев, Константин Александрович
- Iranian Influence on Moslem Literature, Part I (English) (as Author)
Inouye, Jukichi, 1862-1929 ¶
- 井上十吉
- Chushingura; Or, The Treasury of Loyal Retainers (English) (as Translator)
- Home Life in Tokyo (English) (as Author)
Institute of Arable Crops Research (Great Britain). Rothamsted Experimental Station
See: Rothamsted Experimental Station
Institute of Home Economics (U.S.) ¶
- United States. Agricultural Research Service. Institute of Home Economics
- Washington (D.C.). Institute of Home Economics
- Family fare : food management and recipes (English)
Institute of Home Economics (U.S.). Human Nutrition Research Division
See: United States. Agricultural Research Service. Human Nutrition Research Division
Institut international de bibliographie
See: International Institute of Bibliography
Inter-Allied Commission of Enquiry into Atrocities in Yalova and Guemlek ¶
- Reports on atrocities in the districts of Yalova and Guemlek and in the Ismid Peninsula : Presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty (English) (as Author)
Interborough Rapid Transit Company ¶
- The New York Subway, Its Construction and Equipment (English) (as Author)
Intercollegiate Peace Association ¶
- Prize Orations of the Intercollegiate Peace Association (English) (as Author)
Intercolonial Railway (Canada) ¶
- Summer Provinces by the Sea
A description of the Vacation Resources of Eastern Quebec and the Maritime Provinces of Canada, in the territory served by the Canadian Government Railways (English) (as Author)
International Acceptance Bank ¶
International Committee of the Red Cross ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Turkish Prisoners in Egypt
A Report by the Delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross (English) (as Author)
International Correspondence Schools ¶
- Escuelas Internacionales de la América Latina
- ICS (International Correspondence Schools)
- Intext Inc. International Correspondence Schools
- en.wikipedia
- Hoisting Appliances (English)
Internationale Gemeinschaft Baha'ie
See: Bahá'í International Community
International Eugenics Congress (1st : 1912 : London) ¶
- Abstracts of Papers Read at the First International Eugenics Congress
University of London, July, 1912 (English) (as Author)
International Institute of Bibliography ¶
- Institut international de bibliographie
- Office international de bibliographie
- en.wikipedia
- fr.wikipedia
- Decimal Classification. Tables générales (French) (as Author)
- Decimal Classification. Tables géographiques (French) (as Author)
International Joint Commission ¶
- Canada. International Joint Commission
- United States. International Joint Commission
- en.wikipedia
- Hearings of the International Joint Commission in re remedies for the pollution of boundary waters between the United States and Canada : Being public hearings held at Buffalo, N.Y., and Detroit, Mich., June 21-27, 1916, and Ogdensburg, N.Y., August 25, 1916 (English) (as Author)
International Labour Office ¶
- Bureau international du travail
- en.wikipedia
- L'organisation de l'industrie et les conditions du travail dans la Russie des Soviets (French) (as Author)
International Meridian Conference (1884 : Washington, D.C.) ¶
- International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day. October, 1884.
Protocols of the Proceedings (English) (as Author)
Inter-tribal Council of Louisiana ¶
- Indians of Louisiana (English)
Intext Inc. International Correspondence Schools
See: International Correspondence Schools
Introzzi, Gianpietro ¶
- Igiene dei piaceri secondo le età, i temperamenti e le stagioni (Italian) (as Translator)
See: Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876
Invernizio, Carolina, 1851-1916 ¶
- it.wikipedia
- La trovatella di Milano (Italian) (as Author)
Inwards, Harry ¶
- Straw Hats: Their history and manufacture (English) (as Author)
See: Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 1862-1931
Iones, Inigo
Ionides, Cyril ¶
- A Floating Home (English) (as Author)
Ionson, Ben
Ion, Theodore P. ¶
- Hellenism in Asia Minor (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
See: Jordanes, active 6th century
Iorden, Edward
See: Jorden, Edward, 1569-1632
Iorga, Nicolae, 1871-1940 ¶
- Jorga, Nicolas
- Yorga, Nikola
- en.wikipedia
- ro.wikipedia
- Țara mea (Romanian) (as Translator)
Iota (Mrs. Mannington Caffyn)
See: Caffyn, Mannington, Mrs., -1926
Iowa Press and Authors' Club ¶
- Prairie Gold (English) (as Author)
Iowa Telephone Company
See: Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
See: Yang, Erzeng, active 17th century
Ipolyi, Arnold, 1823-1886 ¶
- Stummer, Arnold
- hu.wikipedia
- Ipolyi Arnold népmesegyüjteménye; Magyar népköltési gyüjtemény 13. kötet (Hungarian) (as Author)
Ippocrate (Physician)
See: Hippocrates, 460? BC-370? BC
Ippolito, di Roma, Antipope
See: Hippolytus, Antipope, 170?-236?
