Bibliography of Pteridological Works
Reference Works
Significant Systematic Works on Pteridophytes
This is a list of important works on trying to properly classify pteridophytes. This largely is drawn from E. B. Copeland's list in his Genera Filicum.
- 1753: Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linne). Species Plantarum, Tomus I [Cryptogams]. Latin.
- 1754: Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linne). Genera plantarum. Latin.
- 1806: Swartz, Olof. Synopsis Filicum. Latin.
- 1836: Presl, Karl B. Tentamen Pteridographiae. Latin.
- 1843: Presl, Karl B. Hymenophyllaceae: Eine Botanische Abhandlung.
- 1845: Presl, Karl B. Supplementum Tentaminis Pteridographiae.
- 1842: Hooker, Sir William Jackson, and Francis Bauer. Genera Filicum.
- 1846-1864. Hooker, Sir William Jackson. Species Filicum, 5 volumes.
- 1852: Fee, A. L. A. Memoires sur la Famille des Fougères [Writings on the Family of Ferns]. Part 5: Genera Filicum. French.
- 1864: Hooker, Sir William Jackson, K. H., and Baker, John Gilbert, F. L. S. Synopsis Filicum.
- 1877. Smith, John. Historia Filicum [History of Ferns].
- 1897. Christ, K. H. H. Die Farnkrauter der Erde [The Fern Flora of the World].
- 1898. Diels, in Engler, Adolph, and Prantl, Karl. Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien.
- 1906. Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. Index Filicum.
- 1923-1928. Bower, Frederick Orpen. The Ferns, 3 volumes.
- 1938. Verdoorn, Fr. Manual of Pteridology.
- 1940. Ching, R.C. A Natural Classification of the Family Polyodiaceae.
- 1947. Copeland, Edwin Bingham, Ph.D. Genera Filicum, the Genera of Ferns.
- 2006. Smith, Alan R., Kathleen M. Pryer, Eric Schuettpelz, Petra Korall, Harald Schneider & Paul G. Wolf. A classification for extant ferns.
Index Filicum
The Index Filicum is the definitive index to all nomenclatural assignments in the ferns: new species, renamings, etc. The original was in 1906 by Carl Frederik Albert Christensen, covering years 1753 (the Linnean establishment of the base nomenclatural system) to 1905. Christensen then published three supplements in 1913 (for 1906-1912), 1917 (for 1913-1916), and 1934 (for 1917-1933). The fourth supplement, by Rudolfo E. G. Pichi-Sermolli, wasn't issued until 1965, for the years 1934-1960. The fifth was by F. M. Jarrett and others in 1985, covering years 1961-1975. The sixth and seventh are by R. J. Johns [et al], covering the years 1976-1990, and 1991-1995, respectively. The original and the combined supplements I-III were reprinted in 1973.
In addition, several related indices were created by Clyde F. Reed.
Index Filicum
- Original: Index Filicum, sive Enumeratio Omnium Generum Specierumque Filicum et Hydropteridum, ab Anno 1753 ad Finem Anni 1905, Descriptorum adjectis Synonymis Principalibus, Area Geographica, etc. by Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. Hafniae apud H. Hagerup. 1906. lx/744/(2) pp., HB.
- Supplement I: Index Filicum, Supplementum (I) 1906-1912. by Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. Hafniae apud H. Hagerup. 1913. vi/132 pp., HB.
- Supplement II: Index Filicum, Supplementum Preliminaire (II), pour les Annees 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916. by Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. S. A. I Le Prince Bonaparte, Hafniae. 1917. iv/60 pp., HB.
- Supplement III: Index Filicum, Supplementum Tertium, pro Annis 1917-1933. by Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. apud H. Hagerup. 1934. 220 pp., HB.
- Supplement IV: Index Filicum, Supplementum Quartum, pro Annis 1934-1960. by Pichi-Sermolli, Rudolfo E. G. International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature, Utrecht, Netherlands. 1965. vi/370 pp., PB.
- Supplement V: Index Filicum, Supplementum Quintum pro Annis 1961-1975. by Jarrett, F. M., with collab. of T. A. Bence et al. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1985. 400 pp. ISBN 0-19-85479-7; B 84-29402.
- Supplement VI: Index Filicum: Supplementum Sextum [Supplement 6] pro annis 1976-1990. by Johns, R. J. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK. 1996. 414pp, PB. ISBN-10: 1900347113.
- Supplement VII: Index Filicum: Supplementum Septimum [Supplement 7] Pro Annis 1991-1995. by Johns, R. J., P. J. Edwards, R. Davies and K. Challis. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK. 1997. 124pp, PB. ISBN-10: 1900347261.
Other Indices
- Grimes, J. W., and B. S. Parris. Index of Thelypteridaceae. 1986.
- Herter, W. G. Index Lycopodiorum. 1949.
- Kaulfuss, Georg Friedrich. Enumeratio Filicum. 1824.
- Kunze, Gustav. Index Filicum (sensu latissimo) in Hortis Europ�is Cultarum Synonymis Interpositis Auctus, cura A. Baumanni. 1853.
- Øllgaard, Benjamin. Index of the Lycopodiaceae. 1989.
- Price, M. G. Index of Names of Pteridophytes from Philippine Literature. 1971.
- Reed, Clyde F.
- Index Isoetales. 1953.
- Index Psilotales. 1966.
- Index Selaginellarum. 1966.
- Index to Equisetophyta. 1971.
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias and Glossaries
- Andreata, Regina Helena Potsch. Chaves para Determinar Fami?lias de: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Angiospermae [Keys for Determining the Families of the Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Angiospermae]. Spanish. 1984.
- Dyce, J.W. Fern Names and their Meanings.
- Fraser-Jenkins, Christopher R. The First Botanical Collectors in Nepal: The Fern Collections of Hamilton, Gardner and Wallich. 2006.
- Huang, Hongwen, editor. Encyclopedia of Chinese Garden Flora: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Chinese. 2016.
- Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Specimens in the Chinese National Herbariu, Volume 1: Ferns. Chinese. 2015.
- Ito, Hiroshi, compiler. Index Speciminum Typicorum in Herbariis Japonensibus, Pars Pteridophyta. 1959.
- Jones, David L. Encyclopedia of Ferns.
- Lellinger, David B. A Modern Multilingual Glossary for Taxonomic Pteridology.
- Lellinger, David B. Modern English Chinese Glossary for Taxonomic Pteridology.
- Lin, Qi. Type Specimens in China National Herbarium (PE)]. Volumes 1-2: Pteridophyta. Volume 3: Pteridophyta and Gymnospermae. Chinese and English. 2015, 2016.
- Mabberly, D. J. The Plant-Book: A Portable Dictionary of the Higher Plants Utilising Cronquist's an Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants (1981) and Current Botanical Literature, Arranged Largely on the Principles of Editions 1-6 (1896/97-1931) of Willis's A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns.
- Olsen, Sue (Suzanne). Encyclopedia of Garden Ferns.
- Olson, Wilbur W. The Fern Dictionary.
- Wei, Jiangchun. A Glossary of Terms and Names of Lycopods and Ferns. Chinese. 2015.
- Willis, John Christopher et al. A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns.
- Wu, Zhaohong, Zhu Jianan, and Yang Chunyu Bian Zhu. Dictionary of the Extant and Fossil Families and Genera of Chinese Ferns. 1992. Chinese.
- Xing, Gongxia Bian, and Qin Renchang Jiao. A Glossary of Terms and Names of Ferns. Chinese.
- Yang, Qiping. English-Chinese Dictionary of Pteridophytes & Algae. Chinese, English. 1984.
- Zhang, Xianchun, Sun Jiuqiong Sun, and Jiangchun, Wei. , A Glossary of Terms and Names for Lycophytes and Ferns. Chinese. 2015.
Juvenile Literature and Introductory Works
- Fowler, Allan. Ferns. 2002.
- Greenaway, Theresa. Ferns. 1992.
- Guilcher, Jean-Michel. A Fern Is Born. French ed. 1957, English ed. 1971.
- Guo, Cheng Meng. The Ultimate Guide to Ferns. Chinese, juvenile. 2015, 2016.
- Heath, Francis George. Fairy Plants: A Fern Book for Children. 1910.
- Hiroshi, Inoue. Beginning Book of Mosses and Ferns, in Color. Japanese. 1980.
- Hou, Shuyi. Table Ferns for Indoor Clean Air. Chinese, juvenile. 2013. Chinese.
- Hunt, Bernice Kohn. Ferns: Plants without Flowers. 1968.
- Ito, Hiroshi. Introduction to Ferns]. Japanese. 1972.
- Jensen, Amy Elizabeth. How and Why Wonder Book of Mushrooms, Ferns and Mosses. 1965.
- Loves, June. Ferns. 2005.
- Rees, George. How to Grow Your Own Ferns Indoors. Date unknown - late 1950s?
- Sterling, Dorothy. The Story of Mosses, Ferns and Mushrooms. 1955.
- Takeo, Murata, and Katsuhiro Tanigashi. Fern Plants. Japanese, juvenile. 2006.
- Tochigi Prefectural Museum. The World of Mosses and Ferns - an Intimate Look. Japanese. 1988.
- Wexler, Jerome. From Spore to Spore: Ferns and How They Grow. 1985.
- Yan, Wang, editor. Into Ferns in Nature. Chinese, juvenile. 2013.
- Zhang, Dongzhu, and Wenneng Zhou. Observing Nature (Fish & Insects & Ferns & Mushrooms. Chinese, juvenile. 2015, 2016.
- Evans, A. Murray; White, Peter S.; and Pyle, Charlotte. Southern Appalachian Pteridophytes: An Indexed Bibliography, 1833-1980. 1981.
- Hall, Nigel and Martin Rickard. Fern Books in English Published before 1900. 2006.
- Jones, George Neville. An Annotated Bibliography of Mexican Ferns. 1966.
- Lloyd, Robert M. Bibliography of American Pteridology. 1976.
- Nakaike, Toshiyuki A. Yamamoto and N. Kato. A Bibliography of Pteridophytes by Japanese Fernists for 1989. 1990.
- Perez-Garcia, Blanca and Ramon Riba. Bibliografia sobre Gametofitos de Helechos y Plantas Afines 1699-1996 [Bibliography on Gametophytes of Ferns and Related Plants 1699-1996]. Spanish. 1998.
- Riba, Ramon, and A. Butanda. Bibliografia Comentada Sobre Pteridofitas de Mexico [Annotated Bibliography to Mexican Pteridophytes]. Spanish. 1987.
- Surjit Kaur. Bibliography on Indian Pteridology. 1983.
- Verma, S. C., and others. Pteridology in India, a Bibliography. 1987.
General Reference Works and General Textbooks
- Bower, Frederick Orpen. The Ferns. 3 volumes. 1923, 1926, 1928; several reprints since.
- Camus, J. H., M Gibby?, R J Johns. Pteridology in Perspective: Pteridophyta Symposium '95 Proceedings of the Holttum Memorial Pteridophyte Symphosium, Kew. 2000.
- Christ, K. H. H. Die Farnkrauter der Erde. 1897.
- Fernandez, Helena Current Advances in Fern Research. 2018.
- Khan, Mohammed Gufran, Shitie Gatew, & Bedilu Bekele. Practical Manual for Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. 2012.
- Akhani, Hossein. The Illustrated Flora of Golestan National Park, Iran. Vol.1. 2005, 2017.
- Lindau, G. Kryptogamenflora fur Anfanger. 1911-1914.
- Lorch, Wilhelm, G. Brause, and H. Andres. Cryptogams for Beginners. German. First edition. 1914, 1926, 2013.
- Lu, Shugang. An Introduction to Pteridology. Chinese. 2017.
- Lyell, K. M. A Geographical Handbook of All the Known Ferns, with Tables to Show Their Distribution. 1870.
- Mukherjee, Rabindra Nath, and Krishna Chakravarty. An Introduction to Vascular Cryptogams (Pteridophyta). 2009.
- Pandey, S.N. A Textbook of Pteridophyta. 1995, 2002, 2003.
- Parihar, N. S. The Biology and Morphology of the Pteridophytes. 1977.
- Pathak, Chandrakant. The Latest Portfolia of Theory and Practice in Pteridophyta. 2003.
- Rajan, Sundara S. Practical Manual of Pteridophyta. 2002.
- Revilla-Bahillo, Maria A., Helena Fernández, Ashwani Kumar, editors. Working with Ferns. 2010.
- Rickard, Martin, and Mark Griffiths. The New RHS Dictionary Manual of Ferns. 1995.
- Sadebeck, Richard. Pteridophyta. German. 1887.
- Sharma, O. P. Pteridophyta. Diversity of Microbes and Cryptograms Series. 2012.
- Strempel, Johannes Karl Friedrich. Scientific Synopsis of the Ferns. Latin. 1822.
- Sundara, Rajan S. Practical Manual of Pteridophyta. 2002.
- Vashishta, B.R., A.K. Sinha, & Anil Kumar. Botany for Degree: Pteridophyta. 1971, 1972, 1974, 1980, 2002, 2010.
- Verdoorn, Fr. Manual of Pteridology. 1938.
- Wijesundara, Manjula. Pteridophyta: An Introduction to Seedless Vascular Plants. 2011.
- Yan, Yuanliang, editor. Research Materials of Pteridophytes in China. Volume 1. 2011.
Historical Works
- Allen, David Elliston. The Victorian Fern Craze. 1969.
- Bhardwaha, T. N. and C. B. Gena. Perspectives in Pteridology, Present and Future. Part 1, 1991; part 2, 1992.
