
Enja discography: 2004 to 2098

Enja Records main series discography

This is a discography of the main series of jazz albums released on the Enja label from 1971 onwards. Enja was founded in Munich in 1971.

The main series of albums is split over a number of pages on the site. This is the first page covering Enja 2004 to Enja 2098. Only even numbers are used for catalog numbers in this sequence of albums.

Enja pages on the site:

Main Enja album series:
2002-2098   |   3001-3099   |   4002-4098   |   5001-5099   |   6002-6098   |   7000-7099   |   8000-8098   |  
... more to be added ...

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Mal Waldron Plays the Blues, Mal Waldron, 1972, Enja 2002

This album is often listed as the first Enja release. Uncertain when it was first released. Was it first released in 1971/72? Was it released at a later date with a catalog number that suggested an earler release?

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Black Glory: Live At The Domicile, Mal Waldron, 1971, Enja 2004

Tracks : Sieg Haile, La Gloire Du Noir, The Call, Rock My Soul

Musicians : Mal Waldron, Jimmy Woode, Pierre Favre

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Live In Tokyo, Albert Mangelsdorff, 1972, Enja 2006

Tracks : Sing & Swing, Open Space, Mah�sale, Triple Trip

Musicians : Albert Mangelsdorff, Heinz Sauer, G�nter Lenz, Ralf H�bner

Originally released on Three BlindMice in Japan in 1971.

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Trinity, Masahiko Sato, 1972, Enja 2008

Tracks : Trinity, Far Trip

Musicians : Masahiko Sato, Peter Warren, Pierre Favre

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Vibrations, Terumasa Hino, 1972, Enja 2010

Tracks : Into The Heaven, I'm An Old Cowhand, Crackling, Ph-Ph-T, Dig It

Musicians : Terumasa Hino, Heinz Sauer, Peter Warren, Pierre Favre

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Payan, Alexander von Schlippenbach, 1972, Enja 2012

Tracks : Fuge F�r Tante Lilli, Yarrak, Pumpkin, Prelude To A Magic Afternoon Of Miss Yellow Sunshine, Niminy - Piminy, Payan, Lazy June, Aimless, Good Night, George, Kinds Of Weirdness

Musicians : Alexander von Schlippenbach

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Impact, Charles Tolliver, 1972, Enja 2016

Tracks : Impact, Brilliant Circles, Truth, Prayer For Peace

Musicians : Charles Tolliver, Stanley Cowell, Ron Mathewson, Alvin Queen

Recorded live at the Domicile in Munich in March 1972.

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Bass Is, Peter Warren, 1972, Enja 2018

Tracks : Bass Is, Interlude, Subra Har, Welcome To New York, Instrumental No.2

Musicians : Peter Warren, John Surman, Chick Corea, Dave Holland, Glen Moore, Jamie Faunt, Barry Altschul, Steve Hauss, Stu Martin

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After Hours, Dusko Goykovich, 1972, Enja 2020

Tracks : Last Minute Blues, A Child Is Born, Old Fisherman's Daughter, Remember Those Days, I Love You, Ten To Two Blues

Musicians : Dusko Goykovich, Tete Montoliu, Rob Langereis, Joe Nay

Recorded in Barcelona in November 1971.

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With Silence, Karl Berger, 1973, Enja 2022

Tracks : From Now On, With Silence, Get Up, Flow, The Only One Of Its Kind In My Garden, The Smile

Musicians : Karl Berger, Masahiko Sato, Adelhard Roidinger, Allen Blairman

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African Sketchbook, Dollar Brand, 1973, Enja 2026

Tracks : Tintiyana, First Part, Tintiyana, Second Part, Jabulani - Easter Joy

Musicians : Dollar Brand, Cecil Bridgewater, Charles Sullivan, Enrico Rava, Kiani Zawadi, John Stubblefield, Sonny Fortune, Carlos Ward, Hamiet Bluiett, Roland Alexander, Cecil McBee, Roy Brooks

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Taro's Mood, Terumasa Hino, 1973, Enja 2028

Tracks : Alone, Alone And Alone, Taro's Mood, Predawn

Musicians : Terumasa Hino, Mikio Masuda, Yoshio Ikeda, Motohiko Hino, Yuji Imamura

Recorded live at the Domicile in Munich in June 1973

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Live At The Festival, 1973, Enja 2030

Tracks : Nardis (Bill Evans), Round About Midnight (Karin Krog), Sonny's Back (Archie Shepp), The Creators (Hutcherson/Land Quintet)

Musicians : Tracks recorded live at the Ljubljana Jazz Festival between 1970 and 1973.

