Andreas - Manx Place-names, 1925
[from Manx Place-names, 1925]
Parish of Kirk Andreas
1515 |
Man. Roll |
Parochia Sancti Andrea |
1640 |
Dioc. Reg. |
Ecclesia Parochialis Sti. Andrææ |
1648 |
Blundell |
Kirk Andrew or Andres |
1700 |
Dioc. Comm. Bk. |
Eccles. Paroch. Sti Andreae |
Manx |
Skyll Andreays |
THE Church and parish are dedicated to Saint Andrew. The patronal festival and fair were held on St. Andrew's Day (Laa'l Andreays in Manx), November 30th, and after the alteration of the Calendar December 11th.
The parish of Kirk Andreas is bounded on the N. by the sea, on the S. by Kirk Christ Lezayre, on the E. by Kirk Bride, and on the W. by Jurby. It is about six miles in length from north to south, and four and a half miles broad from east to west, and contains 7871.034 acres.
This ecclesiastical division is a rectory, and is held by the Archdeacon of Man, who, until recently, held a seat on the Insular Legislative Council.
The village of Kirk Andreas is a agricultural community of considerable importance.
The parish of Kirk Andreas — as well as Kirk Bride — was held by the Lord of Mann. Neither the Bishop nor the Abbot of Rushen had any land in the parish.
- 1671 C.R.P.
Joyce (Ir. Names of Places) says that "Abar" signifies generally a mire or puddle — sometimes a mire caused by the trampling of cattle in a wet place; and occasionally it is understood to mean a boggy or marshy piece of land." This place was probably in the Treen of Ballaseyr. The meaning appears to be "Sandy mire or puddle," (Manx Aber geinnee). Cregeen gives aber for a pasture or pastureland.
Andreas Farmers' Close.
- 1757 Dioc. Reg.
Rector's glebe.[nb the ref here is actually to land in Lezayre]
- 1643 Man. Roll Ardona
1714 Dioc. Reg. Ard-onan
'Onan's height.' There was a little church here called Keeill traie (v. Cronk Keeill Traie) which may have been dedicated to St. Adamnan. In later Irish the latter name became Adhamhnan with a pronunciation approximately [].
Arn woar.
- 1757 Dioc. Reg.
'Great portion' (ayrn). Rector's glebe.
- 'White farm.' In 1703, Smeall manaugh. Ballabeg [bala beg].
- 1643 Man. Roll idem.
'Little farm.'
- 1643 Man. Roll Ballabirraugh
- 'Top farm.' (baare), 'top.' Ballacamaish.
- 1515 Man. Roll John McComas
1643 ,, ,, John Camaish
1703 ,, ,, ,, „
,, ,,, ,,, Ballacamaish
'McComas or Camaish's farm.' (Ir. Mac Thómais).
Ballacamaish Yernaugh.
- 1515 Man. Roll John McComas
1643 ,, ,, Donald Camaish
1703 ,, ,, Ballacamaish Yernaugh
'Irish Ballacamaish, or the farm of Irish Camaish.' Probably a nickname.
Ballacleator [].
- 1515 Man. Roll John McCletter (adj.)
1703 John Cleator
„ ,, Ballacleator 'Cleator or McCletter's farm.'
Ballaclucas [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Peter Clucas
1703 ,, Ballaclucas
'Clucas' farm.' (Old Manx McLucas, Ir. MacLucás).
Ballacoarey [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Gibbon McCurry
,, ,, Mark Quirry (treen of Baly-nessar)
1643,, ,, Ballacorry
1789 Mon. Ins. Ballacory
'McCurry or Quirry's farm.' v. Ballacurn in Ballaugh
Ballacolum [].
- 'Colum or Columba's farm.' Found both as a Christian name and surname in
the Isle of Man. As there appears to have been an ancient church here, a dedication
to St. Columba is not unlikely.
'There was an ancient keeill situated near the W. end of Ballacolum, or between there and the river, the exact site is not known to me, but I have heard old inhabitants ot the Lhane say that in the old times girls went there in search of beads. It was also stated that a fisherman removed a font from the place and used it as a barking pot for his fishing-gear. The next time he went to sea the boat would not hold him and his companions had to put him ashore.' (CRUINNAGHT Competitor).
Ballacottier []
- 1643 Man. Roll Wm. Cottier
1703 ,, ,, Jno. Cottier
'Cottier's farm.' v. idem. in Kirk Christ Lezayre, and also in Kirk Bride.
Ballacrebbin [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Mold McRobyn
1643 ,, ,,John Crebbin
1703 ,, ,, Ann, daughter of J.C.