- Camus, J. M., ed. The History of British Pteridology 1891-1991. 1991.
- Hayward, Michael, editor. The Jones Nature Prints - Nature Printing and the Victorian Fern Cult. 2015.
- Ide, J. M., A. C. Jermy, and A. M. Paul, eds. Fern Horticulture: Past Present and Future Perspectives. 1992.
- Whittingham, Sarah. Fern Fever: The Story of Pteridomania. 2012.
- Whittingham, Sarah. The Victorian Fern Craze. 2010.
Works on Paleontology, Fossils, and Evolution
- Anderson, Heidi M. and John M Anderson. Molteno Ferns: Late Triassic Biodiversity in Southern Africa. 2008.
- Archangelsky, S. Three dwarf lycophytes from the Carboniferous of Argentina. 1981.
- Benedict, R. C. Evolution as Illustrated by Ferns. 1929.
- Boureau, Edouard. Traite De Paleobotanique: Tome II: Bryophyta, Psilophyta, Lycophyta. 1967.
- Delevoryas, T., Editor. Origin and Evolution of Ferns. 1964.
- Deng, Shenghui and Fen Chen. The Early Cretaceous Filicopsida from Northeast China. Chinese. 2001.
- Ettingshausen, Constantin Freiherr von. Die Farnkruter der Jetztwelt. 1865.
- Foster, Adriance S. and Ernest M. Gifford. Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants. 1959, 1974, 1989, 1996, 2002 (Japanese).
- G�ppert, Heinrich Robert. Die Fossilen Farrnkrauter. aka Systema Filicum Fossilium. 1836. German.
- Manton, Irene. Problems of Cytology and Evolution in the Pteridophyta. 1950.
- McLoughlin, Thomas F. A Guide to Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of Southwest Virginia. 2013.
- Ranker, Thomas and Christopher Haufler. Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes. 2008.
- Rensing, Stefan, Editor. Genomes and Evolution of Charophytes, Bryophytes, Lycophytes and Ferns.
- Seward, Albert Charles. Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, I. 2001.
- Sun, Keqin, Jinzhong Cui and Shijun Wang. Fossil Flora of China, Volume 2: Fossil Pteridophytes in China. 2010.
- Surange, Krishna Rajaram. Indian Fossil Pteridophytes. 1966.
- Tsuneto, Yamada. The World of Ferns of the Past. Japanese. 2002.
- Velichkevich, F. Y. and E. Zastawniak. Atlas of the Pleistocene Vascular Plant Macrofossils of Central and Eastern Europe - Part 1: Pteridophytes and Monocotyledons. 2006.
- Wu, Zhaohong, Zhu Jianan, and Yang Chunyu Bian Zhu. Dictionary of the Extant and Fossil Families and Genera of Chinese Ferns. 1992. Mandarin.
- Boivin, Jean-Pierre. Les Fougères Sauvages et Cultivees [Th Ferns: Wild and Cultivated]. French. 1979.
- Chandra, Subhash, and Mrittunjai Srivastava, editors. Pteridology in the New Millennium: A Festschrift for Prof B K Nayar. 2003.
- Chen, Ziying, Zherong Lin, and Kunyi Li. Ecology of Qilan Mountain Ferns. Chinese. 2011.
- Kornas, Jan. Distribution and Ecology of the Pteridophytes in Zambia. 1979.
- Kurata, Satoru and Toshiyuki Nakaike, editors. Japanese fern plants picture book: distribution, ecology, classification. 8 volumes, 1979-1997.
- Mehltreter, Klaus, Lawrence R. Walker, and Joanne M. Sharpe, Editors. Fern Ecology. 2010.
- Muller, S. and M. Boudrie, editors. Les Pteridophytes de France et leurs Affinites: Systematique, Chorologie, Biologie, Ecologie [The Pteridophytes of France and Their Affinities: Systematics, Biology, Distribution, Ecology. 1992.
- Nina, Derzhavina. Chosen Articles on Ecology and Biology of Ferns. 2013.
- Sehnem, Aloysio. The Ferns of Southern Brazil: Their Geographical Distribution, Ecology, and Routes of Migration. 1977.
- Shigeru, Daigo, and Inoue Hiroshi. Ecology and Observation of Ferns and Mosses. Japanese. 1975.
Morphology, Physiology and Life Cycle
- Bir, S. S. Pteridophytes: Some Aspects of Their Structure and Morphology; Aspects of Plant Sciences Series, Vol. 3. 1980.
- Bir, S. S. Pteridophytes: Their Morphology, Cytology, Taxonomy and Phytogeny. 1983.
- Boivin, Jean-Pierre. The Ferns: Wild and Cultivated. French. 1979.
- Bower, F. W. Studies in the Morphology of Spore-Producing Members, Equisetinae & Lycopodinae. 1893.
- Campbell, Douglas Haughton. Eusporangiatae: The Comparative Morphology of the Ophioglossaceae and the Marattiaceae. 1911.
- Chandra, Subhash, and Mrittunjai Srivastava, editors. Pteridology in the New Millennium: A Festschrift for Prof. B. K. Nayar. 2003.
- Eames, A. J. Morphology of Vascular Plants, Lower Group (Psilophyles to Filicales). 1936.
- Esser, Karl. Cryptogams II: Mosses, Ferns: Internship and textbook. 1991. German.
- Foster, Adriance S. and Ernest M. Gifford. Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants. 1959, 1974, 1989, 1996, 2002 (Japanese).
- Guttenberg, Hermann von. Histogenesis of Pteridophytes. 1966.
- Handbook of Plant Anatomy, Volume VII:
- First part:
- Second part: Guttenberg, Dr. Hermann von. Histogenese der Pteridophyten. 1966.
- Third part: Ogura, Yudzura. Comparative Anatomy of Vegetative Organs of the Pteridophytes. First edition 1938. Second edition 1972.
- Hoffmeister, W. Comparative Studies of Germination, Unfolding, and Fruiting of Higher Cryptogams and the Seedlings of Conifers. German.
- Jeffrey, Edward Charles. The Structure and Development of the Stem in the Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms Hardcover. Reprint. 1903, 2015.
- Luerssen, C. Contributions to the Developmental History of Fern Sporangia. 1872. German.
- Manickam, V. S. Cytology of the Ferns of the Western Ghats in South India. 1988.
- Minoru, Kuramoto. Life of a Fern, from Spore to Mature Plant. Japanese. 1978.
- Nasu, Takayoshi; Ko Seto, and Osaka Shiritsu Shizenshi Hakubutsukan. Morphology of Spores of Japanese Ferns. 1986. Japanese.
- Nina, Derzhavina. Chosen Articles on Ecology and Biology of Ferns. 2013.
- Parihar, N. S. The Biology and Morphology of the Pteridophytes. 1977.
- Sladkov, Artemii? Nikolaevich. Collection of Ten Articles [On Ferns and Fern Pollen, in the USSR]. 1969.
- Sporne, Kenneth R. The Morphology of Pteridophytes: The Structure of Ferns and Allies Plants. First edition 1962. Second edition 1966. Third edition 1970.
- Verdoorn, Fr. Manual of Pteridology. 1938, 1967 reprint.
- Yulong, Z. Spore Morphology of Chinese Pteridophytes. 1989.
Spores - Devi, Santha. Reference Manual of Fern Spores. 1981.
- Erdtman, G., and P. Sorsa, Editors. Pollen and Spore Morphology/Plant Taxonomy. 1971.
- Harris, William Francis. A Manual of the Spores of New Zealand Pteridophyta. 1955.
- Hires, Clara S. Spores, Ferns, Microscopic Illusions Analyzed. 1963, supplement 1965.
- Huang, Tseng-Chieng. Spore Flora of Taiwan. 1981.
- Kremp, Gerhard Otto Wilhelm. The spores of the Pteriodophytes.
1972. - Kupriyanov, L.A., editor. Spores of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Monocots in the Flora of the European Soviet Union. Russian. 1983.
- Large, Mark Frederick, J.E. Braggins, and Carol Joy West. Spore Atlas of New Zealand Ferns & Fern Allies.
1991. - Morbelli, Marta A. Spore Morphology of Native Pteridophyta in the Fuego-Patagonia Region. Spanish. 1980.
- Quang-Xi, Wang, and Dai Xi-Ling. Spores of Polypodiales (Filicales) from China. 2010.
- Thanikaimoni, G. Bibliographic Index to the Spore Morphology of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. French and English. 1991.
- Tryon, Alice F. and B. Lugardon. Spores of the Pteridophyta. 1990.
- Vasconcellos, Normélia C. Spore Morphology of Amazonian Pteridophytes. Portuguese. 1971.
- Zhang, Yulong, Yizhen Xi, Jintan Zhang, and others. Spore Morphology of Chinese Pteridophytes. 1990.
- Zhou, Hougao. Introduction to the Spores of Ornamental Ferns in Guangxi Province. Chinese. 2002.
Works on Economic Botany and Medicinal Botany
- Abbe, Elfriede. The Fern Herbal: Including the Ferns, the Horsetails, and the Club Mosses. 1985.
- Choudhury, Manabendra, Pranab Behari Mazumder and Bonani Das. Fern Flora and Fern Allies of Southern Assam: Ethno-Medicobotanical Studies and Certain Conservation Aspects. 2009.
- Hashimoto, Ikuz?. Wild Edible Plants, Volume 1: Fern Edition. Japanese. 2001.
- Kalpana, Devi R., Nakulan V. Rajesh, and Subramani Vasantha. Anthelmintic Pteridophytes in Sheep 2015.
- Kubala, Theodore A., F.J. Perzak, and E.L. Litchfield. Electric Ignition of Lycopodium Powder in a Modified Hartmann Apparatus. 1981.
- May, Lenore Wile. The Economic Uses and Associated Folklore of Ferns and Fern Allies. 1978.
- Pan, Stove. Medicinal Ferns of Guizhou. Chinese. 2012.
- Raja, Waseem. Azolla: Amazing Aquatic Fern. 2014.
- Sabirov, Nadezhda and Rinat Sabirov. Food Ferns of Sakhalin. Russian. 2015.
- Wen, Wenjie, and Hentian Zhao. Commercial Cultivation Techniques of Edible Ferns. Chinese. 2008.
- Zamora, P.M., and L. Co. Guide to the Philippine Flora and Fauna, Vol. II: Economic Ferns, Endemic Ferns, Gymnosperms. 1986.
Works on Agriculture, Commercial Production, and Marketing
- Abbasi, S. A. World's Worst Weed (Salvinia): Its Impact and Utilization.
- Chittenden, F. H. The Florida fern caterpillar. 1913.
- Coile, Nancy C. Which Boston Fern Is It?: The exotic Nephrolepsis cordifolia (L.) Presl, or the Native Nephrolepsis exaltata (L.) Schott.
- Jouhier, Claude. Intoxication des Animaux Domestiques par les Prêles [Intoxication of Domestic Animals by Horsetails]. French.
- Smith, Cecil Nuckols. Marketing Florida Ferns.
- Smith, R.T., and J.A. Taylor. Bracken Fern: Environmental and Land-Use Implications. 1986.
- Strandberg, J. O. Fern Anthracnose: A guide for disease management.
- Taylor, J. A. and R. T. Smith. Bracken Fern: Toxicity, Biology and C
- Smith, R.T., and J.A. Taylor. Bracken Fern: Environmental and Land-Use Implications. 1986.ontrol - Proceedings of the IBG 4th Conference at the University of Manchester.
- Wen, Wenjie, and Hentian Zhao. Commercial Cultivation Techniques of Edible Ferns. Chinese. 2008.
- Yan, Yuehong, and Lei Shi, editors. Ex-Situ Conservation of Ferns, Methods and Practice. Chinese. 2014.
Works on Gardening, Horticulture and Propagation
See next entry for Platycerium.- Author Unknown. Beeton's Book of Home Pets: Part XXVI, Ferns.
- Author Unknown. Farne für Haus und Garten [Ferns for House and Garden]. German.
- Authors Unknown. Ferns [Indoor Floriculture]. Russian. 2007.
- Author Unknown (may be Phebe Lankester, or husband Edwin R. Lankester). Ferns and Ferneries.
- Author Unknown. The Palms. Ferns. Russian. 2008.
- Author Unknown. Fougères [Ferns]. French.
- Altman, Roy. Indoor Ferns.
- Amberger-Ochsenbauer, Susanne. Success with Indoor Ferns.
- Barlage, Andreas. Graser und Farne: Grüne Oasen für Sonne und Schatten. 2011. German.
- Bernhard, Marbach, and Kainz Christian. Farne, Moose und Flechten. 2010. German.
- Best, Ray. Growing Ferns.
- Birdseye, Clarence and Eleanor G. Birdseye. Growing Woodland Plants.
- Birkenhead, J. Ferns and Fern Culture, their native habitats, organisation, habits of growth, compost for different genera; cultivation in pots, baskets, rockwork, walls; in stone, greenhouse, dwelling house, and outdoor ferneries; potting, watering, propagation, etc.
- Boivin, Jean-Pierre. Les Fougères Sauvages et Cultivees [The Ferns: Wild and Cultivated]. French. 1979.
- Burrell, C. Colston, ed. Ferns: Wild Things Make a Comeback in the Garden.
- Buyssens, Adolphe. Culture des Fougères Exotiques [Culture of Exotic Ferns].
- Car, Daiki, Xue Chen, and Lingwei Kong. Color Guide to Adiantum Ferns. Chinese. 2011.
- Cayford, Thomas. Ferns for Your Home.
- Crittenden, Mabel. The Fern Book.
- Davenport, Elaine. Ferns for Modern Living.