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African Space Program, Dollar Brand, 1974, Enja 2032

Tracks : Tintiyana, First Part, Tintiyana, Second Part, Jabulani - Easter Joy

Musicians : Dollar Brand, Cecil Bridgewater, Charles Sullivan, Enrico Rava, Kiani Zawadi, John Stubblefield, Sonny Fortune, Carlos Ward, Hamiet Bluiett, Roland Alexander, Cecil McBee, Roy Brooks

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Up Popped the Devil, Mal Waldron, 1974, Enja 2034

Tracks : Up Popped The Devil, Space Walk, Snake Out, Changachangachang

Musicians : Mal Waldron, Reggie Workman, Billy Higgins, Carla Poole (track 2)

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Live at the Village Vanguard, Elvin Jones, 1974, Enja 2036

Tracks : By George, Laura, Mister Jones, You Don't Know What Love Is

Musicians : Elvin Jones, George Coleman, Wilbur Little, Marvin Peterson (track 3)

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Live At Pio's, Ben Webster, 1974, Enja 2038

Tracks : Cookin' For T, Gone With The Wind, Sunday, Pennies From Heaven, How Long Has This Been Goin On?, Sometimes I'm Happy

Musicians : Ben Webster, Junior Mance, Bob Cranshaw, Mickey Roker

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Songs For Love, Tete Montoliu, 1974, Enja 2040

Tracks : Rainy Day, Django, Two Catalan Songs, Gentofte 4349, Apartment 512, Autumn In New York, Ballad For Line, Little Camila

Musicians : Tete Montoliu

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Makaya & The Tsotsis, Makaya & The Tsotsis, 1974, Enja 2042

Tracks : Ode To Tilman, Tetralogue, Bridges, Neged, Suspension

Musicians : Makaya Ntshoko, Heinz Sauer, Bob Degen, Isla Eckinger

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Drifting, Walter Norris / George Mraz, 1974, Enja 2044

Tracks : Drifting, A Child Is Born, Nota Cambiata, Space Maker, Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most, Rose Waltz, Thumbs Up, Maple Leaf Rag

Musicians : Walter Norris, George Mraz

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Hill Country Suite, Bobby Jones, 1974, Enja 2046

Tracks : Bringin' In The Sheep, Old Jack Daniels, Halleluja! Y' Uns All Come To The Weddin' Dance, Only Blue, Lady Love, The Gospel Truth

Musicians : Bobby Jones, George Mraz, Freddie Waits

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Good News From Africa, Dollar Brand, 1974, Enja 2048

Tracks : Ntsikana's Bell, Msunduza, Good News: Swazi / Waya-Wa-Egoli, Adhan & Allah-O-Akbar, The Pilgrim, Moniebah: The Pilgrim

Musicians : Dollar Brand, Johnny Dyani

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Hard Talk, Mal Waldron, 1974, Enja 2050

Tracks : Russian Melody, Snake Out, Hard Talk

Musicians : Mal Waldron, Manfred Schoof, Steve Lacy, Isla Eckinger, Allen Blairman

Recorded live in Nurnberg in May 1974.

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Clay, Yosuke Yamashita, 1974, Enja 2052

Tracks : Mina's Second Theme, Mina's Second Theme (Cont), Clay (Dedicated To Muhammad Ali)

Musicians : Yosuke Yamashita, Akira Sakata, Takeo Moriyama

Recorded live in Moers in June 1974.

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Lament For Booker Ervin, Booker Ervin, 1975, Enja 2054

Tracks : Blues For You, Blues For You (Cont), Lament For Booker

Musicians : Tracks 1 & 2: Booker Ervin, Kenny Drew, Niels-Henning �rsted Pedersen, Alan Dawson / Track 3: Horace Parlan

Tracks 1 & 2 recorded in Berlin in 1965. Track 3 recorded in 1975.

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Father Time, Frank Tusa, 1975, Enja 2056

Tracks : Doin' It, Cameo, Gypsy Song, Mabel's Mood, Kristie's Sprit, String Beans

Musicians : Frank Tusa, Dave Liebman, Richie Beirach, Badal Roy, Jeff Williams

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Social Sketches, Marc Levin, 1975, Enja 2058

Tracks : Nylon Coverin', Body Smotherin', Student Days, New York, 1965, Wings Of Icarus, Brothers In War, Letter To President Nixon Re: The Chile Affair

Musicians : Marc Levin, Seppo Paakkunainen, Teppo Hauta-Aho, Reino Laine, Carita Holmstr�m

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Julian, Pepper Adams, 1976, Enja 2060

Tracks : Jirge, Julian, Spacemaker, Ad Astra, Three And One, 'Tis

Musicians : Pepper Adams, Walter Norris, George Mraz, Makaya Ntshoko

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A Touch Of The Blues, Mal Waldron, 197?, Enja 2062

Tracks : Here, There And Everywhere, The Search, A Touch Of The Blues

Musicians : Mal Waldron, Jimmy Woode, Allen Blairman

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Spontaneous, Albert Mangelsdorff, 19??, Enja 2064

Tracks : Voices, Noises, Lungs 'N' Tongues Strings And Things, Roots To Moods, Ludwig Van Watches, Cosmopolitans

Musicians : Albert Mangelsdorff, Masahiko Sato, Peter Warren, Allen Blairman

Possibly originally released on Intercord in 1971. Uncertain of Enja release year.