,, „ Ballacrebbin
'Crebbin or McRobyn's farm.' (Ir. MacRoibín).
Ballacross [].
- 1515 Man. Roll John McFrost
'McFrost's farm,' Eng. surname with Mac prefixed.
Frost is a common name in Limerick. For elision of f by aspiration v. Introduction.
- 1515 Man. Roll Donald McCundre
1643 ,, ,, Ballacundr
1796 Dioc. Reg. Ballacondyr
'McCundre or McGilander's homestead.' In 1515 the holder, Donald McCundre, is set down in another place as moar, under the alternative form Dona McGilander. `
Gilander means the' servant or disciple of S. Andrew, and it is probable that this family took their name from the patron saint of the parish.
Ballacurry [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Moris McCurry (in adj. treen)
1643 ,, „ Ballacurry
'Curry or McCurry's farm.' (Ir. O'Comhraidhe).
Balladuggan, Treen. .
- 1515 Man. Roll Balydorghan
1643 ,, ,, Balladaughan
'O Dorghan's farm' (Ir. O Dorcháin). Lost surname.
- 1515 Man. Roll Patric Gawe
1643 ,, ,, Ballagaw 'Gawe's farm' (Ir. Mag Adhaimh).
- 1703 Man. Roll Robt. Cannell (in adj, treen).
'Connel or Cannell's farm.' v. Ballacannell in Kirk Arbory.
- 1643 Man. Roll Jo. Keneene
1703 ,, ,, 'Kaneen's farm' (Ir. Mac Fhinghin).
- 1515 Man. Roll Gilbert and Fynlo McHelly (in adj. treen).
1643 Ballakelly 'Kelly's farm' (Ir. Mac Cheallaigh).
- 1515 Man. Roll McKie (in Kirk Bride)
1643 Wm. Kee
1703 John Kee
„ ,, Ballakeey
'Key or Kee's farm' (Ir. Mac Aoidh).
- 1643 Man. Roll Kerrowkeall
1703 ,, ,,
Small Quarter 'Small or narrow farm or quarterland.'
Ballakillcrump or Ballakilltrump.
- 'Homestead of Keeill Crump,' q.v. Adjoins Balla-kelly. Ballakinnag.
- 1515 Man. Roll Wm. Mc. Inay
1643 Ballakinneage 'McInay's farm' (Ir. Mac Cionaodha).
"Wm.Teare, ffine then was only xs in regard ye Camp was kept on his land." 1643 '.Man. Roll.
- 1643 Man. Roll Ballaleana
'Meadow farm.'
Ballathona [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Ballnatoney
1703 ,, ,, Ballatoney
Mx. Balley ny tonney, 'farm of the wave.' On the coast.
- 1643 Man. Roll Ballalane
1761 Dioc. Reg. Ballnalhane
v. Lhen Mooar.
Ballamacskelly [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Thos. Skaly
1703 Skalyvore's Quarter
'Skaly of Ballamore's quarterland'(Ir. MacScalaighe.) v. Lhen Mooar.
Ballamegagh, Treen [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Balyhamyg
1643 Ballamigg
A hybrid name. The second element seems to be Scand. Hafnar, or Hamnarvik, 'harbour creek.' This was the mouth of the Lhane or Lhen, where tradition asserts that King Orry landed. Physical features have undergone much alteration here since Norse days, for it is probable that a large lake existed wherein the Norse-men could safely moor their flat-bottomed galleys. Balla, 'farm,' is a later addition.
- 1643 Man. Roll
'New farm.'
Ballaquane [].
- 1515 Man. Roll John Mc Quane
'McQuane's farm.' (Ir. MacDhubhdin). It is interesting to find the surname Dowan here in 1703 (v. Dhowin), which represents the Irish O Dubhdin.
Ballaquarrys, Treen.
- Lost.
1515 Man. Roll Balyquarres
1643 „ ,, Ballaquarrys
One of the quarterlands of this treen is now called Ballacoarey q.v. The second element, quarres, seems to be simply the same surname with Eng. gen. or plur.
Ballaquirk [].
- 1643 and 1703 Man. Roll John Quirk
1703 ,, ,, Ballaquirk
'Quirk's farm.' Both Quirk and Quark in adjoining parishes in 1515. Now Ballacolum. v. Ballaquirk in Kirk Braddan.
Ballaradcliffe []
- 1643 Man. Roll John Radcliffe
1703 ,, ,,Wm.
,, „ Ballaratcliffe
'Radcliffe's farm.' An Eng. surname derived from a Lancashire place-name.