- Denkewitz, Lothar. Farngärten [Fern Garden]. German.
- Dix, W.H.K. Varens voor Kamer, Kas en Tuin [Ferns for the Room, Case, and Garden]. Dutch.
- Dunk, Gillean. Ferns for the Home and Garden.
- Dunk, Gillean. Ferns: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Ferns for the Home Gardener.
- Dyce, J.W. The Cultivation and Propagation of British Ferns.
- Dyce, J.W. Polystichum Cultivars, edited and expanded by Robert Sykes and Martin Rickard.
- Eggett, George. Ferneries and Aquaria. A Complete Guide to their Formation, Construction and Management. 1897.
- Fisher, Muriel E. and L. Ward. New Zealand Ferns in Your Garden.
- Floyd, John Alex. Ferns for South Carolina Home Landscapes.
- Foerster, Karl. Einzug der Gräser und Farne in die Gärten. 1978, 1988. German.
- Foster, F. Gordon. Ferns to Know and Grow.
- Foster, F. Gordon. The Gardener's Fern Book; A Guide for the Gardener, a Reference for the Nature-Lover.
- Gilbert, Zoe. Ferns for the Garden and Home.
- Gill, Edmund. Instructions for Planting and Growing Ferns. Pamphlet. 1879.
- Goritz, Hermann. Blütenstauden, Gräser, Farne, Eigenschaften, Ansprüche, Verwendung. 1988. German.
- Götz, Hans and Martin Häußermann. Farne und Graser. 2012. German.
- Goudey, Christopher J. Maidenhair Ferns in Cultivation.
- Gough, Tom. The Instant Guide to Healthy Palms and Ferns.
- Grounds, Roger. Ferns. 1974.
- Guertner, Beryl, editor. The ABC of Ferns and Palms. 1980.
- Hardy Fern Foundation Members. The Fern Propagation Handbook.
- Heath, Francis George. The Fern Paradise: A Plea for the Culture of Ferns, illustrated.
- Hemsley, Alfred. Book of Fern Culture (Handbooks of Practical Gardening).
- Hertle, Bernard, et al. Garden Flowers: Portraits of Favorite Garden Flowers and Ornamental Grasses and Ferns with Instructions for Their Care. . . Translated from German by Kathleen Luft.
- Hibberd, James Shirley. The Fern Garden, How to Make, Keep and Enjoy It; or, Fern Culture Made Easy.
- Hill, Jeff. How to Grow Friendly Ferns.
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson. Garden Ferns.
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson. Filices Exoticae;. . .Exotic Ferns Cultivated in the Royal Gardens of Kew.
- Hoshizaki, Barbara Joe, and Robbin C. Moran. Fern Grower's Manual.
- Hou, Shuyi. Table Ferns for Indoor Clean Air. Chinese, juvenile. 2013. Chinese, juvenile.
- Ide, J. M., A. C. Jermy, and A. M. Paul, eds. Fern Horticulture: Past Present and Future Perspectives.
- Jefferson-Brown, Michael. Hardy Ferns.
- Jehmlich, Horst and Manfred Manke. Farne: Pflanzen fur das Heim [Ferns: Plants for the Home].
- Kachroo, Premnath. Handbook of Fern Gardening.
- Kelly, John. Ferns in Your Garden.
- Kramer, Jack. Ferns and Palms for Interior Decoration. Drawings by Michael Valdez and others.
- Kuklina, A.G. Ferns in the garden. Practical Guide. Russian. 2005.
- Kulikova, Marina Vladimirovna. Ferns. Russian. 2005.
- Ling, Jingjing. Palmen & Farne Pflegetips für d. empfindlichsten Zimmerpflanzen. German. 1987.
- Longley, Mark. Tree Ferns for Your Garden. E-book. 2014.
- MacHugh, Andrew. The Culture of Ferns.
- MacSelf, Albert James. Ferns for Garden and Greenhouse.
- Martin, J. H. and James Western. Handbook to the Fernery and Aquarium. 1880.
- Mason, John. Growing Ferns.
- Mickel, John T. Ferns for American Gardens. 1994, 2007.
- Mickel, John T. The Home Gardener's Book of Ferns. 1979.
- Moore, Thomas. A Handbook of British ferns. 1848, 1853, 1857.
- Muneto, Mukata. Collecting and Cultivating Ferns]. Japanese. 1961.
- Namegata, Shoto. Shida no saishu to baiyo (Collection and cultivation of our ferns and fern allies). Japanese, Romanized. 1961.
- Newsham, J. George. Facts and Fancies about Ferns. 1876.
- Olsen, Sue (Suzanne). Encyclopedia of Garden Ferns. 2007.
- Olsen, Sue, and Richie Steffen. The Plant Lover's Guide to Ferns. 2015.
- Perl, Phil. Ferns. Time Life Encyclopedia of Gardening.
- Rees, George. How to Grow Your Own Ferns Indoors.
- Rickard, Martin. Plantfinder's Guide to Garden Ferns.
- Rickard, Martin. Gardening with Ferns.
- Rivière, Marie-Auguste, édouard-Fran�ois André, Ernest Roye. Les Fougères. 1867.
- Roberts, Edith A. and Julia R. Lawrence. American Ferns: How to Know, Grow and Use Them.
- Rothschild, J., ed. Les Fougères. Choix des Espèces les Plus Remarquables . . . French. 1867-1868.
- Rush, Richard. A Guide to Hardy Ferns.
- Schmick, Helmuth. Farne in Natur und Garten: Ein Nachschlagewerk der Arten [Ferns in Nature and the Garden: A Guide to the Types]. German. 1990.
- Schneider, George. The Book of Choice Ferns for the Garden, Conservatory, and Stove.
- Schneider, George. Choice Ferns for Amateurs: Their Culture and Management in the Open and Under Glass.
- Lei, Shi, editor. Ornamental Ferns of China. Chinese. 2002.
- Singh, Dueep Jyot and John Davidson. The Fernery - Choosing the Best Ferns for your Garden. 2016.
- Swindells, Philip. Ferns for Garden and Greenhouse.
- Thongtham, M. L. Charuphant. Fœn: samrap khon rak fœn læ phu' plu'k m'a'chi'p [On ferns of Thailand; a handbook for professional growers].
- Toogood, Alan, editor. A Gardener's Guide to Ferns, Palms & Climbers. 2001, 2003.
- Tuft, Jerald. Ferns and Shrubs: Diversity, Cultivation and Implications for the Environment. 2015.
- Van der Mast, Sandra, and Jack Hobbs. Ferns for New Zealand Gardens.
- Ward, Joyce, and Joan Doney. Wonderful Ways to Garden Ferns.
- Wexler, Jerome. From Spore To Spore: Ferns And How They Grow. 1985.
- Williams, Benjamin Samuel. Hints on the Cultivation of British and Exotic Ferns and Lycopodiums. 1852.
- Williams, Benjamin Samuel. Select Ferns and Lycopods: British and Exotic. 1868, 1873, 1960s.
- Wright, R. C. Greenhouse Ferns and the Romance of Plant Life. 1898. Also second edition, date unknown.
- Franks, Wendy. Platycerium Fern Facts. 1969, 1975.
- Hennipman, E. and Roos, M. C. A Monograph of the Fern Genus Platycerium (Polypodiaceae). 1982.
- Sangdanuch, Petra. Platycerium. (Kindle). 2017.
- Vail, Roy. Platycerium Hobbyist's Handbook. 1984-1989.
Books by Geographic Area of Coverage
Note: This section does NOT include all works, only those specific to a geographic area.Europe
- Aarestrup, Erik. Bregner [Ferns]. Danish.
- Aeschimann, David, Konrad Lauber, Daniel Martin Moser, and Jean-Paul Theurillat. Flora Alpina. Volume 1. 2004.
- Bischoff, Gottlieb Wilhelm. Die Kryptogamischen Gewächse mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Flora Deutschlands und der Schweiz [The Cryptogamous Plants with Special Consideration to the Flora of Germany and Switzerland].
- Britten, J. European Ferns.
- Eberle, Georg. Farne im Herzen Europas [Ferns in the Heart of Europe]. German.
- Gams, Helmut. Kleine Kryptogamenflora von Mitteleuropa. German.
- Gams, Helmut. Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Vol. 4: Die Moos-und-Farnpflanzen. German.
- Hagerup,Olaf & Vagn Petersson. Botanisk Atlas: Bind II. Mosser. Bregner. Padderokker. Ulvefödder. Naaletraeer. Nedstamning.
- Hegi, Gustav, ed. Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa. Pteridophyta 1(1). 1906, 1935, 1965, 1979, 1984.
- Hoffmeister, W. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Keimung Enfaltung, und Fruchtbildung Hoeherer Kryptogamen (Moose, Farne, Equisetaceen, Rhizocarpeen und Lycopodiaceen) und der Samenbildung der Coniferen. German.
- Jahns, Hans Martin, assisted by A. K. Masselink, translated and revised by Edmund Launert et al. Collins Guide to the Ferns, Mosses and Lichens of Britain and Northern and Central Europe. 1989.
- Jalas, Jaakko, and Juha Suominen, editors. Atlas Florae Europaeae, Volume 1: Pteridophyta (Psilotaceae to Azollaceae).
- Karpowicz, Wanda. Paprocie [Ferns]. Polish.
- Lamotte, M. Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires de l'Europe Centrale. French. 1847.
- Leszczyc-Suminski, J. Zure Entwicklungs-Geschichte der Farnnkrauter. German. 1848.
- Luerssen, C. Die Farnpflanzen [The Ferns]. German. 1889.
- Maatsch, Richard. Das Buch der Freilandfarne [The Book of Wild Ferns]. German. 1980.
- Maron, C. Les Fougères [The Ferns]. French.
- Meusel, Walter. The Horsetails of Europe. German. 1971.
- Milde, C. A. J. Filices Europae et Atlantides, Asiae Minoris et Sibiriae. 1867.
- Meusel, Walter, and Joachim Hemmerling. Die Bärlappe Europas [The Clubmosses of Europe]. German. 2003.
- Pascher, Adolf, S. J. Casper, and Heinz-Dieter Krausch. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa [Freshwater Flora of Central Europe], Bund 23: Pteridophyta und Anthophyta. German. 1980, 2000.
- Prelli, Remy. Atlas Ecologique des Fougères et Plantes Alliees [Ecological Atlas of the Ferns and Allied Plants]. French. 1992, 2007.
- Prelli, Remy, and Annie Prelli. Guide des Fougères et Plantes Alliees [Guide to Ferns and Allied Plants]. French. 1985, 1990.
- Rasbach, Kurt, Helga Rasbach, and Ottilie Wilmanns. Die Farnpflanzen Zentraleuropas: Gestalt, Geschichte, Lebensraum. [The Fern Plants of Central Europe: Form, History, Habitat]. German. 1968, 1976.
- Sadler, Joseph. De Filicibus Veris Hungariae, Transylvaniae, Croatiae et Litoralis Hungaricici. 1830. Latin.
- Strempel, Johannes Karl Friedrich. Filicum Berolinensium Synopsis. 1822.
- Tutin, T. G., N. A. Burges, A. O. Chater, J. R. Edmondson, V. H. Heywood, D. M. Morre, D. H. Valentine, S. M. Walters, D. A. Webb. Flora Europaea, Volume 1. 1964, 1993.
British Isles: General
- Author Unknown. British Ferns and Mosses: Describing Their Haunts and Habits, Their Forms and Uses, with Numerous Pictorial Representations.
- Babington, Charles Cardale. Manual of British Botany: Containing the Flowering Plants and Ferns Arranged According to Natural Orders. Ten editions and reprint, 1843-1922, 2013.
- Bastin, S. Leonard. How to Know the Ferns. 1917.
- Bellairs, N. Hardy Ferns.
- Bolton, J. Filices Brittanicae.
- Bosanquet, Edwin. A Plain and Easy Account of the British Ferns. 1854, 1855, 1859.
- Brocas, Frederick Yorke. A Companion to the Fernery Being a Complete Collection of the British Ferns and Allied Plants Named and Arranged. Pressed specimens. 1854.
- Clapham, A.R., T.G. Tutin, and E.F. Warburg. Flora of the British Isles, Part 1, Pteridophyta�Papilionaceae. 1957.
- Cooke, M. C. A Fern Book for Everybody.
- Courtald, Sydney. Ferns of the British Isles Described and Photographed. 1877.
- Crabtree, John Henry. British Ferns and How to Identify Them.
- Deakin, Richard. Florigraphia Brittanica, Volume 4: Ferns.
- Druery, Charles T. Book of British Ferns.
- Druery, Charles T. British Ferns and Their Varieties.
- Druery, Charles T. Choice British Ferns.
- Ferguson, Daniel. British Ferns, Clubmosses, and Horsetails.
- Fitter, R., A. Fitter, and A. Farrer. Collins Guide to Grasses, Sedges, Rushes, and Ferns of Britain and Northern Europe.
- Francis, G. W. An Analysis of the British Ferns and Their Allies.
- Fraser, P. N. List of British Ferns and Their Varieties.
- Freethy, R. British Ferns.
- Galpine, John Kingston. A Synoptical Compend of British Botany . . . 1806, 1820, 1829, 1834.
- Gardiner, William. British Ferns and Their Allies. Pressed specimens.
- Gibby, Mary. The Benmore Fernery. 2009.
- Glaisher, Cecilia Louise. The British Ferns in Photographs Represented in Photographs from Nature. 1855.
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson. The British Ferns. . .of the Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland.
- Heath, Francis George. Where to Find Ferns, with a special chapter on The Ferns Round London.