Ipsen, Alfred, 1852-1922 ¶
- da.wikipedia
- Kort og sandfærdig Beretning om den vidtudraabte Besættelse udi Thisted (Danish) (as Editor)
Ipsen, Ludvig Sandöe ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Scarlet Letter (English) (as Illustrator)
Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938 ¶
- Ikbol, Mukhammad, Sir
- en.wikipedia
- The Development of Metaphysics in Persia
A Contribution to the History of Muslim Philosophy (English) (as Author) - The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i Khudi) — A Philosophical Poem (English) (as Author)
Irabi, Ahmad
Iradier, Sebastián
See: Yradier, Sebastián, 1809-1865
Iraq Study Group (U.S.) ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Iraq Study Group Report (English) (as Author)
Irby, Augustus Henry ¶
- The Diary of a Hunter from the Punjab to the Karakorum Mountains (English) (as Author)
Irby, Richard, 1825-1902 ¶
- History of Randolph-Macon College, Virginia
The Oldest Incorporated Methodist College in America (English) (as Author)
Ireland, Alleyne, 1871-1951 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- An Adventure with a Genius: Recollections of Joseph Pulitzer (English) (as Author)
Ireland, John, -1808 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Hogarth's Works, with life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures. Volume 1 (of 3) (English) (as Author)
- Hogarth's Works, with life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures. Volume 2 (of 3) (English) (as Author)
- Hogarth's Works, with life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures. Volume 3 (of 3) (English) (as Author)
Ireland, John, 1838-1918 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Catholic Colonization in Minnesota
Revised Edition (English) (as Other)
Ireland, John (Seaman) ¶
- The Shipwrecked Orphans
A true narrative of the shipwreck and sufferings of John Ireland and William Doyley, who were wrecked in the ship Charles Eaton, on an island in the South Seas (English) (as Author)
Ireland, Mary E. (Mary Eliza), 1834-1927 ¶
- Hilda's Mascot: A Tale of "Maryland, My Maryland" (English)
- Pixy's Holiday Journey (English) (as Translator)
Ireland, Michael
See: Figgis, Darrell, 1882-1925
Ireland. Ministry of Economic Affairs ¶
- Report on the Cost of Living in Ireland, June 1922 (English) (as Author)
Ireland, M. W. (Merritte Weber), 1867-1952 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Conference of Officers in Charge of Government Hospitals Serving Veterans of the World War (English) (as Contributor)
Ireland, Samuel, 1744-1800 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Vortigern; an historical play (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835 ¶
- Anser Pen-drag-on
- Flagellum
- Freeman, W. H. (William Henry)
- Irwin, William Henry
- Pen-drag-on, Anser
- Persius, Paul
- Sculptor, Satiricus
- en.wikipedia
- Vortigern; an historical play (English) (as Author)
See: Prime, Samuel Irenæus, 1812-1885
Iriarte, Tomás de, 1750-1791 ¶
- Cisnéros, Francisco Agustín de
- De Iriarte, Tomás
- Oropesa, Tomás de Iriarte y
- Yriarte, Tomás de
- es.wikipedia
- Ang Bagong Robinson (Tomo 1) (Tagalog) (as Translator)
- Fábulas literarias (Spanish) (as Author)
- Literary Fables of Yriarte (English) (as Author)
- Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain (English) (as Author)
Iribas, Juan L. ¶
- La guardia blanca
novela histórica escrita en inglés (Spanish) (as Translator)
Irish, Annie B. ¶
- Landolin (English) (as Translator)
Irish, Marie ¶
- Christmas eve at Mulligan's (English) (as Author)
- Christmas Speakin' at Skaggs's Skule (English) (as Author)
Irles, Juan Villagonzalo ¶
- Wala'y Igsoon.... (Sugilanon'g Binisaya) (Cebuano) (as Author)
See: Gibson, George Herbert, 1846-1921
Iron Gray
See: Thomas, Abel C. (Abel Charles), 1807-1880
Iron, Ralph
See: Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920
Ironside, John ¶
- The 'Phone Booth Mystery (English) (as Author)
- The Red Symbol (English) (as Author)
Ironside, Nestor
Irons, Lettie Artley ¶
- Prescott, Paul J.