Ballaseyr, Treen [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Balynessar
1643 ,, ,, Ballasteere
Mx. Balley ny seyir, Ir. Baile na saor, 'farm of the craftsmen.' Mac y Teyir, now Teare (Ir.Mac an t Saoir) is a common surname in Kirk Andreas, and is found in the adjoining treen of Smeale (q.v.)
Ballaslig [].
- 1643 Man. Roll idem.
`Shell farm.'
Ballasteen, Treen [] .
- 1515 Man. Roll Balyhestyn
1643 ,, ,, Ballahestine
1703 ,, ,, Ballasteene
'Hestin or O'Hestine's farm.' Lost surname. (Ir. O hOistin). In 1671 (C.R.P.) we find that there was a Donald Steven who held a quarterland in the parish. It is possible that Steven was a descendant of Hestin, the abbreviated form Steen, as found in the later form of the place-name, being Englished Steven.
Ballavarry [].
- 1643 Man. Roll idem
Lost surname. 'Barry's farm.' (Ir. Beargha or O Beargha).
Ballavastyn [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Wm. Vastyn
1703' ,, ,, Kath. wife of Wm. Vastin
'Vastyn's farm.' Eng. surname Bastin which assumed the form Beastün in Ireland.
Ballavoddan [].
- 1703 Man. Roll idem
1768 Mon. Ins. Ballavaddan,
'Boddan's farm.' v. idem. in Kirk Malew.
Ballavoddan's Meddow.
- 1703 Man. Roll Ballayockey [].
- 1637 Dioc. Reg. Ballayoikey
1643 Man. Roll Ballayoky
Lost surname. 'Yoky or Mc Yoky's farm' (Ir. Mac Eochaidh).
Ballawhane [] .
- 1515 Man. Roll Fynlo Mc Quane (in adj.
1643 ,, ,, Ballaquane treen)
'Quane or McQuane's farm' (Ir. MacDhubhdin).
- 1643 Man. Roll Ballaley
Lost surname. 'Ley or Leigh's homestead' (Ir. O Laoidhigh). v. idem in Kirk Christ Lezayre and Balla-lheigh in Kirk Michael.
Balley Chirrym, Treen.
- 1515 Man. Roll Balytyrm
1643 „ Ballachirm
1703 ,, ,, Ballachirrim
'Dry farm.' Now Ballacottier.
Bare ne craigey.
- 1798 C.R.P.
'Road of the rock.'
- 1794 C.R.P. idem
Probably called so by a native of Belfast in Ireland.
Bird's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll
v. Coile rey naneyan and Na Yeane.
Blackburn's Croft.
- 1643 Man. Roll Ewan Blackburn Bolly Vutt Harr.
- 1787 Dioc. Reg.
'Cattle-fold of the east butt.'
Bolly Vutt Hear.
- 1787 Dioc. Reg.
'Cattle-fold of the west butt.'
Boolies, The.
- 1808 Eccles. Doc.
'The fulds.' 'W. of Lhen Moor.'
Bool noa baa.
- 1818 Dioc. Reg.
Bwoaillee noa ny baa, new (milking) fold of the cow.'
Braust, Treen. [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Brausta
1643 ,, Brawnsta, Breaust
1703 ,, Braws
1735 Dioc. Reg. Browes
1818 ,, ,, Brouse
Scand. Brautarstabr, 'road farm,' (Mx. Names). It is also possible that the first element represents a surname, such as Brgsastaõr, 'Brusi's farm.'
Bwoaillee Leece.
- 'Leece's fold.' Cronkbane. Bwoaillee ny braain.
- 'Fold of the quern.' Ballacamain. Bwoaillee ny carvail.
- 'Fold of the horses.' (gabbyl). Ballacamain. Bwoaillee ny dhammag.
- 'Fold of the bushes.' Cronkbane. Bwoaillee ny goayr.
- 'Fold of the goats.' Cronkbane. Cashey, The.
- 1705 Man. Roll Cassa, the
'The causeway.' v. Kessah in Kirk Santan. Between the treens of Balylanmore and Balydorghan and bounding the farms of Ballathona and Kion Droghad, consisting of a stream, now made into a ditch, nearly a mile long.
Cas 'e Mullin.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Foot of the mill.'
Cashtal Ree Gorree [].
- 'King Orry's castle.' The modern fanciful name of an earthwork near Gob gorm. Chibbyr Tushtagh [].
- 'Tushtagh well.' v. Keeill Tushtagh. This would be the sacred well belonging to the church, from which the water would be drawn for baptismal purposes. Close Corteene.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Corteene'sclose.' Old Manx McCosten and McCorsten (Ir. Mac Aibhistin).