- Heath, Francis George. British Fern Varieties.
- Heath, Francis George. British Ferns.
- Heath, Francis George. The Fern World.
- Heath, Francis George. Trees and Ferns.
- Hill-Cottingham, P. Somerset Ferns: A Field Guide.
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, and G. A. Walker-Arnott. The British Ferns with Numerous Figures.
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, and G. A. Walker-Arnott. The British Flora; Comprising the Phaenogamous, of Flowering Plants, and the Ferns.
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson. British Flora Cryptogamia.
- Hyde, ___ Catalogue of the British Phaenogamous Plants and Ferns.
- Ibbotson, H. Catalogue of the Phaenogamous Plants and Ferns of Great Britain.
- Jermy, Clive, and Camus, Josephine. The Illustrated Field Guide to Ferns and Allied Plants of the British Isles.
- Johnson, Charles. The Ferns of Great Britain. Illustrated by John E. Sowerby.
- Johnson, Charles. The Fern Allies; A Supplement to the Ferns of Great Britain.
- Johnson, George William. The British Ferns.
- Jones, Arthur Mowbray. Lists of Nature-Printed British Ferns. Six series. 1876-1880.
- Kaye, Reginald. Ferns (Wisley Handbook).
- Kaye, Reginald. Hardy Ferns.
- Knapp, F. H. The Botanical Chart of British Flowering Plants and Ferns.
- Lankester, Phebe. A Plain and Easy Account of the British Ferns. 1860, 1876, 1880, 1881, 1884, 1890, 1896, 1903 (possibly more).
- Littleboy, J. E. Our Local Ferns. 1876.
- Lowe, Edward Joseph. Our Native Ferns, or a History of the British Species. 2 volumes. I: 1864, 1868, 1869, 1874; II: 1867, 1868, 1874, 1880.
- Lowe, Edward Joseph. Ferns, British and Exotic. Volumes I-VIII.
- Lowe, Edward Joseph. The Ferns of Great Britain. 1894.
- Lowe, E. J. A Natural History of New and Rare Ferns.
- Merryweather, J. The Fern Guide: A Field Guide to the Ferns, Clubmosses, Quillworts and Horsetails of the British Isles.
- Moore, Thomas. British Ferns and Their Allies: An Abridgement of the Popular History of British Ferns.
- Moore, Thomas. The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland.
- Moore, Thomas. The Handbook of British Ferns.
- Moore, Thomas E. Herbarium Labels for the British Ferns. 1853.
- Moore, Thomas. Nature-Printed British Ferns.
- Moore, Thomas. A Popular History of the British Ferns and the Allied Plants.
- Newman, Edward. Catalogue of British Ferns . . . Intended for Labels.
- Newman, Edward. A History of British Ferns and Allied Plants.
- Newman, Edward. Synoptic Table of the British Ferns.
- Otte, Joachim. British Ferns: Natural Species Prepared and Described by Otte, J. 1859.
- Page, Christopher N. Ferns (Collins New Naturalist Series 74).
- Page, Christopher N. The Ferns of Britain and Ireland.
- Patison, Jane. Gleanings among the British Ferns. Illustrated with pressed specimens.
- Plues, Margaret. British Ferns: an Introduction to the Study of The Ferns, Lycopods, and Equiseta Indigenous to the British Isles.
- Plues, Margaret. Rambles in Search of Ferns; Rambles in Search of Flowerless Plants: Ferns. 1861, 1864.
- Pratt, Anne. The Ferns of Great Britain and Their Allies: The clubmosses, pepperworts, and horsetails.
- Pratt, Anne. The Flowering Plants, Grasses, Sedges, and Ferns of Great Britain. Vol. VI: British Grasses, Sedges and Ferns.
- Ridley, Marian S. A Pocket Guide to British Ferns.
- Rose, Francis. Colour Identification Guide to the Grasses, Sedges, Rushes and Ferns of the British Isles and North-Western Europe.
- Rush, Richard. A Guide to Hardy Ferns.
- Seemann, Berthold Carl. The British Ferns at One View. 1860.
- Sell, Peter and Gina Murrell. Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 1. 2018.
- Stace, C. A. New Flora of the British Isles. First edtion 1991, second edition 1997.
- Step, Edward. Wayside and Woodland Ferns.
- Stokoe, W. J. and Francis Rose. The Observer's Book of Ferns.
- Taylor, P. G. British Ferns and Mosses.
- Wardlaw, A.C and A. Leonard, Editors. New Atlas of Ferns & Allied Plants of Britain & Ireland.
- Waterhouse, N. On the Habitats of Some of Our British Ferns. 1863.
- Carruthers, William. The Ferns of Moffat. Pressed specimens (plus descriptive text). 1863.
- Greville, R. K. Scottish Cryptogamic Flora. 6 volumes.
- MacGillivray, P. H. A Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Growing in the Neighbourhood of Aberdeen.
- Pankhurst, R. J. and John Michael Mullin. Flora of the Outer Hebrides. 1994, 2012.
- Hyde, Harold Augustus, A. E. Wade, A. E., and S. G. Harrison. Welsh Ferns, a Descriptive Handbook.
- Young, Edward. The Ferns of Wales. Pressed specimens. 1856.
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
- Murphy, Rosaline J., Christopher N. Page, Rosemary E. Parslow, and Ian J. Bennalick. Ferns, Clubmosses, Quillworts and Horsetails of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 2013.
- Parslow, Rosemary. Checklist of Flowering Plants and Ferns in the Isles of Scilly.
- Moore, Thomas. The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland (J. Lindley, Ed.).
- Newman, Edward. Notes on Irish Natural History, More Especially on Ferns. 1840.
- Phillips, William Henry, and Robert Lloyd Praeger. The Ferns of Ulster. 1887.
- Abraham, Frances, et al., editors. The Flora of Sussex. 2018.
- B., G. H. Teesdale Ferns Where to Find Them and How to Grow Them. 1879?
- Edwards, Zachary James. The Ferns of the Axe and Its Tributaries. 1862, 1866.
- Flintoft, J. J. Complete Collections of the British Ferns and their Allies in the English Lake District. Pressed specimens. 1850.
- Gissing, Thomas Walter. The Ferns and Fern Allies of Wakefield and Its Neighborhood. 1862.
- Heath, Francis George. Where to Find Ferns, with a special chapter on The Ferns Round London. 1881, 1883, 1885.
- Howe, W. E. The Ferns of Derbyshire Illustrated from Nature. 1861, 1853, 1864?, 1865, 1869, 1877, 1878.
- Hutchinson, Peter Orlando. Ferns of Sidmouth Illustrated. 1862.
- Ibbotson, Henry. The Ferns of York. 1884.
- Linton, William James. The Ferns of the English Lake Country, with a List of Varieties. 1865.
- Marston, Alfred. A Guide to the Ferns and Many of the Rarer Plants Growing Round Ludlow . . . 1870, 1882.
- McCosh, David J. Plants of Peeblesshire: A Checklist of Flowering Plants and Ferns. 2012.
- Walton, John W. The Wild Flowers, Ferns and Mosses of the District Around Folkstone. Reprint edition. 1894.
- Jonsell, B. and T. Karlsson, eds. Flora Nordica. Volume 1 (Lycopodiaceae - Polygonaceae). 2000.
- Kristinsson, Hörthur. Flowering Plants and Ferns of Iceland. 2010.
- Ollgard, Benjamin and K. Tind. Scandinavian Ferns: A Natural History of the Ferns, Clubmosses, Quillworts and Horsetails of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. 1993.
- Widen, Carl-Johan, Jaakko Sarvela and Teuvo Ahti. The Dryopteris spinulosa Complex in Finland. 1967.
- Hovenkamp, Peter. Pteridophyta, Families 1-15. In R. Van der Meijden, Heukels' Flora van Nederland. 1990.
- Van Loon-Vredenduin, A. Van karrespoor naar asfaltweg - Onderzoek naar de begroeiing van bermen langs half-verharde en verharde wegen door de hei op de noordelijke Veluwe [Botrychium lunaria in road sides on the North Veluwe (Netherlands)]. 1968.
- Van Uffelen, Gerda Alida. Varens - van Addertong tot Zwartsteel [Ferns - from Adder's Tongue to Blackstem]. Dutch. 1994.
- Weevers, Th. et al., editors. Flora Neerlandica. Vol. 1 afl. 1: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae. 1948.
- Sørensen, Thorvald Julius. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Danish. 1967.
- Kickx, J. Jr. Flore Cryptogamique des Flandres. 2 volumes.
- Lambinon, J. J. E. de Langhe, L. Delvosalle, and J. Duvigneaud. Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions Voisines (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes). French. First edition 1973, second edition 1978, third edition 1983, fourth edition 1992, fifth edition 2004.
- Beate, Rygiert. Das Liebesleben der Farne (The Place for Ferns). German.
- Bennert, Wilfried. Die Seltenen und Gefährdeten Farnpflanzen Deutschlands [Rare and Endangered German Ferns]. German.
- Hoeper, S. Corrections to the Second Revised Edition of the Atlas of Pteridophytes and Phanerogams of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Holle, G. K. H. D. von. Farnflora der Gegend von Hannover. German.
- Kremer, Bruno P. and Hermann Muhle. Flechten, Moose, Farne. 1991. German.
- Leyhe, Ulrike. Gräser & Farne: Die Schönsten Arten Für Sonnige Und Schattige Beete. 2009. German.
- Marbaugh, Bernard, and Christian Kainz. Moose, Farne und Flechten [Mooses, Ferns, and Liverworts]. German.
- Martius, C. F. P. von. Flora Cryptogamica Erlangensis [Germany].
- Mettenius, G. H. Filices Horti Botanici Lipsiensis.
- Migula, E. F. A. W Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland. German.
- Milde, C. A. J. Die Hoheren Sporenpflanzen Deutschlands. German.
- Schönfelder, Peter, and Andreas Bresinsky. Atlas of the Ferns and Flowering Plants of Bayern. German.
- Schulze, Erwin. Florae Germanicae Pteridophyta.. German. 1894, 2017.
- Sebald, O., S. Seybold, and G. Philippi. Die Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Baden-Württembergs - Band 1.
- Wunsche, Otto. Die Farne Sachsens [Saxon Ferns]. 1872. German.
Eastern Europe
- Domin, Karel. Pteridophyta: a Systematic Overview of Living and Extinct Species. Czech. 1929.
- Hejny, S. and B. Slavík, editors. The Flora of the Czech Republic, Volume 1. 1988, 1997. Czech.
- Heufler zu Rasen and L. S. J. D. A. Perdonegg. Specimen Florae Cryptogamae Vallis Arpasch.
- Mirek, Zbigniew, Halina Piekos-Mirkowa, Adam Zajac and Maria Zajac. Flowering Plants and Pteridophytes of Poland: A Checklist. 2002.
- Novacký, Ján Martin. Slovak Botanical Nomenclature; Ferns (Pteridophyta) and Seed Plants (Spermatophyta). Slovak. 1954.
- Pie?kos?-Mirkowa, Halina, and Elz?bieta Zenkteler, editors. Conservation-Related Problems of Pteridophytes in Poland. 2006.
- Sadler, Joseph. De Filicibus Veris Hungariae, Transylvaniae, Croatiae et Litoralis Hungaricici. 1830. Latin.
Baltic Countries
- Laasimer, L., V. Kuusk, L. Tabaka, and A. Lekavi?ius, editors. Flora of the Baltic Countries, Volume 1: Compendium of Vascular Plants. 1993.
- Bernoulli, Carl Gustav. The Vascular Cryptogams of Switzerland. German. 1857.
- Christ, K. H. H. Die Farnkrauter der Schweiz. German.
- Hess, Hans Ernst, Elias Landolt, Rosmarie Hirzel. Flora of Switzerland and Adjacent Areas, Volume 1. German. 1967, 1976.
- Jaag, O. Contributions to the Cryptogam Flora of Switzerland. German.
- Jermy, Clive, and Camus, Josephine; translated and adapted by Eugen Kopp and Ruth Schneebeli-Graf. Illustrierter Leitfaden zum Bestimmen der Farne und Farnverwandten Pflanzen der Schweiz und Angrenzender Gebiete [Illustrated Guide to Identifying the Ferns and Fern-Allies of Switzerland and Adjacent Areas]. Adaptation from English; German. 1998.
- Kopp, Eugen and Ruth Schneebeli, with contributions by Clive Jermy and Josephine Camus. Illustrierter Leitfaden zum Bestimen der Farne und farnverwandten Pflanzen. German.
- Lauber, Konrad, Gerhart Wagner, and Andreas Gygax. Flora Helvetica: Illustrierte Flora der Schweiz [Flora Helvetica: Illustrated Flora of Switzerland]. 1996, 1998, 2007, 2012, 2018.
- Hess, Hans Ernst, Elias Landolt, Rosmarie Hirzel. Flora of Switzerland and Adjacent Areas, Volume 1. German. 1967, 1976.
- Amiet, Jean-Louis. Les Foug�res (Polypodiales) du Sud de la Dr�me. 2014.
- Association Floraine (org.). Atlas de la Flore Lorraine [Atlas of the Flora of Lorraine]. French. 2013.
- Boivin, Jean-Pierre. Les Fougères Sauvages et Cultivees [The Ferns: Wild and Cultivated]. French. 1979.
- Correvon, Henry. Les Fougères Rustiques. French. 1890.
- Duval-Jouve, J. Histoire Naturelle Des Equisetum de France. Reprint. French. 2016.
- Frémineau, Henri. Anatomy of the Vascular System of Vascular Cryptogams of France. 1868.
