Tales of Symphonia - IGN
- ️Mary Jane Irwin
- ️Thu Dec 13 2018
Back it up. Across the Pacific Ocean, Tales Studios (responsible for the popular Japanese RPGs Tales of Destiny and Tales of Phantasia) was working on the next Tales installment -- Tales of Symphonia. However, regardless of the series' Japanese renown for its action oriented battle system and beautiful 2D art, Tales never took off in the United States. In fact, most US gamers were never aware that Tales existed. Namco had a dilemma. Should it release this hot new Tales game in the previously unreceptive but potentially larger US market? And if one were to release it in the US...how do you break a Japanese RPG series out in the States? The simple solution? Put it exclusively on a RPG-starved system.
But just because it's exclusive to GameCube and comes from an acclaimed pedigree doesn't automatically make it good. A lesson we've already learned this year. Should GameCube owners invest time and money in TOS or continue to look to other consoles for their RPG needs?
It takes no more than a glance at the side bar to know how we feel about Tales of Symphonia. It does not disappoint. It's fun and endearing... and holds up after an eternity of play [equivalent to around 80 hours] by continually changing locals, revealing new conspiracies, and introducing elements that solve major annoyances right when you're ready to "set down" your controller out of frustration. But Tales isn't perfect.
The tale of Symphonia takes place in the land of Sylvarant -- a land suffering from mana depletion. As the amount of available mana decreases, the amount of monsters roaming the world and the amount of humans suffering (primarily at the hands of the enslaving Desians) increases. In order to restore mana and peace to the land, a Chosen is born every generation. This soul is charged with regenerating the world by opening/praying at a number of seals that have the power to bestow the Chosen with various angelic attributes. Once all the seals have been opened, the Chosen will become a true angel. This newborn angel will then ascend the Tower of Salvation and wake the goddess Martel, who will regenerate the world. It's a tall order -- especially when there are complications.
Sylvarant is bound to a mirror world -- Tethe'alla. Sylvarant's prosperity means Tethe'alla's demise. As the Chosen progresses through her quest, the more she learns of her mission's repercussions. It's up to the Chosen and her party (here's where you come in) to learn how to save both worlds.
Not necessarily an easy plot to follow, but it is basically a typical "must save world from imminent doom" scenario. While it's not without its surprises -- there are several instances where those you think are evil aren't and vice versa -- but once you're about 20 hours into the game it gets predictable. By the time you reach disk two, you'll find yourself wanting to skip most of the dialogue because you "know" what it says. And that's a big problem -- especially for a story heavy RPG. It's not that the story is boring because that's not true; it's simply not as engaging as it could be.
Luckily you can turn off the voices and instead pay attention to the score, which is pleasantly decent. A lot of the music sounds the same -- and two scores are played most of the time (one is a battle score and the other appears on the overworld) -- but there is a broad range of powerful crescendos, quiet melodies, and the occasional burst of techno. It's just unfortunate that most musical variety corresponds to a dialogue-oriented event.
However, the story elements have never been the Tales series' strongest attribute, and it's far from awful (simply not great). And while many play RPGs for the storyline/character development, Tales is a game solidly focused on the gameplay mechanics -- which makes it easy to overlook the story's faults.
Tales of Symphonia is composed of three parts, the overworld, dungeons/towns, and battle screens. The overworld is essentially a 3D map. Here you'll find basic representations of dungeons, locals, and ghost-like images of enemies. It isn't particularly pretty or detailed (the presentation resembles a PlayStation game), but it does give you a good sense of the size of Tales. The overworld is huge -- and there are essentially two of them. Several missions make the vastness of Sylvarant/Tethe'alla even more apparent because your party needs to backtrack through previously visited areas. This can be annoying (it begins to feel like sailing around the vast world of The Wind Waker). Fortunately Tales continually introduces new methods of transportation (once you're about a third of the way through) that thankfully speeds up this process.
Dungeons and towns share a similar art style -- which is the predominate choice throughout the game. Although Tales has now moved to 3D, it still recalls its 2D sprite based heritage with a cel-shaded anime art style. While everything looks distinctly cartoony, it's also very detailed. Each town and dungeon has a distinct look regardless of whether it's a port town or a fire shrine. An amazing amount of detail shows off wood grains, speckled flagstones, creepy undergrowth, lapping waves, and light refracting off stained glass. Characters are all well modeled and unique. The somewhat clunky animation (complete with Harvest Moon styled emotion bubbles) perfectly fits the art style. Tales of Symphonia is simply a piece of art.
The towns themselves are places where the storyline progresses, clues are unearthed, and Ex Gems, status supplies, armor and weaponry, and save points can be found. Within each town, it's also likely that you'll be asked to run various errands (such as obtaining a potion for someone), need to dispatch the occasional villain, and partake in a few mini-games.
