Nowy Targ, Poland

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History and Memories Photographs 10 Our book of remembrance Shoshana Ben-Ami (Natowitz) 13 This book – as a monument to Podhale Jewry Zvi Nir (Gerstner) 14 Editor's Foreword Michael Walzer-Fass 15 Map of Podhale 18 History of the Jewish community in Nowy-Targ (Neu-Mark) Dr. Avraham Chomet 19 History of the Jewish community in Nowy-Targ (Neu-Mark) [Y] Dr. Avraham Chomet 26 Nowy-Targ, our town Dr. Zvi [Herman] Kolber 35    a. After annexation by Austria 36    b. The new laws 37    c. The economic activities: commerce, idustry and handicraft 37    d. The competition between Poles and Jews 41    e. Clerks and free professions 42    f. The religious and public life 45    g. Rabbis, judges in religious court and slaughterers 46    h. The Great Synagogue and other prayer houses 48    i. The cemetery 50    j. The schools in town 51    k. Financial institutions 53    l. Merchants' organizations 54    m. Public organizations 54    n. The relationship with the Polish population 55    o. The Podhale Jews during First World War 56    p. Lenin lived in a village near Nowy-Targ 56    q. Army headquarters in town 58    r. The awakening of the Jewish national movement 60 From days past Leopold Trepper 62 Nowy-Targ, my hometown Kalman Shimon Dagan 67 The national-religious movement in Nowy-Targ Yitzhak Neri (Licht) 73    a. The Yavne School 74    b. The Mizrahi movement 76    c. The young Mizrahi and Beruria 76    d. Hashomer Hadati [the religious Hashomer] movement 78 The Hasidic Nowy-Targ Zvi Nir (Gerstner) 80 The Hashomer Hadati in Nowy-Targ Zvi Nir (Gerstner) 81 Hashomer Hatza'ir in Nowy-Targ Sabina Lahav (Ernst) 85 Memories from the Akiva movement in Nowy-Targ Shoshana Ben-Ami 92 Akiva in Podhale Genia Makovitz-Rand 99 My Aliya to Eretz Israel Hela Miller-Asam 101 The library: core of social activity in Nowy-Targ Y. Traunstein 103 The library in Nowy-Targ Chava Langer-Hauser 104 Hagibor - Jewish sports club in Nowy-Targ Baruch Remer 106 Thursday, market day in ourtown Shoshana Ben-Ami 109 Antisemitism in Nowy-Targ Shoshana Ben-Ami 111 Skirmish at dawn ... Yanek Langer 113 Things I remember David Goldberg 115 My town Nowy-Targ Michael Bergman 116 Memories from days of long ago Moshe Gevirtz 118 A bundle of memories Yosef Dranger 119 My town Nowy-Targ Shoshana Lieberman 120 Jewish life in the Podhale district Yehuda Bladgreen 121 Our towns in Podhale Yehuda Bladgreen 125 There was a town called Zakopane Anna Pollak-Fass 127 The contribution of Jewish Zakopane Munek Piwok 131 The activity of the Jewish Youth in Zakopane Moshe Geminder 133 The town Ravka Zdroi Yosef Geller (Gil) 135 The Lunezko community Mordecai Schein 138 My town Krostchenko Moshe Aharon Ziskind 139    a. Regional institutions 140    b. The synagogue in town 141    c. The Jewish youth movements 143 My town Stchawnica Rav Meir Refael Zigler 146 A chapter from my childhood Hela Miller-Asam 147   Rabbis, Personalities, Figures and Families Rav Yakov Yokel Hirsch Zvi Nir (Gerstner) 150 In memory of rabbi Israel David Yehuda Gerstner 152 Rav R'Israel Schreiber (Jardanov) "Oholei Shem" 152 Rav R'Eli Eichenstein (Zakopane) "Oholei Shem" 152 In memory of a young scholar who perished Yosef Friedensohn 153 R'Shimon Englander Yitzhak Hammer 156 Persons from a world that is no more... Dr. Zvi Kolber 158    a. Dr. Herman Schein 158    b. Dr. Bernhard Cohen 159    c. Ignatz Hammerschlag 160    d. Herman Zvi Fischgrund 161 In memory of those no longer with us Moshe Rand 162 The history of one family Zvi Eliezri-Lazarkowitz 164 In memory of my parents, Tontcha and Shlomo Greenspan Chaia Greenspan-Mehlman 