Epic Comics
Epic Comics
Epic Comics is a Marvel Comics imprint which specialises in publishing creator owned series, brought into existence in part as a response to the brain-drain Marvel began to suffer thanks to smaller companies offering writers and artists ownership of the characters they thought up. Epic was launched in 1982, and spent over a decade publishing a wide variety of titles, from superhero to science-fiction to horror. The line stopped the presses turning in the mid-nineties, but has recently started up again, with a new Crimson Dynamo comic (part of the main Marvel Universe, and hence not covered by this site) launched in late 2003.
By the very nature of creator-owned titles, some of the series published by Epic came from and travelled onwards to other publishers. I've tried to list these moves where I am aware of them. As well as the titles and characters covered below, other comics published by Epic whose characters don't quite fit the profile of this site (and hence don't have entries ... yet) include continuations of the Clive Barker films Hellraiser, Weaveworld and Nightbreed; plus series such as Sisterhood of Steel, Mutatis and Offcastes. They also published a comics version of the Wild Cards novels.
All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source.