Close e Craige
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Craige'sclose.' v. Ballacorage in Ballaugh.
Cloae e droghad.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Close of the bridge.' Closeakewin.
- 'Kewin's enclosure.' (Ir. Mac Eoin). Close e Moalle.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Close ny molley, 'close of the honey.'
Close e Nergit.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Close of the silver or money' (yn argid).
Close e Vater.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Enclosure of the batter or slope.' Batter is an Eng. loan-word.
Close Knaele.
- 1515 Man, Roll Patric McNele
1643 ,, ,, Patrick Kneale
1703 ,, ,, Close Knaele
'Kneale or McNele's close.' (Ir. Mac Neill).
Close Lake.
- 1703 Man. Roll Close e lough
'Enclosure of the lake.'
Close moar.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Great enclosure.' Close Ratcliff.
- 1703 Man. Roll Wm. Ratcliff
'Ratcliff's enclosure.' v. Ballaradcliffe.
Close Reij.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Level close.' Close Renboy.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Close of the yellow division' (rheynn buigh).
Close Turrin.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Stack or midden (tooran) close.'
Close Vark.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Mark's close.' Close William.
- 1841 C.R.P. 'William's enclosure.' Coile e skillin.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Corner of the shilling.'
Coile rey naneyan, Cool reij na yein.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Cooill rea ny n-eean, 'level corner of the birds.' The first form shows eclipsis caused by the plural gen-itive. v. Birds' croft.
Colleash's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll
This surname is found in Kirk Lonan, in 1579, as McColleys.
- 'White hollow' (coan). Ballacamain. Cottier's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll v. Ballacottier. Court.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Probably where the Setting Quest had held a court.
Cowle's Curragh.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Cowle's marsh.' Craig and West Craige, Treen.
- 1515 Man. Roll Cregby
1643,, ,, Craige,the
1741 Dioc. Reg. Cregg
This treen adjoins Regaby, and in the 1703 Man. Roll is incorporated with the latter. There can be no doubt but that both Cregby and Regaby are derived from the Norse Hrygglarbyr.
Creag's Gat.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Craige's gate or road.' Creggan mooar.
- 'Great craggy-place.' Cronkbane. Creelaugh.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Creelagh,'a shaking bog.' From crie, 'to shake;' with postfix. (Ir. crithleach). May sometimes be a corruption of Creenagh, 'withered land.'
Croit e Kelly.
- 1841 C.R.P. 'Kelly's croft.' Close e Vollaugh.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Close of the road,' (nom. bollagh in place of bollee, gen).
Croit e vrane.
- 1841 C.R.P.
~'Croft of the quern.' (braain).
Croit Norris.
- 1832 C.R.P. Croit Norris, Narrows Croft
'Norris's croft.'
Croit ne molly.
- 1829 C.R.P. '
Croft of the honey.' (mill, gen. molley).
Croit ny mona [] .
- 'Croft of the turbary.' Cronk ny pishyragh.
- 'Hill of the peas.' Cronkbane. Croit ny ushag.
- 'Croft of the bird.' Now called Rose Cottage. Croitt y jurlyn.
- 1735 Dioc. Reg.
'Croft of the darnel (weed).' Jurlyn is a metathetic corruption of the Eng. word.
Cronk ny killey.
- Hill of the church.' Ballacamain. Cronk Bing [].
- 'Shrill or melodious hill.' Or perhaps 'a jury,' but the absence of the article makes this doubtful. Cronk breck
- 'Speckled hill.' Ballacottier. Cronk Glass.
- 1703 Man. Roll idem.
'Green hill.'
Cronk Keeill Traie.
- 'Hill of the church (at the) shore.'
The shore of Malar Lough.
Cronk Ruy [].
- 'Red hill.' Cronk-y-Cree [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Croga Cree
1761 Dioc. Reg. Knock e chree
'Hill of the end or boundary.'
Cronk, The
- 'The hill.' Cronkbane. Cronk y shoggle [].
- 1870 Ord. Sur. Map Ryehill
'Hill of the rye.' Formerly grown in the Isle of Man, but now, little, if at all used.
Cronk y voddee.
- 'Hill of the dog.' Cronkbane. Crotta Kissage.
- 1643 Man. Roll James Kissage
1703 ,, ,, Ann
,, „ Crotta Kissage
'Kissack's croft.' v. Ballakissack in Kirk Santan.
Crot a laggagh.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Croft of the hollow.'
Crottalough, Crot e Lough.
- 1703 Man. Roll ,Croft of the lake.' Crottavolly.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Croft of the bollagh or old road.'
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Croft of the dock (plant).'
Crott Carrett.