- Nat, The Trapper and Indian-Fighter (English) (as Author)
Irons, William J. (William Josiah), 1812-1883 ¶
- Oxoniensis
- en.wikipedia
- On the apostolical succession
Parochial lectures, second series (English) (as Author) - Proposed Surrender of the Prayer-Book and Articles of the Church of England
A Letter to the Lord Bishop of London on Professor Stanley's Views of Clerical and University "Subscription" (English) (as Author)
Irvine, Alexander, 1863-1941 ¶
- From the Bottom Up: The Life Story of Alexander Irvine (English) (as Author)
- My Lady of the Chimney Corner (English) (as Author)
Irvine, Leigh H. (Leigh Hadley), 1863-1942 ¶
- The Magazine Style-Code (English) (as Author)
Irving, Fannie Belle ¶
- Six Girls: A Home Story (English) (as Author)
Irving, H. B. (Henry Brodribb), 1870-1919 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- A Book of Remarkable Criminals (English) (as Author)
Irving, Henry, Sir, 1838-1905 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Drama (English) (as Author)
Irving, John Treat, 1812-1906 ¶
- Indian sketches, taken during an expedition to the Pawnee and other tribes of American Indians (Vol. 1 of 2) (English) (as Author)
- Indian sketches, taken during an expedition to the Pawnee tribes (Vol. 2 of 2) (English) (as Author)
Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 ¶
- Crayon, Geoffrey
- en.wikipedia
- Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey (English) (as Author)
- The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West (English) (as Author)
- The Alhambra (English) (as Author)
- The Alhambra (English) (as Author)
- Alhambra (Finnish) (as Author)
- Astoria; Or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains (English) (as Author)
- Bracebridge Hall (English) (as Author)
- Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists (English) (as Author)
- Christmas Day (English) (as Author)
- The Christmas dinner, from "The sketch book" (English) (as Author)
- Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida (English) (as Author)
- The Crayon Papers (English) (as Author)
- Crónica de la conquista de Granada (1 de 2) (Spanish) (as Author)
- Crónica de la conquista de Granada (2 de 2) (Spanish) (as Author)
- Cuentos Clásicos del Norte, Segunda Serie (Spanish) (as Author)
- Cuentos de la Alhambra (Spanish) (as Author)
- The Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1 (English) (as Contributor)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Washington Irving (English) (as Author)
- Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete (English) (as Author)
- La Legendo de Dorm-Valeto (Esperanto) (as Author)
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (English) (as Author)
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (English) (as Author)
- The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Volume II) (English) (as Author)
- Life of George Washington — Volume 01 (English) (as Author)
- Little Britain (English) (as Author)
- The Lock and Key Library: The most interesting stories of all nations: American (English) (as Contributor)
- Old Christmas (English) (as Author)
- Old Christmas (English) (as Author)
- Old Christmas: from the Sketch Book of Washington Irving (English) (as Author)
- Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography (English) (as Author)
- The Oxford Book of American Essays (English) (as Contributor)
- Pennsylvania Dutch Rip Van Winkle: A romantic drama in two acts (English) (as Author)
- Pennsylvania Dutch Rip Van Winkle: A romantic drama in two acts (German) (as Author)
- Pokanoket'in Filip (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rip Van Winkle (English) (as Author)
