Producer Licensing Online Services
- ️State of California
Sircon' Apply for a License - Resident and nonresident applicants can apply for an insurance license online.
- PSI Services, LLC, a California-based company providing state-based regulatory licensure services, handles the scheduling of examinations for individuals licensed by the California Department of Insurance's (CDI) Producer Licensing Bureau. Applicants can schedule and reschedule their examinations online using this service.
Sircon's Renew or Reinstate a License - This Web page provides both resident and nonresident licensees with instructions on how to renew their license online by answering the same questions that are stated on the paper renewal application and prompts the agent to submit a credit card (all credit cards are accepted or debit cards with the VISA or MasterCard logo) or e-check payment for the appropriate amount of the renewal. Credit/debit card/e-check transactions are encrypted and no one but the licensee and his or her credit/debit card company will have access to the credit/debit card number. The renewed license(s) can be printed at Print or Download Your License after the renewal has been filed and all other requirements have been met and recorded on your licensing record.
Sircon's Reinstate a License is available to insurance agents, brokers, and adjusters who want to renew their licenses after the license expiration date has passed. Additionally, Sircon's Reinstate a LIcense is available to insurance agents, brokers, and adjusters who previously used the online renewal service as an on-time renewal but were not able to renew their license because not all of the requirements to renew were met prior to the license expiration date. Sircon's Reinstate a License allows these licensees, once their requirements has been met, to complete the renewal of their license by paying the 50 percent late penalty fee.
Sircon's Reinstate a License for late renewals is not available to bail agents, who by law must reapply as a new applicant if their license is not renewed prior to the expiration date
Print or Download Your License - The California Department of Insurance (CDI) provides a Print or Download your License online service that will guide licensees, step-by-step, through the license printing and downloading process.
Change your contact information directly online through Sircon's change an address, name or email address. This service allows California resident and non-resident licensees to change their contact information, such as e-mail address, telephone number and FAX number, as well as change their mailing, business, and resident address information. Providing us with an e-mail address will ensure prompt notification of any changes that may affect your license. The contact information is updated immediately in the Producer Licensing Bureau's (PLB) database. Creation or use of an existing Sircon individual or agency account is required.
Only authorized individuals with a valid business need may access Sircon's change an address, name or email address. Section 502 of the California Penal Code imposes severe criminal and civil penalties for any unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure of sensitive or confidential information. Unauthorized access, inspection, use or disclosure of information with this online service may subject violators to state and/or federal criminal, civil, and/or administrative actions. Access or use of this online service by any person, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to these terms.
- This page provides real-time entry of an endorsement or termination. Additionally, this service validates the agent information to ensure that the agent is eligible to be endorsed to the business entity license before sending the information electronically to the CDI. Creation or use of an existing Sircon agency account is required.
esident and nonresident business entity applicants can apply for an insurance license online.The first step is for you to electronically submit your Name Approval/Reservation request. Business entities that have a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) are to go to Sircon's Business Entity Name Approval Request to sign-up for a Sircon agency account and submit a name approval request. The second step is for you to electronically submit your Business Entity Online Application. The business entity that receives a name approval will receive an email with instructions on how to submit a business entity online application. This online application service is available for resident or non-resident applicants.
-This page allows resident individual licensees to request and print a certificate of license status online.
- Education providers of prelicensing to submit course applications, renewals and course completion rosters. In addition, CDI now offers Education Providers of continuing education courses to submit their education provider application and renewal which is in addition to their course application, renewal and course completions. These services are in addition to class offering maintenance and bulk upload of classroom offerings. By accessing Sircon's secure web site, a provider can enter a provider roster or a class presentation schedule, this saves time for both the provider and the agent. Once the provider roster, class presentation schedule, or text data roster updates are submitted to the CDI, the information will be available to viewers within 24 hours on CDI's and Sircon's web site. The services that were provided to continuing education providers through Compliance Express are now available through Sircon. There are fees to use Sircon's services. Providers using this service will be billed monthly by Vertafore.
This online system allows county clerk offices the ability to print an updated list of all active bail licensees. Pursuant to Section 1815 of the California Insurance Code, the Commissioner of the State of California, does hereby certify that the person(s) named in the report are holders of the licenses designated and are active as of the date of report.
Important Note: The Bail Report for County Clerk Offices Online Services requires the use of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox browser. If you frequently use the Bail Report for County Clerk Offices Online Services, after opening the application, you may want to save this new link in your browser favorites.