Index to Carvalyn Gailckagh, 1891
"In psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."—Eph. V., 19.
Published by John Christian Fargher.
Printed by Clucas and Fargher.
Gailck |
Ard vochil aniney hoods ta me guee |
182 |
Ayns Adam va shin faagit mooie |
188 |
Chaarjyn graihagh she jiu yn laa |
29 |
Cre’n stayd va dooinney ayn hoshiaght |
34 |
Cre haghyrt mee roish yn ullick shoh chaih |
61 |
Chaarjyn lhaih mee jeh dooinney aeg |
115 |
Cur jee my ner my chaarjyn deyr |
118 |
Chaarjyn geayll shin jeh Israel |
129 |
Chaarjyn ennoil ta lesh yn cree |
142 |
Chaarjyn as braaraghyn graihagh |
168 |
Chaarjyn cre’n oyr tam dy veeteil |
226 |
Dagh cretoor ren joe y chroo |
66 |
Dy bannee joe nyn ree |
239 |
Gheiney as vraane sleih aegey neesht as cloan |
97 |
Hiarn Yeesey cuin hig yn traa |
Haink Goo yn Cliiarn gys Jonah gra |
136 |
Lhig niau us thalloo coyrt meeteil |
Lhig dooin ard voylley choyrt da’n Chiarn |
76 |
Lhig da’n slab seihil cur clashtyn |
110 |
Lhig chaarjyn Chreest dy chooilley vac dy Yee |
152 |
Lhig dooinyn boggey y Ghooill jiu |
201 |
Lhig da’n slane seihll cur clashtyn rhyts, O hiarn |
211 |
Lhig troailtee Zion boggey ghoaill |
220 |
My chaarjyn deyr dy vod ye eu |
My chaarjyn deyr dy moghey jiu |
My chaarjyn graihagh ayns y Chiarn |
My chaarjyn deyr ta ayns shoh noght |
31 |
My chaarjyn graihagh ayns shoh jiu |
46 |
My chaarjyn deyr as graihagh |
48 |
My chaarjyn Chrcestee gow jee coyrl |
55 |
Myr va moo keayrt my lhie syn oie |
68 |
Moylley dys Jee my chaarjyn |
71 |
My chaarjyn graihagh ayns y Chiarn |
75 |
My chaarjyn gow shin tastey |
81 |
My chaarjyn cur jee tastey vie |
85 |
My chaarjyn clasht jee rish ny t’aymsdy ghraa |
94 |
My chaarjyn my salilluish |
99 |
My chaarjyu grailsagh t’ayns credjue Chreest |
113 |
My chaarjyn graihagh jiu yn laa |
127 |
My chaarjyn deyr graihagh ennoil |
134 |
My chaarjyu clasht shiu rish goo Yee |
139 |
My chaarjyn deyr ta shooyl ayns aggleYee |
144 |
My chaarjyn gow joe tastey cair |
159 |
My vraar deyr graihagh tar ayns shee |
166 |
My chaarjyn deyr jin t'er veeiteil |
175 |
My chaarjyn deyr jymsagh ayns shoh jiu |
177 |
My chaarjyn giailagh t'ayns shoh noght |
190 |
My chaarjyn deyr as firrinagh ayns cree |
233 |
My vraaraghyn ta or veeiteil |
194 |
Myr va race smooiuaghtyn dy dowin er jee |
203 |
Myr ren mish lhaih jeh scollag aeg |
206 |
My chaarjyn ennoil as graihagh |
224 |
My chaarjyn deyr as graihagh |
Nagh vod mayd jiu goaill nyn arrane |
Ooilley shiuish chaarjyn as vraaraghyn |
O uss vriw bioee as merriu . . |
40 |
O easht shiu lhym, my chaarjyn |
64 |
Olliok gerinal ta mair dooin jiu y reayll |
27 |
O crc ta dooiney quoi dys neerns soylagheh |
87 |
O inneen Zion trog uss seoso dty chione |
105 |
Ooilley shiuish tic glaihagh er yn Chiarn |
121 |
O ooilley shiuish ta ayns slioh er veeltoil |
106 |
O Yee dy gloyr she uss ta feeu |
222 |
Roish my row flaunys ny chroo |
Roish my huit Adam rien ayns peccah |
She shoh yn laa rug Chreest nyn jiarn |
Shiuish Chreesteenyn ta er chaglym |
23 |
Shiuish ooilley sluight Adam as Eve |
60 |
Shiuish ooilley ta graih eu or y Chiarn |
78 |
Shiuish ooilley cloan sheelnaue ta reill fo aggle Yee |
124 |
Shiuish ta graihagh er y Chiarn ta er veeteil |
149 |
Shiuish anmeenyn ta chaglit ayils shoh jiu |
170 |
She corrym rish yn imbagh shoh |
185 |
Shiuish aeg as shen berchagh as boght |
198 |
She lurg da jee ny gloyr ren chroo |
216 |
Shenn Jacob un laa myr ve tooillit as skee |
218 |
Smooinaght er bnase as nheeghyn beayn |
231 |
Ta’n imbagh vannee reesht er roshtyn hooiu |
248 |
Tar jee my clean eaisiit jee rish nish |
161 |
Ta shin blein elley er veeteil |
162 |
Ta shin ayns shell my viaaraghyn |
208 |
Tra ta mish jeaghyn eryn yrjid heose |
Treg seose my chree nagh mie dhyts nish |