- 1703 Man. Roll
v. Garrett's Croft.
Crott Lough Garry.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Croft of the rough (garroo) lake.'
Cubon's Croft.
- 1515 Man. Roll John McGibbon
1703 ,, , Cubon's Croft
Curlett's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Jo. Curlett
„ Curlett's Croft
Old Manx McCorleot, from Scand. personal name ,Thorljotr.
Curragh a narow.
- 'Mire of the corn (yn arroo).' Cronkbane. Curragh na Droghad (also-e Droghad).
- 1703 Man. Roll -
'"'Marsh of the bridge.'
Curragh y Cowle.
- 'Cowle's marsh.' Curraugh Curry.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Curry's curragh.'
Curragh mollagh.
- 'Rough marsh.' Cronkbane. Darnell Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Eng. darnel, 'weed.'
Dhowin [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Kerrow downe more
,, ,, ,, Downemore, the
1703 Donald Dowan (in adj. treen)
1754 Dioc. Reg. Dhowing voar
1787 Dowan
'Great Dowan's quarterland' (Ir. O Dubhdin).
Doarlish ny mwaagh.
- 'Gap of the hares.' Ballacamain. Drim.
- 1671 C.R.P.
Mx. Dreeym, 'a ridge.'
- 1796 Dioc. Reg. 'Bridge.' Droghadre.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Even or level (rea) bridge.'
Eary lhone.
- Eary Lewin (?) 'Lewin's hill-pasture.' Ballacamain. Ellan, the, or Island.
- Rector's glebe. Faaigh ny hoalan.
- 1757 Dioc. Reg. Faij Oalyn
1805 Kelly's Dict. Faaigh ny hoalan
'The green of the wafers.' "A field belonging to the Archdeacon, which was consecrated and used only for the growth of that wheat of which the wafers for the use of the Manks Church were made." (K. Dict.) These wafers are used in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
Faaie yn dooinney mooar.
- 1841 C.R.P.
'Flat or green of the big man.'
- 1870 Ord. Sur. Map
'Farrant's fort.'
ffarrant Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Probably a branch of the Kirk Malew Farrants. (v. Ballafarrant in Kk. Malew).
Garrett's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Gart.
- 1794 C.R.P. 'Tilled field.' Gat a Vater.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Gate or road of the batter or slope.'
Gat e wij.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Gate or road of the hare' (y woie).
Gat-e-Whing [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Gatequin, Gat e Whin
'Quane's road.' v. Ballawhane.
Gat Leodest.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Leodest road.'
Gat McSayl.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'McSayl's road.' Gat Shoghill.
- 1841 C.R.P. 'Rye gate or road.' Gat Skinner.
- 1703 Man. Roll v. Skinner's Gate. Glebe Meadow.
- 1757 Dioc. Reg. 'Rector's glebe.' Gob gorm.
- 1870 Ord. Sur. Map. Blue Point
Probably so named from the purple heather.
Gob Ruy.
- 1870 Ord. Sur. Map. Rue Point
'Red naze or point.'
Golbrick's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Gorse Tree Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Guilcagh, Treen. [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Gilcagh
1643 ,, ,, Gilcaugh 'Place of broom.'
Hay Close.
- 1703 Man. Roll Hanmer's Hould.
- 1595 C.R.P.
It is uncertain where this fort was. It was possibly at the Lhen. v. History of Mann, (Moore) p. 244.
Horse Puddle.
- 1703 Man. Roll Immer Glass.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Green ridge or butt.' Injeig Voaney.
- 'River-fork of the turf.' Cronkbane. Irons The.
- Fishing mark. Johneois [].
- 1703 Man. Roll Balladowneij.
Lost surname. 'Downey's homestead' (Ir. O Dunad-haigh) ; or 'Homestead of the church' (doonagh, gen. doonee). Keeill Tushtagh and Chibbyr Tushtagh (q.v.) are here.
Keeill Crump.
- The latter element is very corrupt.
Perhaps 'Church of the priests.' v. Keeill Crogh in Kirk Patrick.
Keeill Tushtagh.
- 1754 Dioc. Reg. Kyltusjag
The second element is very corrupt. Probably the name of a saint. There was an Irish saint Tassach, Bishop of Rath Colptha, whose dedication date was 14th April. According to the 'Hymn of St. Fech,' St. Patrick received the communion, shortly before he died, at the hand of St. Tassach.
Keeill Vartyn [].
- 'Martin's church.'
Probably St. Martin of Tours. Treen of Balyhamyg.
- 1643 Man. Roll
'End of the flat or green.' Kerrowdoweij,
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Dowey's quarterland.' Lost surname (Ir. O Dubh-thaigh).'