167 My mother Chana Green-Gevirtz 168 To Mother Hela Miller-Asam 170 A monument on the road (remembering Moshe Beldinger) Sara Krein-Mark 171 Our house in Deluga St. 132 Sara Krein-Mark 172 Memories from my childhood David Goldberg 174 My home Yosef Drenger 178 The members of my family Gila Knippel-Sprei 179 Young boys tell their stories Ioachim Traunstein 180 In memory of my parents and brother Yoel Braunfeld (Bar-Shira) 181 The home of Yosef and Malka (Englender) Ziskind Moshe Aharon Ziskind 182 Dr. Barthold Baruch Fass, Dr. Zvi Herman Kolber 183 Yosef Folkman Dr. Zvi Herman Kolber 184 Memories from a visit to Tcharni-Dunaitz Michael Waltzer-Fass 185 In the mountains Menachem Stempel 188   The Holocaust    A. Nowy-Targ on the eve of the German invasion Dr. David Yacobovitz 190       Occupation by the German Army and transfer of Jews as hostages to Germany 191       The murders of the "Einsatz Gruppe Wien" 192       The first anti-Semitic decrees 193       The Jewish Council 194       A Jewish quarter 195       Labor camps, and more persecutions 196       Murders during the years 1940-41, the first "Aktzia"s 198       The last days before deportation 202       The final Aktzia, the massacre in the cemetery 203       The last road to extermination - the labor camp in Nowy-Targ 206       Nowy-Targ Jews in the Plashow camp 210       Reasons for the total annihilation of the Nowy-Targ community 211       The destruction of the Nowy-Targ cemetery 214    B. Zakopane (the deportation of the Jews from Zakopane and surroundings, the Gestapo headquarters at the Palace Hotel, the Stuag labor camp, the verdict of the Court) 216    C. Ravka (the first period of the Nazi rule, the Aktzia against the Ravka Jews, other Aktzias in the forest near the SS School) 221    D. Jordanow (the town during the first days of the German army invasion, the cruel Aktzias, murders in the Jordanow cemetery) 226    E. Stchawnica 232    F. Krushtchenko on the Dunaytz 233    G. Tcharny-Dunaytz 234    H. Makow-Podalski 235 What happened in the Nowy-Targ area after liberation 237 Additional reports from the time of destruction 240 The Judenrat in Zakopane Alexander Ben-Ami 244 My story during the Holocaust Chana Hornung Grasgreen 250 From the testimony of Marian Derlich 252 Memories from “those days” Avraham Riger 256 The day of the deportation Nachum Back 260 In a Soviet concentration camp during the war Moshe Sinai 262 Fragments of memories from the war Moshe Rand 262 Murders on Tish'a Be'av Herta Greenspan-Natowitz 264 Fragments of memories from the time of the Holocaust Frania Tieger (Netzer) 265 The town Ravka during the first period of the Nazi rule (the establishment of the SS School, reorganization of the school, the first Aktzia, the following Aktzias, the murder of a transport of religious Jews, Rosenbaum's behavior toward his servants, Rosenbaum and his helpers' crimes, the final Aktzia, sending information to the free world, the fate of the Jews in the labor camp, Rosenbaum's trial, echoes of the trial in the Hamburg press, the fate of the other Ravka criminals) Dr. David Yacobovitz 268 Rosenbaum's release from prison (memorandum to the German Embassy, stormy discussions in the press and the Hamburg Parliament, resignation of the Minister of Justice and Rosenbaum's return to prison) Yehuda Kestenbaum 293 In Ravka Zdroy during the Holocaust Yehuda Kestenbaum 297 The day of deportation Ioachim Traunstein 299 The Jewish electricians Hirsh Shifeldrin 300 This is how the Ravka Zdroy community was destroyed Zvi Shifeldrin 306 Ravka Zdroy during WWII Yosef Geller-Gil 311 Memories from "those days" Fala Kushnir (nee Geller) 312 My town