Mini-games are only uncovered by thoroughly exploring areas (which includes talking to all the NPCs). While they do serve as diversions, for the most part you'll be more than happy to continue on your journey rather then sit through simple quizzes, memorization challenges, or the stunning game of red light green light.
Which leads us to one of Tales' largest problems -- the difficulty. Instead of a steady curve, you'll find a scatter plot. It's all over the map. You'll encounter rather stupid mini-games and dungeon challenges late in the game, but early on you'll be confronted by brutally hard boss battles that force you to spend an hour simply leveling up your characters. You might have just solved a tedious block pushing puzzle, fought your way to a seal, battled a boss for 20 minutes, defeated it, and are about to exit the dungeon when you suddenly have to fight another boss. All without saving.
If you die -- either because you didn't have enough experience or used your items too freely -- you'll have to play through the entire dungeon again (and most likely again). It's frustrating, especially because you're hit with this one two combo on multiple occasions. What makes it worse is that Tales' linear but relatively free to roam around nature allows you to enter dungeons in various orders. It's quite easy to be confronted by a dungeon whose mere minions can kill your entire party. Unlike RPGs that feature random encounters, you can choose whether or not to egage in battle (if you avoid an enemies' movement pattern you don't have to fight), which means there's no way of gauging how many enemies you should be killing.
Fighting is fun though, which makes the requisite leveling up for certain bosses enjoyable. Unlike your typical RPG, Tales of Symphonia uses a real-time battle system. You still have to initiate fights. You still fight with your party. But instead of using a command input system, you're directly controlling one of your character's movements. Different variations of a directional and the A and B buttons initiate different attacks. You can also block, counter, and recover from blows. What's interesting is that while TOS' battles are in 3D, you're locked to a 2D plane dependent on who your character is locked onto (you can really only move forwards and backwards on one plane until you switch targets).
Character's skills are developed in a couple ways. Traditional experience points will give you access to new moves and statistics. Installing Ex Gems -- performance enhancing jewels that give your characters super human strength -- occasionally unlock new attacks and always bestow some new skill whether its better accuracy or a new combo. But the most interesting inclusion is the ability to learn skills. By using certain combinations of attacks and repeatedly using the same attack, characters learn new abilities (often times a combination of two frequently used skills). You have full control over what skills characters use in battle (useful when adjusting to various elemental bosses), unison attacks, and hot spells (c-stick activated healing or attacks) in the menu system.
Computer controlled character actions can also be set to different levels of aggressiveness, attack styles (magic vs. strike), and how willing they are to assist you in battle. This helps with adjusting to different boss types and difficulties. Or if you have friends about, up to three others can join in for battles. It's plug and play technology -- simply plug in a controller to activate multiplayer. But even though multiple people fight, only one player can move about Sylvarant/Tethe'alla -- which can leave long periods of boredom for players two-four who aren't invested in the story.
Even though Tales features a real-time battle system, which at first seems a lot like button mashing, it involves a lot of strategy. Knowing your enemy and your party's fighting styles is key to victory. Adjusting elemental spells, choosing powerful attackers vs. support types, or even whether to hang back and use items or be the leading attacker are important decisions that can turn the tide of battle. The action heavy battle system offers more than simple playability.
All this fighting is augmented by simple puzzle solving in dungeons that is somewhat reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda. You'll be confronted with various block or switch pushing puzzles that must be completed to reach new areas or unlock doors. You'll have to fill pots with water, light torches on fire, push invisible blocks, shrink so you can walk along tiny pathways, or navigate a labyrinth of warp pads. Each dungeon is accompanied by a new sorcerer's ring attribute that might reveal hidden items, shoot an element (water, fire, wind, etc.), create an earthquake, or interact with doors/vehicles. All are associated with various puzzles that, for the most part, require some thought and are rewarding to solve (although some seem to be included simply as busy work). It's a nice break from non-stop exploration and fighting -- and opens up Tales' appeal to a far broader audience than your typical turn based RPG.
However, some of these puzzles (especially later in the game) send you on numerous fetch quests. You might need to use a certain ice producing plant to get across a lake of water, but the only way to touch the plant is by wearing special mittens. You have to find the correct materials, find someone that can make the mittens, and then find the plant. Or, to get past one dungeon obstacle you'll have to travel to another dungeon on the other side of the world and give an item to someone. These instances feel like they were included solely to make the game longer.
But, it's easy to look past these faults. Sure close inspection reveals a pockmarked surface, but if you step back, these blemishes practically disappear. Tales of Symphonia can be annoying and frustrating, but even with multiple moments where the difficulty or lack there of cause pained sighs -- it's still fun and you'll want to keep playing up until the end.