- Lawalree, A. Flore de France. Volume 1. French. 1973.
- Parent, Georges Henri, editor. Atlas des Ptéridophytes des Régions Lorraines et Vosgiennes, avec les Territoire Adjacents. 1997.
- Payot, Vénance. Catalogue des Fougères, Pr�les et Lycopodiacees des Environs du Mont Blanc. French. 1860, 1881.
- Polese, Jean-Marie. Fougères et Mousses [Ferns and Mosses]. French. 2002.
- Pierre, Jean-Francois. Je Decouvre les Fougères, les Mousses, et les Lichens. French. 1978.
- Prelli, R. and M. Boudrie. Atlas Ecologique des Fougères et Plantes Alliees. French. First? edition 1997, second? edition 2002.
- Prelli, Remy. Les Fougères et Plantes Alliees de France et d'Europe Occidentale [The Ferns and Allied Plants of France and Western Europe]. French. 2001.
- Rey-Pailhade, C. Les Fougères de France. 1893.
- Tison, Jean-Marc, and Bruno de Foucault, editors. Flora Gallica: Flore de France. 2014, 2015.
- Jeanmonod, Daniel and Jacques Gamisans. Flora Corsica. French. 2013.
Spain and Portugal
- Barrera Marti?nez, Ildefonso. The Ferns of Galicia. Galician. 1980.
- Castroviejo, S. Flora Iberica, Volume 1. 1986.
- do Amaral, Franco J. and Afonso M. da Luz da Rocha. Distribução de Pteridófitos e Gimnospérmicas em Portugal. Portuguese. 1982.
- Carvallo e Vasconcellos, Joao de. Pteridofitas de Portugal Continental e Ilhas Adjacentes [Pteridophytes of Continental Portugal and Adjacent Islands]. Portuguese. 1968.
- Salvo Tierra, E. Guia de Helechos de la Peninsula Iberica y Baleares. Spanish. First edition 1990, second edition 2004.
- Serrano, David Trijueque. Flora Silvestre de la Alcarria. 2016.
- Oliveira, Jose Norberto Brandao. Guia de campo para identificacao dos Pteridofitos (fetos e plantas afins) dos Acores [Field Guide to Identification of the Pteridophytes (Ferns and Allied Plants) of the Azores]. 1984.
- Bicknell, C. Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Riviera. 1885.
- Faggioli, Faustus. Considerazioni sull'Opera Botanica del Ginanni sulle Pinete Ravennati. Italian. 1913.
- Ferrarini, E., F. Ciampolini, R.E.G. Pichi-Sermolli and D. Marchetti. Iconographia Palynologica Pteridophytorum Italiae. Italian. 1986.
- Fiori, A. Flora Italica Cryptogama. Pars V: Pteridophyta. Italian. 1943.
- Marchetti, D. Le Pteridofite d'Italia. Italian. 2003.
- Payot, Vénance. Catalogue des Fougères, Pr�les et Lycopodiacees des Environs du Mont Blanc. French. 1860, 1881.
- Peroni, Adelberto and Gabriele Peroni. Atlante di Identificazione delle Felci (Filicopsida) Presenti in Svizzera e in Italia. Italian. 2004.
- Peroni, Adalberto, and Gabriele Peroni. Le Pteridofite della Provincia di Varese. Italian. 1997.
- Pignatti, S. Flora d'Italia. Volume 1. Italian. 1982, 2017.
- Soster, Mario. Identikit delle Felci d'Italia: Guida al Riconoscimento Delle Pteridofite Italiane. Italian. 2001.
- Kleinsteuber, Andreas, Michael Ristow, and Michael Hassler, editors. Flora von Rhodos und Chalki, Band 1. 2016.
- Mayer, E. Catalogus Florae Jugoslaviae 1/1. Pteridophyta. 1964.
- Vangjeli, Jani. Atlas Florae Albanicae, Volume 1: Pteridophyta to Apiaceae. 2017.
- Grubov, V. I., editor. Plants of Central Asia: Plant Collections from China and Mongolia : Introduction, Ferns, Bibliography. 1999.
Russia and Siberia
- Federov, An. A., Ed. Flora of Russia, Volume 1. 1999.
- Fedtschenko, B. A. and A. F. Flerov. An Illustrated Identification Book of the Plants of Siberia, No. 1: Pteridophytes (Pteridophyta). 1909.
- Fischer, Eberhard, Andreas Gröger, Wolfram Lobin. Illustrated Field Guide to the Flora of Georgia (South Caucasus). 2018.
- Kashina, L. I., I. M. Krasnoborov and D. N. Shaulo, editors. Flora of Siberia, Volume 1: Lycopodiaceae - Hydrocharitaceae. 2000.
- Perekhodko, V. M. and O. V. Khrapko. Identification Book of Ferns of the Maritime Region: A School. [Russian far east] 1994.
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Sri Lanka
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Southeast Asia
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Hong Kong
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- Price, M. G. Index of Names of Pteridophytes from Philippine Literature. 1971.
- So, May-Ling. Common Ferns of the Philippines. 1994.
- Zamora, P.M., and L. Co. Guide to the Philippine Flora and Fauna, Vol. II: Economic ferns, Endemic ferns, Gymnosperms. 1986.
- Zamora, P.M. Urban Ferns and Fern Allies. 2000.
- Kuhn, F. A. M. Filices Africanae.
- Kuhn, F. A. M. Filices Deckenianae.
Northern Africa
- Boulos, Loutfy. Flora of Egypt, Volume 1: Azollaceae-Oxalidaceae. 1999.
- Fennane, Mohamed, Mohamed Ibn Tattou, Joel Mathez, Aicha Ouyahya, and Jalal El Oualidi, editors. Flore Pratique du Maroc, Volume 1. 1999.
Western Africa
- Adams, C. D., and Arthur Hugh Garfit Alston. A List of the Gold Coast Pteridophyta. 1955.
- Adou, Lydie Marie Dominique. Ptéridophytes du sud-est de la Câte d'Ivoire: Systématique, Ecologie, Biologie et Ethnobotanique. 2016. French.
- Alston, A. H. G. The Ferns and Fern-Allies of West Tropical Africa: being a supplement to the second edition of The Flora of West Tropical Africa.
- Benl, Gerhard. The Pteridophyta of Bioko (Fernando Poo). Vol. 1: 1978. Vol. 2: 1980. Vol. 3: 1982. Vol. 4: 1988. Vol. 5: 1991.
- Harley, Winifred J. Handbook of Liberian Ferns.
- Kornas, Jan. Pteridophytes of Upper Katanga (Congo). Polish. 2000.
- Lobin, W., E. Fischer, and J. Ormonde. The Ferns and Fern-Allies (Pteridophyta) of the Cape Verde Islands, West Africa.
- Tardieu-Blot, M. L. Flore du Gabon, Volume 8: Pteridophytes.
Central Africa
- Flore d'Afrique Centrale (Congo-Kinshasa, Rwanda, Burundi): Pteridophytes:
- Lawalree, A.: Actiniopteridaceae, Equisetaceae, Parkeriaceae, Psilotaceae, Schizaeaceae, Blechnaceae, Azollaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Davalliaceae, Nephrolepidaceae.
- Kramer, K.: Lindsaeaceae.
- Launert, E.: Marsileaceae.
- Lewalle, J.: Osmundaceae.
- Bizzarri, M.: Selaginellaceae.
- Bamps, P.: Repertoire des Lieux de Recolte [Inventory of Collection Sites].
- Tardieu-Blot, M. L. Les Ptéridophytes de l'Afrique intertropicale Française.
Cameroon (Cameroun)
- Tardieu-Blot, M. L. Flore du Cameroun. Volume 3: Ptéridophytes.
Eastern Africa
- Flora of Tropical East Africa:
- Beentje, H. J. and B. Verdcourt: Lycopodiaceae, Isoetaceae.
- Beentje, H. J. and P. Edwards: Cyatheaceae.
- Beentje, H. J., ed.: Marsileaceae, Adiantaceae, Pteridaceae, Woodsiaceae.
- Beentje, H. J. and S. A. Ghazanfar: Dryopteridaceae.
- Burrows, J. E. and R. J. Johns: Ophioglossaceae.
- Parris, B. S.: Blechnaceae.
- Verdcourt, B.: Selaginaceae, Psilotaceae, Equisetaceae, Marattiaceae, Osmundaceae, Actiniopteridaceae, Schizeaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Vittariaceae, Azollaceae, Salviniaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Parkeriaceae, Davalliaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Polypodiaceae.
- Johns, R. J. Pteridophytes of Tropical East Africa: A Preliminary Check-list of the Species.
- Thulin, Mats, editor. Flora of Somalia, Volume 1. 1993.
Southern Africa
- Alston, Arthur Hugh Garfit, and E. A. C. L. E. Schelpe. An Annotated Check-List of the Pteridophyta of Southern Africa. 1952.
- Anthony, Nicola C. A revision of the Southern African Species of Cheilanthes Swartz and Pellaea Link (Pteridaceae). 1984.
- Burrows, John Eric and Sandie Burrows. Southern African Ferns and Fern Allies. 1990.
- Crouch, Neil R., Ronell R Klopper, John Burrows and Sandra M Burrows. Ferns of Southern Africa: A Comprehensive Guide. 2012.
- Jacobsen, W. B. G. The Ferns and Fern Allies of Southern Africa. 1983.
- Roux, Jacobus Petrus, with Gillian Cooper-Driver.The Ferns and Lycopods of the Drakensberg and Lesotho. 2016.
- Schelpe, E. A. C. L. E., and Anthony, Nicola C. Flora of Southern Africa: Pteridophyta. 1986.
- Schelpe, Edmund Andre Charles Louis Eloi, and M. Adelia Diniz. Flora de Mozambique: Pteridophyta. 1986.
- Kornas, Jan. Distribution and Ecology of the Pteridophytes in Zambia. 1979.
- Schelpe, E. A. C. L. E. Flora Zambesiaca Pteridophyta Index. 1970.
- Schelpe, Edmund Andre Charles Louis Eloi. Pteridophytes [Zambia]. 1973.
South Africa
- Burrows, J. E. South African Ferns and Fern Allies. 1991.
- Hancock, F. D., and A. Lucas. Ferns of the Witwatersrand. 1973.
- McKen, Mark J. The Ferns of Natal. 1869.
- Pappe, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig. Synopsis Filicum Africae Australis, or, An Emumeration of the South African Ferns Hitherto Known. 1858.
- Robertson, Thomas. Ferns of South Africa. 1915.
- Roux, Jacobus Petrus. Cape Peninsula Ferns. 1979.
- Roux, Jacobus Petrus. Conspectus of Southern African Pteridophyta. 2001.
- Sim, Thomas Robertson. The Ferns of South Africa, Containing Descriptions and Figures of the Ferns and Fern Allies of South Africa. 1892.
- Sim, Thomas Robertson. Handbook of the Ferns of Kaffraria. 1891.
- Roux, Jacobus Petrus. Swaziland Ferns and Fern Allies. 2003.
- Cooper-Driver, Gillian A., Taelo Letsela and Moretloa Polaki. Searching for Ferns in Lesotho. 2008.
- Zepp, Raymond A. Lesotho Ferns. 1982.
- Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. The Pteridophyta of Madagascar. With contributions by H P. de la Bathie et al.
- Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. New Ferns from Madagascar.
- Flore de Madagascar et des Comores.
- Palacky, Johann Baptiste. Filices Madagascarienses.
- Tardieu-Blot, M.L. Flore de Madagascar et des Comores.
- Fam. 1-4: Marattiaceae, Ophioglossaceae, Hymenophyllaceae, Cyatheaceae.
- Fam. 5/1: Polypodiacees; Denstaedtiacees, Aspidiacees.
- Fam. 5/2: Polypodiacees; Blechnacees-Polypodiacees.
- Fam. 6-11: Gleicheniaceae, Schizeaceae, Osmundaceae, Marsileaceae, Salviniaceae.
- Fam. 12-13: Lycopodiaceae, Huperziaceae.
- Stefanovic, S., F. Rakotondrainibe, and F. Badre. Fam. 14: Selaginellacees.
- Autrey, J. C., J. Bosser and I. K. Ferguson, editors. Flore des Mascareignes: la Reunion, Maurice, Rodrigues. French. 2008.
- Grangaud, Edmond. Guide des Fougères et Plantes Alliées des Mascareignes: La Réunion, Maurice et Rodrigues [Guide to the Ferns and Allied Plants of the Mascarenes]. 2010.
- Goudey, Christopher J. A Handbook of Ferns for Australia and New Zealand.
- Andrews, S. B. Ferns of Queensland.
- Bailey, F. M. Lithograms of the Ferns of Queensland. 1892.
- Bailey, Frederick Manson. The Fern World of Australia. 1881. Supplement, 1884.
- Bailey, Frederick Manson. Handbook to the Ferns of Queensland. 1874.
- Bond, Richard W., and Charles Barrett. Victorian Ferns. 1934.
- Bull, Marilyn. Flora of Melbourne: A Guide to the Indigenous Plants of the Greater Melbourne Area. 2014.
- Clifford, Harold Trevor and Jean Constantine. Ferns, Fern Allies and Conifers of Australia: A Laboratory Manual.
- Duncan, Betty D. and G. Isaac. Ferns and allied plants of Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia with distribution maps for the Victorian species.
- Garrett, Michael. The Ferns of Tasmania.
- Hnatiuk, R. J. Census of Australian Vascular Plants. Australian Flora and Fauna Series Volume 11. 1990.
- Jones, D. L., and C. J. Goudey. Ferns in Australia: Common, Rare and Exotic.