Trooid peccah myn chiedd nyraghyn |
44 |
Vraaraghynn deyr graihagh ennoil |
57 |
Va David vochillaght kirree eh ayrey |
179 |
English. |
All you, my friends and brethren |
A merry Christmas it is our right to keepto-day |
27 |
All you that love the Lord. |
78 |
All ye who are disposed to love the Lord |
121 |
All ye children of mankind |
124 |
At the year’s portal now we stand |
162 |
As I was thinking on the Lord awhile |
203 |
After the Lord of Glory made |
216 |
Again the season blessed is here |
248 |
Before the heavens created were |
By night as once I lay at rest |
68 |
Before ever Adam fell in sin |
91 |
Behold, my dear friends . . |
118 |
Beloved friends who with the heart |
144 |
Cannot we this day sing a hymn |
20 |
Come ye children, listen now |
164 |
Chief Shepherd of all souls I beg |
182 |
Dear friends, that you of this blest day |
12 |
Dear friends, this is the day |
29 |
Dear brethren, let us now discourse |
57 |
Dear friends who come together flow |
175 |
David was tending his father’s sheep |
179 |
Each creature that God created |
66 |
Friends, I have read upon a time |
115 |
Friends, if you my advice will take |
168 |
Friends, what cause have we for meeting |
226 |
food people all, why have we met |
208 |
God bless our Sovereign |
239 |
Have you heard, my friends, the story |
129 |
Hark to the words of God, my friends |
139 |
It is at this season great |
185 |
Let heaven and earth meet together |
16 |
Lord Jesus, when will the time come |
Let us loud praise give to the Lord |
76 |
Lovers of the Lord still living |
149 |
Let the friends of our Redeemer, and thechildren |
152 |
Let us rejoice this day as we |
201 |
Let Zion’s travellers rejoice |
220 |
My friends, we have together met. |
15 |
My dearest friends in the Lord |
My dearest friends, with one accord |
31 |
My loving friends, we greet you well |
46 |
My dear and loving friends |
48 |
My Christian friends, take advice |
55 |
My dearest friends in the Lord |
75 |
My friends, I pray take notice |
81 |
My friends, give good heed |
85 |
My friends, listen ye to what I have tosay |
94 |
Men, women, and young people, children too |
97 |
My friends, if you please . |
99 |
My dear friends who are in faith of Christ |
113 |
My loving friends, this is the day . |
127 |
My dear and well-beloved friends |
134 |
My loving friends who ever live in fear of God . |
144 |
My friends, ye should remember well |
109 |
My brother dearly loved come in peace |
166 |
My loving brethren who this night |
190 |
My dear and well-beloved friends |
224 |
My dear friends who are faithful in your hearts |
233 |
O thou Judge of the living and of the dead |
40 |
Oh listen, Sons of Adam’s race |
60 |
O listen to me, ray friends, and now I will tellyou |
64 |
Oh, what is man, and what’s man’s earthly stage |
87 |
O daughter of Zion lift up thine head on high |
105 |
O let the world give hearing . |
110 |
O come listen all ye who are gathered to raise |
156 |
O my brethren, who in presence . |
194 |
Of a young stripling once I read |
206 |
Old Jacob when tired and weary one day |
218 |
O God of glory Thou alone . |
222 |
On death and on eternity |
231 |
O my friends beloved and dear |
Rise up, my heart, ‘tis well for thee |
Sad indeed was man’s condition |
44 |
Sweet friends, who have around me gathered meet |
177 |
This is the day our Lord was born |
Thank God, dear friends |
71 |
The Lord’s word came to Jonah |
136 |
That ignorance may here no longer reign |
211 |
When I behold the heaven’s expanse spreadout |
What state or station had a man |
34 |
We outside were left in Adam . |
188 |
What happened me before the Christmas last |
61 |
Ye Christians who have assembled |
23 |
Ye souls this day assembled here |
170 |
Ye young and old and rich and poor |
198 |