Kerroogarroo [].
- 'Rough quarterland.' Kerroo Mooar [].
- 'Great quarterland.' Kerrow Chirram.
- 1643 Man. Roll 'Dry quarterland.' Kerrow McFaile.
- 1515 Man. Roll Gibbon McFayle
1643 ,, ,, Kerroo McFaile
'McFayle's quarterland.' Now Kiondroghad.
- 1643 Man. Roll Kerrowkeall
,, „ Small Quarter
Mx. Kerroo keyl.
- 1796 Dioc. Reg. 'Bridge end.' Kneale s Knock.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Kneale's hill.'
Knight's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll
1841 C.R.P.
Knockean [nokee'n].
- 1643 Man. Roll Ballacrokane
1735 Dioc. Reg. Crokane
1754 ,, ,, Crogayn
'Crokane's farm.' A metathetic form of Corkane(Ir. Mac Corckin). There were Corcans in Kirk Michael in 1515. The modern form is based on the assumption that -crok- was a hill.
Knock-e-Dooney [].
- 1627 C.R.P. Sonday hill.
1643 Man. Roll Knockadoony
'Hill of the church.'
"Jo. Martin ffine was only then xxs in regard the Camp was kept on his land." (1643 Man. Roll).
The day and night watches for the parish of Kirk Andreas were held on this hill. v. Kyrke Asston in Kirk Andreas and Cronk y Doonee in Kirk Christ Rushen.
- 'Hill of the birds.' Knock y toalt.
- 1757 Dioc. Reg.
'Hill of the barn.' Rector's glebe.
Kyrke Asston. Treen.
- 1515 Man. Roll
This must have referred to the ancient church on Knock y doonee, the remains of which may still be seen. In the Martyrology of Donegal under date November 10th, we find: Easconn epscop ó bhochluain, 'Esconn bishop from Bo-chluain.' In the Calendar of Ængus we find that his real name was Froechán. Under his dedication date appears : "Bishop Froechan from Bo-chluain inleix to the east of Cluain Eidnach," and Ængus further informs us that he received the name Esconn (impure) because he was 30 years old before he was baptized. Irish sc invariably becomes st in Manx, thus Easconn [askon] becomes Asston [aston]. Therefore the older name of this little ecclesiastical edifice would be DoonaghAsston (Ir.DomhnachEascoinn) 'Esconn's church.' v. Cronk y doonee in Kirk Christ Rushen, where there was a little church dedicated to S. Patrick and which must have borne the alternative designations Keeill Pharick and Doonagh Pharick, both meaning (S. Patrick's church. v. 3rd Report of the Manx. Arch. Survey, 1911, P. 23.
Lagagh Mooar.
- Mx. Laaghagh mooar, 'great swamp.' Laggagh Veg []
- 'Little hollow.' Laggy Vollaugh, Lagaij Vallaugh.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Rough hollow.'
Larivane [].
- 1643 Man. Roll Larebane.
Ir. Lathar bán, 'white swamp.'
Leany Vallough.
- 1703 Man. Roll.
'Rough meadow.'
Leodest, Alia
- 'Other (Lat.) Leodest.' Leodest Lough or Lough Leodest.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Leodest lake.'
Leodest, Treen [laudas].
- 1515 Man. Roll Leodest
1870 Ord. Sur. Lowdas
Scand. Ljotsstabr, 'Leot's or Ljotr's farm.'
Lheaney Cheil.
- 1748 Dioc. Reg.
'Narrow meadow.'
Lhen Mooar. Treen. [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Balylanmore
1643 ,, ,, Ballamore
1669 C.R.P. Lane more
1703 Man. Roll Laine
Lhen or Lhane is a difficult term to deal with. A. W. Moore in Manx Names says that, "the name of the ... trench which drains the Curragh is etymologically obscure, though it probably means the Great Ditch.' Sir Herbert Maxwell in explaining Lane Burn in Galloway, quotes Jamieson : 'Lane. 1. A brook of which the motion is so slow as to be scarcely perceptible; the hollow course of a large rivulet in a meadow ground.". Applied to those parts of a river or rivulet which are so smooth as to answer to the description... .' Certainly the current of water in Lhane Mooar is quite slow enough to answer Jamieson's description, though it can hardly be accepted as a satisfactory derivation. The Lhane Mooar unites with the Carlane or Killane River (q.v. in Jurby), which may also contain the word "Lhen."
It has also been explained as being Glan Mooar, 'great glen'; but even if the trench could be considered as a glen, the omission of the g in glen at such an early date would be difficult to explain philologically.
