Distance Learning
Hawaiian Electric’s free Teacher Resource Center featuring hard-copy booklets and hands-on experiment kits has been available to teachers and students for many decades. We have compiled a special ‘electric’ library that teachers and students can utilize electronically. Choose electronic files of booklets or videos featuring emergency preparedness, electrical safety, energy conservation, renewable energy and careers. With our compliments.
View electronically, or order hard copies for your whole class! Click on the electronic files to view, or teachers are welcome to request hard copies to be mailed to your school.
Electricity in HawaiiGrades 1-2
Young students discover the basics of electricity, renewable energy and safety measures.
To order hard copies please provide: School name, address and quantity.
Grades 2-4
Students learn what items at home use electricity, what renewable energy is, how to conserve electricity and how to be safe around it.
To order hard copies please provide: School name, address and quantity.
Grades 3-6
Children learn how to prepare for emergencies in Hawaii. What’s best to pack in a ready-to-go bag, prepare emergency contact numbers with parents, how to care for a pet, what to do before, during and after a storm. Also watch the video!
- Perfect Message During Hurricane Season -
To order hard copies please provide: School name, address and quantity.
- Perfect Message During Hurricane Season -
Contact us for a virtual Q&A session with your students!
Contact us for a virtual Q&A session with your students!
Grades 3-12
Easy to understand artwork explains how electricity is made and distributed to homes, schools and businesses. Features different types of renewable energy.
To order hard copies please provide: School name, address and quantity.
Hawaiian Electric Careers Video
Grades 5-12
Capture a glimpse into some interesting careers at Hawaiian Electric from environmental, to engineering, to running our volunteer programs and more. Hear how Hawaiian Electric expects their employees to be self-director learners, complex thinkers and community contributors. 9 minutes. Good to pair with The Science and Engineering Behind The Electric Grid booklet. (Younger students could use teacher support on some vocabulary.)
Contact us for a virtual Q&A session with your students!
Grades 7-12
Plan, prepare and practice for emergencies. How do Hawaiian Electric crews restore power after a storm? Watch how first responders, field crews, helicopter pilots and the control center work as a team to repair transmission lines. Learn what to do if you see a downed power line. 6 minutes. Good to pair with Handbook for Emergency Preparedness.
Contact us for a virtual Q&A session with your students!
The Science and Engineering Behind the Electric Grid
Grades 7-12
This comprehensive booklet covers everything from the generation of electricity to today’s modern grid. Covers what electricity is made of, how it is created through renewable and non-renewable resources and how it moves through wires to its destination. Reviews how a generator works, power plants operate, and provides good insight into transmission lines and electric meters. Provides electrical safety measures and information on emergency preparedness and covers careers in the electrical utility. Mahalo to Project Energy Savers for sharing this valuable booklet electronically with Hawaii’s students.
To order hard copies please provide: School name, address and quantity.
Grades 7-Adults
Really! There are 101 ways to save electricity at home. Originally created in 2017, the lessons are still important today. Tips #42-46 feature CFL light bulbs, but the LED’s have become the go-to energy saving light bulbs. Ask students to run calculations on energy savings between a 100 watt incandescent light bulb vs 26 watt CFL and a 14 watt LED.
Extra tip: To calculate appliances costs, go to Calculate Appliance Operating Costs.
To order hard copies please provide: School name, address and quantity.
Handbook for Emergency Preparedness
Grades 7-Adults
Originally created for families, this 72-page book is a comprehensive tool to learn what to do before, during and after an emergency. The Handbook for Emergency Preparedness is used by all of Hawaii’s emergency management agencies and is distributed to all Hawaiian Electric customers. Also watch the video!
To order hard copies please provide: School name, address and quantity.
Community Resources
Checkout these resources from our Partners:
- Eat Pono's Aina Guardian workbook
Grades 1-6
EAT PONO was inspired by the young curious mind of 11-year-old Hawaii-born kamaaina, Poet Gentry, who amid pandemic at-home learning, became fascinated with understanding food sourcing and the power of healthy and sustainable choices for kids his age. The Aina Guardian workbook covers a range of topics related to sustainability, conservation, healthy eating, and environmental responsibility.
- Hawaii State Energy Office’s Energy Education
- HSEO, in collaboration with the Hawaii Department of Education, contracted the Maui Economic Development Board to develop clean energy curricula and toolkits for teachers grades K – 12.
- Clean Energy Wayfinders
- The Clean Energy Wayfinders is a new program from the Hawaii State Energy Office to advance Hawaii’s clean energy goals through addressing energy inequities in vulnerable communities while creating jobs that launch a new generation of clean energy leaders. To schedule a presentation or to learn more about the Clean Energy Wayfinders program, contact dbedt.energyoffice@hawaii.gov.
- Hawaii Energy Community Workshops
- Hawaii Energy provides free community programs to help residents of all ages and backgrounds learn more about saving energy and how to put their knowledge into action.
- Hawaii Energy Classroom Resources for Teachers
- Hawaii Energy Activity Sheets for Students
- STEMworks Hawaii
- STEMworks™ Energy is an immersive & interactive virtual reality (VR) experience where students can explore Energy Efficiency, Stabilizing the Grid, and Biodiesel!
- Hawaii Green Growth Aloha+ Challenge
- The Aloha+ Challenge is a statewide commitment to achieve Hawaii’s sustainability goals, and locally driven framework to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.