- Rip Van Winkle (English) (as Author)
- The Short-story (English) (as Contributor)
- The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon (English) (as Author)
- Spanish Papers (English) (as Author)
- The Student's Life of Washington; Condensed from the Larger Work of Washington Irving
For Young Persons and for the Use of Schools (English) (as Author) - Tales of a Traveller (English) (as Author)
- Tri Noveloj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Wolfert's Roost, and Miscellanies (English) (as Author)
Irvin, Rea, 1881-1972 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Mr. Togo: Maid of all Work (English) (as Illustrator)
- Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective (English) (as Illustrator)
Irvin, Violeta
See: Irwin, Violet, 1881-
Irvin, Wallace, 1876-1959 ¶
- Hashimura Togo, Domestic Scientist (English) (as Author)
Irwin Brown, J. (John)
See: Brown, J. Irwin (John Irwin), 1858-1937
Irwin, H. J. (Henry Thomas Johnson)
See: Irwin, H. T. (Henry Thomas Johnson), -1978
Irwin, H. T. (Henry Thomas Johnson), -1978 ¶
- Irwin, H. J. (Henry Thomas Johnson)
- Excavations at the LoDaisKa Site in the Denver, Colorado area (English) (as Author)
Irwin, Inez Haynes
See: Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 1873-1970
Irwin, M. (Madelaine) ¶
- In Convent Walls
The Story of the Despensers (English) (as Illustrator) - It Might Have Been: The Story of the Gunpowder Plot (English) (as Illustrator)
- One Snowy Night
Long ago at Oxford (English) (as Illustrator) - Our Little Lady
Six Hundred Years Ago (English) (as Illustrator) - Too dearly bought : or, The town strike (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Well in the Desert
An Old Legend of the House of Arundel (English) (as Illustrator)
Irwin, Muriel Stuart
See: Stuart, Muriel, 1889-1967
Irwin, Richard B. (Richard Biddle), 1839-1892 ¶
- History of the Nineteenth Army Corps (English) (as Author)
Irwin, Violet, 1881- ¶
- Irvin, Violeta
- Kak, the Copper Eskimo (English) (as Author)
Irwin, Wallace, 1876-1959 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Letters of a Japanese schoolboy ("Hashimura Togo") (English) (as Author)
- The Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor (English) (as Author)
- The Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum (English) (as Author)
- Mr. Togo: Maid of all Work (English) (as Author)
- Nonsenseorship (English) (as Contributor)
- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Jr. (English) (as Author)
Irwin, Will, 1873-1948 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The City That Was: A Requiem of Old San Francisco (English) (as Author)
- The House of Mystery: An Episode in the Career of Rosalie Le Grange, Clairvoyant (English) (as Author)
- The Picaroons (English) (as Author)
- The Readjustment (English) (as Author)
- Stanford Stories: Tales of a Young University (English) (as Author)
- The Third Circle (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Irwin, William Henry
See: Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835
Irwin-Williams, Cynthia, 1936-1990 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Excavations at the LoDaisKa Site in the Denver, Colorado area (English) (as Author)
Isaac Pitman & Sons ¶
- Pitman & Sons
- Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons
- An abridged list of Commercial Handbooks of Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd. (English) (as Author)
Isaacsen, Adolph ¶
- All about Ferrets and Rats
A Complete History of Ferrets, Rats, and Rat Extermination from Personal Experiences and Study. Also a Practical Hand-Book on the Ferret. (English) (as Author)
Isaacs, Isaac
Isaacs, Judd
See: Potter, I. J.
