Full Metal Panic! - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
The following weapons were used in the anime series Full Metal Panic!:
Beretta 92F
Beretta 92Fs are used by A-21 terrorists in "Run Run Run", first seen as their sidearm. Andrei Sergevich Kalinin, commander of Mithril's Western Pacific Battle Group's ground/air forces, arms himself with one after disarming an A-21 terrorist.
Browning BDA
The Browning BDA is used by Mithril Special Response Team operator Kurz Weber as his personal sidearm of choice. The design of his BDA's frame-mounted decocker implies that he is using an early production BDA.
Glock-type pistol
A Glock-type pistol is seen on the desk in "Engaging Six and Seven".
The Glock-type pistol seen on a table in "Engaging Six and Seven". There's not enough details to determine what type of Glock it is.
Glock 26
The Glock 26 is used by Mithril Special Response Team operator Sousuke Sagara as his personal sidearm of choice.
Sousuke covertly draws out his sidearm after sighting a suspicious person in a cafe. It was strange that he was able to take it back from the school despite being confiscated.
Kurz is greeted by Sergeant Serious Sagara when he came back to the Mithril Chofu safehouse in "Lingerie Panic".
The Glock 26 aimed at a suspicious person when Sousuke clears the Chofu safe house in "Dangerous Safe House".
"There's no escape! Surrender now!"
Sousuke corners Gauron after he invades the bridge in the Tuatha de Danaan-1 in "Field of Giants".
Heckler & Koch Mark 23
A Heckler & Koch Mark 23 is seen in "Field of Giants" with the commanding officer of the USS Bunker Hill. However, the pistol is used by special forces units and thus, a M9 would have been a better option.
Heckler & Koch P8
The Heckler & Koch P8 is used by Mithril Special Response Team operator Melissa Mao as her personal sidearm of choice. Its presence is confirmed by numerous FMP art and guidebooks.
"Careful, miss. You'll get burned."
Kurz smirks after he accused Melissa of trying to sneak into the recruit's barracks to steal her underwear in "Engaging Six and Seven".
Makarov PM
A Makarov PM appears to be used in "Whispered" by the Whispered specialist doing a test on Kaname Chidori.
Norinco Type 77
A Norinco Type 77 pistol is used by a KGB agent who engages Sousuke in a fight in "Kidnap", which the latter uses it in a rescue op in "Whispered".
Sousuke interrogates a Whispered specialist at gunpoint after shooting near her head in "Whispered".
Ruger KP89
The Ruger KP89 is used by SRT operator John Danigan, most notably in "Deep Trap" and in "Jack in the Box", which he uses after he goes rogue.
SIG-Sauer P226
The SIG-Sauer P226 is used by Gauron, sometimes used with a suppressor for black ops missions.
Steyr M9
The Steyr M9 is used by SRT operator Nguyen Bien Bo, most notably in "Deep Trap", "Jack in the Box" and "Field of Giants", which he uses after he goes rogue.
Walther TPH
A Walther TPH is used by Mithril Western Pacific Battle Group commander Captain Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa as her personal sidearm when in civilian clothes. However, she uses it briefly in "Jack in the Box" when she assists Kaname to escape.
Tessa aims the TPH at a suspicious person before she realizes it was Sousuke in "Dangerous Safe House".
Nambu Model 60
Nambu Model 60s are used by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police as its main sidearm.
Smith & Wesson Model 49
The Smith & Wesson Model 49 is seen in "Part Time Steady" when Sousuke examines the gear he needs to bring to Jindai High. It's never used in the entire series.
Submachine Guns
FN P90
The FN P90 is used by Mithril Special Reaction and Primary Reaction Team forces as a standard submachine gun in the series.
Mithril SRT/PRT operators barge into the Japan Airlines Boeing passenger jet during a breach in "Whispered". Note the UN beret and patches, indicating that they're disguised as UN peacekeepers.
Heckler & Koch MP5
A Heckler & Koch MP5 of an unknown variant is seen in "Dangerous Safe House".
The terrorist (left) takes aim with a MP5 in "Dangerous Safe House". There's not enough details to determine what type of MP5 he's using.
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDWs are used by terrorists, first seen in "Dangerous Safe House" when Mithril Western Pacific Battle Group forces raid a terrorist training camp and when A-21 launches an assault on the Japanese Defense Agency's black ops research center.
Ingram MAC-10
An Ingram MAC-10 is handed to Gauron after John and Nguyen after they help him escape from Mithril custody in "Deep Trap" and "Field of Giants".
Closeup of the MAC-10 markings in "Field of Giants". Note that he's aiming it at Tessa, being seriously pissed off.
The empty MAC-10 after Gauron uses it for suppressive fire. Note that it has the Cobray logo on the receiver.
The PP-90 is seen in "Kidnap" and "Whispered" by KGB agents in a Soviet military base in the Khanka region before Sousuke takes one from a KGB agent he shot dead. Strangely enough, Soviet soldiers stationed in the region use PP-90s as well in "STILL ALIVE".
A KGB agent oversees the planting of a bomb inside the Japan Airlines Boeing passenger jet in "Kidnap".
Gauron gets a headshot, courtesy of Sousuke in Afghanistan when Kalinin narrates to Tessa about his supposed fate.
Steyr SPP
The Steyr SPP is used by Sousuke as his personal submachine gun of choice.
"Ma'am. What you have there is no toy."
Sousuke explains to Kagurazaka-sensei that she's holding an actual live SPP instead of an airgun.
Walther MP
The Walther MP is seen with a courier's bodyguard in "Deep Sea Party". There's not enough details to determine the type.
Assault Rifles
The AK-47 is used by terrorists throughout the show.
AKS-74Us are used by guerrilla fighters in "Engaging Six and Seven".