- Jones, D. L., and S. C. Clemesha. Australian Ferns and Fern Allies.
- Maiden, J. H. and W. S. Campbell. The Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
- McCarthy, Patrick M., editor. Flora of Australia Volume 48: Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied Groups. 1998.
- Wakefield, N. A. Ferns of Victoria and Tasmania: With descriptive notes and illustrations of the 116 native species.
- Walsh, N. G., and T. J. Entwisle, eds. Flora Victoria.
- Willis, J. H. A Handbook to Plants in Victoria. Vol. I. Ferns, Conifers and Monocotyledons.
New Zealand
- Allan, H. H. Flora of New Zealand. Volume 1. 1961.
- Armstrong, Mrs. C. C. New Zealand Ferns. Pressed specimens. 1884?, 1889.
- Armstrong, Mrs. C. C. The South Pacific Fern Album. Pressed specimens. 1893.
- Brownsey, Patrick J. and T. N. H. Galloway. A Key to the Genera of New Zealand Ferns and Allied Plants. 1987.
- Brownsey, P. J. and John C. Smith-Dodsworth. New Zealand Ferns and Allied Plants. 1989, 2001.
- Cheeseman, T. F. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. 1906, 1925.
- Colenso, W. A. Classification of Ferns, Collected in the Northern Island of New Zealand. 1845.
- Cranwell, T. New Zealand Ferns Prepared and Collected by T. Cranwell. Pressed specimens. 1875?
- Craig, Ian Eric. Catalogue of Ferns and Lycopodiums in the Herbarium of Eric Craig. 1890?
- Craig, Ian Eric. New Zealand Ferns. Cyanotpyes. 1888, 1892.
- Craig, Ian Eric. New Zealand Ferns. Pressed specimens. 1875 onward.
- Craig, Ian Eric. List of New Zealand Ferns and Lycopods. 1890?.
- Crowe, Andrew. The Life-size Guide to New Zealand Native Ferns, Featuring the Unique Caterpillars Which Feed on Them. 2004.
- Crowe, Andrew. Which Native Fern? 1994.
- Crowe, Andrew. A Guide to the Identification of New Zealand Native Ferns. 1997.
- Dobbie, Herbert Boucher. and Marguerite W. Crookes. New Zealand Ferns. 1880, 1921, 1930, 1951, 1952, 1963, 1987.
- Field, H. C. The Ferns of New Zealand and Its Immediate Dependencies. 1890, 2010.
- Fisher, Muriel E. and L. Ward. New Zealand Ferns in Your Garden. 1976, 1984, 1985.
- Hamlin, Bruce. Native Ferns. 1963.
- Harris, Emily Cumming. New Zealand Ferns. 1890.
- Heath, Eric, and Chinnock, R. J. Ferns and Fern Allies of New Zealand. 1974, 1984, 1988, 1999.
- Hofstra, D. E. Preliminary Genetic Assessment of New Zealand Isoe?tes and Nitella. 2006.
- Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Flora Novae Zelandiae. 1854.
- Jones, Mrs. S. Handbook to the Ferns of New Zealand. 1861.
- Large, Mark Frederick, J.E. Braggins, and Carol Joy West. Spore Atlas of New Zealand Ferns & Fern Allies. 1991.
- Leech, H. E. S. Ferns which Grow in New Zealand and the Adjacent Islands, Plainly Described. 1875.
- Metcalf, Lawrie. A Photographic Guide to Ferns of New Zealand. 2003.
- Molloy, B. P. J. Ferns in Peel Forest: a Field Guide. 1983.
- Morrison, Robin. Ferns of New Zealand. 1986.
- Parkinson, Brian. Common Ferns and Fern Allies. 2000.
- Reid, Miss A. New Zealand Ferns. 1891.
- Reid, W. New Zealand Ferns. 1880.
- Riley, Murdoch. New Zealand Trees & Ferns. 1983.
- Thompson, George Malcolm. Ferns and Fern Allies of New Zealand. 1882.
- Wayte, Edward. New Zealand Ferns. Pressed specimens. 1875?
- Wildman, W. New Zealand Ferns Collected in the Auckland Province. Pressed specimens. 1880?
- Brown, E. D., and Brown, F. B. H. Flora of Southeastern Polynesia; II: Pteridophytes. 1931.
- Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. A revision of the Pteridophyta of Samoa. 1943.
- Copeland, Edwin Bingham. Pteridophyta of the Society Islands. 1941.
- Copeland, Edwin Bingham. Pteridophyta Novae Caldoniae and New Pteridophytes of Sumatra. 1929.
- Hakubutsukan, Kokuritsu Kagaku. Illustrated Flora of Ferns & Fern-allies of South Pacific Islands. 2008. Japanese.
- Kitalong, Ann Hillman. Ferns of Palau: A Field Guide. 2018.
- Kuhn, F. A. M. Filices Novarum Hebridarum. 1869.
- Luerssen, C. Filices Graeffeanae. 1871.
- Maxon, William Ralph. Report upon a Collection of Ferns from Tahiti. 1924.
- Nakamura, M. Illustrated Flora of Ferns and Fern Allies of South Pacific Islands. 2008.
- National Science Museum [Japan]. South Pacific Pictorial Atlas of Ferns. Japanese. 2008.
- Raulerson, Lynn, and Agnes F. Rinehart. Ferns and Orchids of the Mariana Islands. 1992.
- Wagner, Warren Herbert, Jr. Pteridophytes of Guam. 1948.
- Wagner, Warren Herbert, Jr., and David F. Grether. The Pteridophytes of the Admiralty Islands. 1948.
- Copeland, Edwin Bingham. Ferns of Figi. 1929.
- Brownlie, G. The Pteridophyte Flora of Fiji. 1977.
- Bailey, Edward. Hawaiian Ferns: A synopsis taken mostly from Hooker and Baker.
- Christensen, Carl Frederik Albert. Revised List of Hawaiian Pteridophyta.
- Foster, Kevin. Recovery Plan for Four Species of Hawaiian Ferns.
- Hubbard, Douglass H. Ferns of Hawaii National Park.
- Lloyd, Robert M. Genecological Studies of Hawaiian Ferns: Reproductive Biology of Pioneer and Non-Pioneer Species on the Island of Hawaii.
- Palmer, D.D. Hawai'i's Ferns and Fern Allies.
- Robinson, Winifred Josephine. A Taxonomic Study of the Pteridophyta of the Hawaiian Islands. 1912.
- Valier, Kathy. Ferns of Hawai'i.
- Wagner, Warren H. Ferns Naturalized in Hawaii.
- Yates, Lorenzo Gordin. Notes on Hawaiian Ferns Compiled from the Works of Hooker, Baker, Bailey and Others. 1887.
North America
- Brackenridge, W. D. Cryptogamia, Filices, Lycopodiaceae and Hydropterides. Vol. 16. 1854-1855.
- Broun, M. Index to North American Ferns. 1938.
- Clute, Willard Nelson. The Fern Allies of North America North of Mexico. 1905, 1928.
- Clute, Willard Nelson. The Pteridophyta of North America, North of Mexico. 1895.
- Davenport, George Edward. Catalogue of the Davenport Herbarium of North American Ferns. 1879.
- Eaton, Daniel Cady. The Ferns of North America, Volumes 1-2. 1877-1880.
- Edwards, William. Catalogue of North American Ferns. 1874-1876.
- Meehan, T. The Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. 1878-1880.
- Robinson, John. Check-list of the Ferns of North America. 1873, 1876.
- Smith, Alan R., and Warren H. Wagner, Jr., editors. Flora of North America, North of Mexico, Volume 2: Ferns and Gymnosperms. 1993.
- Underwood, Lucien Marcus, Ralph Curtiss Benedict, and William Ralph Maxon. North American Flora Volume 16, Part 1. 1909.
- Yates, Lorenzo Gordin. Catalogue of Ferns in North America in Lorenzo G. Yates' Collection. 1886, 1887.
- Walewski, Joe. Ferns & Allies of the North Woods. North Woods Naturalist Series. 2016.
Eastern North America
- Benton, Allen H. Key to Common Ferns. 1976.
- Chadde, Steve W. Northeast Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the Northeastern United States. 2013.
- Clute, Willard Nelson. The Fern Collector's Guide (Where to Find and How to Name the Ferns). 1901, 1902.
- Clute, Willard Nelson. Our Ferns in Their Haunts; A Guide to All the Native Species. 1901.
- Clute, Willard Nelson. Our Ferns; Their Haunts, Habits and Folklore. 1929.
- Cobb, Boughton. A Field Guide to the Ferns: Northeastern and Central North America. 1956, 2005.
- Crow, Garrett E. and C. Barre Hellquist. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern North America: Volume 1. 2006.
- Durand, Herbert. Wild Flowers and Ferns. 1925.
- Durand, Herbert. Field Book of Common Ferns (for Identifying Fifty Conspicuous Species of Eastern North America with Directions for Culture). 1928.
- Eaton, Daniel Cady. Systematic Fern List [Eastern North America]. 1880.
- Fernald, Merritt Lyndon et al. Gray's Manual of Botany, Eighth (Centennial) Edition--Illustrated. 1848, 1856, 1862, 1863, 1867, 1908, 1950.
- Gleason, Henry A. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. 3 volumes. 1952.
- Hallowell, Anne E. and Barbara Hallowell. Fern Finder: A Guide to Native Ferns of Northeastern and Central North America. 1981.
- Lellinger, David B. A Field Manual of the Ferns and Fern-Allies of the United States and Canada. 1985.
- Mickel, John T. How to Know the Ferns and Fern Allies. 1979.
- Morong, T. List of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta. . .in Northeastern North America. 1893-1894.
- Ogden, Eugene C. Field Guide to Northeastern Ferns. 1981.
- Parsons, Francis Theodora. How to Know the Ferns. 1899, 1900, 1902, 1909, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1927, 1961, 1974, 2005.
- Plumier, Charles. Traité des Fougères de l�Amerique. 1705.
- Rockcastle, Verne N. Ferns and Their Allies. 1965.
- Thorne, Franke, and Libby Thorne. Henry Potter's Guide to Hybrid Ferns of the Northeast. 1989.
- Tilton, George Henry. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada. 1922.
- Underwood, Lucien Marcus. Our Native Ferns and How to Study Them. 1881, 1882, 1888, 1893, 1896, 1900.
- Wherry, Edgar T. The Fern Guide. 1961.
- Wherry, Edgar T. Guide to Eastern Ferns. 1937, 1942.
- Wiley, Farida A. Ferns of Northeastern United States. 1936, 1948.
- Williamson, John. Fern Etchings. 1879.
- Cody, William J., and Britton, Donald M. Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada. 1989.
- Eifert, Virginia S. and Bruce Metcalfe. Native Ferns [of Canada]. 1946, 1953, 1963.
- Lawson, George. The Fern Flora of Canada. 1889.
- Payette, Serge, editor. Flore Nordique du Québec et du Labrador, Volume 1. 2013.
- Paxton, John. Handbook to the Ferns of Canada. Year unknown (prior to 1900).
- Boland, Todd. Wildflowers and Ferns of Newfoundland.. 2017.
Nova Scotia
- Author Unknown. Ferns [Kejimkujik National Park] / Fougères [Parc National de Kejimkujik]. Year unknown.
- Lamoureaux, Giselle, ed. Fougères, Prêles, et Lycopodes (Guide d'Identification Fleurbec) [Ferns, Horsetails and Lycopods].
- Marie-Victorin, Frere. Les Lycopodinees du Quebec et Leurs Formes Minueres.
- Bruce-Grey Plant Committee of the Owen Sound Field Naturalists. The Ferns of Grey & Bruce Counties [Ontario, Canada].
- Cody, William J. Ferns of the Ottawa District. 1956, 1982.
- Moss, Ezra Henry. The Flora of Alberta. 1959, 1983.
- Packer, John G. & A. Joyce Gould. Vascular Plants of Alberta: Part 1: Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms, and Monocots. 2014.
- Royer, France, and Richard Dickinson. Plants of Alberta: Trees, Shrubs, Wildflowers, Ferns, Aquatic Plants & Grasses. 2007.
British Columbia
- Taylor, Thomas M. C. The Ferns and Fern-Allies of British Columbia. 1956, 1979.
Northeastern United States
- Blaustein, Elliott H. Name That Fern: Northeastern United States. 1979.
- Britton, N. L. Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteridophyta Reported as Growing Spontaneously within One Hundred Miles of New York City. 1888.
- Eaton, Daniel Cady. Beautiful Ferns from Original Water Color Drawings. 1881, 1882, 1886, 1892.
- Price, Sadie F. Fern-Collector's Handbook & Herbarium. 1897.
- Roberts, Edith Adelaide and Julia R. Lawrence. American Ferns: How to Know, Grow and Use Them. 1935.
- Robinson, John. Ferns in Their Homes and Ours. 1878, 1879, 1883, 1894.
- Waters, C. E. Ferns, a Manual for the Northeastern States, with Analytical Key. 1903, 1911.
New England
- Dodge, Raynal. The Ferns and Fern Allies of New England. 1896.
- Eastman, Helen. New England Ferns and their Common Allies. 1904.
- Haines, Arthur Duane. Families Huperziaceae and Lycopodiaceae of New England. 2003.
- Hervey, A. B. Wayside Flowers and Ferns. 1899.
- Knobel, Edward. The Ferns and Evergreens of New England. 1895.
- Tryon, Alice F. and Robbin C. Moran. The Ferns and Allied Plants of New England. 1997.
- Ogden, Edith Bolan. The Ferns of Maine. 1948.
