Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences
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The Journal of Earth System Science, an International Journal, was earlier a part of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Section A begun in 1934, and later split in 1978 into theme journals. This journal was published as Proceedings – Earth and Planetary Sciences since 1978, and in 2005 was renamed ‘Journal of Earth System Science’.
Aim and Scope
The journal is highly interdisciplinary and publishes scholarly research – new data, ideas, and conceptual advances – in Earth System Science. The focus is on the evolution of the Earth as a system: manuscripts describing changes of anthropogenic origin in a limited region are not considered unless they go beyond describing the changes to include an analysis of earth-system processes. The journal's scope includes the solid earth (geosphere), the atmosphere, the hydrosphere (including cryosphere), and the biosphere; it also addresses related aspects of planetary and space sciences. Contributions pertaining to the Indian sub-continent and the surrounding Indian-Ocean region are particularly welcome. Journal of Earth System Science is open for proposals on Special/Theme Issues, which in turn, will also go through the normal process of reviewing. Given that a large number of manuscripts report either observations or model results for a limited domain, manuscripts intended for publication in JESS are expected to fulfil at least one of the following three criteria.
- The data should be of relevance and should be of statistically significant size and from a region from where such data are sparse. If the data are from a well-sampled region, the data size should be considerable and advance our knowledge of the region.
- A model study is carried out to explain observations reported either in the same manuscript or in the literature.
- The analysis, whether of data or with models, is novel and the inferences advance the current knowledge.
Co-publishing Arrangement with Springer
Journal of Earth System Science is now distributed in print outside India and online worldwide by Springer, co-publisher of the journal together with the Indian Academy of Sciences. On Springer, Journal of Earth System Science ( is part of SpringerLink, one of the world's leading interactive databases of high quality STM journals, book series, books, reference works and online archives collection.
Other details
- 0253-4126 (print) eISSN
- 0973-774X (online) Frequency
- 2020: One volume per year
2014 – 2019 — 8 issues per year
2005 – 2013 — 6 issues per year
1998 – 2004 — 4 issues per year
1978 – 1997 — 1-4 issues per year
Impact Factor (2023) - 1.3