The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy
The International Journal of
A theoretical journal published by the International Network for Inclusive Democracy
ISSN 1753-240X
Special Issue August 2005
The Multidimensional Crisis and Inclusive Democracy
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This IJID publication is an English translation of the book with the same title published in Athens in 2005.
Copyright (C) reserved for the International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, 2005.
Chapter 1: The emergence of the present system
Capitalism or market economy?
The shift to modernity
The rise of the market economy
The emergence of representative democracy
Chapter 2: Forms of modernity
Liberal modernity
Statist modernity
Neoliberal modernity
Chapter 3: The Internationalisation of the market economy
Neoliberal globalisation
The State in neoliberal modernity
The new Transnational Elite
Chapter 4: Globalisation and the Left
Reformist Left and Globalisation
The myth of globalisation as an ideology
Globalisation as an empire
Chapter 5: Growth economy and growth ideology
The rise of the growth economy
Capitalist and socialist growth economy
Growth economy and growth ideology
Concentration: the inevitable outcome of market economys dynamics
Chapter 6: The causes of the collapse of the socialist project
The decline of socialist statism
The causes of the collapse of actually existing socialism
The causes of the decline of social democracy
Chapter 7: The ecological failure of the growth economy
The end of growth ideology
The ecological failure of growth economy
The ecological dimension of development
Chapter 8: The failure of the growth economy in the South
The growth economy and development
The rise and fall of the growth economy in the South
Toward a new "North-South" divide
Development or Democracy?
Chapter 9: The dimensions of the multidimensiuonal crisis
The economic dimension
The political dimension
The social dimension
The cultural dimension
The ideological dimension
The ecological dimension
Chapter 10: Is there a way out of the crisis?
The liberal answer: more marketisation
The socialist answer: enhancing the civil society
The need for a new liberatoty project
Chapter 11: The meaning of democracy
What is democracy?
The Athenian conception of democracy
The Liberal Conception of Democracy
The Marxist-Leninist conception of democracy
The conceptions of radical democracy
Chapter 12: The foundations of the new liberatory project
What is the foundation of freedom and democracy?
Toward a democratic rationalism
Chapter 13: Direct Political Democracy
The meaning of political democracy
Confederal democracy
The attacks against direct democracy
Chapter 14: Economic democracy
The meaning of economic democracy
A model of economic democracy
Demotic Self-reliance
Demotic Ownership of Productive Resources
Confederal allocation of resources
Chapter 15: The other elements of Inclusive Democracy
Democracy in the social realm
Ecological democracy
A democratic conception of citizenship
Chapter 16: The transition to an Inclusive Democracy
The limitations of lifestyle and direct action strategies
A strategy for the transition to a confederal inclusive democracy
The significance of local elections
The need for a new type of movement
The liberatory subject today
A new kind of Politics
A new type of political organisation