Jordanow Ratz Aloni 313 In the Jordanow forest Chana Windstrauch 315 My town Shtchavnica Rav Refael Meir Ziegler 320 The sufferings of the Orawa Jews Ethelka Weissberg 321 Sparks (by reports in “Haboker”, “Ha'aretz”, “Davar”) 324 A visit to Nowy-Targ in 1975 Adek Edward Arberman 327   Former Residents of Nowy-Targ and Surroundings in Israel Our organization and its aims Yehuda Bladgreen 332 Memorial Service for our Town's martyrs, Tel Aviv 1964 Dr. Yakov Mikenbrun 335    a. Mordechai Loewenberg, Shoshana Ben-Ami 337    b. In memory of Irena Rachel Markus Folkman 338 Dr. Yakov Mikenbrun Dr. Avraham Chamet 340 Dr. Akiva Shmuel Milgrom Arie Diamant 344 Dr. Akiva Shmuel Milgrom Sabina Lahav 346 Dr. Israel Hammerschlag Dr. Zvi Kolber 347 Memorial Pages - Nowy Targ 350 Memorial Pages - Krościenko 410   English Our book of remembrance Shoshana Ben-Ami 5 This book–monument to Podhale Jewry Zvi Nir 6 Editor's Foreword Michael Walzer-Fass 7 History of the Jewish community in Nowy-Targ Dr Avraham Chomet 9 Our Nowy-Targ Dr Zvi [Herman] Kolber 12 From days past Leopold Trepper 17 Nowy-Targ, my hometown Kalman Shimon Dagan 19 Hassidic Nowy-Targ Zvi Nir 20 “Hashomer Hadati” in Nowy-Targ Zvi Nir 21 The National religious movement in Nowy-Targ Yitzhak Neri 21 “Hashomer Hatzair” in Nowy-Targ Sabina Lahav 23 “Akiva” in Nowy-Targ Shoshana Ben-Ami 25 “Akiva” in Podhale Genia Makovitz-Rand 27 My Aliya Hela Miller-Osem 28 The library: core of social activity Y. Traunstein 29 “Haggibor” Jewish sports club in Nowy-Targ Baruch Remer 30 Thursday was market day Shoshana Ben-Ami 30 Antisemitism in Nowy-Targ Shoshana Ben-Ami 31 Skirmish at dawn Yanek Langer 32 Things I remember David Goldberg 33 My town Nowy-Targ Michael Bergman 34 The “social club” in Nowy-Targ Yosef Dranger 34 My Nowy-Targ Shoshana Lieberman 35 Jewish life in the Podhale district Anna Pollak-Fass 35 Our towns in Podhale Yehuda Beldegrün 36 The contribution of Jewish Zakopane Munek Piwok 37 Memories of a visit to Charni-Dunaietz Michael Walzer-Fass 39 My town Kroshchenko Moshe Aharon Zyskind 41 The town Rabkah Zdroi Yosef Geller 42 The Lunezko community Mordecai Schein 43 In memory of my family Gila Knipel-Shprei 43 As the young ones tell it Joachim Traunstein 44 Rabbi Yaacov Yokil Hirsch Zvi Nir 45 Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Yehuda Gerstner 45 My town Shchavnitza Yehuda Gerstner 46 In memory of a great Scholar Yosef Friedenson 46 Shimon Englander Yitzhak Hammer 47 In memory of those no longer with us Moshe Rand 48 –No title– Shlomo Greenspan 49 My mother Hannah Green-Gewirtz 49 A marker on the way [Moshe Baldinger]
Sarah Kreis 50 Childhood memories David Goldberg 51 Dr Berthold [Baruch] Fass Dr Zvi Herman Kolber 52 Yosef Folkman Dr Zvi Herman Kolber 52 My parents and brothers Joel Braunfeld 53 Introduction to the accounts of the Holocaust   55 Nowy-Targ on the eve of the German takeover Dr David Yacobovitz 56    Zakopane 64    Rabka 66    Yordanov 68    Shchavnitza 69    Kroshchenko-on-Dunaietz 69    Charni Dunaietz 70    Makov Podhalanski 70   The Holocaust: Personal Accounts Recollections from “those days" Avraham Rieger 73 The “Judenrat” in Zakopane Alexander Ben-Ami 75 Roundup day Nahum Bek 77 In a Soviet concentration camp Moshe Sinai 77 Recollections from the war era Moshe Rand 78 Murder on the 9th of Ab Herta Greenspan-Natowitz 79 Memories from the days of the Holocaust Frania Tiger 80 The Rosenbaum trial Yehuda Kestenbaum 81 The Jewish electrician Hirsch Schiffeldrin 85 Our Association and its activities Yehuda Beldegrün 87 My Town Sczawnica Mayer Refael Zigler 146   List of names

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