
Hellenic Scholarships Foundation

About the Hellenic Scholarships Foundation

The purpose of the Hellenic Scholarships Foundation is to honour and to award students of Hellenic origin attending institutions of higher learning in Quebec who excel in their studies. Through the awards of scholarships and honourable distinctions, the recipients are encouraged in their difficult but gratifying journey, and they become models for others who follow in their footsteps.

The Hellenic Scholarships Foundation was established in 1987 by university academics of Hellenic origin together with the student associations of McGill and Concordia Universities. Its bylaws were sanctioned by Quebec in 1988 through the grant of a Charter while in 1989 the Foundation acquired the right to remit to donors receipts for tax deduction purposes.

A significant number of our community members has already contributed in many ways, especially financially, to the creation of the conditions that permit the continuation and growth of the scholarship awards. The Foundation believes that the number of our fellow community members who understand the importance of education and of rewarding excellence will continue to increase steadily every year.

Today we take pride in awarding scholarships and distinctions to the students selected in this year's competition. Their academic performance constitutes an honour for the Hellenic community and is a source of hope for the future. 

Policy Statement (.pdf)

Testimonials from Past Scholarship Recipients (.pdf)