
Tron 2.0: Light Cycles - IGN

  • ️Levi Buchanan
  • ️Sat Nov 24 2018

Should you head for the game grid?

There are very few science-fiction licenses with the staying power of, say, "Star Wars" or "Star Trek." But while those two workhorses take a beating from increasing apathetic audiences, a blast from the past is being recognized for its brilliance and foresight: Disney's "Tron." Come to think of it, "Tron" managed to even out-do Enter the Matrix, as it's simultaneous arcade game release allowed players to step on the game grid and try their mettle much the same way as Tron and Flynn.

Twenty years after its release (and critical drubbing/commercial failure), people are seeing "Tron" for the masterpiece it was -- and still is. A new PC game, Tron 2.0 is a huge success, and Disney is still discussing a sequel to the original film. Riding ont his wave of buzz comes a cellphone game from Lavastorm, entitled Tron 2.0: Light Cycles, concentrating on one of the film's most exciting sequences.


  • Ride light cycles -- how cool is that?
  • Uses story elements from PC game
  • Hints from Byte
  • Three power-ups

    Tron 2.0: Light Cycles is, unfortunately, not the world's best game. Might as well get that out of the way and disappoint the big "Tron" fans right up front. However, fanatics of the movie might really not give a rip. The game is merely "okay," and that may be good enough for some. Not us -- but we're willing to accept that the love of this license will sway some gamers. And since we're "Tron" nerds ourselves, we understand.

    Tron 2.0: Light Cycles zeroes in on the light cycling aspect of the film and PC game -- no platforming, no shooting. You pilot an ultra-slick digital bike on the game grid, facing off against the virus Thorne's corrupted programs. Your light cycle creates a brightly-colored trail, which you must use to entrap opponents, leaving them with nowhere to go but straight into a wall. Think Qix mixed with seminal cellphone download Snake, and you're well on the right track. If you still don't get it, rent the movie.

    You have access to three power-up routines to help you defeat Thorne's programs: missiles, shield, or turbo. Flynn never needed these upgrades to escape from Sark's goons on the grid, but everything's in the name of progress. The shield is probably the most helpful of the three power-ups, as the speed boosts can sometimes make it difficult to control.

    In fact, control is probably what topples Tron 2.0: Light Cycles from its mighty perch above the game grid. Loosey-goosey control is compounded with some bizarre collision problems, resulting in losses that make you want to smash your phone beneath the feet of a towering Recognizer. There is nothing more frustrating than turning just prior to an opponent's trail, only to slam into it anyway -- resulting in immediate deresolution.

    However, Tron 2.0: Light Cycles certainly has the look down right. The light cycles look great, even on such a tiny screen and the colors seem very true to the film's bright reds and blues. No confusion over who's the bad guy here. In between light cycle races, you're treated to static shot cinema sequences that further the story of Jet Bradley's search for his father, Alan, in the mainframe.

  • Verdict

    Again, Tron 2.0: Light Cycles is something of a disappointment, as everybody who sees "Tron" immediately wants to pilot their own light cycle like a space cowboy in some back room. But not like this. The control of the cellphone take on the sport is just too muddled, thanks to control problems and collision upsets, to really be enjoyed. You're better off applying the few bucks to the purchase of the DVD set or the new Tron 2.0 PC game, which really is something amazing.

    In This Article

    Tron 2.0: Light Cycles

    Tron 2.0: Light Cycles

    Official IGN Review