


Department of State Bulletin, vol. III, p. 196

Press Release Issued by the Department o f State on September 7, 1940

The Secretary of State on September, 6 sent the following instruc­tion to diplomatic missions of the‑ United States in all the other American republics

"It is desired that you formally notify the Government to which you are accredited that the United States has acquired the right to lease naval and air bases in Newfoundland, and in the islands of Bermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Trinidad, and Antigua, and in British Guiana.

"The Government of the United States has taken this step to strengthen its ability not only to defend the United States but in order the more effectively to cooperate with the other American republics in the common defense of the hemisphere.

"The resulting facilities at these bases will, of course, be made .available alike to all American republics on the fullest cooperative basis for the common defense of the hemisphere and in entire harmony with the spirit of the pronouncements made and the understandings reached at the conferences of Lima, Panama, and Habana."