Matt Barrett's Guide to the Best Hotels in Greece
This Greece Hotel Guide is a companion to my Greece Travel Guides and is made up of hotels that I have stayed in or have been recommended by the Greek travel agencies I work with, or are the highest rated by travelers to Greece. The photos and descriptions should help you decide which hotel is right for you.
For information on booking Hotels in Athens, the Greek Islands and the Mainland read my Introduction to Hotels of Greece or just scroll down and start clicking on the islands and areas you are interested in. If you are looking for hotels on several islands and Athens you should use my Create-an-Itinerary form and let my travel agency friends book the hotels and coordinate the ferries.
Because many of these hotels you are going directly to the hotel�s booking page you won�t find customers reviews and the descriptions were written by the hotels. You can find reviews by googling the name of the hotel and location or Searching But please come back here to book the hotel and help support my websites. Or get assistance from one of my reliable travel agencies.
Greece Hotel Guide
Book Directly with HotelsIf you are using the major hotel booking sites and experiencing the frustration of finding that all your desired hotels are full, or not being able to find any hotels for any the places you want to go... there is hope. This is a brand new page where through my partnership with Webhotelier, the company that creates the booking software for many of the hotels in Greece, you can book directly with hotels, villas and holiday homes. If you are having trouble finding availability for specific or any hotels or want to bi-pass the giant booking sites for philosophical or moral reasons or you don't want to work with travel agencies you can use this site: Matt's Book Greek Hotels Directly
You can also Search over 6000 Hotels, Villas, Apartments and AirbnB Style Accommodations in Greece by clicking on the link and typing in the island, city, village or even the name of the hotel.
Other Hotel Pages from my Greece Travel Guides.....
Confused? Overwhelmed? Want me to help you find a hotel? See my Hotel Booking Assistance Page
Help Support Matt's Greece Guides
Do you enjoy using my site? Have you found it entertaining as well as useful? If so please show your appreciation by booking hotels through the travel agencies and the links found on my Hotels of Greece site. The small comission I make on the bookings enable me to keep working and in most cases you won't find them any cheaper by searching elsewhere.