Office of Institutional Research - Florida State University

  • ️Office of Institutional Research

Officers of the University

President Richard McCullough
Provost & Executive VP - Acad. Affairs Jim Clark
Senior VP for Finance & Administration Kyle Clark
VP and Director of Athletics Michael Alford
VP for Faculty Development Janet Kistner
VP for Legal Affairs and General Counsel Carolyn Egan
VP for Research Stacey Patterson
VP for Student Affairs Amy Hecht
VP for University Advancement Marla Vickers
VP & Chief of Staff Marissa Langston
Chief Legislative Affairs Officer Clay Ingram
Assist. VP for University Communications Dennis Schnittker
Chief Marketing Officer Susannah Wesley-Ahlschwede

Federal, State & Private Research Awards

2022-23 Federal, State & Private Research Awards: $301,997,102


In Fall 2023, there were 42,030 students enrolled at the university's main campus in Tallahassee; 1,215 at the university’s branch campus in Panama City, Florida; and 456 at the branch campus in the Republic of Panama.

For over 65 years, FSU International Programs has been a nationally recognized leader in the field of international higher education, providing the life-changing opportunity to live, study, and intern at the University’s four international centers in Florence, Italy; London, England; Panama City, Republic of Panama; and Valencia, Spain. Prestigious FSU faculty members also lead students on study abroad programs across the globe. FSU consistently ranks among the top public universities in the nation for “long-term duration” of study abroad experiences thanks to its unique First Year Abroad program.

The Office of Distance Learning (ODL) provides leadership, policy guidance, faculty support and development, and other resources to promote, implement, facilitate, and assess University initiatives related to teaching enhancement and technology-mediated learning environments that support student academic achievement. ODL faculty and staff members collaborate with distance learning faculty and teaching assistants to promote instructional excellence at Florida State University through the use of effective educational and communications technologies; evidence-based instructional principles and strategies; and research studies on teaching innovations.

The Florida State University Center for Academic & Professional Development (CAPD) is the continuing education and academic program outreach entity for the campus, the community, and students. Housed in the Augustus B. Turnbull III Florida State Conference Center, the experienced staff of CAPD support a variety of learning opportunities as they provide services to colleges, departments, and students on campus and online.