The Holocaust Chronicle PROLOGUE: Roots of the Holocaust, page 231
An order issued by the Croatian government in May 1941 required all Jews and Serbs to vacate specific areas of Zagreb. The Croatian nationalist Ustasa movement immediately began to persecute its arch-rivals, the Serbs. Thousands were killed and many more were deported to Serbia. The fate of Croatian Jewry was inextricably intertwined with that of the Serbs. Jews and Serbs who failed to comply with the order were forcibly removed from their homes and severely punished.
Photo: Jewish Historical Museum of Yugoslavia / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive |
Marshal Tito (right), a.k.a. Josip Broz, talks with members of Yugoslavian Resistance. Unifying all of Yugoslavia's ethnic and religious groups, Tito commanded perhaps 300,000 partisan fighters who kept 20 German divisions busy in Yugoslavia. More than 2000 Jews fought directly for Tito, who ordered his forces to assist escaping Jews.
Photo: Archive Photos |
Prisoners at Plaszów, Poland, carry loaves of bread to feed workers at the Madritch factory, where German Army combat uniforms were manufactured. Plaszów was first a labor camp policed by Ukrainian guards, but in 1944 it became a concentration camp controlled by the SS.
Photo: Prof. Leopold Pfefferberg-Page / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive |
May 20, 1941: Jews in France are prohibited from wholesale and retail trade, nor can they own banks, hotels, or restaurants. |
May 20, 1941: The Central Office of Emigration in Berlin notifies all German consulates that Hermann Göring has banned emigration of Jews from France and all other occupied territories. The directive quotes Göring's mention of the "doubtless imminent final solution," the first official Nazi reference to a scheme for mass extermination of all Jews in Europe. |
May 21, 1941: A collaborationist group, Nederlandse Arbeids Dienst (Dutch Labor Service), is established in Holland. |
May 22, 1941: Jews in Croatia are forced to wear yellow badges. |
June 1941: The Bialystok region of Poland is annexed to Greater Germany. |