Isaacson, Lauren Ann, 1961-1986 ¶
- Through These Eyes
The courageous struggle to find meaning in a life stressed with cancer (English) (as Author)
Isabelle Sherrick, Fannie
See: Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
See: Illinois State Geological Survey
Isham, Frederic Stewart, 1866-1922 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Half A Chance (English) (as Author)
- The Lady of the Mount (English) (as Author)
- A Man and His Money (English) (as Author)
- Nothing But the Truth (English) (as Author)
- The Strollers (English) (as Author)
- Under the Rose (English) (as Author)
Isham, Samuel, 1855-1914 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Mentor: American Landscape Painters, Vol. 1, Num. 26, Serial No. 26 (English) (as Author)
Isings, J. H., 1884-1977 ¶
- nl.wikipedia
- Willem de Zwijger, Prins van Oranje (Dutch) (as Illustrator)
Isla, José Francisco de, 1703-1781 ¶
- Rojo, José Francisco de Isla y
- en.wikipedia
- es.wikipedia
- Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana: Novela (Vol 1 de 3) (Spanish) (as Translator)
- Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana: Novela (Vol 2 de 3) (Spanish) (as Translator)
- Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana: Novela (Vol 3 de 3) (Spanish) (as Translator)
- Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes (1 de 2) (Spanish) (as Author)
- Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes (2 de 2) (Spanish) (as Author)
Islander, Ilmari
See: Jäämaa, Ilmari, 1888-1934
Isle-Adam, Auguste Villiers de L', comte de
See: Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Auguste, comte de, 1838-1889
Isle, June ¶
- Happy Hearts (English) (as Author)
Isler, M. (Meyer), 1807-1888 ¶
- de.wikipedia
- Niebuhr's lectures on Roman history, Vol. 1 (of 3) (English) (as Other)
- Niebuhr's lectures on Roman history, Vol. 2 (of 3) (English) (as Other)
Isola, Antonia, 1876- ¶
- McGinnis, Mabel Earl
- en.wikipedia
- Simple Italian Cookery (English) (as Author)
Israëls, Jozef, 1824-1911 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Rembrandt (English) (as Author)
Issler's Orchestra ¶
- en.wikipedia
- The Fifth Regiment March (English) (as Performer)
Istrati, Panait, 1884-1935 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- fi.wikipedia
- Anghel-eno : Adrien Zograffin toinen kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Heitukat : Adrien Zograffin kolmas kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kira Kiralina : Adrien Zograffin ensimmäinen kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
See: Bettòli, Parmenio, 1835-1907
Itard, Jean Marc Gaspard, 1775-1838 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- De l'éducation d'un homme sauvage
ou des premiers développemens physiques et moraux du jeune sauvage de l'Aveyron (French) (as Author)
Itelson, Gregorius ¶
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Translator)
Itkonen, Rieti, 1889-1951 ¶
- fi.wikipedia
- Laki on kuollut — mutta tuomari on elävä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Iuvenalis, Decimus Junius
See: Juvenal
Ivalo, Santeri, 1866-1937 ¶
- Ingman, Santeri
- fi.wikipedia
- Aikansa lapsipuoli (Finnish) (as Author)
- Anna Fleming: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Erämaan nuijamiehet: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Erämaan taistelu: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Hellaassa (Finnish) (as Author)
- Iltapuhteeksi 1: Kokoelma pieniä kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Iltapuhteeksi 2: Kokoelma pieniä kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Juho Vesainen: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Karoliinit: Kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kuningas Suomessa: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kuuden vuosikymmenen ajoilta: Muistelmia Suomesta (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Margareeta: Historiallisia kertomuksia I (Finnish) (as Author)
- Menneiden vuosisatain vaiheita (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Onnen aalloissa: Historiallisia kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pietari Särkilahti: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Reservikasarmista: Muistoja sotamiesajoiltani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Saaristosta: Kuvia suomalaisten saaristolaisten elämästä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Salapoliisijuttu sekin y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Sotalaivan valtaus
Kuvaus 1808 vuoden sodasta (Finnish) (as Translator) - Suomalaisia sankareita I: Historiallisia kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Suomalaisia sankareita II: Historiallisia kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Suuri lähetystö : Muistoja ja tuokiokuvia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Tuokiokuvia matkan varrelta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Vanhan partiomiehen unelma (Finnish) (as Author)
- Viipurin pamaus: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
Ivanowski, Sigismond de, 1875-1944 ¶
- De Ivanowski, Sigismond
- The Adventures of a Forty-niner
An Historic Description of California, with Events and Ideas of San Francisco and Its People in Those Early Days (English) (as Illustrator) - The Black Cross (English) (as Illustrator)
- A Cathedral Singer (English) (as Illustrator)
- Friday, the Thirteenth: A Novel (English) (as Illustrator)
- Mother (English) (as Illustrator)
Ivens, W. G. (Walter George), 1871- ¶
- Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language, Solomon Islands (English) (as Author)
Ivers & Co.