Colt M16A1
Colt M16A1s outfitted with M16A2 handguards are used by Jimmer, Kurz, Melissa and Sousuke during their time in Belize in "Engaging Six and Seven". They're fired in full auto mode.
Sousuke (known as Sousky Seagal) uses the M16A1's buttstock to stop Melissa from trying to shoot Kurz in "Engaging Six and Seven".
Kurz gets into a prone position. In this shot, it appears to be different since it has a picatinny railing instead of a carry handle with the C-MORE sight attached.
A better shot of Kurz's M16A1. This time, you can see that the picatinny rail is installed over the carry handle. This was most likely done after Kurz revealed that he's a good shooter.
Colt M4A1
A Colt M4A1 is used by Sousuke during his time in Afghanistan.
A FAMAS makes a brief appearance in "Dangerous Safe House" in the hands of a Mithril operator leading detained terrorists. While it has the actual FAMAS frame, it is shown with a conventional appearance, which is incorrect since it's made as a bullpup.
A Mithril operator escorts detained terrorists after an anti-terrorist mission in "Dangerous Safe House".
Howa Type 89
The Howa Type 89 is seen with Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces as their main assault rifle.
Arisaka Type 38
What appears to be an Arisaka Type 38 is seen in a Japanese Pacific War movie Sousuke and Mizuki are watching in "Part Time Steady".
Sniper Rifles
Crosman Quest 1000x
A Crosman Quest 1000x is used by Sousuke during his days in Afghanistan in "Kidnap" when he takes a shot at Gauron.
SVD Dragunov
A SVD Dragunov is used by A-21 terrorists providing sniper cover in "Run Run Run".
Walther WA 2000
The Walther WA 2000 is used by Kurz Weber as his primary weapon since he serves in the SRT as a sniper.
Machine Guns
FN Minimi
A FN Minimi is present in an arms stash in "Dangerous Safe House".
General Dynamics GAU-12/U
The General Dynamics GAU-12/U is seen with Mithril-manned McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier IIs as their main weapon.
Dual AV-8B Harrier IIs are seen parked inside the TDD-1 at the start of "The Guy I Kinda Like is a Sergeant".
Harrier IIs parked inside the TDD-1 hangar in "Boy Meets Girl". This shot is recycled once again, used in "Engaging Six and Seven".
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23
The Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 is seen mounted on Soviet-made MiG-21 fighters in "Kidnap" and in "STILL ALIVE".
A SAF MiG-21 parked in front of a hangar in "Kidnap". The same scene is recycled for a night scene in "Whispered".
A KPVT machine gun is seen mounted on a Soviet-type BTR APC in "Whispered" and strangely with JGSDF forces in "Dangerous Safe House". Some are seen with terrorists in the show.
It's strange that GONZO would animate the BTRs alongside Komatsu Type 87 recon vehicles, considering that the actual JGSDF never used them.
M61 Vulcan
The M61 Vulcan is seen mounted on a UN-affiliated F-16 fighter in "Kidnap".
The NSVT is seen mounted on Soviet-made T-72 MBTs in "STILL ALIVE" and in "Dangerous Safe House".
Oerlikon Contraves KBA
An Oerlikon Contraves KBA is used by JGSDF Komatsu Type 87 recon vehicles in "Dangerous Safe House", licensed officially by Japan Steel Works.
A couple of Komatsu Type 87s on guard duty at a JDA black ops research center in "Dangerous Safe House".
Phalanx CIWS Block 1B
The Phalanx CIWS Block 1B is seen on the USS Bunker Hill (CG-52) in the show.
The PKT is seen mounted on Soviet-made T-72 MBTs in "STILL ALIVE" and in "Dangerous Safe House" and on BTR-type APCs in "Whispered" and strangely with JGSDF forces in "Dangerous Safe House".
It's strange that GONZO would animate the BTRs alongside Komatsu Type 87 recon vehicles, considering that the actual JGSDF never used them.
Shipunov 2A42 cannon
A Shipunov 2A42 cannon is seen on top of a Soviet BTR-type APC in "Kidnap".
Sumitomo Type 74
Sumitomo Type 74s are used in Komatsu Type 87 recon vehicles in co-axial mounts in "Dangerous Safe House".
A couple of Komatsu Type 87s on guard duty at a JDA black ops research center in "Dangerous Safe House".
Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B
The Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B is seen with Soviet-made Mil Mi-24 gunships.
A Soviet Air Force Mil Mi-24 guns down the overturned jeep of a Mithril spy in "The Guy I Kinda Like is a Sergeant".
Afghan Air Force Mil Mi-24s search for the Mithril Indian Ocean M9 unit in "The Wind Blows at Home, Part 1".
What appears to be a ZU-23-2 "Sergey" 23 mm anti-aircraft twin-barreled autocannon is used by Amalgam forces during a siege in "Venom's Flame".
M26 Grenade
A M26 frag grenade is used by Sousuke as a lethal option, first seen in "Part Time Steady" briefly and in "Run Run Run" to create a distraction. He later uses it near the end of "One Night Stand" to gain access to the empty ballistic missile that houses the Arbalest after being delivered from the TDD-1. It's seen in the show's OP sequence, tomorrow.
Grenade Launchers
M203 Grenade Launcher
A M203 grenade launcher is seen used by a terrorist in "Dangerous Safe House", mounted on a M4A1 carbine.
Rocket Launchers
Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle
A Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle is briefly used by terrorists to take on Mithril M9s, but are never used in "Dangerous Safe House". An A-21 terrorist uses it to destroy Sousuke's cover in "Run Run Run".
Arms Bazaar
The image of an arms bazaar in Afghanistan in "The Wind Blows at Home, Part 1" is shown to Sousuke in Merida Island.