New Hampshire
- Scamman, Edith. Ferns and Fern Allies of New Hampshire. 1947.
- Williams, Isaac Langley. Native American Ferns and Wildflowers, 1949.
- Flynn, Nellie F. Flora of Burlington and Vicinity. 1935.
- Westin, Doug. Common Ferns of Vermont. 1981, rev. 1995.
- Goodale, Alfred S. A Check List of Pteridophyta (fern-worts) Occuring in the Connecticut River Watershed in Masssachusetts.
- Jackson, J. Catalogue of the Phaenogamous and Vascular Cryptogamous Plants of Worcester County, Massachusetts.
- Author Unknown. Ferns & flowering plants of Wilton [Connecticut].
- Graves, C. Burr, M. D., Edwin Hubert Eames, M. D., C. Humphrey Bissell, et al. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Connecticut.
New York
- Brooks, Karl L. A Catskill Flora and Economic Botany: I. Pteridophyta, The Ferns and Fern Allies.
- Mitchell, Richard S. Atlas of New York State Ferns.
- Palmer, E. Laurence. Some New York Ferns.
- Small, John Kunkel. Ferns of the Vicinity of New York.
- Wu, Meiyin and Dennis Kalma. Wetland Plants of the Adirondacks, Volume 2: Ferns, Woody Plants, and Graminoids. 2011.
New Jersey
- Chrysler, M. A., and Edwards, J. L. The Ferns of New Jersey, including the Fern Allies. 1947.
- Montgomery, James D., and David E. Fairbrothers. New Jersey Ferns and Fern-Allies. 1992.
- Canan, Elsie Deane. Key to Ferns of Plateau and Mountain Section of Southwestern Pennsylvania. 1941.
- Canan, Elsie Deane. A Key to the Ferns of Pennsylvania. 1946.
- Clute, Willard Nelson. The Ferns and Fern Allies of the Upper Susquehanna Valley. 1898.
- Hopkins, L. S. The Ferns of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. 1914.
- Lord, Thomas R., and Holly J. Travis. The Ferns and Fern Allies of Pennsylvania. 2006.
West Virginia
- Brooks, M. G. and A. S. Margolin. The Pteridophytes of West Virginia. 1938, 2013.
- Venable, Norma Jean. Ferns: Introduction to the Ferns of West Virginia. 1984.
Southeastern United States
- Dunbar, Lin. Ferns of the Coastal Plain: Their Lore, Legend and Uses.
- Evans, A. Murray. Ferns and Fern Allies of the Smokies.
- Evans, A. Murray; White, Peter S.; and Pyle, Charlotte. Southern Appalachian Pteridophytes: An Indexed Bibliography, 1833-1980.
- Reed, Clyde F. Ferns and Fern Allies of Maryland and Delaware, Including the District of Columbia.
- Small, John Kunkel. Ferns of the Southeastern States.
- Stevenson, George B. Ferns of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
- Reed, Clyde F. Ferns and Fern Allies of Maryland and Delaware, Including the District of Columbia.
- Tidestrom, Ivar. Elysium marianum [Maryland Paradise]; Ferns and Fern-Allies. 1906.
- Massey, A. B. The Ferns and Fern Allies of Virginia.
- Mazzeo, Peter M. Ferns and Fern Allies of Shenandoah National Park.
North Carolina
- Blomquist, Hugo Leander. Ferns of North Carolina.
- Scudder, James H. The Ferns and Fern Allies [of] Clay and Cherokee Counties, North Carolina.
South Carolina
- Floyd, John Alex. Native Ferns Common to South Carolina.
- McVaugh, Rogers, and Joseph H. Pyron. Ferns of Georgia.
- Snyder, Lloyd H., Jr. Ferns of Panola Mountain State Park, Georgia.
- Snyder, Lloyd H., Jr., and Bruce, James G. Field Guide to the Ferns and Other Pteridophytes of Georgia.
- Baerecke, J. F. Analytical Key to Ferns and Flowering Plants in the Atlantic Section of Middle Florida.
- Lakela, Olga and Robert W. Long. Ferns of Florida: An Illustrated Manual and Identification Guide.
- Murrill, William A. Alachua Pteridophyta: Ferns and fern allies of Alachua County, Florida: list of species, keys to genera and species, common names.
- Nelson, Gil. The Ferns of Florida: A Reference and Field Guide.
- Ross, L. T. An Identification Guide to the Ferns of the Florida Panhandle.
- Small, John Kunkel. Ferns of Florida.
- Small, John Kunkel. Ferns of Royal Palm Hummock.
- Small, John Kunkel. Ferns of Tropical Florida.
- Wunderlin, Richard P. and Bruce F. Hanson. Flora of Florida, Volume 1: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. 2000.
- Barnes, Thomas G., and S. Wilson Francis. Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky. 2004.
- Cranfill, Ray. Ferns and Fern-Allies of Kentucky. 1980.
- Phillips, Haskell C. Lichens and Ferns of Land Between the Lakes. 1974.
- Wharton, Mary E., and Roger W. Barbour. A Guide to the Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky. 1971.
- Williamson, John. Ferns of Kentucky. 1878.
- Anderson, William Arthur. The Ferns of Tennessee. 1929.
- Shaver, Jesse M. Ferns of Tennessee with the Fern Allies Excluded. 1954.
- Dean, Blanche E. Ferns [of Alabama]. 1964 (1969).
- Short, John W. and Daniel D. Spaulding. Ferns of Alabama. 2012.
- Dukes, George H., Jr. A Mississippi Woodland Fern Portfolio. 2002.
- Lowe, E. N. Plants of Mississippi: A List of Flowering Plants and Ferns. 1921.
- Neyland, Ray. A Field Guide to the Ferns & Lycophytes of Louisiana, including East Texas, Southern Arkansas, and Mississippi. 2011.
- Searcy, Fred, Jr. Ferns and Wildflowers of Tishomingo State Park [Mississippi]. 1977.
- Allen, Charles M. Atlas of the Vascular Flora of Louisiana, Vol. I: Ferns and Fern Allies; Conifers and Monocotyledons. 1993.
- Neyland, Ray. A Field Guide to the Ferns & Lycophytes of Louisiana, including East Texas, Southern Arkansas, and Mississippi. 2011.
- Thieret, John W. Louisiana Ferns and Fern Allies. 1980.
- Brown, Clair A. and Donovan S. Correll. Ferns and Fern Allies of Louisiana. 1942.
- Neyland, Ray. A Field Guide to the Ferns & Lycophytes of Louisiana, including East Texas, Southern Arkansas, and Mississippi. 2011.
- Taylor, Carl W. Arkansas Ferns and Fern Allies. 1984.
- Correll, Donovan S. Ferns and Fern Allies of Texas. 1956.
- Diggs, George M. and Barney L. Lipscomb. Ferns and Lycophytes of Texas. 2013.
- Neyland, Ray. A Field Guide to the Ferns & Lycophytes of Louisiana, including East Texas, Southern Arkansas, and Mississippi. 2011.
- Nixon, Elray S. and John Kell. Ferns & Herbaceous Flowering Plants of East Texas. 2014.
- Yarborough, Sharon C. and A. Michael Powell. Ferns and Fern Allies of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas. 2002.
Central/Midwestern United States
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Peck, James H. Ferns and Fern Allies of the Driftless Area of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. 1982.
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Chuey, Carl F. Tri-County Pteridophytes: A Catalog of Ferns and Their Allies Occurring in Trumbull, Mahoning and Columbiana Counties, Ohio. 1976.
- Knouse, John A. Ferns, Fern Allies and Lycopods of the Strouds Run Area. 2009, 2nd ed. 2013.
- Newberry, J. S. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Ohio. 1860.
- Schaffner, John Henry. The Pteridophytes of Ohio. 1910.
- Vannorsdall, Henry H. Ferns of Ohio. 1956.
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Deam, Charles C. Flora of Indiana. 1940, 1970, 1984, 2002.
- Homoya, Michael A. Wildflowers and Ferns of Indiana Forests: A Field Guide. 2011.
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Mohlenbrock, Robert H. Ferns. 1967, 1999.
- Mohlenbrock, Robert H. A Flora of Southern Illinois. Southern Illinois University Press. 1974.
- Mohlenbrock, Robert H. Vascular Flora of Illinois, Fourth Edition. 1975, 1986, 2002, 2013.
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Billington, Cecil. Ferns of Michigan. 1952.
- Palmer, Daniel D. Michigan Ferns and Lycophytes: A Guide to Species of the Great Lakes Region. 2018.
- Bruhin, Thomas Aquinas. The Vascular Cryptogams of Wisconsin. German. 1877.
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Chadde, Steve W. Wisconsin Flora: An Illustrated Guide to the Vascular Plants of Wisconsin. 2013.
- Tryon, Rolla M.; Fassett, N. C.; Dunlop, D. W.; and Diemer, M. E. The Ferns and Fern Allies of Wisconsin.
- Marshal, Ruth. Ferns of the Dells of the Wisconsin River.
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Rosendahl, C. O., and F. K. Butters. Guide to the Ferns and Fern Allies of Minnesota. 1909.
- Schlichting, David B. A Survey of Ferns and Fern Allies of Pipestone County. 1969.
- Tryon, Rolla M. Ferns of Minnesota. 1954, 1980.
- Chadde, Steve W. Midwest Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the North Central United States. 2013.
- Cooperrider, T. S. The Ferns and Other Pteridophytes of Iowa. 1959.
- Fitzpatrick, T. L. Ferns of Iowa. 1896.
- Hitchcock, A. S. A Catalogue of the Anthophyta and Pteridophyta of Ames, Iowa. 1891.
- Melhus, Irving E. Native Ferns of Iowa. 1936.
- Key, James S. Field Guide to Missouri Ferns. 1982.
- Yatskievych, George. Steyermark's Flora of Missouri, Volume 1. 1999.
Northern Plains
- Petrik-Ott, A. J. The Pteridophytes of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota.
- Saunders, D. A. Ferns and Flowering Plants of South Dakota
- Featherly, H. I. Ferns of Oklahoma. 1939.
- Taylor, R. John, & Constance E. S. Taylor. An Annotated List of the Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms and Flowering Plants of Oklahoma. 1989.
Western United States
- Dorn, Robert D. and Jane L. The Ferns and Other Pteridophytes of Montana, Wyoming and the Black Hills of South Dakota.
- Frye, Theodore C. Ferns of the Northwest.
- Hulton, Eric. Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories.
- Jones, Marcus Eugene. Ferns of the West. 1882.
- Keator, Glenn Ph.D., and Ruth M. Heady. Pacific Coast Fern Finder. Illustrated by Valerie R. Winemiller.
- Lemmon, J. G. Ferns of the Pacific Coast (including Arizona).
- Taylor, Thomas Mayne Cunninghame. Pacific Northwest Ferns and Their Allies.
- Vitt, Dale H., Janet E. Marsh, and Robin B. Bovey. Mosses, Lichens and Ferns of Northwest North America: a Photographic Field Guide.
- Ross, Charles R. Ferns to Know in Oregon. 1959.
- Sage, Martin.The Ferns of Hendricks Park [Oregon]. 2014.
- Grillos, Steve J. Ferns and Fern Allies of California. 1966.
- Jones, Michael. The Ferns of Upper Bidwell Park [California]. 2001.
- Kiefer, Lawrence L. and Barbara Joe [Hoshizaki]. Checklist of California Pteridophytes. 1967.
- Meyers, Stephen C., Thea Jaster, Katie E. Mitchell, Linda K. Hardison, editors. Flora of Oregon. Volume 1. 2015.
- Rodin, Robert J. Ferns of the Sierra. 1968.
- Witham, Helen. Ferns of San Diego County. 1972.
- Kearney, Thomas H. and Robert H. Peebles. Arizona Flora.
- Kearney, Thomas H. and Robert H. Peebles, et al. Flowering Plants and Ferns of Arizona.
New Mexico
- Dittmer, Howard J., Castetter, and Clark, Ora M. The Ferns and Fern Allies of New Mexico. 1954.
- Flowers, Seville. Ferns of Utah. 1944.
- Harrington, H. D. & L. W. Durrell. Colorado Ferns and Fern Allies: Pteridophyta. 1950.
- Abundiz-Bonilla, L. A. and J. D. Tejero-Diez. El Genero Selaginella Pal.-Beauv. (Selaginellaceae, Lycopodiophyta) en el oeste del Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
- Barriga, H. Diaz and M. Palacios-Rios. Flora del Bajio y de Regiones Adyacentes.
- Diaz-Barriga, Horriga and Mónica Palacios-Rios. Complementary Volume III: Listado Preliminar de Especies de Pteridofitas de los Estados de Guanajuato, Michoacan y Queretaro. 1992.
- Palacios-Rios, Mónica. Volume 12: Osmundaceae. 1993.
- Palacios-Rios, Mónica. Marattiaceae. 1993.
- Pacheco, Leticia. Volume 63: Hymenophyllaceae. 1993.
- Palacios-Rios, Mónica. Volume 25: Lophosoriaceae. 1994.
- Palacios-Rios, Mónica. Vittariaceae. 1997.
- Palacios-Rios, Mónica. Volume 62: Plagiogyriaceae. 1998.
- Pérez-García, Blanca and Ramón Riba. Volume 79: Thelypteridaceae. 1999.
- Palacios-Rios, Mónica and Victoria Hern�ndez Hern�ndez. Volume 95: Blechnaceae. 2001.
- Grajales-Tam, Karina Magdalena. Volume 185: Azollaceae. 2014.
- Grajales-Tam, Karina Magdalena. Volume 185: Cyatheaceae. 2015.