The true key to the meaning of Lhen is probably to be found in Carlane or Killane. The land between the Lhen trench and the Killane river is almost insulated, and this must have been much more observable in Norse times, when a firth probably existed at the Lhen and a large lake, Dufloch-remnant of name still found in Dollagh and Lough Doo-adjoined the Killane river on the S. This land-almost an island-would be known to the Norse men as Kjarrland, 'copsewood or brushwood land,' and in Carlane and Lhane we find the remnant of the old name.
It is probable that mooar originally qualified the treen rather than the trench, thus Balylanmore, now Ballalhen, means `great Ballalhen,' and balla is omitted when the trench is referred to. Lhen would be applied to the trench when its original meaning would be forgotten.
- The first element is lhircg, 'a pool.' The second is doubtful; it may mean 'cascade' or'hill.' Ballacamain. Little Garden.
- 1703 Man. Roll Little Meadow.
- 1703 Man. Roll Lofty, The.
- 1703 Man. Roll Logh iar and Logh eear.
- 'East lake and west lake.'
Two meadows below Cronk Keeill Traie.
Long Close.
- 1703 Man. Roll Long Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Loughavarron.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Barron or O'Barron's lake.' O'Barrons in Jurby and Kirk Christ Lezayre in 1515. v. Ballavarran in J urby.
Lough Ballakenny.
- 1703 Man. Roll v. Ballakinnag. Lough by the Way.
- 1703 Man. Roll Lough Cunner.
- 1703 Man. Roll
'Cunner's lake.' v. Ballacunner.
Lough Drughaig [].
- 1703 Man. Roll Lough Druggaige
1870 Ord. Sur. Map Lough Drughaig
Lake of the wild or dog-rose.'
Lough eil.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Lough cheyl, narrow lake.'
Lough Gat e Whing.
- 1703 Man. Roll Lough Gate a Whinny v. Gat-e-Whing. Lough Hom.
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Tom's lake.' Lough Rushinagh.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Probably Logh ny shynnagh, 'lake of the foxes.'
Maase beg.
- 'Little ridge.' Cronkbane. Mc a Teare's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll McSayle's Meadow.
- 1515 Man. Roll Wm. Mc Sale
1703,, ,, Mc Sayle's Meadow
Mc Sayle's Reast.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Reeast, 'waste.'
Mc Teare s Half Quarter.
- Lost.
1515 Man. Roll Gibbon Mc Tereboy
1643 ,, McTeare's Half Quarter
Probably boy (Mx. buigh) in the surname was a nick-name, i.e., 'yellow Tere' (Ir. Mac an tSaoir).
Mill of Lanmore,
- 1515 Man. Roll
v. Lhen Mooar.
Miln Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Mullenlowne, Treen []
- Ab. L.Boundary. c. 1376 Chron. Mann. Munenyrzana
1515 Man. Roll Molynlawne
This treen came down to the shores of the ancient Malar Loch, q.v. A. W. Moore (Mx. Names) gives a 1602 form, Mullin-ny-hawin, which is simply a case of popular etymologizing, as historical records prove that there was never a mill within the treen, nor is there a stream of sufficient size or importance to work a mill. From its geographical position in relation to the Abbey Land boundaries, it is quite obvious that the modern form is a corrupt and orally distorted form of the older name. Judging from the modern pronunciation, Munen-yrzana must have been sounded approximately [mnnja no razna]. The change of n to l in the first element and r to l in the last, are common corruptions peculiar to every language.
The modern pronunciation suggests the Irish muine, 'brake or shrubbery,' rather than m4in (Mx. moan, moa-nee)'bog, turfy-place;' as the first element. Mr. Ralfe (Proceedings I.O.M. Nat.Hist.and Ant.Soc.,New Series Vol. 1, No. 8, p. 489) suggests Mx. rhenniagh (Ir. rathain raithneach) as the second element, "so called probably from the profusion of Osmunda still met with in so many places in the curragh." This interpretation, however, does not explain the dipthong in the modern form, and probably in the ancient form, where -razna must be read for -rzana, the latter being a scribal slip. In a few Scottish place names there is found a word of Pictish origin, rabhann, which toponomists equate with Welsh rafon, ,berries growing in clusters.' This word in Scotland is applied to a kind of bulrush, a long grass growing in shallow muddy parts of lochs or pools, and formerly used for feeding cattle. This word would be pronounced raun or rauan in Manx, which agrees well with the phonetics, and the Curragh district would be a likely habitat.
The meaning of Mullenlowne, then, is probably 'the brake, thicket, etc., of the ravan or raffan grass.' (see also unpub doc 156)
Monall, Monnall.