See: M.J. Ivers & Co.
Ives, Charles, 1874-1954 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Essays Before a Sonata (English) (as Author)
Ives, F. T. (Franklin Titus), 1828-1910 ¶
- The Hollow Earth (English) (as Author)
Ives, George Burnham, 1856-1930 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Antonia (English) (as Translator)
- Les beaux messieurs de Bois-Doré Vol. 1 (of 2) (English) (as Translator)
- Les beaux messieurs de Bois-Doré Vol. 2 (of 2) (English) (as Translator)
- The Devil's Pool (English) (as Translator)
- The Devil's Pool (English) (as Translator)
- Geofroy Tory
Painter and engraver; first royal printer; reformer of orthography and typography under François I. (English) (as Translator) - Honoré de Balzac (English) (as Translator)
- Indiana (English) (as Translator)
- King of Camargue (English) (as Translator)
- Monsieur Cherami (English) (as Translator)
- The Nabob, Vol. 1 (of 2) (English) (as Translator)
- The Nabob, Vol. 2 (of 2) (English) (as Translator)
- Penal Methods of the Middle Ages: Criminals, Witches, Lunatics (English) (as Author)
- The Piccinino, Volume 1 (of 2) (English) (as Translator)
- The Piccinino, Volume 2 (of 2); The last of Aldinis (English) (as Translator)
- Prosper Mérimée's Short Stories (English) (as Translator)
- She and he; Lavinia; Memoir (English) (as Translator)
- The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 1 (of 2) (English) (as Translator)
- The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 2 (of 2) and Leone Leoni (English) (as Translator)
- The weight of the name (English) (as Translator)
Ives, Herbert Eugene, 1882-1953 ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Airplane Photography (English) (as Author)
Ives, Sarah Noble, 1864-1944 ¶
- Noble-Ives, Sarah
- en.wikipedia
- The key to Betsy's heart (English) (as Author)
- Mother Stories (English) (as Illustrator)
Ives, William
See: Gaylord, Glance, 1847-1868
Ivie, Larry, 1936-2014 ¶
- The God Next Door (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Risk Profession (English) (as Illustrator)
Ivimey, John W. (John William), 1868- ¶
- en.wikipedia
- Complete Version of ye Three Blind Mice (English) (as Author)
Ivimy, Alice M. ¶
- Love in a Mask; Or, Imprudence and Happiness (English) (as Translator)
Ivins, Florence Wyman, 1881-1948 ¶
- Wyman, Florence
- A visit from St. Nicholas (English) (as Illustrator)
Ivoi, Paul d', 1856-1915 ¶
- Deleutre, Paul Charles Philippe Eric
- D'Ivoi, Paul
- fr.wikipedia
- Les grands explorateurs: La Mission Marchand (Congo-Nil) (French) (as Author)
Ivory, P. V. E., 1883-1960 ¶
- 'Drag' Harlan (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Duke Of Chimney Butte (English) (as Illustrator)
- 'Firebrand' Trevison (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Flockmaster of Poison Creek (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Ranchman (English) (as Illustrator)
- The Trail Horde (English) (as Illustrator)
- Trail's End (English) (as Illustrator)
Ivray, Jehan d', 1861-1940 ¶
- D'Ivray, Jehan
- fr.wikipedia
- Au cœur du Harem (French) (as Author)
- L'Égypte éternelle (French) (as Author)
Iwado, Z. Tamotsu, 1891?-1946 ¶
- 岩堂, 保
- A spring-time case : (Otsuya koroshi) (English) (as Translator)
Iwanowski, Aleksander ¶
- Narodowe Melodye
Polka () (as Performer)
Iyenaga, T. (Toyokichi), 1862-1936 ¶
- 家永豊吉
- The Constitutional Development of Japan 1853-1881
Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Ninth Series (English) (as Author) - Japan and the California Problem (English) (as Author)
Iyer, A. Rama
See: Rama Iyer, A.
Izard, Forrest ¶
- Heroines of the Modern Stage (English) (as Author)
Izumi Shikibu, 974?- ¶
- Oe Masamune no Musume
- 和泉式部
- 泉式部
- de.wikipedia
- Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan (English) (as Author)