- Fee, A. L. A. Catalog of Ferns and Lycopodiums of Mexico. French.
- Flora de Veracruz. Instituto de Ecologia.
Web: Fasc. 6: Selaginellaceae. Deborah Gregory and Ramon Riba.
- Fasc. 17: Cyatheaceae. R Riba.
- Fasc. 55: Psilotaceae. M Palacios-Rios.
- Fasc. 60: Marattiaceae. M Palacios-Rios.
- Fasc. 61: Osmundaceae. M Palacios-Rios.
- Fasc. 63: Hymenophyllaceae. Leticia Pachecho and Ramon Riba.
- Fasc. 69: Dicksoniaceae, Equisetaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Lindsaeaceae, Parkeriaceae, Plagiogyriaceae, Vittariaceae. Monica Palacios-Rios.
- Fasc. 70: Marsileaceae. Monica Palacios-Rios and David M Johnson.
- Fasc. 71: Salviniaceae. Monica Palacios-Rios and Victor Rico-Gray.
- Jones, George Neville. An Annotated Bibliography of Mexican Ferns.
- Jones, Marcus Eugene. Ferns of the West. 1882.
- Knobloch, Irving W., and Donovan S. Correll. Ferns and Fern Allies of Chihuahua.
- Kuhn, F. A. M. Contributions to the Mexican Fern Flora. German.
- Mickel, John T., with contributions by R. McVaugh, S. Karell, and H. Balslev. Liebmann's Mexican Ferns: His Itinerary, a Translation of His "Mexicos Bregner", and a Reprinting of the Original Work.
- Mickel, John T. and J. M. Beitel. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Mickel, John T., and Alan R. Smith. The Pteridophytes of Mexico. 2 parts.
- Riba, Ramon, and A. Butanda. Annotated Bibliography to Mexican Pteridophytes. 1987.
- Rzedowski, Jerzy, and Graciela Calderon de Rzedowski, eds. Flora of Bajio and Adjacent Regions; Guanajuato, Queretaro, northern Michoacan, Mexico.
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- Osmundaceae:
- Hymenophyllaceae:
- Vittariaceae:
- Thelypteridaceae:
- Smith, Alan R. Flora of Chiapas: Part 2, Pteridophytes.
- Vázquez Torres, Mario. Ferns and Fern Allies: A Look at the Municipal Area of Banderilla [Veracruz]. English and Spanish.
Central America and the Caribbean
- Jones, Marcus Eugene. Ferns of the West. 1882.
- Moran, Robbin C. and R. Riba, Editors. Flora Mesoamericana, Volume 1: Psilotaceae a Salviniaceae. 1995. Spanish.
- Lellinger, David B. The Ferns and Fern-Allies of Costa Rica, Panama, and the Choco (Part I: Psilotaceae through Dicksoniaceae).
- Eaton, Daniel Cady. Filices Wrightianae et Fendlerianae. 1860.
- Labiak, Paulo H., Marcus Lehnert, Ana Laura Moguel Velazquez, & Michael Kessler. Flora Neotropica, Volume 111-113: Grammitid Ferns. 2013.
- Mickel, John T. Flora Neotropica, Volume 188: Anemia (Anemiaceae). 2016.
- Stolze, Robert G. Ferns and Fern Allies of Guatemala. 3 volumes.
- Ve?liz Pe?rez, Mario Esteban, and Jorge Mario Vargas Ponce. Tree Ferns of Guatemala:. Spanish.
- Gã�mez, Luis Diego. Flora of Nicaragua: Volume IV, Ferns. Spanish. 2009.
- Sutherland, Nelson, Cirilo, Roberto Gamarra Gamarra and Javier Fernandez. CASAS: Hondurensis Plantarum Vascularium Catalogus: Pteridophyta [Honduras Vascular Plant Catalog: Pteridophytes]. 1996.
El Salvador
- Monro, Alex. Helechos de los Cajetales de El Salvador [Ferns of the Cajetales of El Salvador]. Spanish. 2002.
- Seiler, Ralph L. A Taxonomic Guide to Ferns of El Salvador. Spanish.
West Indies
- Alston, Arthur Hugh Garfit. A Revision of the West Indian Species of Selaginella.
- Caluff, Garcia Manuel, Gustavo Shelton Serrano, and Maite? Serguera Nin?o. Conservation of Lycophytes and Ferns in the Antilles. Spanish. 2013.
- Eaton, Daniel Cady. Enumeration of the Ferns of Cuba and Venezuela. 1860.
- Exell, A. W. et al. Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of San Tome (with Principe and Annobon), Supplement.
- Fee, A. L. A. Histoire des Fougères et des Lycopodiacees des Antilles [History of the Ferns and Lycopodiums of the Antilles]. French.
- Jenman, G. S.; pts. 8-20: J. H. Hart, Ed. The Ferns and Fern-Allies of the British West Indies and Guiana. 20 parts, bound in 2 vol.
- Mickel, John T. Trinidad Pteridophytes.
- Proctor, George R. Flora of the Lesser Antilles, Volume 2: Pteridophyta.
- Stoffers, A.L., editor. Flora of the Netherlands Antilles, Vol. 1: Pteridophyta.
- Jenman, G. S. A Handlist of the Jamaica Ferns.
- Proctor, George R. Ferns of Jamaica: A Guide to the Pteridophytes.
Puerto Rico
- Proctor, George R. Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
- Kepler, Angela K. Common Ferns of Luquillo Forest.
- Eaton, Daniel Cady. Enumeration of the Ferns of Cuba and Venezuela. 1860.
- Greuter, Werner and Rosa Rankin Rodriguez, editors. Flora de la Rep�blica de Cuba, Series A: Plantas Vasculares, Fascículo 11. Spanish. 2006.
- Sanchez, Carlos. The Ferns and Lycophytes of Cuba. Spanish. 2007.
French Antilles
- Duss, A. Flore Cryptogamique des Antilles Francaises. French.
- Duss, Antoine (Le R-P Duss). Division, Nomenclature & Habitat des Fougères & Lycopodes des Antilles Francaises. French.
- Husnot, P. T. Catalog of Cryptogams Collected in the French Antilles. French.
South America
- Maxon, William Ralph. Report upon a Collection of Ferns from Western South America.
- Mettenius, G. H. Filices Lechlerianae, Chilenses ac Peruanae, Cura R. F. Hohenackeri Editae.
- Murillo, M.T. Uses for South American Ferns with Special Reference to Colombia. Spanish.
- Vasconcellos, Normélia C. Spore Morphology of Amazonian Pteridophytes. Portuguese. 1971.
- Zaloago, Fernando O., Osvaldo Morrone and Manuel J. Belgrano, eds. Catalog of Vascular Plants of the Southern Cone of South America. Spanish. 2008.
- Arbeláez A. Flora de Colombia, Vol. 18: La Tribu Pteridae (Pteridaceae). Spanish.
- Mora-Osejo, Luis Eduardo, and Wolfgang Hagemann. An Interesting Isoetes from the Galeras Volcano. Spanish> 1977.
- Murillo-Pulido, M. T. and M. A. Harker-Useche. Helechos y Plantas Afines de Colombia. Spanish.
- Murillo, M.T. Flora de Colombia. Vol. 2: Pteridophyta I. Spanish.
- Rodríguez D. Helechos, Lycopodios, Selaginellas y Equisetos del Parque Regional Arví [Ferns, Lycopods, Selaginellas and Equisetums of Arvi Regional Park]. Spanish.
- Triana-Moreno, L.A. & J. Murillo-A. Helechos y Plantas Afines de Albán [Ferns and Allied Plants of Alban]. Spanish.
- Destruge, Alcides. Observations on Asplenium grevillii in the Ecuador Flora. Spanish. 1864.
- Morton, Conrad Vernon. The genus Grammitis in Ecuador. 1967.
- Navarrete, Hugo. Common Ferns of Lower Ecuadorian Amazonia. Spanish. 2001.
- Øllgaard, Benjamin. Flora of Ecuador, Part 1. 1988.
- Øllgaard, Benjamin, Hanna Tuomisto, Robbin C Moran, Else Østergaard Andersen. Flora of Ecuador, Parts 6-10. 2001.
- Smith, Alan R. Flora of Ecuador, Part 14(4). 1983.
- Stolze R. G., Leticia Pacheco and Benjamin Øllgaard, eds. Flora of Ecuador, Part 5B. 1994.
- Stolze, R. G., ed. Flora of Ecuador, Part 14(6). 1986.
- Tryon, Rolla. Flora of Ecuador, Parts 12-13. 1986.
- Foster, Robert C. A Catalogue of the Ferns and Flowering Plants of Bolivia. 1958.
- Tryon, Rolla Milton and Stolze, Robert G. Pteridophyta of Peru.
- Part I: 1. Ophioglossaceae - 12. Cyatheaceae.
- Part II: 13. Pteridaceae-15. Dennstaedtiaceae.
- Part III: 16. Thelypteridaceae.
- Part IV: 17. Dryopteridaceae.
- Part V: 18. Aspleniaceae - 21. Polypodiaceae.
- Part VI: 22. Marsileaceae - 28. Isoetaceae,
- Zaloago, Fernando O., Osvaldo Morrone and Manuel J. Belgrano, eds. Catalog of Vascular Plants of the Southern Cone of South America. Spanish. 2008.
- Eaton, Daniel Cady. Enumeration of the Ferns of Cuba and Venezuela.
- Van der Werff, H., and Alan R. Smith. Pteridophytes of the State of Falcon, Venezuela.
- Vareschi, V. Flora de Venezuela Volume 1, 1-2: Helechos [Ferns].
- Berry, P. E., B. K. Holst, and K. Yatskievych. Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, Volume 2, Pteridophytes and Spermatophytes: Acanthaceae-Araceae.
- Flora of the Guianas, Series B: Ferns and Fern Allies. Vol. 3: Hymenophyllaceae. D Lellinger. Koeltz Scientific Books. 1994. 66pp, b/w ill, PB. ISBN-10: 3874293661. Vol. 4: Dennstaedtiaceae. G Cremers. Koeltz Scientific Books. 1991. 91pp, b/w ill, PB. ISBN-10: 387429305X. Vol. 6: Dryopteridaceae, etc. G Cremers. Koeltz Scientific Books. 1993. 126pp, b/w ill, PB. ISBN-10: 3874293564.
- Gorts-Van Rign, A. R. A., Ed. Flora Guianas, series B, Ferns & Fern Allies.
- Cremers, G. et al. Flora of the Guianas, Series B: Ferns and Fern Allies; Fascicle 6.
- Cremers, G. and M. Hoff. Inventaire Taxonomique des Plantes de la Guyane Française, 1: Les Pteridophytes [Taxonomic Inventory of the Plants of French Guyana, 1: The Pteridophytes].
- Kramer, K. U. Pteridophytes of Suriname.
- Lellinger, David B. Flora of the Guianas, Series B: Ferns and Fern Allies, Fascicle 3.
- Mori, Scott A. and Georges Cremers et al. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Central French Guiana, Part 1: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Monocotyledons. 1997.
- Posthumus, Dr. O. Ferns of Surinam and of French and British Guiana.
- Brade, A. C. Chaves Artificiais Para Determinacao de Generos e Subgeneros Brasileiros da Familia Polypodiaceae [Artificial Keys for Determining Brazilian Genera and Subgenera of the Family Polypodiaceae]. Portuguese.
- Dombrowski, Luiza Thereza Deconto. Colec?a?o de Pteridophyta do Parana? no Instituto de Defesa do Patrimonio. Portuguese. 1972.
- Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. Flora Brasiliensis: Volume 1, Part 2: Mosses, Lycopods, Equisetum and Ferns. 1895. Latin.
- Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. Icones Plantarum Cryptogamicarum [Brasil]. 1828-1834. Latin.
- Raddi, Guiseppi (Josepho Raddio). Synopsis Filicum Brasiliensium.
- Raddi, Guiseppi. Plantarum Brasiliensium nova genera et species novae, vel minus cognitae. Part I: Filices. 1825.
- Sehnem, Aloysio. As Filicineas do Sul do Brasil: sua distribuicao geografica, sua ecologia e suas rotas de migracao [The Ferns of Southern Brazil: Their Geographical Distribution, Ecology, and Routes of Migration]. Portuguese; summary in English and Portuguese.
- Wettstein, Richard, Ritter von Westersheim. Pteridophyta und Anthophyta.
- Zuquim, G., F. R. Costa, J. Prado, and H. Tuomisto. Guia de Samambaias e Licofitas da REBIO Uatuma, Amazonia Central (Guide to the Ferns and Lycophytes of REBIO Uatuma, Central Amazonia). 2009.
- Pena-Chocarra, M. Helechos [Ferns] de Mbaracayu. Spanish.
- Cartaginese, Martha S. Revision del Genero "Doryopteris" en Argentina. Spanish.
- Kiesling, Roberto, editor. Flora de San Juan, Republica Argentina, Volumen I. 1994. Spanish.
- Morbelli, Marta A. Spore Morphology of Native Pteridophyta in the Fuego-Patagonia Region. Spanish. 1980.
- Zaloago, Fernando O., Osvaldo Morrone and Manuel J. Belgrano, eds. Catalog of Vascular Plants of the Southern Cone of South America. Spanish. 2008.
- Zuloaga, Fernando Omar and Manuel Joaquín Belgrano, editors. Flora Argentina, Volume 2: Licofitas, Helechos, Gymnospermae. 2016. Spanish.
Atlantic Ocean Islands
- Lambden, Phil. Flowering Plants and Ferns of St. Helena. 2013.