- 1703 :Man. Roll 'Turfy place.' Mwyllin ny geayee .
- 'Windmill.' Mwyllin ny liargee.
- 'Mill of the slope.' Ballacamain. Narrow Close.
- 1703 Man. Roll Na Yeane.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Ny ein, the birds.' v. Birds' croft.
- 'N aaie, the flat.' Cronkbane. Ne Hoagh.
- 1754 Dioc. Reg.
Probably contraction of Magher ny houg h, 'field of the height.'
'N ellan.
- 'The island.' Ballacottier. ' N inish.
- 'The island.' Ballacottier. Oatland [o:tland].
- 'Oate's land.' v. idem in Kirk Santan. Old Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Park, The.
- A piece of arable land at the mouth of the Lhen. Pond Road, The.
- 1869 Highway Accounts. Ratcliffe s Close.
- 1703 Man. Roll Reast a Caiskell.
- 1515 Man. Roll John McCaskell (in adj. parish)
1703 ,, ,, Reast a Caiskell
'Caiskell's waste.' (O. Mx. Mc Caskell, Mod. Mx. Castell ; Ir. Mac Ascaill.) From the Norse personal name Asketill.
Reast Doane
- 1703 Man. Roll 'Brown (dh6n*) waste.' Ren Gorren.
- 1703 Man. Roll
For Rheynn gorm, 'blue division,'
Regaby. Treen. [regabi],
- 1515 Man. Roll Rygby
1671 C.R.P. Regeby
1703 Man. Roll Regaby (begg, more)
Scand. Hryggarbyr, 'ridge estate.' This ridge is the boundary between the parishes of Kirk Andreas and Kirk Bride. (Mx Names.)
Regaby mooar and beg (big and little).
Rheast, the.
- 1757 Dioc. Reg.
'The waste.' Rector's Glebe.
- Rheynn (f)oddey, 'long division.' Ballacottier. Skalyvore s Quarter.
- 1643 Man. Roll' Thos. Skaly
v. Ballamacskelly.
Skinner's Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Gilbt. Skinner Skinner's Gate and Gat Skinner.
- 1703 Man. Roll Jo. Skinner Smeale Treen [].
- 1515 Man. Roll Smeall
1643 ,. ,, Smeale (beg, more, manaugh)
Scand. Smiðaból, 'homestead of the smiths, wrights or craftsmen.' Ból means reclaimed and cultivated land, a farm, abode, etc., especially in Norway. Smeale was probably land reclaimed from the Ayre. It is interesting to note that the adjoining treen of Ballaseyr also means 'home of the craftsmen' in Gaelic. In 1515 the Mac Tere's still possessed one half of the treen of Smeale.
In the Proceedings of the Isle of Man Nat. Hist. and Antiq. Soc. (in the Press) will be found a detailed account by Mr. P. M. C. Kermode of the excavation of a large tumulus on Ballaseyr treen, which proved to be the burial place of a smith, as his hammer, tongs, etc., had been buried with him.
Smeal Crinnol.
- 167.3 Man. Roll Phill. Crenilt
1703 ,, ,, John ,,
1735 Dioc. Reg. Smeal Crinnol
Crenilt's Smeale.' (Old Manx Mc Reynylt, Ir. Mac Raghnaill.) From the Norse Rognvaldr.
Smithy Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll South Lough.
- 1703 Man. Roll Stony Meddow.
- 1703 Man. Roll Striggle, the.
- Meaning doubtful. Fishing Mark. Tal y crink.
- Thalloo yn chrink, 'plot of the hill.' Ballacamain, Ten Groats Curragh.
- 1703 Man. Roll
For which ten groats (3/4) was paid in rent.
Thalloo Curragh.
- 'Mire land.' Thoar field, The.
- 'Field of the green spot or bleach-green.'
Near Thurot's cottage.
Thol na grace.
- Thalloo ny grease, 'plot of industry.' Cronkbane. Thal thriy.
- Probably Thalloo thie, 'house plot.' Ballacamain. Thol na lig.
- Thalloo ny ligg, 'plot of the hollows.' Cronkbane. Thol throan.
- Thalloo yn trooan, 'plot of the stream.' Cronkbane. Tobaccoe Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Probably Gilbert Skinner, the holder in 1703, made tobacco and snuff.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Ir. turlach,'a lake that is dried up in summer.'
Will and James' Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll Wm. Sayle s Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll White Boys' Croft.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Probably where the White Boys practised. For this custom, v. Moore's Folklore of the Isle of Man.
Ye Acre.
- 1703 Man. Roll
Mid. Eng. 'The cultivated field or arable land.'
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