Hawaii Highways
- ️Oscar Voss
Click the dark green buttons on the left for lists of the Interstate, state, and some county highways on the Big Island (Hawaii island), Maui, Lanai and Molokai, Kauai, and Oahu. Go to those lists for detailed information on specific routes, including route numbers, names, termini, mileages, and sometimes historical or other information and/or links to photos and other material elsewhere on this site. Also on the left is a button for detailed guides to Oahu Freeways exits and interchanges, including interchange diagrams.
Click the dark blue buttons on the lower left for general information. The site guide discusses how this site is organized, supplementing the site map's quick overview of what's where on this site. The FAQs cover lots of Hawaii highway topics and trivia, including one page of "Tips for Tourists." See also my collection of over 330 road photos covering all of Hawaii's major islands, including in-depth coverage of some specific highways and topics, such as the gorgeous Interstate H-3, Maui's curvaceous Hana Highway, and lava closures of highways on the Big Island. There are also pages on Hawaii road signs, Interstate route ends, and state and county route ends. For the latest on state highway construction and traffic conditions, and other official information, check in also with Hawaii DOT.
The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Hawaii's state or county transportation departments. However, they provided valuable assistance (see Credits and Sources).
E komo mai! (Come on in!)