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Distant Thunder, Manfred Schoof, 1976, Enja 2066

Tracks : Mitochondria, 'Round About Midnight, Distant Thunder, Hachi

Musicians : Manfred Schoof, Akira Sakata, Yosuke Yamashita, Takeo Moriyama

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Futures Passed, David Friedman, 1977?, Enja 2068

Tracks : Rachel's Samba, Rodney's Dream Of Fantasy And Self-Fulfillment, Three Pieces, A Smile On The Face Of Mourning, Trinkle-Tinkle

Musicians : David Friedman, Pat Rebillot, Harvie Swartz, Bruce Ditmas, Rimona Francis

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The Children Of Africa, Dollar Brand, 1976, Enja 2070

Tracks : Banyana - The Children Of Africa, Asr, Ishmael, The Honey-Bird, The Dream, Yukio-Khalifa

Musicians : Dollar Brand, Cecil McBee, Roy Brooks

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Sequoia Song, Bob Degen, 1976, Enja 2072

Tracks : Sequoia Song, Children Of The Night, Time Until, Little Mak, Byway, Moose The Mooche

Musicians : Bob Degen, Isla Eckinger, Makaya Ntshoko

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Twelfth & Pingree, Pepper Adams, 1976, Enja 2074

Tracks : Twelfth & Pingree, A Child Is Born, Well, You Needn't, Bossa Nouveau

Musicians : Pepper Adams, Walter Norris, George Mraz, Makaya Ntshoko

Recorded live at the Domicile in Munich in August 1975.

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Steam, Archie Shepp, 1976, Enja 2076

Tracks : Solitude, Steam, A Message From Trane

Musicians : Archie Shepp, Cameron Brown, Beaver Harris

Recorded live in Nuremberg in March 1976.

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Dream Bells, Attila Zoller, 1976, Enja 2078

Tracks : Sudden Romance, In Our Own Sweet Way, Seascape, Dream Bells

Musicians : Attila Zoller, Frank Luther, Sonny Brown

Recorded live at the Domicile in Munich in May 1976.

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Banslikana, Yosuke Yamashita, 1976, Enja 2080

Tracks : A Night In Tunesia, Stella, Banslikana, Chiasma, Autumn Leaves, Ko's Daydream, Lullaby, Bird

Musicians : Yosuke Yamashita

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Islands, Benny Bailey, 1976, Enja 2082

Tracks : So Far As I Know, Estrelle, To Fly Or Not To Fly, One Of Those Love Songs, Remember The Islands

Musicians : Benny Bailey, Eberhard Weber, Siggi Schwab, Lala Kovacev

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Dark to Themselves, Cecil Taylor, 1976, Enja 2084

Tracks : Streams, Chorus Of Seed

Musicians : Cecil Taylor, Raph� Malik, Jimmy Lyons, David S. Ware, Marc Edwards

Recorded live at the Ljubljana Jazz Festival in June 1976.

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Nuit Africaine, Randy Weston, 1976, Enja 2086

Tracks : Yubadee, Little Niles, Blues To Senegal, African Nite, Con Alma, C.W. Blues, Jejouka

Musicians : Randy Weston

Recorded in Paris and originally released on Owl in France in 1975.

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Eclypso, Tommy Flanagan, 1977, Enja 2088

Tracks : Oleo, Denzil's Best, A Blue Time, Relaxin' At Camarillo, Cup Bearers, Eclypso, Confirmation

Musicians : Tommy Flanagan, George Mraz, Elvin Jones

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Now Hear This, Hal Galper, 1977, Enja 2090

Tracks : Now Hear This, Shadow Waltz, Mr. Fixit, First Song In The Day, Bemsha Swing, Red Eye Special

Musicians : Hal Galper, Terumasa Hino, Cecil McBee, Tony Williams

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One-Upmanship, Mal Waldron With Steve Lacy, 1977, Enja 2092

Tracks : One Upmanship, The Seagulls Of Kristiansund, Hurray For Herbie

Musicians : Mal Waldron, Manfred Schoof, Steve Lacy, Jimmy Woode, Makaya Ntshoko

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Surge, New York Jazz Quartet, 1977, Enja 2094

Tracks : Surge, Placitude, Big Bad Henry, 87th Street, What, Does It Matter?, Tee Piece

Musicians : Frank Wess, Roland Hanna, George Mraz, Richard Pratt

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Double Image, David Friedman, 1977, Enja 2096

Tracks : Rodney's Dream Of Fantasy And Self-Fulfillment, Veltland, Truce, Rag-Out, Mist, Aerobats

Musicians : David Friedman, David Samuels, Harvie Swartz, Michael DiPasqua

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Outlaws, Jeremy Steig / Eddie Gomez, 1977, Enja 2098

Tracks : Outlaws, Autumn Comes / Autumn Leaves, Arioso, Night Mare, Nardis

Musicians : Jeremy Steig, Eddie Gomez

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Last updated September 2015