
Emergency Preparedness Handbook

Download Our Handbook for Emergency Preparedness

At Hawaiian Electric we are committed to providing you with reliable service and understand how essential electricity is to our everyday lives, however, during emergency situations power outages can occur and we want you to be prepared.

We’ve created a step by step Handbook on Emergency Preparedness to better prepare you and your family for an emergency. Our keiki version of the handbook is also available to start the conversation and planning process early for everyone in your home. The time to prepare is now. We encourage you to download our free handbooks and start preparing today.

The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency is now recommending residents prepare an emergency kit that should include hand sanitizer and face masks.

The Handbook for Emergency Preparedness is available online in English, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Ilocano, and Korean.

Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards

You may also be interested in the Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards published by the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program. This handbook is in part a compilation from numerous publications associated with natural hazards and hazard mitigation.

To order copies of this publication contact the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program at (808) 956-7410.